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New Magnet in TownOn Feb 10, 2006: My 2 compasses here in Bethlehem, PA moved almost back to normal over the night. They show onlyslightly off due North, whereas before, it was over 40 degrees from Jan 8th until now. Do not know what that means.On Jan 8, 2006: I don't know if my 2 compasses are going nuts but they have moved again several days ago. If yourecall, for months they were directly due North here in Bethlehem, PA. Suddenly, one day in December, theyregistered about 32 degrees more West. Now they are both at 40 degrees West of North. I do not know of any energysources that would have affected the compasses since for months they were right on North. I have no real logicalexplanation.On Dec 15, 2005: My 2 compasses remain pointing about 32 degrees West instead of due North, here in BethlehemPA. This change happened several days ago and since, have not moved again.On Dec 8, 2005: USA Today Earth's north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America and toward Siberia atsuch a clip that Alaska might lose its spectacular Northern Lights in the next 50 years, scientists said Thursday.On Dec 7, 2005: My 2 compasses, which have been pointing due North for the last couple of months here inBethlehem PA, are now showing about a 32 degree angle to the West! Huge movement suddenly since the day before,it was right on North.On July 22 2005: Be it in the morning or be it in the afternoon, today my compass here in Italy gave my south not at180° but at 144°, the deviation opposite to what it has been in the past!On June 11 2005: For centuries, the magnetic North <strong>Pole</strong> was ours, a constant companion that wandered the rollingtundra and frozen seas of our Arctic. But no more. A Canadian scientist who recently returned from a trip to measurethe <strong>Pole</strong>'s current location says it has now left Canadian territory and crossed into international waters. The pole,which, unlike the geographic North <strong>Pole</strong>, is in constant movement, has been within modern Canadian borders since atleast the 1600s -- the time of Shakespeare and Sir Isaac Newton.On May 31 2005: www.spaceweather.com The May 30th storm began when, for no obvious reason, the interplanetarymagnetic field (IMF) near Earth tipped south. This caused a hole to open in Earth's magnetic field through whichsolar wind could flow. Solar wind energy, in turn, fueled the unexpected auroras.On May 23 2005: My compass is showing East by 25° here in El Paso!On May 14 2005: This morning, I bought a 2nd compass to place next to the one I had and North is now about 40degrees different. It was about 16 degrees a couple of days ago and as of yesterday, it was still at 16 degrees. Thealignment of my compass did not change and the 2nd compass points to the same place. There are no electricalappliances, wires etc that I know of different than what I started with 8 weeks ago. Are we being bombarded with solarflares that might alter the magnetics? Tonight, the Sun was practically setting magnetic North by the pointing of thecompass. From my bedroom, the Sun was West since it does face West. But the 2 compasses both showed the Sun atnear North. Something strange is happening. [Note: a G3 Geomagnetic Storm, highest per NOAA, was reported forMay 15]On May 11 2005: About 8 weeks ago, I positioned a compass in my bedroom facing due North. Each day, I have beenchecking and it has been right on. Last night I checked and it was off by about 16 degrees! The magnetic North moved.I verified it this morning and it was the same reading. Magnetic North is not where it was yesterday.On April 17 2005: Some time today Mount Ida British Columbia Vortex reversed direction. Since February 17 thevortex had been causing deviations up to 11° towards the East. Today it is reading 11° to the West. In late March, thefluctuations had between 4 and 9 degrees East. On April 7, I looked at the magnetic compass and found it at 030, thegreatest deviation I had seen, 11° East of the normal 019. This afternoon the reading was 008, or 11° West of normal.On April 8 2005: My compass told me last night here in El Paso, TX that magnetic north was 25-30° East of old trueNorth. A big drift East!http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/magnet.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

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