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ZetaTalk: Index: What's Newmoderate - as well as in every type of district - urban, rural and suburban. Exit polls showed middle class voters whofled to the GOP a dozen years ago appeared to return to the Democrats. [and from another] Democrats Need Va.,Mont. to Take Senate [Nov 8] http://apnews.myway.com/ Democrats captured four of the six Republican-held seatsthey needed to take control of the Senate, winning critical contests in Ohio, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Missouri,and inched closer Wednesday to erasing the GOP's majority. Democrats mounted challenges for two remainingRepublican-held seats in Virginia and Montana - and were ahead in both. [and from another]http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/ With 99% of the votes counted, Webb maintains a slight lead: There are 30,000uncounted ballots reported from pro-Webb Fairfax County. Election workers have gone home for the evening and willresume counting in the morning. There were still uncounted votes in strongly pro-Webb Arlington County, FairfaxCity, and Isle of Wight. A few votes remained to be counted in evenly split Loudoun County. [and from another]http://www.attytood.com/ The exit polls that leaked out in the late afternoon ended up matching the final results almostexactly -- nothing like what happened in those other Bush-era elections. The razor-close races all broke late for theDemocrats, unlike Florida in 2000 or Ohio in 2004, and when that happened, there were no major charges of fraud,and no demand for a recount. [and from another] We feel the outcome of voter fraud will be high, with the likelihoodof being countered by the Puppet Master even higher. ZetaTalk, Sep 23, 2006. [and from another] They are awarethat the Puppet Master is intending to right any wrongs they do re voter fraud, but got away with it in 2004 and Rovehas done his best to weave a mess impossible to unravel. However, he does not have ourselves, the Zetas, on his side,and his plans are known by the Puppet Master as soon as conceived. ZetaTalk, Oct 28, 2006 [and from another]Working over the past year, the Rove team was thus able to place thousands of fraud participants in place, for electionday. How was this countered by ourselves, the Zetas, and the Puppet Master's team? [Note: new ZetaTalk: CounteringFraud, written Nov 9, 2006. Zetas RIGHT Again!]Signs of the Times #1653http://www.vialls.com/iraq/vaudeville.html If you look closely at the photo-composite, you will see four small insetphotographs of President Hussein. In all of them you can clearly see his neat white even teeth. President Hussein'steeth were and are in pristine condition. Now look again closely, and you will see that President Hussein's upper teethnaturally close in front of his lower teeth, known in professional dental circles as 'overbite'. This condition is normalfor nearly all of us, but sadly not for [the double], who in at least fifty of Christiane Amanpour's separate videoframes proves he suffers from a rare condition known as 'underbite', where a defective or misshapen jaw bone causesthe lower teeth to close in front of the upper teeth. This single forensic fact is absolute proof that [the double] is notPresident Hussein. [and from another] Verdict due in Saddam trial over executions [Nov 4]http://www.timesonline.co.uk/ IRAQ is bracing itself for another surge of violence tomorrow, when Saddam Hussein isexpected to be sentenced to death for crimes against humanity. The trial, which started a year ago, aimed to healIraq's wounds after Saddam and his Baath party's 35-year regime. Instead, it has become a symbol of Iraq's divisions,between the long-oppressed Shia majority, who now rule the country, and Saddam's Sunnis. Clashes between themtomorrow could push Iraq over the edge. [and from another] The farcical trial of Saddam, which has in the docketone of this doubles, his cousin, is concluding just ahead of the mid-term 2006 elections not by accident. Subject tobribery and threats, not the least of which is the occasional death in the family for those conducting the trial or actingas lawyers, this farce is ending at a well planned point. Desperate to have Iraq appear as a success in some manner,this was easily arranged, and is expected to flood the TV screens and talk shows with jubilant Iraqi celebratingSaddam's pending execution. Since Iraq has become a powder keg, the opposite will happen, but the desperate WhiteHouse is pushing ahead with their plans, as usual, despite setbacks.[Note: new ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, dated Nov 4, 2006.]http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/z03.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

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