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New Magnet in Townso frustrating.On February 16 2004: For a few days now I noted here in Italy that my South is not the same because my digitalcompass gives 160° -165°, I have noted this in the past but only temporary and north is not opposite to this value .North and South can be not opposite?On January 19 2004: Checking my compass now in Vancouver, it seems to be pointing about 5-7 degrees too far west.On January 17 2004: I have been watching a magnetic compass for about 6 weeks now. It is not under the influence ofany nearby magnetic fields. There has been no movement when I read it at 6 AM, noon and 6 PM daily. Until Saturdaythe 17th , 2004 at the 6 PM reading. The compass showed a 2 degree pull to the east. It was back to normal by 6 A Mthe next morning. This reading was from the 4 corners area of Colorado.On January 16 2004: On magnetic pole drift, by weeks I was monitoring where the needle points here in SouthAmerica. I have a Boyscout compass but I noticed several changes in the neddle direction, the pole looks to move toour actual West up to 45 degrees and swings from 15 to 45 degrees then going back. I noticed those changes even bythe minute last Saturday.On December 14 2003: In the Carolina mountains tonight my small desk compass is off by more than 30 degrees NE ofnormal. Usual fluctuation is 5-8 degrees. Ten days ago was off by at least 25 degrees. [and from another poster] Fieldmust be fluctuating a bit lately. I´ve had some off readings lately too. I have more than one compass, and all had thesame readings. [and from another poster] Mine is off about 13-14 degrees to NNWest in CT. [and from anotherposter] Washington DC area - compass pointing NWesterly.On December 3 2003: In Alaska my compass is pointing East.! Just happened! I have lived up here all my life and Ican tell you that our compasses point north or a little northeast or west at times, but never never do they point 48degrees from normal. It is pointing east, and a little south! Close to Anchorage, southcentral. I have 2 sources. Onecompass away from any interference, ie speakers, TVs and such. Also have a large computer magnet attatched to ourceiling with paper underneath to mark the degrees away from any other magnetic sources and they are reading thesame variation. [and from another poster] Connecticut reporting in. I have a cheap floating compass and it is pointingeast at the wall that should be North! I checked again, it has swung back toward normal, but still seems a bit NEinstead of N. [and from another poster] In the Carolina Mountains, 33-34 latitude, 83-84 longtitude, tonight mycompass is more than 25 degrees NE of usual! The past six months the compass swings back and forth 6-8%, but neveras much as this! My compass is not a ´good´ one, but it lies in the same place on my desktop and there is nothingaround to cause it to swing off. [and from another poster] I am in north central BC and mine is NE more east than itshould be though. I am in the bush I do use my compass so do not think anything is wrong with it. [and from anotherposter] I took out my Army Engineers compass, the reading was still showing magnetic north a full 10 degrees offexpected position. I also took to compass to an outside location to validate and remove any possible variables due towiring etc. At this point in time, I see something terribly wrong with the earth´s magnetics. I have confered with manyin the know. If what I am measuring is for real, and I suspect that it is, we are experiencing events which are a first forhistorically recorded human experience.On December 1 2003: My compass is mounted on a desk to check for changes. In the past two weeks, it has movedfurther westward, 5 degrees the first time, then two days later about 4 more and then about 4 days later another 4degrees. I also noted at the same time of the above compass changes there were world-wide quakes, listed at November 25 2003: I live in Charlottesville, VA. I have been watching my compass very closely for weeks. TakingNov 10 as a starting point, here´s a short list of the movement of magnetic north: a 3 degree move westward lasting fora few days, an additional 5 degree move, a pullback to 7 degrees westward lasting for a day, a return to 3 degreeswestward from reference point, an 18 degree swing eastward on Nov 20, a further 4 degree swing eastward on Nov 25,a 2 degree retreat westward the the current position. In summary, in just over two weeks the magnetic north pole hasmoved within a range of 27 degrees. The current position of magnetic north is way eastward. [and from anothersource] I measured the difference in degrees between my two marks in El Paso today. Originally the magnetic N markwas 42 d W of bldg face. Today it is 33 d W. A diff of 9 d. I am pondering the cause of the change. The dbl shadow is[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in Townback today, but it is only 4" W of bldg facade shadow.On November 23 2003: During the 10 minutes prior to noon my shadow seemed to wobble and the compass needlemoved with the shadow. This is the sort of thing that I think would be received by others with great skepticism. Therewere no clouds in the sky. I am sure I saw the movement. Of course, I did not feel a any wobble.On November 19 2003: Magnetic North is a place lost. It moves about now. Wednesday, I had the time to check mymagnetic North mark against my compass. I had to move it West 5 degrees.On November 15 2003: My digital compass on my watch no longer has an eastward component. It has in eitherdirection been registering either N, S, or W. And when you are supposedly due E it is showing West at 270 degrees.This has been occurring [Nov 15] for 4 days now. [and from another source] I have been watching this chart for a month now. It rises and falls, reflecting the stability of themagnetic field that surrounds the earth. Just this week it started doing something completely different. First it had akinda siezure, where it looked like a seizmograph, then the red and blue graph lines started going in the oppositedirections. The red line is a positively charged pole and the blue line represents the negatively charged pole. Up untilnow they have appeared to be dependant upon each other, traveling in parallel paths, sharing energy crossing pathsbut flowing in tandum. Now this week they are each headed in the oppocite direction. I looked back into the archivedcharts and this is not normal.On November 9 2003: The Sweeping Arms of the Sun were expected to push Planet X and the Earth closer togetheraround Nov 14. Compare these charts starting on November 9 with those during the much publicized X Class flaredates of Oct 24-26!On October 24 2003: Much publicized X Class flares were expected from the Sun, but little reaction in magnetic flux!On September 6 2003: Saturday night I got a call from a friend who has fixed a very nice U. S. Navy compass to hisdesk. He said that he was working when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked closely atthe compass, and the needle had moved 3 degrees from the true North matrix. While he was watching, it movedanother 2 degrees, and about 30 minutes later moved back 2 degrees.On September 6 2003: I took out my compass to get a reading of the position of the noonday Sun on Sep 7 andobserved that it is positioned too far to the South as it crosses the Ecliptic.On August 31 2003: I set up a compass on a table upon a piece of paper here in New York state. I aligned it to Northand drew marks where it pointed to (the North, South, East, and West) and I’ve actually seen the needle move 3degrees to the West. It has now deviated about 1 degree back to the East in a period of just 2 hours or less time. Themagnetic fields sure are going crazy.On August 26 2003: This morning I noticed a strong variation (15°) in my two compasses [Italy], one of them digital.It is confirmed from other country?On August 23 2003 Magnetometer graph shows that since the first week of August there has been a definite eastwardtrend as shown by the upward curve of the red line.On August 21 2003 extreme magnetic fluctuations were noted when the Atlantic Rift was facing Planet X, the pointwhere a Global Quake occurred.On August 18 2003: My compass which I have been watching daily, has been off 12-13 degrees to the East for twodays. It has been in this position since Sunday, August 17. I live in NC.On August 11 2003: Up here on St Mary's river, Lake Superior, compasses going goofy at odd times in differentlocations than usual. Yes, there are fixed anomalies in Lake Superior, but we knew where they are. Now they come andgo. I work on a research boat, so we are very aware of compass variations.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in Townback today, but it is only 4" W of bldg facade shadow.On November 23 2003: During the 10 minutes prior to noon my shadow seemed to wobble and the compass needlemoved with the shadow. This is the sort of thing that I think would be received by others with great skepticism. Therewere no clouds in the sky. I am sure I saw the movement. Of course, I did not feel a any wobble.On November 19 2003: Magnetic North is a place lost. It moves about now. Wednesday, I had the time to check mymagnetic North mark against my compass. I had to move it West 5 degrees.On November 15 2003: My digital compass on my watch no longer has an eastward component. It has in eitherdirection been registering either N, S, or W. And when you are supposedly due E it is showing West at 270 degrees.This has been occurring [Nov 15] for 4 days now. [and from another source] I have been watching this chart for a month now. It rises and falls, reflecting the stability of themagnetic field that surrounds the earth. Just this week it started doing something completely different. First it had akinda siezure, where it looked like a seizmograph, then the red and blue graph lines started going in the oppositedirections. The red line is a positively charged pole and the blue line represents the negatively charged pole. Up untilnow they have appeared to be dependant upon each other, traveling in parallel paths, sharing energy crossing pathsbut flowing in tandum. Now this week they are each headed in the oppocite direction. I looked back into the archivedcharts and this is not normal.On November 9 2003: The Sweeping Arms of the Sun were expected to push Planet X and the Earth closer togetheraround Nov 14. Compare these charts starting on November 9 with those during the much publicized X Class flaredates of Oct 24-26!On October 24 2003: Much publicized X Class flares were expected from the Sun, but little reaction in magnetic flux!On September 6 2003: Saturday night I got a call from a friend who has fixed a very nice U. S. Navy compass to hisdesk. He said that he was working when movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. He looked closely atthe compass, and the needle had moved 3 degrees from the true North matrix. While he was watching, it movedanother 2 degrees, and about 30 minutes later moved back 2 degrees.On September 6 2003: I took out my compass to get a reading of the position of the noonday Sun on Sep 7 andobserved that it is positioned too far to the South as it crosses the Ecliptic.On August 31 2003: I set up a compass on a table upon a piece of paper here in New York state. I aligned it to Northand drew marks where it pointed to (the North, South, East, and West) and I’ve actually seen the needle move 3degrees to the West. It has now deviated about 1 degree back to the East in a period of just 2 hours or less time. Themagnetic fields sure are going crazy.On August 26 2003: This morning I noticed a strong variation (15°) in my two compasses [Italy], one of them digital.It is confirmed from other country?On August 23 2003 Magnetometer graph shows that since the first week of August there has been a definite eastwardtrend as shown by the upward curve of the red line.On August 21 2003 extreme magnetic fluctuations were noted when the Atlantic Rift was facing Planet X, the pointwhere a Global Quake occurred.On August 18 2003: My compass which I have been watching daily, has been off 12-13 degrees to the East for twodays. It has been in this position since Sunday, August 17. I live in NC.On August 11 2003: Up here on St Mary's river, Lake Superior, compasses going goofy at odd times in differentlocations than usual. Yes, there are fixed anomalies in Lake Superior, but we knew where they are. Now they come andgo. I work on a research boat, so we are very aware of compass variations.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

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