Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls


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Duke of Edi .... I1:. '.A .... nI Sc • .,_AI Ihe ... ginning of the scbool year,eighl«n boys from Form V began 10wor~ for th~ Silver . .... ard <strong>and</strong> all membersof Form IV for fI,e Bronu. It ,,"11$,t~fore . a ,rea' d;""ppo;nlm~n' Iha, rrom this luge numberonly four boys. IWO I 1 each level, pined Ihe; r n,ard •.The Expedition otaion proW;d 10 be POP"!..' wilh all the boys ;ecruinly untU$peclW qualilics of determination <strong>and</strong> ingenuityWere disooverro. H o~ver. fev., boys ...,re able 10 tackle IhePunuits ~c1ioo with the ""-me 'pinl, <strong>and</strong> it is [rus section that i.repnlcd as oDC of the IWO most important.First Aid '.. iniDI ...... givm \0 Form IV by Mrs. G. G. 0=0,"GoVffoor of ,he Se 001, a nd Civil o.:fenc:o. training 10 II>e Silvere<strong>and</strong>"brn by Ihe Sbcrbome C.D. Officer <strong>and</strong> hi. assiotant. TheScllool il m"" entefullo 1hem for thei r bell'. (~ . T .)About ci~leen boys joined the Woodwork SocietyWood ..""k <strong>and</strong> Activity Groups. Mo.1 of these were sixthformen who availed themseh"i:s of the opportunityof mating a breat ... ith mo", academic studies. 6nding H<strong>and</strong>i.cran I reluing <strong>and</strong> &a_times re ...'ardin, hobby.A variety of projects wu undertaken includin, several table.laminated turned pieca, litlndard lamp' <strong>and</strong> a reflecting telescope.The few junior memt>en continued with their normal classmodels.The Society. now opern(ing in the old Cadet Hut.PrkIlJ., proolKlCd, among other things, the S"'vi~ Sh«u forFounder', D .~ <strong>and</strong> the Carol Service. proJramm ... forSpocch D a~ <strong>and</strong> the Commoners' COllCt:rt !!.Dd the <strong>Old</strong> Boys'Dinner tickets. From hlluary onwards the Society met onFriday afternoons <strong>and</strong> new/'nnion were enrolled. Foot, J. N. A"studitd prim;n, IS hi. D. 0 E. pursuit.

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