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Red Moon / Red Dust... The Moon is to turn bloodredduring a total lunareclipse [May 4 2004] in UKskies, the Royal AstronomicalSociety has said.... This photo I just made herein Moscow [May 4 2004]. Itseems to me too red.... Driving home from thenight shift at 3:27 AM [Jun 22004] I saw the Moon overthe roofs, direction SW, andfirst thought it were anilluminated orange-red ballon.But it was the Moon, coveredin reddish veil. ... In southernCanada [Jun 3, 2005] I'vewitnessed several blood redmoons. It looked as ifsomebody spilled red paint allover it. ... Last night [Jun 25,2005], the Moon was a deep,blood red, and the skies wereclear and there is no smogwhere I am east of Austin, TX…Here in Ohio [Jun 25,2005], the Moon is up and isstill a very blood red.outside and noticed a rusty coloreddust sprinkled all over your car. Thestrange rusty powder appeared oncars in the Chicago area this week.... [Feb 2, 2007] Orange Snow inSiberia, with high iron content... [May 14, 2007] Red dust at aSummer residence in Russia inbathing with water which stood forthe past year! Water became redcolor, and on the edges there was awet red dust! Also there was reddust and in a city fountain directlyat the bottom. Predictably the dustcontains iron as when in water italigns on a magnet!I recently noticed [July 12, 2007]red dust as a leftover from years ona never used plastic chair on mybalcony in Germany. That chair wasstanding outdoors but under a roof.I put some of the red dust on a pieceof paper and checked it out with astrong magnet. The dust turned outto be magnetic. It is iron oxide.sunrise, and the sky was wallto-wallred. A little later, theWeather Channel showed thesky over New York City beforesunrise, and the sky was redthere also. ... I live in upstateNY. Tonight [Oct 30 2003] atapprox. 7:30 PM my sonnoticed a bright red cloud inthe clear, dark sky in the North.Over the next hour it appearedto drift and dissipate to the Eastand then South. ... Tonight [Nov30 2003] the sky is blood redhere in the Bronx, NY. Whenthe sunlight hits the clouds thered color becomes more vivid.... About 20 minutes beforesunrise in Missouri [Jan 12004] I observe a massiveblood red sky. ... The cloudshave streaks of red lines inthem in Copenhagen [Jan 22004] and even the smoke fromfactory is blood red. ... Theskies during sunrise and sunsetin Louisiana [Jan 3 2004] arenow showing an extremely redcloud of dust hovering over thehorizon and extending out bothto the left and right of thehorizon for many miles ... In ElPaso at late afternoon [Mar 312004] red dust was trailingdown from overhead clouds ...It was very red in the entireeastern horizon before thesunrise [Mar 2 2004] inMissouri ... Red skys in Peru[Apr 2 2004] and I am talkingundoubtedly obviously red mostof the night ... There is an everso imperceptible red tint [Apr 82004], to the air, andsometimes red rainbow flairsby the sun ...In the Midwest[Jun 2 2004], it´s wierd, has areddish hint very late at night.... Central Maryland [Jun 22004], had the reddest sunrisethis AM I can remember. ... Wehad the most brilliant red(almost neon) sunset that wehave ever seen [Aug 17 2004]here in Arizona. ... In theVancouver area, I could nothelp but notice that at around 9pm [July 12, 2007] the sky hada rosy hue, but only in theeastern sky! [Feb 12, 2008]This photo was taken at sunset.It was amazing to see the redtrails.and in a New York State sunset [Nov 92003]and in a Maryland sunset [Jun 2 2004]and in Vancouver [Aug 31 2004]and in New Zealand [Apr 5, 2005]http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/reddust.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:51 PM]

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