Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

Copyright - Pole Shift Survival Information

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<strong>Pole</strong> <strong>Shift</strong> Datestoppage would happen suddenly and prevent a smooth blockading of the city dwellers. AsNancy has been able to be interviewed in the US, the message of these plans replayed aroundthe world, cooperation by the military or locale police in such blockades are unlikely tohappen. Given such orders, they would object, refuse, allow escape, as they know the trueagenda. Thus, the number of people injured by withholding the date outnumbered the numberthat would be murdered, the balance scale tipped.ZetaTalk: Dates, Why Now?Note: relayed during the May 16 Lou Genitle show, and addressed during the May 17 IRC as well.The week following May 16, 2003:Indonesia declared Martial LawTerrorism exercises were scheduled for the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.Homeland Security went to level Orange, with no other excuse than recent attacks in othercountries, though these attacks were not unusual. Level Red, wherein citizens can be ordered toremain in their homes, was the next step.Global quakes (shuttering where the whole globe participates) were occurring almost daily, per thelive seismograph sites, an extreme increase from when they had first been noted in March, 2003.Did the actions of the US Government indicate that US citizens were not going to be blocks from leavingcoastal cities, so as to reduce the numbers of citizens demanding food and shelter from the White House,an act of murder by the US Government against their citizens? No! The opposite occurred, and the Zetasexplain why the White Lie, and why specific dates should not be anticipated.Following these two examples of dates given (May 15 and May 20), and the establishment taking steps in eachinstance contrary to the welfare of the common man, likewise continuing to disinform and uninform the public, theZetas are advising that Earth changes be used as a guide for when to take steps, and explain why the date, and the datealone, was a deliberately confused issue.Going into the predicted 2003 date, there were many opportunists attempting to get on the band wagon.A review of 2003 shows that whereas the Passage did not happen in 2003, Planet X certainly arrived in 2003!http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/psdate.htm[2/5/2012 1:42:00 PM]

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