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New Magnet in Townby noon it moved back 5 degrees to the west.Posted by Rosemary October 8 at 0:00 UTC: My magnetic north is now 5 degree to the east. This isaccurate because where the compass sits, there is no metal object, wire or TV.On September 30, 2009 during the Samoa/Sumatra quakes , the Earth temporarily lost its S Pole on the simulators thattrack the Earth's magnetic field.On September 13, 2009 Checking the compass I've glue to a shelf in my house in Summertown, TN I see it has shiftedmany degrees to the West since last checking on June 20, 2009. It last moved 14 degrees to the West since gluing it tothe shelf in February 2009.On September 2, 2009 For many months, my 2 compasses in Bethlehem, PA have not varied. Checking every night, Inoted that they moved back to North being due North (about 60 degree variance). This North is where I set them manyyears ago.On August 12, 2009 I just noticed the compass I have glued down to a shelf in Summertown, TN has moved another 4degrees to the West since my last update to you on May 21 2009.On May 21, 2009 Just checked the compass I have glued down to a shelf in Summertown, TN and found it has moved 4degrees to the West since my last post.On March 7, 2009 I have not reported the 2 compass readings taken here in Bethlehem, PA lately since they have beenat about 60 degrees West of North. But it has been several weeks that the compasses went to 78 degrees West of Northand continues to hold steady.On Jan 21, 2000 a magnetic blast from the direction of the Sun occurred, at a time when the Sun was extremelyquiescent. Fireballs were prevalent at that time, as the tail of Planet X was hosing the Earth.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in TownOn Jun 20, 2008 well I just checked it again and it moved almost 2 more degrees to the West in a week inSummertown, TN. Is that possible? This compass is secure and permanently glued down to a wood shelf with no metalaround, I even tried to move it by hand tonight and was unable to move it at all. As you can see from the marks on theshelf the compass in the exact location in all photo's.On Jun 12, 2008 In February of this year I glued a compass down to a wooden shelf in my house in Summertown, TN.It is permanently anchored and was set to Magnetic North. The difference in the reading over the past months and it isgrowing larger. First reading was on April 6, 2008, next on June 12, 2008.On Mar 1, 2008 My compass in Bethelehem, PA swung from 58 degrees West of North to about 40 degrees West ofNorth.On Jan 17, 2008 My compasses in Bethelehem, PA changed this morning to 58 degrees West of North from theDecember 19th position of 24 degrees East of North! Another huge swing.On Dec 19, 2007 Early this morning, I checked my compasses in Bethelehem, PA and they were steady at 58° West ofNorth. Just now, noon here in Pennsylvania, they moved dramatically to 24° East of North. Another major wobblebecause I have never seen the compasses move this much in such a short time!On Dec 10, 2007: My compasses in Bethelehem, PA are basically at 58 degrees West of North and staying there fornow.On Dec 8, 2007: Today, my compasses in Bethelehem, PA both moved more West of North. They were at 40 degreesand went to about 48 degrees. Again, in over 5 years of doing this, only until recently have the compasses movedanywhere past 30 degrees West or East of North.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

New Magnet in Townby noon it moved back 5 degrees to the west.Posted by Rosemary October 8 at 0:00 UTC: My magnetic north is now 5 degree to the east. This isaccurate because where the compass sits, there is no metal object, wire or TV.On September 30, 2009 during the Samoa/Sumatra quakes , the Earth temporarily lost its S <strong>Pole</strong> on the simulators thattrack the Earth's magnetic field.On September 13, 2009 Checking the compass I've glue to a shelf in my house in Summertown, TN I see it has shiftedmany degrees to the West since last checking on June 20, 2009. It last moved 14 degrees to the West since gluing it tothe shelf in February 2009.On September 2, 2009 For many months, my 2 compasses in Bethlehem, PA have not varied. Checking every night, Inoted that they moved back to North being due North (about 60 degree variance). This North is where I set them manyyears ago.On August 12, 2009 I just noticed the compass I have glued down to a shelf in Summertown, TN has moved another 4degrees to the West since my last update to you on May 21 2009.On May 21, 2009 Just checked the compass I have glued down to a shelf in Summertown, TN and found it has moved 4degrees to the West since my last post.On March 7, 2009 I have not reported the 2 compass readings taken here in Bethlehem, PA lately since they have beenat about 60 degrees West of North. But it has been several weeks that the compasses went to 78 degrees West of Northand continues to hold steady.On Jan 21, 2000 a magnetic blast from the direction of the Sun occurred, at a time when the Sun was extremelyquiescent. Fireballs were prevalent at that time, as the tail of Planet X was hosing the Earth.[2/5/2012 1:41:52 PM]

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