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ZetaTalk: Index: What's Newtaking pictures of the early morning sky when Isaw this red ball, or what looked to me like fire. Itook this picture. I'm not sure what it is, if it isanything at all. [and from another] We have statedthat the common man should look to the skies,particularly at dawn and dusk, for a return of theSecond Sun. We have stated that chemtrails arebeing used to fog up the view, this pace increasing,so the common man does not see what the elitehave no explanation for, the presence of Planet Xin their view as they gaze toward the Sun. We have stated that the switch in daylight savings time, to start 3 weeksearlier this year, was designed to keep the common man from gazing at the rising and setting sun when they had idletime on their hands, commuters standing about waiting for a train or sitting in cars, caught in traffic. This remarkablephoto, taken at a moment when the rising Sun had not yet filled the skies with a glaring light, taken on a cold clearday when there were no clouds or haze to cloud the view, shows what they have been trying to prevent! If theestablishment does not want you to see this monster approaching, coming at the Earth in a retrograde orbit mostoften placing it to the right of the Sun, out near the orbit of Venus but four times the diameter of Venus, then look![Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Mar 17, 2007]Signs of the Times #1666Scientists Probe 'Hole in Earth' [Mar 1] are to sail to the mid-Atlantic to examine a massive "openwound" on the Earth's surface. The Earth's crust appeared to becompletely missing in an area thousands of kilometres across. Thehole in the crust is midway between the Cape Verde Islands and theCaribbean, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The team will survey thearea, up to 5km (3 miles) under the surface. The hole in the Earth'scrust was not unique, but was recognised as one of the most significant. The oceanic crust, usually 6-7km thick (3.7-4.3 miles), was simply not there. The crust does not seem to be repairing itself. A rock called serpentinite is exposed atthe surface. [and from another] Since the start of ZetaTalk in 1995, we have stated that the Atlantic will be rippingapart during the coming pole shift, and that predecessor quakes will have the Atlantic widening. We have spoken ofthe stretch zone, a term ZetaTalk created, pulling down the East Coast of the US and the West Coast of Britain, due tothis rip, and pointed to the evidence that this stretch and rip are occurring now. How long has this 'open wound' beenknown to the scientists? This is not mentioned, so as not to alarm the public. It is new. And the rush to examine it isalarm at the increasing quakes and spreading Atlantic. We, the Zetas, have told mankind what to expect, and of coursethis is just the start. The cover-up, on the other hand, has lied, and scientists asked to cooperate with the cover-upwere told matters would not get worse and the Passage would occur silently, the big worry panic in the people, notEarth changes. Now things are getting worse, and some scientists want to see for themselves! They no longer trust theplacating words from cover-up central in the White House. [Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Mar 3, 2007]Signs of the Times #1665Giant Sinkhole in Guatemala [Feb 23] Two teenagerswere killed when the giant 330-foot-deep sinkhole in aGuatemala City neighborhood swallowed up several homes andat least one truck. Residents of the neighborhood say others arestill missing but it has not yet been confirmed. The giantsinkhole is emitting foul odors, loud noises from below arebeing heard and tremors are shaking the surrounding ground.[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

ZetaTalk: Index: What's NewWhen a rush of water was heard from its depths the authoritiesfeared it could widen or others could open up. Apparentlyresidents had been hearing noises and feeling tremors for abouta month waking them from their sleep until this morning whenthe giant sinkhole claimed everything on its surface. [and fromanother] We have explained in great detail the pre-shift quakes that will occur, the manner in which the plates of thecrust will move. S America is nailed at the tip, as N America is at its top, unable to roll due to the straight line fromJapan to Iceland that locks it. Thus, as the Atlantic widens at the Equator, S America rolls to the West, crushingCentral American and the Caribbean while it does to. N Americ pulls diagonally, a situation that will soon eruptcreating quakes and sinking ground and disaster in almost every State of the Union. For Central America, such ahorror as a 330 foot deep sinkhold, hardly caused by a broken sewer line, is just the start. The question for thosetrying to placate their nervous heart over this matter should ask, 'what cause the sewer line to break, in the firstplace?' [Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Feb 24, 2007.]Signs of the Times #1664Special on the Discovery Channel: Chemical Contrails [Feb 23 and Mar 4] After more than eight years of controversyand censorship, the Discovery Channel is set to bring "chemtrails" into living rooms across North America. Theproducers ask: "What is in those fuel emissions, and what causes them to linger for hours and link up with oneanother like a ghostly blanket that seems to affect the weather and perhaps our health?" Are lingering jet trails seenby millions of people "potentially toxic chemical trails emitted intentionally as part of secret geo-engineeringexperiments or weather-weaponization tests?" To answer these questions, "Best Evidence" has spent months asking"experts and passionate observers on both sides" to present their best evidence exposing decades of weathermodification experiments. [and from another] Why the hell are they claiming its in thefuel? Its just like a scaled up crop duster, the chemicals and fuel are not mixed together, they are coming fromseperate tanks on the aircrafts. Where's the mention of the white, unmarked planes? The main thing they did as testinggoes, was to compare commercial airline fuel to kerosene, to show if aluminum was in the commercial airline fuel.Which of course it was not. [and from another] What was the purpose of the recent Discovery Channel's expose onContrails? Clearly, disinfo, by numerous means. First, omission. They did not address the best evidence that this wasnot simply aircraft fuel interacting with the atmosphere. They did not address the fact that chemtrails have in the pastcontained biological elements, infectious elements, and the populace under a sprayed area went to clinics, swelling thepatient load there. They did not address the obvious criss-cross patterns, outside of aircraft routes. They did notaddress what many have observed, unmarked planes, specially equipped to carry tanks of some chemical to bereleased. They did not address that practice runs were being made where the drift is toward population centers, toverify where and when they should spray in the event sickening the target city would become necessary. And theycertainly did not address the pattern of spraying whereby population centers have a fogged sky just when they mightcatch a good glimpse of an emerging Second Sun rising or setting. What was the goal of this supposed expose? Toplace in the public's mind that chemtrails are harmless, and have a logical explanation. Just from the jet fuel. A type ofcloud. Since this matter has been a topic of discussion on the Internet for a decade or more, why now? Because thetime has arrived when the pace must pick up, as Planet X and its moon swirls will become increasingly visible, andthe establishment is painfully aware of this. When discussion on the many criss-crossing trails comes up around thecoffee machine, someone in the crowd will have a ready answer! They saw it on Discovery, and as everyone knows,this is a channel dedicated to science. Will this campaign work? The cover-up is holding back a dam, with cracks, andthe flood is inevitable. When the truth does emerge, the public will be all the more furious for having been soroutinely lied to. And they won't be passive about their anger. [Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Feb 24, 2007.]Signs of the Times #1663Air Force colonel reports lights 'not of this world' [Jan 17] Col.[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

ZetaTalk: Index: What's Newtaking pictures of the early morning sky when Isaw this red ball, or what looked to me like fire. Itook this picture. I'm not sure what it is, if it isanything at all. [and from another] We have statedthat the common man should look to the skies,particularly at dawn and dusk, for a return of theSecond Sun. We have stated that chemtrails arebeing used to fog up the view, this pace increasing,so the common man does not see what the elitehave no explanation for, the presence of Planet Xin their view as they gaze toward the Sun. We have stated that the switch in daylight savings time, to start 3 weeksearlier this year, was designed to keep the common man from gazing at the rising and setting sun when they had idletime on their hands, commuters standing about waiting for a train or sitting in cars, caught in traffic. This remarkablephoto, taken at a moment when the rising Sun had not yet filled the skies with a glaring light, taken on a cold clearday when there were no clouds or haze to cloud the view, shows what they have been trying to prevent! If theestablishment does not want you to see this monster approaching, coming at the Earth in a retrograde orbit mostoften placing it to the right of the Sun, out near the orbit of Venus but four times the diameter of Venus, then look![Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Mar 17, 2007]Signs of the Times #1666Scientists Probe 'Hole in Earth' [Mar 1] are to sail to the mid-Atlantic to examine a massive "openwound" on the Earth's surface. The Earth's crust appeared to becompletely missing in an area thousands of kilometres across. Thehole in the crust is midway between the Cape Verde Islands and theCaribbean, on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The team will survey thearea, up to 5km (3 miles) under the surface. The hole in the Earth'scrust was not unique, but was recognised as one of the most significant. The oceanic crust, usually 6-7km thick (3.7-4.3 miles), was simply not there. The crust does not seem to be repairing itself. A rock called serpentinite is exposed atthe surface. [and from another] Since the start of ZetaTalk in 1995, we have stated that the Atlantic will be rippingapart during the coming pole shift, and that predecessor quakes will have the Atlantic widening. We have spoken ofthe stretch zone, a term ZetaTalk created, pulling down the East Coast of the US and the West Coast of Britain, due tothis rip, and pointed to the evidence that this stretch and rip are occurring now. How long has this 'open wound' beenknown to the scientists? This is not mentioned, so as not to alarm the public. It is new. And the rush to examine it isalarm at the increasing quakes and spreading Atlantic. We, the Zetas, have told mankind what to expect, and of coursethis is just the start. The cover-up, on the other hand, has lied, and scientists asked to cooperate with the cover-upwere told matters would not get worse and the Passage would occur silently, the big worry panic in the people, notEarth changes. Now things are getting worse, and some scientists want to see for themselves! They no longer trust theplacating words from cover-up central in the White House. [Note: Live ZetaTalk, written Mar 3, 2007]Signs of the Times #1665Giant Sinkhole in Guatemala [Feb 23] Two teenagerswere killed when the giant 330-foot-deep sinkhole in aGuatemala City neighborhood swallowed up several homes andat least one truck. Residents of the neighborhood say others arestill missing but it has not yet been confirmed. The giantsinkhole is emitting foul odors, loud noises from below arebeing heard and tremors are shaking the surrounding ground.[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

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