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New Magnet in TownOn March 22 2005: There are three Norths - Grid, True and Compass. My compass tells me Magnetic N is consistently15° to 20° East of True N (as we knew it).On January 8 2005: Noting a Magnetic Storm on NOAA, Last time this happened, the space station droppedconsiderably out of orbit. What could be causing this? There have been no strong flares lately or coronal holes thathave been forecast to reach the earth.On December 13 2004: I have noticed over the past weeks an anomaly with my magnetic compass. As we all know ifwe walk due South on a bearing of 270° then our magnetic North will lie at 180°to this i.e. 00/360°. So if we, say, thenpivot 180° on our heels and face towards the direction of "North as defined by reference to a 180° back bearing fromSouth" then we find here in Stoke-on-Trent , England (53.04610 North at 2.15872 West) that North is not to be foundat “North" at all but shows to be resting at between 330° to 335° degrees on the compass dial (hand-held). I haveasked several of my friends to check this at their home locations and all agree that there is a compass anomaly. Thisseems to suggest that magnetic North and South are "not reciprocally related to one another currently". This is a littletechnical for some,perhaps, but if we can show that no matter where one is on the planet, an entity cannot findmagnetic North as being 180° reciprocal to magnetic South then this may be a bit of scoop.On November 17 2004: Today something happened here in Hungary. Yesterday my friend set the compass in a placeon his desk, and on the compass, the North direction was parallel to the wall. Today, we made it again, and the Northdirectionhas moved to the East, from our point. I saw, that the compass has15-20% excursion to the East, showingthe North direction.On November 9 2004: Every day I check my N and S with digital compass here in Italy to see the difference. Just thismorning I found my N at 335° which means N deviation of 25° . [and from another source] I believe you would lovethe following article (unfortunately there is no English version) from Central Military and Technical Institute (Russia) have noticed a shift of Earth’s geomagnetic poles by200 km. Leading specialist of the Institute explains it as a “geomagnetic influence of nearby space systems”. Thiscauses weather anomalies and change of Earth rotation speed. Scientist warns that current changes need to beunderstood in order to consider their practical consequences. He believes that an increasing number of plane crashescould be caused by this phenomenon.On November 7 2004: Magnetic N now 18° East of old true north here in El PasoOn October 29 2004: Magnetic North is 23° East of old true North here in El Paso.On October 20 2004: There was a big bounce on the HAARP magnetometers yesterday [Oct 20]. Sweeping arms of theSun? Every monitor, worldwide, failed to pickup by the geo synchonous satellites, between the Dark and Face pointson Oct 20. It is suspected that the satellites lost their place overhead, and could not make the pickup, or were otherwiseoverwhelmed by a surge of some kind. Note the timing of the HAARP Surge occurs during the same 12 hour period!On October 5 2004: I have had my compass taped to a shelf for the last year. As of Sept 22nd, magnetic north hasmoved 14-16 degrees to the East. It has not gone back to its former readings. I'm up here in Maine.On September 9 2004, a National Geographic article, reporting 'Earth's magnetic field is fading. Today it is about 10percent weaker than it was when German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss started keeping tabs on it in 1845.'On September 6 2004: Last month, North was in the exact corner of my bedroom. Now North is 10 degrees to the left(West). However, that was this morning. I just checked it and it is looking more like 20 degrees. [and from another] Asa sailor on the big Lake Erie, I have noticed that north this year has had a variation of about 8 to 10 degrees. Thisyear there seems to be a large amount of variation, as opposed to past years where there was no noticeable changesduring the boating season. I know that my compass is working fine, since my GPS can verify what course I amrunning. [and from another] A 10 degreess drift in one day is startling, normally barely 1 degree per year. [and fromanother] Last night, I noticed that Mag N has moved about 10 degrees toward the East! Checked again at 12:01 AMSept 6th, and Mag N is now 21 degrees east of where it was.[and from another] I am a satellite technician so I amalways looking at my compass in order to point satellite dishes to the right satellites and I have noticed some changes[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in Townrecently. The Dishnetwork birds are at 180 azimuth here, which is straight South. Last week I took a compass reading,located 180 on the compass and pointed the dish. Guess what? No signal! I had to move the dish to the West about 10degrees to find the signals. I always make sure there are no metal objects nearby when I take a reading because itinterferes with the magnetic field and causes a false reading. I use a lensatic compass which is nothing real fancy, justfunctional, and have had the same one since I began my career 5 years ago, so I feel pretty confident in its accuracy.On Aug 7 2004: The Global on Aug 7 spiked at 10:00 UTC. Note that the unusual HAARP spikes were centeredaround this time also. Aug 4 HAARP provided for comparison.On Aug 3 2004: Last night magnetic N is 10-11° E of True N.On Jul 18 2004: An Admission of anomalies.On June 6 2004: One month plots comparing current to last year shows similar activity within the Trimesters. Recentcrop circles have implied these Trimesters, which the HAARP documentation shows. The presence of Planet X isapparent in that the year from May 2003 to the present, when it was in the inner solar system, the HAARP charts showa stronger spread than the prior year, consistently.On May 24 2004: Monday, May 24, 2004, in El Paso, Texas at 19:25 hrs, the Sun was Alt 19°, Azi 310° True North,287° magnetic (a difference of 23° for the compass).On April 29 2004: I took a compass reading at my house in NC and North was off 5° to the NW. I know for a factbecause North was always in perfect alignment with the back window, but now it’s 5° NW! So something is definitelyup.On April 20 2004: I have been measuring the shift in location of magnetic north and True North since printing out theYahoo street map for my neighborhood here in El Paso. At night magnetic north, according to my compass rangesbetween 12° and 20°, but when the Sun comes up the variation is less, as I get readings of 8° to 15° W of True North.On April 12 2004: I have been checking the HAARP site which records the movement of the earth's magnetic poles.For not quite 24 hrs, the earth's magnetic poles have stood still so to speak. Is this also an indication of the effect ofthe sweeping arms/tilt and backup of the the earth's orbit? [Note: monitors dead still for over 24 hours during the Apr11-12 Sweep, not recording anything.]On April 11 2004: I've lived in this same home since 1982. This is approximately 350 miles north-west of NYC.Whenever I've randomly checked it before, the north pole has always read in the same location on a compass. Today Ichecked it and It appears to have shifted sometime in the past year or so. It has moved about 5 degrees eastward. I'mlocated out in the country as shown in the attached Satellite Photo. There aren't any towers, buildings, steel oranything new in the home to cause this change. Although the annotated picture doesn't have a calibrated scale, themeasured shift is 5 degrees east. This shift appears to be outside the normal magnetic deviation one might expect overa geologically short period of time, such as 6 months. A friend of mine with a combination GPS and compass receiverdid a measurement from his home near Columbia, SC today. He too, observed a shift of 5 degrees east. He is a formerairforce officer and pilot, and tells me this is an unusual deviation over a short time period. He said his last check onthis was about 6 months ago. Columbia is approximately 600 miles almost exactly due south of here. [Note: thisexcellent report from Rense site.]On March 14 2004: Today in El Paso, I noted a 5° West drift of magnetic N from my old mark. Also, I noticed thatwhen magnetic N/S sun shadow N is 0/360 the S is at 175°. At 13:15 the Azi and Mag S were 165° and N at 340°. I amunable to explain the variation over 75 minutes. [Note: this matches the short bow of a magnet noted by Italy onFebruary 16 in Italy.]On March 3 2004: Today in El Paso, Texas, at 12:00 hours MST I went to my backyard North/South Sun Shadow zoneto observe a noontime shadow. At that time the Sun was at Azi S 160-N 340 and Alt was 50° N of horizon and 40° S ofdome. There was a variation of magnetic North from my mark of last two months in the compass showed a drift 7° Wof old mark. The N/S Sun shadow arrived at 12:45 hrs. Again that was 7° W of where magnetic N used to be. This is[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in Townrecently. The Dishnetwork birds are at 180 azimuth here, which is straight South. Last week I took a compass reading,located 180 on the compass and pointed the dish. Guess what? No signal! I had to move the dish to the West about 10degrees to find the signals. I always make sure there are no metal objects nearby when I take a reading because itinterferes with the magnetic field and causes a false reading. I use a lensatic compass which is nothing real fancy, justfunctional, and have had the same one since I began my career 5 years ago, so I feel pretty confident in its accuracy.On Aug 7 2004: The Global on Aug 7 spiked at 10:00 UTC. Note that the unusual HAARP spikes were centeredaround this time also. Aug 4 HAARP provided for comparison.On Aug 3 2004: Last night magnetic N is 10-11° E of True N.On Jul 18 2004: An Admission of anomalies.On June 6 2004: One month plots comparing current to last year shows similar activity within the Trimesters. Recentcrop circles have implied these Trimesters, which the HAARP documentation shows. The presence of Planet X isapparent in that the year from May 2003 to the present, when it was in the inner solar system, the HAARP charts showa stronger spread than the prior year, consistently.On May 24 2004: Monday, May 24, 2004, in El Paso, Texas at 19:25 hrs, the Sun was Alt 19°, Azi 310° True North,287° magnetic (a difference of 23° for the compass).On April 29 2004: I took a compass reading at my house in NC and North was off 5° to the NW. I know for a factbecause North was always in perfect alignment with the back window, but now it’s 5° NW! So something is definitelyup.On April 20 2004: I have been measuring the shift in location of magnetic north and True North since printing out theYahoo street map for my neighborhood here in El Paso. At night magnetic north, according to my compass rangesbetween 12° and 20°, but when the Sun comes up the variation is less, as I get readings of 8° to 15° W of True North.On April 12 2004: I have been checking the HAARP site which records the movement of the earth's magnetic poles.For not quite 24 hrs, the earth's magnetic poles have stood still so to speak. Is this also an indication of the effect ofthe sweeping arms/tilt and backup of the the earth's orbit? [Note: monitors dead still for over 24 hours during the Apr11-12 Sweep, not recording anything.]On April 11 2004: I've lived in this same home since 1982. This is approximately 350 miles north-west of NYC.Whenever I've randomly checked it before, the north pole has always read in the same location on a compass. Today Ichecked it and It appears to have shifted sometime in the past year or so. It has moved about 5 degrees eastward. I'mlocated out in the country as shown in the attached Satellite Photo. There aren't any towers, buildings, steel oranything new in the home to cause this change. Although the annotated picture doesn't have a calibrated scale, themeasured shift is 5 degrees east. This shift appears to be outside the normal magnetic deviation one might expect overa geologically short period of time, such as 6 months. A friend of mine with a combination GPS and compass receiverdid a measurement from his home near Columbia, SC today. He too, observed a shift of 5 degrees east. He is a formerairforce officer and pilot, and tells me this is an unusual deviation over a short time period. He said his last check onthis was about 6 months ago. Columbia is approximately 600 miles almost exactly due south of here. [Note: thisexcellent report from Rense site.]On March 14 2004: Today in El Paso, I noted a 5° West drift of magnetic N from my old mark. Also, I noticed thatwhen magnetic N/S sun shadow N is 0/360 the S is at 175°. At 13:15 the Azi and Mag S were 165° and N at 340°. I amunable to explain the variation over 75 minutes. [Note: this matches the short bow of a magnet noted by Italy onFebruary 16 in Italy.]On March 3 2004: Today in El Paso, Texas, at 12:00 hours MST I went to my backyard North/South Sun Shadow zoneto observe a noontime shadow. At that time the Sun was at Azi S 160-N 340 and Alt was 50° N of horizon and 40° S ofdome. There was a variation of magnetic North from my mark of last two months in the compass showed a drift 7° Wof old mark. The N/S Sun shadow arrived at 12:45 hrs. Again that was 7° W of where magnetic N used to be. This is[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

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