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New Magnet in TownOn August 8 2003: I have a compass on my desk an have noticed 15 degree variations in north a number of times (5+)over a peroid of 15 min or so between 8 and 12 AM, Aug 8, 2003 in Jacksonville, FL. I also noticed that the HAARPFluxgate Magnetometer is quite active in variations. It would be interesting to have a statistical or trend type analysison this HAARP data. This spoils my old boy scout idea of being able to follow a trail by a compass. 15 degree changesin minutes would throw one off course.On July 29 2003 a Coverup emerged, where the monitors were turned off for a time, in step with under-reporting ofearthquakes. Fluctuations were noted:On July 12 2003 the magnetometers again were Surging and stations virtually next to each other often in opposition asthe intense grip of the Atlantic Rift was increasing prepartory to rotation stoppage.On June 18 2003 the HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer showed wild fluctuation not present the year before. The excusethat solar flares are responsible for fluxuation does not take into account Global Quakes occurring at key Atlantic Riftpositions vs a vs Planet X, nor does it take into account the Photos showing an inbound brown dwarf arriving betweenthe Earth and the Sun, or the recent Red Moon/Dust phenomena. Re solar flares, we must take the word of NASA andthe Navy, who withhold all Hubble images as a direct feed to the public and are increasingly caught doctoring theirSOHO images of the Sun.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

Global Quakes and SweepsGlobal Quakes and SweepsStarting in March 2003, the live seismosgraphs around the worldexhibited a simultaneous shudder. Weeks later, it happened again,and then a steady pattern emerged. The shudders were occurringwhen the Atlantic Rift was facing the Sun and the approachingPlanet X, at the Face point of 12:00 UTC or when it was inopposition on the Dark side at 12:00 UTC. The Zetas explainedthis was due to the Atlantic Rift being grabbed by Planet X andeither held back or pulled forward. A large magnet wants alllesser magnets in the vicinity to line up, and having the AtlanticRift bow out to the side during rotation was not in keeping withthis rule. This pattern of periodic Global shuddering at the Face or Dark points was documented from May 2003 untilJuly 2004, along with USGS attempts to downplay the increasing quakes the globe was experiencing.By April 2004, the pattern had moved to include excessing shuddering during what the Zetas called the SweepingArms of the Sun. The Earth's dark twin had come round behind it and the Earth was being bumped from the rear. Inaddition, Venus had been caught in the eddy flow in front of Planet X along with Earth, and was likewise creatingricochet. The results of these Sweeps on the battered Earth were documented until June 2005 and showed a clearpattern of disasters in step with the sweeps.[2/5/2012 1:41:54 PM]

Global Quakes and SweepsGlobal Quakes and SweepsStarting in March 2003, the live seismosgraphs around the worldexhibited a simultaneous shudder. Weeks later, it happened again,and then a steady pattern emerged. The shudders were occurringwhen the Atlantic Rift was facing the Sun and the approachingPlanet X, at the Face point of 12:00 UTC or when it was inopposition on the Dark side at 12:00 UTC. The Zetas explainedthis was due to the Atlantic Rift being grabbed by Planet X andeither held back or pulled forward. A large magnet wants alllesser magnets in the vicinity to line up, and having the AtlanticRift bow out to the side during rotation was not in keeping withthis rule. This pattern of periodic Global shuddering at the Face or Dark points was documented from May 2003 untilJuly 2004, along with USGS attempts to downplay the increasing quakes the globe was experiencing.By April 2004, the pattern had moved to include excessing shuddering during what the Zetas called the SweepingArms of the Sun. The Earth's dark twin had come round behind it and the Earth was being bumped from the rear. Inaddition, Venus had been caught in the eddy flow in front of Planet X along with Earth, and was likewise creatingricochet. The results of these Sweeps on the battered Earth were documented until June 2005 and showed a clearpattern of disasters in step with the sweeps.[2/5/2012 1:41:54 PM]

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