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ZetaTalk: Index: What's NewSigns of the Times #1684Planet X was captured on March 27, 2009 on SOHO. It appeared briefly as the Winged Globe of legend. The 3:18image captured the Winged Globe, the prior and later images did not have this rare capture. Per Skymap, only theplanet Mercury should be in the four o'clock position on that day, to the right of the Sun. Per the Zetas, this is wherePlanet X can currently be seen, to the right of the Sun.Signs of the Times #1683Was Planet X captured during the January 26, 2009 eclipse? Often there is some capture of Planet X on film during aneclipse. The photos on official NASA related sites such as SpaceWeather never show any evidence of this, but filterscan affect what is captured and what is screened out. Note that the official photo displayed has been using a darkerlens, which screens out more sunlight so screens out the light from Planet X. SOHO images do not show any solarplumes or flares on that day.[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

ZetaTalk: Index: What's NewSigns of the Times #1682I am writing from San Juan Puerto Rico. Today [Jan12, 2008] a major newspaper in San Juan publishedthe enclosed photo related to an article that describethe nearest point of the sun in January 2008. At 7o'clock of the sun it is visible a round object with atail. Enhanced it seems reddish. [and from another]This is a genuine shot, but is not the corpus ofPlanet X but a moon swirl seen from the end of theswirl tube. The moon swirls are being turned toward the Earth, emerging from the N Pole of Planet X and swinging tothe left along the magnetic flow lines that return to the S Pole of Planet X. The connection via red dust from moonswirls to the Planet X corpus is not obvious, as the red dust clings to the moons in the swirl. There is no visualconnection thus to the Planet X corpus which rides to the right of the Sun in the view. Being more directly between theEarth and Sun, Planet X is reflecting sunlight back toward the Sun rather than tangentially toward the Earth. Theobject in Sign1667 is also a Moon swirl, close to Earth and in a similar angle to reflect sunlight from the rising Sun.That the Moon swirls are not seen to the left of the Sun, where in November of 2006 when the Sign1667 photo wastaken, shows the degree of turn of Planet X in its 270º roll. Formerly, these swirls were located to the right of the Sun,but now with the N Pole of Planet X swung to point more directly at Earth, they can be seen to the left of the Sun.[Note: new ZetaTalk GLP Live Chat, written Jan 19, 2008]Signs of the Times #1681An object with a tail was captured on a C2 image by the LASCO satellite on December 23, 2007,just where one would expect Planet X to be if the Earth had moved to the left a bit, in the viewfrom Earth, to escape Planet X which was now appearing on the right. Checking Skymap andthe LASCO C3 images for comparison, I note that Mercury is near the Sun to the lower left atabout the 8 o'clock position, but no planet is expected to be to the right of the Sun at the 2o'clock position on December 23. The LASCO C3 takes in a larger view of the sky, six timeswider than the C2 images. On the C3 one can see the position of Mercury and the lack of anyother planet in the area of the object with tail captured on December 23. On December 23,Jupiter is behind the Sun, fully occulted, and just beginning to emerge on December 24. In anycase, Jupiter shares the typical planet appearance of the LASCO images, looking like a tiny Saturn with horizontalrings. The object that appeared on December 23 had a distinct look, like a planet much larger than Mercury, muchcloser to Earth, and not creating the Saturn appearance with horizontal rings! The fact that they seem to have Saturnlike rings is due to the same phenomena that causes stars to appear to have horizontal and vertical lines when wesquint at them in the night sky overhead. But this object captured on December 23 has a distinct tail drifting to theleft. Could this be a meteor shower? This is not the pattern of a meteor shower captured by LASCO, as theseexamples from November 30, 1998 and February 7, 2003 and September 12, 2003 show. LASCO also suffers fromproton bombardment, but the object with tail captured on December 23 does not look like a proton bombardmenteither, as this example from October 28, 2003 shows. Packet loss, which is caused by light overload, also has adistinct pattern on LASCO, as these examples from June 23, 2003 and May 27, 2003 show. [and from another] NowEarth has moved back, been pushed back itself in fact by the force of magnetic particles coming from Planet X, andhas scuttled back as far as she can go. This places Planet X to the right of the Sun, in the view from Earth, where the[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

ZetaTalk: Index: What's NewSigns of the Times #1684Planet X was captured on March 27, 2009 on SOHO. It appeared briefly as the Winged Globe of legend. The 3:18image captured the Winged Globe, the prior and later images did not have this rare capture. Per Skymap, only theplanet Mercury should be in the four o'clock position on that day, to the right of the Sun. Per the Zetas, this is wherePlanet X can currently be seen, to the right of the Sun.Signs of the Times #1683Was Planet X captured during the January 26, 2009 eclipse? Often there is some capture of Planet X on film during aneclipse. The photos on official NASA related sites such as SpaceWeather never show any evidence of this, but filterscan affect what is captured and what is screened out. Note that the official photo displayed has been using a darkerlens, which screens out more sunlight so screens out the light from Planet X. SOHO images do not show any solarplumes or flares on that day.[2/5/2012 1:41:57 PM]

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