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ZetaTalk: Index: What's Newpointing upward to where they assumed satellites to be were aiming into empty space! This can be quickly adjusted,within days, and if this has happened, then the disruption was not due to undersea cables! [Note: new ZetaTalk:GodlikeProduction Live, on Dec 30, 2006.]Signs of the Times #1655Here IT Comes !http://www.godlikeproductions.com/NASA is using pixel averagingsoftware to "airbrush" Planet X out ofLASCO C3. If you zoom into the "MoreLASCO C3" link:http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/you'll see the artifact left by thisprocess. You'll see the artifact justoutside the occulter disk at about the10 O'clock position. [and fromanother] Some people here contend it'sa shadow of Venus. Venus has a rightside CCD spike of only 141 pixels,whereas this mystery object has a righthand CCD spike of 173 pixels. [andfrom another] The shadowy area doesnot move relative to Venus so this isnot an artifact from Venus, no shadow.[and from another] I downloaded 500gif files and animated a sequence.Playing 12 frmes a sec, its clear thatthe blob stays where it is for days. [andfrom another] The backgroundnoise/signals must be subtracted out ofthe lasco images to bring up thecorona/features you see in the images.One subtraction takes 7 full days worthof averaged C3 images. The C3detector is fine, I assure you. When the planets are out of the field and we get 7 days of images the quicklook programwill build a better subtraction and those pixels will dissapear. Kevin Schenk, SOHO Mission, EIT and LascoOperations, NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA [and from another] If CCD memory is the problem, whywouldn't the image of Venus as it moved across the screen be a blur of successive white or dark images rather thanthe discrete image which this dark object and associated line bleed is. Noise on a moving object would create ablurred line, not what we see. [and from another] The residents of Earth also see something different, a bright orbmuch closer to the Sun than has been the case for some months. No longer far to the right, as the Earth scuttles backin a clockwise manner, a reverse orbit, but more directly in front of the Sun. As Planet X is coming closer to Earth,heading toward it, it become larger in view. In earlier days, this was a small object to remove from any SOHO pictureit was captured in. Then it was out of view, too far to the right. Now, and increasingly during the coming months asEarth cannot move back in her orbit as freely as before, it will be an object seen in SOHO, unless removed. Wepredict that NASA will become more conscientious about removing Planet X from any images it releases, but as withformer slips, their initial carelessness has gone on record! [Note: new ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, written Dec2, 2006. By Dec 2, the dark shadow of a planet was removed from the C3 images. It had been there since 10/27, thelatest archive provided, until 11/26, when noted, and was still there on 12/2, quite clearly, in C3. It did not show up inC2, but then neither Venus nor Jupiter did either. C2 captures a different emission than C3. See also Sign #1083 for asimilar capture at the same location, on Aug 30, 2004!].Signs of the Times #1654Resurgent Democrats Win Control of House [Nov 8] http://apnews.myway.com/ Democrats won control of the Houseearly Wednesday after a dozen years of Republican rule in a resounding repudiation of a war, a president and ascandal-scarred Congress. Republicans fell from power in every region of the country - conservative, liberal andhttp://www.zetatalk2.com/index/z03.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

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