Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls


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an ;alelnlin, display of ",lies of lord N el~ n , hi s oflicen <strong>and</strong> men,<strong>and</strong> of H.M.S. Vlm>ry he!"$Clf. Tea wu aTT1ln~ RI IheN.A.A.F.I ., R.N. BlftackJ, .nd Ihen wc returned to Sherborne,the lana of the $Ca $Iill beina wilh ut.(D.Il.F.)Rin r Dart•••Pala.loa ZooIt was a w.rm bUI overcast day when the partyllel off for their trip which w •• to include a journeyby boat from TOlne. 10 Danmouth <strong>and</strong> a viiit toP.ianl{}n Zoo. F{}nulllllely it remai ned fine,although the river trip would bave been evenmore enjoy.ble had il been wumer.The journey by train W31 not witbout interest, particularlywllere near Oawlilh the railway rons nlonalhe waR We ~re,however, rather la IC in reachina TOIMS, having been delayed atEleter, Rnd this necessitated a du,h from Ihe stulion 10 the quay ­with our own police C$C(Orl !The IreMllnd . Iope. down to the ban .... of the Dart <strong>and</strong> SOmel uxuriou~ boathousc. were mOll impreu ivc <strong>and</strong> we found interelttOO in Ihe suaulls whleh ICC(l mpanied Ihe launch <strong>and</strong> WCTe tameenough to take food flom the h<strong>and</strong>. of ";}me boYI.Ihvinl arriv«l at OarlmO Ulh wilh all our tinge .. complele woem.ade I shorl lour or the town before crolSin, lo Kiopwear <strong>and</strong>our train 10 Pnianton Zoo. where there was much 10 be _noThe monkeys were, as usual, amon,lhe 01011 popular animal. butthere "'ere many olher interulin, e~hib i l l <strong>and</strong> a fine tropicalaardcD. also QOn l ~inill& the .llipton <strong>and</strong> snakn. These "'-e redisplayed;n luftoundinp ;mitalina u near I. p

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