Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls
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15th December: A. Eo H. S"tfl (20--24) i. oDOe apin Chairman.ofSllerborne U.O.C .• nel "'3' reee nwre often the beauticsof DOne! _ such a contraJt to the flat ES$u COaltline. C. J .And"WI (13- 17), M.P.S .• ha. retir«! and at prc""nt i, livina inSheroorne. J. M. flrr (50-55) i. now a wool salt' representative.nd living in Yeovil ; R. J. SJltr,,'ln (38-44), "U., A.M. P.T.t., hatmo...ed to Guildford on taking. new ap]Xlintment a.! A~istanlCounty l'Iannin, Officer; D. P. Bur&e (55-62) has B pl)U atPbyIical EducatiQn leacher a' Buckler'. Mead Schoo], Yeovil ;R: A. Pa"JeY (58-63)•. artificer apprentia: R.N. ~ hoped \0 completeIm shonened course ,n H.M.S. Colli"llf(XN/ ,n lhe summer andthen 10 10 10 lhe Far East ; O. Butt..., (54-60) has gained anHonOUR B.Se. in Civil Engineerine al Birmingham Univ~l"li t y ;K. I.:. Oo ... to. (56-63) traininl in hotel management, has com·pleted 1"'0 yean at Balt~rsea Colic", aDd i$ n

again frol1l J. H. O,..,t (29-32) who i. fBrming al Terrick, neuAyletbury. In 1940 he joined the R.A.F. Regiment in which hetook B commiss;on, and su".~d until 1946. His !Teal friend ofKhool days, and Itlll today IS H. 1'. M. 1100_ ( 1- :14) t",R.D ..livinJ! withi n visiting distance al Ileadinglon. Oxford. P. A.)151:1 (51- 64) ha. passc.d out hith in the Cade1 Examination 11 Iheend of his 6nt year _t the R. Naval College. Dartmouth and,upon ._nful completion of the Mid s hipm~n'~ Ccrtificare, willbe promoted ID Actml Sub.Licutenant ; P. W. Hlttox (58-61)",;nod in J uly the Loughborough Technical CollelC Diplomain Industrial Chemistry ; be ."ill be K wardod the dellree of Bachelorof TechnoloJY in 1966. FinaUy, once again, Wc gratefully ack·n" ...·ledge mllly olher brief bUI very welcome m=ages from agoodly number of ever-loyal members.Obi7I«U)'Wc sioCC'rely 1"C!p"'1 ha~ing 10 T«

again frol1l J. H. O,..,t (29-32) who i. fBrming al Terrick, neuAyletbury. In 1940 he joined the R.A.F. Regiment in which hetook B commiss;on, <strong>and</strong> su".~d until 1946. His !Teal friend ofKhool days, <strong>and</strong> Itlll today IS H. 1'. M. 1100_ ( 1- :14) t",R.D ..livinJ! withi n visiting distance al Ileadinglon. Oxford. P. A.)151:1 (51- 64) ha. passc.d out hith in the Cade1 Examination 11 Iheend of his 6nt year _t the R. Naval College. Dartmouth <strong>and</strong>,upon ._nful completion of the Mid s hipm~n'~ Ccrtificare, willbe promoted ID Actml Sub.Licutenant ; P. W. Hlttox (58-61)",;nod in J uly the Loughborough Technical CollelC Diplomain Industrial Chemistry ; be ."ill be K wardod the dellree of Bachelorof TechnoloJY in 1966. FinaUy, once again, Wc gratefully ack·n" ...·ledge mllly olher brief bUI very welcome m=ages from agoodly number of ever-loyal members.Obi7I«U)'Wc sioCC'rely 1"C!p"'1 ha~ing 10 T«

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