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Elite Exodus to Safe Locations / Dense ProtectionElite ExodusElite Exodus / Defense Protectionto Safe LocationsStarted June 7-11 2003, Renewed Jan 2004Note: pattern for Elite Flight inJune, 2003 were flights in thewee hours of the morning,flying low, exiting St. Pete andTampa in Florida going north,exiting Palos Verdes inCalifornia to Elmont NY,arriving in Greenbrier WV andWayne National Forest, arrivingin British Columbia andheading into the mountains ofAlberta, exiting Houston in droves, exiting NYC in choppers, arriving in Alaska,exiting the Philly area heading south, enclaves drilled into the rock in Central US,but ignoring north central plains.International plans in 2004 may include Argentina, Chile, Ural Mountains for theRussian government, eastern Australia, New Zealand, Botswana and Zambia inAfrica, and perhaps Kazakh. And activity in the US in the Ozarks and New Mexicoand elsewhere has been noted. In 2006, Bush family purchased land in Paraguay.Defense DepartmentProtectionThe US Military is busyshuttling out of Florida in June,2003 to the north, roaring overNM and OKC, and recently F16fighters assigned to HomelandSecurity have arrived inDenver. Has a threat requiringthe military to vacate low landsand coastlines and move inlandbeen announced to the public?Known coastal sites in 2003 include FEMA in Mt Weather, VA and a bunker atRaven's Rock, PA.In February, 2004 reports of US Military in Colorado mines and Pikes Peakemerged.NASA employees reputed in Payson, AZ...[2/5/2012 1:41:59 PM]

Elite Exodus to Safe Locations / Dense Protection..[2/5/2012 1:41:59 PM]

Elite Exodus to Safe Locations / Dense Protection..[2/5/2012 1:41:59 PM]

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