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ZetaTalk: Index: What's NewSigns of the Times #1657Was Saddam really killed today? Or was it a look alike? [andfrom another] Was the fake Saddam betrayed and murdered, orwas his death faked. What would happen if the real SaddammaDes his presence known? [and from another] Saddam Husseinput to death [Dec 29] http://www.rawstory.com/ Refusing to havehis face covered and uttering curses upon his perceived foes,condemned Iraqi ex-dictator Saddam Hussein was executed byhanging early Saturday morning in a Baghdad square outside theGreen Zone. [and from another] 'I Saw Fear, He Was Afraid'[Dec 30] http://www.msnbc.msn.com Ali Al Massedy was 3 feetaway from Saddam Hussein when he died. The 38 year old,normally Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's official videographer, was the man responsible for filming the latedictator's execution at dawn on Saturday. Ali said he was not authorized to disclose the location, and did not giveother details of the room. He would not give the names of officials in attendance, though he estimates there werearound 20 observers. [and from another] Taliban says Saddam's execution to intensify jihad [Dec 30]http://www.alertnet.org/ Mullah Obaidullah Akhund, a former Taliban defence minister and top insurgent commander,also said Saddam's execution on the Eid al-Adha Muslim festival -- marking the end of the annual pilgrimage toMecca -- was a provocation. [and from another] It wasn't Saddam! See Signs of the Times #540-541, and it wasn't hissons they killed in that shootout, either. See Signs of the Times #139. [and from another] What is known, from the timeof the supposed capture of Saddam and killing of his sons, is that this is neither the real Saddam Hussein nor his realsons. Nor did anyone die during this supposed hanging. The real family escaped, to a place the US with theirespionage arms cannot reach. Just as Bin Laden hides in the hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iran, eventraveling to Turkey on occasion, just so Saddam and his sons are deep in the territory of a long time ally, Russia. . Itwas Saddam's cousin on trial all those months, a fact easily proven by close examination of the teeth of these two men.Saddam with perfect teeth and a normal bite, and the cousin with crooked lower teeth and an overbite. Never mindthat the CIA claimed the captured cousin was indeed Saddam, based on DNA. Does the CIA lie? Now what? Theremay be slightly more sectarian violence, but not the flash point to allow Bush to impose a draft in the US or aninvasion of Iran, his fond hopes. After the US and Britain are forced out of the country, Saddam will return tocommand the Sunnis, reinstating his regime. End of story. [Note: new ZetaTalk: GodlikeProduction Live, on Dec 30,2006.]Signs of the Times #1656French TV Satellite broadcasting services over the Asia/Pacific region has beenstopped as a result of the strong earthquake which took place last night 26thDecember (Magnitude 7 earthquake). I would like to understand howearthquakes can affect satellites moving in space. [and from another] Réponsedu service clientèle TV5 à votre courrier du 27/12/2006. Nous avons bien recuvotre message et vous indiquons qu'en raison du tremblement de terre dans lanuit du 26 décembre., la diffusion de TV5MONDE Asie a été interrompue. Nousvous prions de nous excuser pour ce désagrément et vous assurons que noséquipes techniques font leurs meilleurs efforts pour rétablir au plus vite ladiffusion du signal. Sincères salutations. [and from another] Quake cuts offmuch of Asia Internet [Dec 27] http://www.breitbart.com/news/ A 7.1-magnitudeearthquake off the coast of Taiwan on Tuesday night, which was followed by several smaller quakes in the region,apparently damaged the vast network of underwater cables that enables modern communication. The disruption waswidespread, hitting China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and elsewhere, with knock-on effectsas far away as Australia for companies whose Internet is routed through affected areas. Phone services in somecountries were also disrupted, in particular for calls to the United States. [and from another] Where undersea cablesare certainly involved in the flow of data on the Internet, how would this disrupt phone calls from Asia to the US ifthis major cable itself were not involved? Was this announced? No clarity is given about the outages, 'apparentlydamaged' due to undersea damage. The clue is from the note from French TV, admitting a satellite disruption. Internetaccess also uses satellites, a fact well established. If the exact cables are not being identified, and the time to repairthem not specified, then it is suspect that undersea cables are the cause. How quickly has this re-established itself?Were new cables laid? Satellites were disrupted because the earth moved, a compression in the Pacific, and thus landhttp://www.zetatalk2.com/index/z03.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

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