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Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

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John Holmdahl of World Synergy Institute on the Transformationgovernment, which put this into the hands of MJ12 to avoid information contamination of the normal federalbureaucracy. We were interested in the human leadership of the world informing their public, so early on wemade clear what was about to happen…. The discovery of solid proof so stunned most of those involved in thesearch that their guard was dropped, and thus the reports such as the 1983 Washington Post front page article….When the blanket of suppression was dropped on the media and major observatories who know just wherePlanet X is at all times these days, it took some time for an explanation for the silence to be concocted. Thus onefinds the strange silence, that lasted almost a decade, following the Planet X discovery in 1983."From 1984 to 1995, all information about the incoming comet was classified, and the existence of Planet Xdenied. Government-funded astronomers and observatories are still bound by a gag order. Orwell's 1984 becamereality, right on schedule!Through their website, as early as 1995, the Zetas also predicted the visible-to-the-naked-eye appearance ofPlanet X as a 2nd Sun in our sky in the Spring of 2003. Then, starting in late March of 2003, thousands ofpeople from all over the world sent in their photographs of 2 suns in the sky: our Sun and the reflection of theSun's light off the atmosphere and tail of the comet, Planet X. The photos poured in for months, and thenstopped when Planet X moved past the angle for reflection.Through their website, the Zetas further predicted the visible-to-the-naked-eye re-appearance of Planet Xshortly before it makes its final pass and causes the <strong>Pole</strong> <strong>Shift</strong>. Then, starting in March of 2009, Nancy againstarted receiving reports and evidence from people who are seeing Planet X in the sky. So, it's back! People arenoticing, and the buzz on the Internet is growing, again!The Zetas confirm the accuracy of Zecharia Sitchin's research and books, which present evidence that anothergroup of ETs, called the Anunnaki from Nibiru, were the ones responsible for the sudden appearance of the firsthuman pyramid civilizations, the Sumerians, around 4,000 BCE, the Egyptian civilization, and theastronomically sophisticated Mayan culture. How did the Mayans get their advanced scientific knowledge?From the ETs from Nibiru, the Anunnaki, who genetically engineered the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Jews,the Arabs and even the Mayans. The first Sumerians were Adam and Eve. Genesis refers to the Anunnaki as theElohim, "those who came down from heaven."Why did the Mayan calendar end on 2012? Because the Anunnaki knew when Planet X was coming back! Howdid they know? One reason is because they live on the comet! Planet X and Nibiru are different names for thesame comet, which is also called Wormwood in Revelation.The Zetas tell us that our galaxy is watched over by a group of ancient Souls, called the Council of Worlds, whowatch over humanity, not to protect good humans from bad things, but to keep a balance between the forces ofgood and evil, so that human souls have the opportunity to make choices during our short incarnations asphysical beings, that will affect the growth of our Souls. Similarly, the coming Earth Changes and <strong>Pole</strong> <strong>Shift</strong> areseen as natural cosmic events that provide additional opportunities for our souls to grow by the choices we makewhen faced with the challenges that the World of Duality provides us in the Schoolhouse for human Souls.Crisis precedes transformation. The coming Earth Changes and <strong>Pole</strong> <strong>Shift</strong> are the Universe's way of creating thecrisis that will become our Transformation! There is a spiritual and evolutionary progression to the reactions thatemerge when one confronts the hard evidence of an approaching crisis that has no resolution, like the increasingEarth Changes. Confronting an unresolvable crisis stimulates us to remember who we really are. Surprise!Transformation!The coming purification of the Earth will include the destruction of the old system that perpetuated hunger,poverty, war, crime and disease; the system that assassinates people who try to bring peace into the world. TheEarth Changes will begin a process that will cleanse the Earth of humans who have not yet learned how to livein cooperation with others. Many American Indians refer to the coming cataclysms as a time of purification andrenewal of the Earth. So the end (of the old) is a new beginning. But now we're not alone!Our predicted crisis has attracted the attention of countless Star Visitors, Light Beings, Angels and ETs who arehttp://www.zetatalk2.com/holmdahl.htm[2/5/2012 1:42:08 PM]

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