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Red Moon / Red Dust2003]... I am located inJohannesburg, South Africa. Ihave never ever ever seen themoon that red [Oct 12 2003].It was a deep, dull red. ... Lastnight in Ohio [Oct 12 2003]the full moon was absolutelythe color of blood! ... InCentral Texas [Oct 12 2003]it was so dark red that youcould just barely see theoutline. ... and from Cairo[Oct 14 2003]... A deep red crescent moonover eastern central Nebraska[Oct 29 2003].. Last night [Oct 30 2003] forthe first time here in Moscow Ihave seen a red Moon with myown eyes. Approaching thehorizon, the Moon turnedblood-red. This made me feelvery uneasy, to say at least. ...I took this picture in Norwayat about 7:40 PM [Jan 82004] There is the large halo,with brownish outer lines.common. Around the Sun and farout, it was self-illuminated reddish.Never seen anything like it! ... A fewnights ago [Oct 24 2003] in Eugene,OR, the moon was red. I have neverseen anything like that before. Also,the sunsets and clouds areincreasingly red, and there has beena fine red/brown powder on myroommate's car. ... Overnight, inSan Diego [Nov 23 2003] I foundthat a layer of fine pink dust hadcovered my vehicle. Within threehours, more of this fine dust hascovered my truck. ... Where Did RedDust Come From? [Dec 16 2003]from Texas to Michigan Illinois: itlooked more like the oxidation thatsettles on iron after you get it wet.Arkansas: deep red dust (from rain)everywhere. It is hard to wash off.Texas: I am unsure what it is forcertain but it is not soil. Michigan:It rained red from Kalamazoo toMuskegon. ... In Eugene Oregontonight [Jan 20 2004] it looks likeclouds of red dust raining downfrom puffy white clouds and there isa very strange electric/metallic smellto the air. ... Two days ago [Feb 222004] in South Poland the TVreported the snow was ore coloured,everywhere. ... On TV in Russia[Feb 24 2004] in Moscow the snowwith a pink shade has fallen. ... [Sep1 2004] orange dust coated Detroit.... The rocking chair in my patio[May 6, 2005] in Italy took the rainand filtered the dust, a very finedust, similar to iron oxide dust.... In Sardinia [Jun 2, 2005] itrained red dust. ... In Peterborough,Ontario [Jun 26, 2005], we havered dust buildup in our white plasticbird bath and local news reportsone lady with red dust in her birdbath in Toronto, Canada area.Smog is being blamed. ... inChicago [Jan 6, 2006] NBC It's notyour imagination if you've walked2003] as well. ... Michigansunset last night [Aug 7 2003] and at sunset in Italy July 23 2003.was a very bright redish brown.... I live in Central Utah [Aug11 2003], no polution. The skylooked murkey and had a redishbrown tint. ... I was on the WestCoast yesterday and saw itthere as well. I am inOklahoma now [Aug 11 2003]and the sunrise was very red and in a sunset in China Aug 6 2003.and the sky is still hazy. ... InDallas I see the same thing, avery red and hazy sky. It hasbeen this way for 3 days now.The local news [Aug 11 2003]is not saying anything about itbut it is obvious to see. ... Thesky has the same red hazey lookin Denver. I have noticed thisfor the last few days [Aug 11and in a sunset in Germany Sep 24 20032003]. The sunsets are very redtoo. ... Here in Edmonton [Aug11 2003] the sky has a red hazeto the west. ... in Colorado[Aug 19 2003] the skies haveturned a blood red. ... Is see thehaze on the West Coast now[Aug 19 2003]. There are nowild fires anywhere near here.This is not a typical haze thatyou see with polution. I havenever seen anything like itbefore. ... Today [Aug 19 2003] and in a sunset in Kobe, Japan Oct 1 2003in Minnesota I saw the ninthblood red sunset in a row. Twodays ago a very red sunrise aswell. Not normal. ... Not evenwhen Mount St Helens blew didI see such blood red skies [Aug19 2003]. They are not just redthey are blood now. Iron dust?... I live in the borough of theBronx. As I look to the westernsky [Sep 6 2003] I am in awethat the sky is so freeky Red.and in a South African sunset [Oct 21 2003]The color of rust! The sky hasbeen getting stranger, first pinkthen purple to red. ... Theseclouds [Oct 10 2003] are adeep, vibrant purply-red, wherethe surrounding sky is not. Goaway from the sun, a few cloudlayers up, and it's not like that.... This morning [Oct 15 2003] and in an Israel sunset [Oct 31 2003]CNN showed the Atlanta,Georgia, sky from their skycam at about 6:35 AM beforehttp://www.zetatalk2.com/index/reddust.htm[2/5/2012 1:41:51 PM]

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