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Planet X Nibiru - Planet X VideoHome | FAQ | Contact Us | Planet X VideoIntro to Planet X Theory A Look to the Past Noted Researchers Anunnaki and NephilimDoes Planet X Exist? Is Nibiru Inhabited and Inbound?A long time ago in the mists of prehistory, events happened on this planet thathave come down to us concealed in legend, engraved in stone and written inancient languages on clay tablets. Highly advanced civilizations have been herebefore us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophy. But for eachthat has died out another has taken its place with a selected few holding on tothe memories and sacred knowledge of the past. Be prepared for a newparadigm, a different look at reality, as pieces of this ancient puzzle are snappedtogether.Planet X HomePast HistoryNoted ResearchersAnunnaki/NephalimBiblical ProphecyPlanet X Video/DVDRobert SepehrPlanet X FAQContact PageNew Facebook GroupPart One GuestsNancy LiederLloyd PyeJason MartellMark HazlewoodJames McCanneyPart Two GuestsAndy LloydRobertino SolarionCody JordanDr. Radu PopaDr. Bernard PipkinThe Planet X Video produced by Robert Sepehr in an effort to inform and makepublic what has been witheld or forgotten by the masses for millennia.Nancy Lieder has suggested that a worldwide cataclysmmay strike the Earth in the near future. The cause will be aplanet, known to the ancients but as of yet officiallyundiscovered by modern man, which passes near the earthas part of its normal 3600 year orbit.Lloyd Pye expands on the ancient Sumerian knowledge thata race of beings, depicted as the "gods" in creation mythsand religions, visited the earth in the distant past from aplanet known to them as Nibiru (Planet X) and geneticallymanipulated hominid DNA on earth.[2/5/2012 1:42:07 PM]

Planet X Nibiru - Planet X VideoJason Martell is a websmaster who links Planet X toZecharia Sitchin's Nibiru. In his interview, Jason discussesthe ways information is being leeked out in the mediaregarding Planet X and touches on the ancient Sumeriandata, comparing it to current findings by NASA.Mark Hazlewood is a controversial author who believes thatthere is clear empirical scientific and historical evidencedemonstrating the effects of Planet X on the earth in thepast and that its return is likely in the near future.James McCanney was on the faculty of the Physics andMathematics Departments of Cornell University. His workwas in theoretical celestial mechanics and plasma physics.Having presented his theories at the Los Alamos Nationallabs, James McCanney now expands on his Planet X data.Andy Lloyd is the Planet X researcher in England whoproposed that a brown dwarf might be orbiting the Sun.His Dark Star Theory went into print in August 1999, onlymonths before the release of scientific papers outliningsimilar possibilities proposed by astronomers. DARK STAR:The Planet X EvidenceRobertino Solarion has written numerous essays combiningtheories put forth by Immanuel Velikovsky and ZechariaSitchin concerning Planet X, some of which can be foundhere: Planet X Nibiru SLOW-MOTION DoomsdayCody Jordan is a proponent of Zacharia Sitchin's Nibiru andhas been an active researcher for over 20 years. Hisexpertise is in the Mayan calendar and how it relatesto Sitchin's timelines. Cody joins us now to discusstheories on Planet X and the Anunnaki.Dr. Radu Popa PHD is a Professor of Geobiology andAstrobiology at the University of Southern California (USC).Dr. Popa has a PHD in Ecology, a PHD in Microbiology, andwas a Post Doctoral Scholar at the California Institute ofTechnology - Jet Propulsion Laboratory - NASA, Pasadena.Dr. Bernard Pipkin PHD is Professor Emeritus in theDepartment of Earth Sciences at the University of SouthernCalifornia. He has authored three books and manyprofessional papers in environmental geology, received theAA award for teaching excellence and hosted the Emmywinningseries Oceanus.[2/5/2012 1:42:07 PM]

Planet X Nibiru - Planet X VideoHome | FAQ | Contact Us | Planet X VideoIntro to Planet X Theory A Look to the Past Noted Researchers Anunnaki and NephilimDoes Planet X Exist? Is Nibiru Inhabited and Inbound?A long time ago in the mists of prehistory, events happened on this planet thathave come down to us concealed in legend, engraved in stone and written inancient languages on clay tablets. Highly advanced civilizations have been herebefore us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophy. But for eachthat has died out another has taken its place with a selected few holding on tothe memories and sacred knowledge of the past. Be prepared for a newparadigm, a different look at reality, as pieces of this ancient puzzle are snappedtogether.Planet X HomePast HistoryNoted ResearchersAnunnaki/NephalimBiblical ProphecyPlanet X Video/DVDRobert SepehrPlanet X FAQContact PageNew Facebook GroupPart One GuestsNancy LiederLloyd PyeJason MartellMark HazlewoodJames McCanneyPart Two GuestsAndy LloydRobertino SolarionCody JordanDr. Radu PopaDr. Bernard PipkinThe Planet X Video produced by Robert Sepehr in an effort to inform and makepublic what has been witheld or forgotten by the masses for millennia.Nancy Lieder has suggested that a worldwide cataclysmmay strike the Earth in the near future. The cause will be aplanet, known to the ancients but as of yet officiallyundiscovered by modern man, which passes near the earthas part of its normal 3600 year orbit.Lloyd Pye expands on the ancient Sumerian knowledge thata race of beings, depicted as the "gods" in creation mythsand religions, visited the earth in the distant past from aplanet known to them as Nibiru (Planet X) and geneticallymanipulated hominid DNA on earth.[2/5/2012 1:42:07 PM]

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