Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls

Fosterian Magazine 1965 - Old Fosterians and Lord Digby's Old Girls


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THEFOSTlmIANOCTOHEll • • <strong>1965</strong>

GOVF.R.1'IIORS OF TH E SCHOOLMr. H. F. W. Houou(Ooortr_)Mr. O. O'H ... " I.O!

No. CLVOCTOBER, IMSCO:\'TEI\"J'Sforeword .• 1 Vi';" .. '"The lI ~adnlllmr Post~ ... minat;on aCl;'fili« 22School NoteS , Soo;lel .... alld AC\lvitiHro~rwkr" Se .....;.:.•. Ho .... NOles <strong>and</strong> O;>cn DayFootlnlL I' u~nu· AuocialionSpm;II Crou-Counl'Y DayAlhlCIicJ G.C.E. R .. ul\,Tenn.i, V,lel,." Swimrnill,Par~nu ' Ilveni.,"Commonen· ConcIenCric:~et " <strong>Old</strong> Boys· NOII/I "fOIlEWQ RI)I ..'ould li\:;1O 10 IHnk the Govt-mon. Stalf. paRlI" <strong>and</strong> boys(Of' tile friendly welcome ",blch they h.o.V(O ai""' 10 me <strong>and</strong> myfamily linc:o: I \ook Ul' my appo;n'",,",I" HNdrnaller;1I Jalluary.<strong>and</strong> 10 upre_ my appreciau

Can ~ integrate.,! inlO the State 5Yllem of eensive, gTammlr <strong>and</strong> I'1rb1ic JChools, fromcxpcriencW IIChoolmastcn, aDd undoubfedly mMny of the boY'hI~ diKussed these lectures with tl>cjr l"'retltl. It co.nnOI beemphasized 100 i trongly that il i. the pup;b " 'ho maller, I nd theirinterests mull take priorify. W. "'"1\1 Our pupib .nd dtild~ n to*,OW up 10 be: pwpic wilh • kDJI: or purp

m E n nUMAST£RMr. C. 11.. W. fmlcit, a.JC.. "'.... (axoN). loot Uti hi' appoiul'mellt at Headmute. in Jonuary. <strong>1965</strong>. Pnoviou!oly be had held aDappoilltment u u AYiIlaOI Masler It Bhmdell'l Sc:aooI, Devon,&fte. ..... rty ~&bl yean .. I Headl\\Utr' in Tanpnyib. He fint_01 ... Id. I ... EUI Africa as Head-mutet or Mbeya &bool. "jllnior 00-«1 ..... 60 ..... 1 boudillllClIool for Euror-a pupils, <strong>and</strong>"IS IlIbHqllClltlJ appointed tbe finl Hradma_\er of SI. Midlacl',<strong>and</strong> SI. OeorJe" School, a DeWtecondary OHdllCalionaJ boardilllIdtool r ... t Oft. SOD Eu .... peant.Wore lOin' .... IIO Africa. M •. f ... IIldl 'NU Second Mutc,<strong>and</strong> _io. Cbtmillt)' Maltcr at Wo,klOp Colltae, whtre be ......• 110 the CIIrccn Mlltc.-, <strong>and</strong> served for len yean u a HO_m.:lOI ....Mr. Franc!, i, married wilh IwO children, a boy <strong>and</strong> a sirl.SCHOOL NOTESWc are VCT)' .... tcrullo tbe _Dlhtn ... r!be French depan_Sfall" ment of <strong>Lord</strong> 0ieby's Scboo~ to Mi .. Dew <strong>and</strong> 10 Mr.Letri,... for comin, to our aid ia Ihe Winter Term. Ou.new Frmdl miller, Mr. R. L lo ..-cock, loll ..... (CAN,...I.), took upbit d~ ill JaD .... t)'. He bIo, rcoc:nliy U ...... I 11 Culrord. but_ of ..... upcricnce Iw beelI at WCllmi.a.stCl" So.:hool.We were tort)' thal Mt. Dea.y"1 .Iay witb M ..... oalt It ....porat)I : we thallk him ror ftlliq !be broadI \IIIul • new En,mhmutet could tau Ip lIi. IJ>POIla1mont. Mr. L R. V. l.ewill ill theCl"' Head or !be E .... isb DepanIlWrtI <strong>and</strong> midenl master inch& .... of tho IIOIIrdiD& House. Mr. Le ..;, i •• paduate ofClml>ridae.Dd ""me t ... us from ehtlt.nldm Onm ..... So.:IIooI.M r. Trend left us It the cnd of 1he Slimmer Term 10 lale •post It Winlrin&ham Boy.' Grammar So.:hool, Grimlby. Wethank M r. TrenJ for the Ihree yelln he 'penl wi th u. IDd, inpartlcular. mention mull be made or hi. "'orlt in connOClion wilhtIN Duke of Edioburab awanl a

I!1Ilrlnce 10 Colle~ of Ed~caljon ; to O. F. Goldlack 11 beinlaca:PI~ by the B.D.C. 10 take a .... ndwic:h ek:clronlC5 mgi.....erin,g-.r " .... rd,Duke of Edinburl,b', Scheme; to J. N. Goode on WiDOiJql theNorth Dorset <strong>and</strong> Dorset Inlermediate CI'OM-COllnlry I1ICC:I <strong>and</strong>bein, sel.cted 10 ~p~DI Dorset in lbe EnJIish Schools' Championshipsa, Cold ...... ; ,n R. G. Len ...... d on being chosen 10 runfOT Non" I),)rsel in the Ooroei Secondary School,' cron-oountry.sr;e, <strong>and</strong> 11$0 011 rep~nling the C(lUnIY a, CokhC$ler ' to R. E.G. War.ham, O. G. ReddiclitT., M. R. Sawl.ll, J. N. Good •. H.HoCIf at the NorthOo/Wt othletics meetin,g. Lew;., Pullin <strong>and</strong> Reddiclilfe camesecond in Ihei, events, Wa",h~m WOIl hi. , ~"d S""'ldl. Ooooe <strong>and</strong>Hoddinolt nll e51nbli.hed record. in winnina their event. ; to N .HoddillOlt who represented Dorset in the All £Dgl<strong>and</strong> AthleticsChampOonshirs ; to R. A. Heat)unan <strong>and</strong> P. M)'lel1 On b

On We

A party of SiJth F(lrmors from lrd Dil;by'lSchool <strong>and</strong> FQU~r'. aueoded a

a..;.U .. AWH_On MoDday. 3rd May, I. pan or1l1O ChriIWm Aid.. ~k. ofJIIDilallocaUy by the SIIe,lMlme eo.ncilof Churc ....... colournl IIh .. , "Oay.za", __IlIown. ThiI portn.yW. ",_Ai", of the Ip;.­.,.Jt"n.J <strong>and</strong> e,hationaJ work hri1Il done It Qayaza Hip School;11 U~. h _ pref.-.ed by. Uo« talt, ai~n by Mr. Lltham"ho .. hoIIonry ...... ral SCCf'eUIry of ShcrborM Orm .... Aid.A number of boy. were oollflnned in tM AbbryC ... ,,,,.tIotI 0 11 May l\I'I.b by ArnhlMsl>op Lon:I Fls~r . C<strong>and</strong> ..dates h.ld bem p~part'd 1\ the School by Rev.D. I. Coote. <strong>and</strong> ... u .. Ifaleful to him for si";'", ap to m",," of"" time 10 the 00}1.On Wed ... lday, 14th July. the Sixth Form ~nt toSiJ'.n by St. Paul to T,mlllhy,t.kin, .. hitlnt, " Be thou an u.mplc of tile believer, In ... ord, IDeoll~ ,n t i"n. in charity, in .pirit. ill faith, ill purity." (A.I.H.)Mr. C. Walk,nl, Sectetary of tile Ycovil <strong>and</strong>8i~" Di~lrict ImuICh of tbe Oidcons International~."- .."- I 6h0f1 talk at momi", luembly on July 20th.A copy "'" !be GKIcon Bib .. _ pr$lIlcd III each.... mber of !be ~ 1.To celebnte tbe md of the 0 level eumi .... ti" .... aBar-... lNI.beeIoe..,.. bcld on tbe 20th July in the prdtrUI "ftheBNrdin, 1i1lUM>. Whilst iI _mad that cftT)'I'hc",.110 ud rain tlllt cvc.nilll- mirac;ulollll)' IM nin held 011' inSlletbome. T. bl6 1' .... ~ oul round an open clutcOf.l fire• I

upon ,"lticb "'\1$11" <strong>and</strong> dIops "~re ma'ted. After tile food, •sidl-lOll& ..... hrld .11 tile hall.III the Sprill& Ind Summer tel'lllll. "l' look pariGr..in IW(> I)'mnLSlic COmpel1lion, witb WoodroffcC-P'dl'- School. Lyme Re';l. AI home....., ,"on by thenarrow marlin of one point. bUI wc .ulfered •di"'JIPOinuna defeat hy 68 points 11 Lyme. Ho_., bolboompelitJon, were IIlQII enjoy.bIe <strong>and</strong> we look fOl"fllOro 10 Olbenin IIIe neu fIIlure.(s..JLT.)s-n;,.Fo. I CUfIl'e, Sboerborne teaioI- ~tJ dcQOod. 011 I.. mill lrip Ih.. )'Ql'. 1lIcrefore. Ifter weeks of.:.x~1ooI fl'CparaliOtl, a party 01' _ IIId !be ta>..ior KOlIlIt..dc. Itn Shnbo.. on 31" July by tnlill forColchntc.. We IAen . ·ern to WCS{ Musea by "'.11 ..,d wereIIUn OIl bof,rd llIe 44ft. ~uer SMlk, I con"frled IIshiq CUI~,by lbe Jltippcr <strong>and</strong> 0"l\CT. !'der Nidn.TIle followilll dI~. Itlllina: I I j I .m., we mac\o IM ai,llly_fou.milt crow,i.lll l Cl Ostcnd ,,'ilb I aoo

...-Pref_ ... s. ... Pnf«ts, 1964-5,. r..t _ _ E HJoroc~ (Haod 8Qy~ I. Il. huy (0.1>"'1 I1ead 1IoJ),M. S. 1' ...._. S. D. Nn .......S.l'>d .... - D. B. Eu.oolT. J. C. C. H ....... P. W. I."" ... 11. ~.a",,..P. G. H. S .... vnoo.Dot bSW>-Profoel - 11.. J . D. 0 ......•*~FuIIlflfOCll-M. S. f'A-.o< (0."'''1 Ileod 10)-). J. C. C. Hu.t>, I). I .,~SooIo-r..tm _ H. I'uLUN.","In CUp _ ~ ....", 1· . Form CUP _ Form I· . Form Cup - Form vP.T. C\q>- f'or1It 11P.T. Oop _ r."..,. InP.T. Cup - Form nm ... 114. YOU «>1_ dunn. lhe )/Ut '0< ,he So ... ,he Child .. "Fund. Amona: ",he, 0011 ... ;.,.... LI~ l •. 6

in ehc1ni$lry <strong>and</strong> biolo",. In the Physics Ilbo,.,ory, there wu •ft.l .. 0( • hike undetuhn by Shcrbome tmlor ICOUU includiqK¥1mII FOJ~r's boy1 in NON'ay. A CllreoeT1 u.hibilion 'IlI'J,'arruaed Illd Mi. Bceby, the Area Youth Empl0lmenl Olllcer,wu In Itundana:: 10 _Mft!' pareou' qUCM. A Ii IQ was IhowndcIo;ribin, the: Duke of Edinhurdl Award IoCheme <strong>and</strong> Ibm: ,"'U.,LUN: dISplay of campin, <strong>and</strong> Ciyil lkfcnoe equipment. TIO'Vfootball mltcbes _re in proaras 011 the 1Id4. one apiMl !beDorJd Farm hutilule. Gym displaY' "cre liven by oerWlImembers of FOnDIll, 1ll.1Id IV.At IIroe ead of the: aftCI1lOOII, refresh_1I11 ..'ere tervuI iD theH.D <strong>and</strong> pllTentl "'CfC pver. an opponunity of meetin, membenof tile M.If.PA II.J.:N1'S' ASSOCIATION. I~'The ASIOCialion's rim }l:1r bu jut elKkd. M"",bertJlipi""reaJe

The committee r~11 that i, wu lime the ASKW:iation fulfilledonc of illl aim~ " 10 increase the facilities of Ihe SchooL over <strong>and</strong>beyond those p.ovided by public monie1:' Mr. Fraori. _ plo

&ttal pleasure <strong>and</strong> utisIaaion 10 us in the SdlOol 10 sec thishappc-nilll - 1101 only ~U5C wc ha\lt" • sincere regard ror thempcno .. ally <strong>and</strong> for their fulure, but also beeau!C tbC'ir ............_mean lhat ""c are nOI fai linllO fulfil onc of our principallalb alaGrammar Sebool _ namely 10 prepare able bo) .. for HigherEducalion. I fed, myself, lhal il would be eJl tremcly unfortunaleif allylhin, ","ould happen 10 this <strong>and</strong> 10 other GOlmmar Schoolswhieb midtt collCleivably prejudi« their abilily 10 fulfil llIis rolcs\lCOtSSfu.lly. "n.c Hca

F~ PrluoVI.. I. R. I'n~ ..VII.P.O.l/Tr.'D.IIVIl. £. O. w..... """"IV C. ,. D~111 S. M. 1'IIVIOP11 p, 11. D ...... o:JNS1 R. W....uB.K.St ......I . C. H...."1'. C. (lkD:.~M.I. H ...J. M. 9 .... CKWELLS.W.N~D . ... SA .... .....H~t~r 'lJ ~aioQmc. forWhich he <strong>and</strong> all the Go>"c.non "-ere e~tremdy ,rat.ful.There followed a speech by P. C. Green, lbe winner of this~,.s Senior Public Speakina Prize, <strong>and</strong> I readin, from Dickensby D. W. lIarris. who had WOn Ihe Senior Readin, l>nu_ Finally.the Head BoY. E. HiJe(H:k. wishod Mr. <strong>and</strong> MR. Su,den su~ce"<strong>and</strong> ,ood fortune al Wcll in8borough. <strong>and</strong> called on the School for"

three dIeer. for tile (iow,non, Headmuter, . IId Staff. Apre5en,-,ion of .. (Jei k-pen <strong>and</strong> paperweilhl waJ tben made 10Mr. SuJden by the Chairman of the <strong>Old</strong> 1'001"";.n AHOCiationon ~h.lr wits ~mben .CKNERA.L CERTIFlCAn: 01' EDUCATION, 1J64-5A.'QCN wdP. Ibo""n _ "'~ /oIa._"" CIoomi

SpriDg. <strong>1965</strong>,- ~Ptuv, I . R. (D) 'S1-6!, Deputy tl~~~ of Ss" Add. Maths., Che", .• ()e(,s.. Wdwk .•Fre., Gen. P.po., C.Ct'.ED

,-,s .... ru., t . fA) '60-~ a.c.£.-O Iroot-Ma'M ., ~. e .... UI ~ F ..... W.111Ot ...... A. (I) 60-). O .c.E.-O ...... - ~..... I ....... "'_loo., Goct......... Cri

ac:hkved in the pUl, a:!l«iaUy the pc. 1; penormance in 1%04,The parents ... ~ D~ 10 take the f~l k:at intcrcH in the boys'.... or\;, Rnd 10 se5lponed from theulual Spring Term I;mi nl becaU5e of the epidemic whi,h tllen laidltalf the School low, .... u he ld On Friday <strong>and</strong> Saturday, the 16th<strong>and</strong> 17th of July. It look the DO'IIl«ch.TIw:: pl ay WCnt ""ell however, well jXlced, <strong>and</strong> sustaining cndibl ytile non.ense of i\$ $Iory.(o\.J.I

Agai n Ih" yur a School pan)' travelled 10BooanH: lO'Oulb Bournemouth to Mar a (Oncen given in theWinter Garden. by the Bournemouth SymphonyOn:htAra, Some: eighty boys alloDded accompanied by Mr.Md(ay, Mr. l'Io.foll< <strong>and</strong> Mr. Griffiths. For an bour the OI'(:I\es­I .... In,,:: .. d the devclopmelll of !he mai n $ln:~m of music <strong>and</strong> of theorchestra in p:ln;cuiar, win" among otllen, illustrations fromMo:r.arl, Beethonn, Berlioz a.nd. Ovorak.On 9th December, over slwenty boy. <strong>and</strong> IlIre. mattenB,I. lol went to the Litt le n.eatn:. llrillQl, to sce an adaption ofOlive. Twj~1 by Charles Did.os, The Bristol <strong>Old</strong> VieCompany pre~ntw the play <strong>and</strong> wc much enjoyed Ihit pre.Cbri.tmu entertainment. Our thank. go 10 Mr. Deasy formaltinllhe n«

(Iuch as cllllainina <strong>and</strong> roofin, ftlt) or for electrical insulation.Quile. large p roportion Or llle produas is exported. (N.W.O.)On Friday, 21'1 May, K party of about twen ty boYICoTeIltr)' accompanied by Mr. Norfolk <strong>and</strong> Mr. Crouch travelledClIbtdral by waeh 10 Coventry to o.tt the new call1ed,","Shortly after our arrival we were given a lectureby a member of the C'lhcd r~1 Education Staff on the cathedral <strong>and</strong>the hi.t

an ;alelnlin, display of ",lies of lord N el~ n , hi s oflicen <strong>and</strong> men,<strong>and</strong> of H.M.S. Vlm>ry he!"$Clf. Tea wu aTT1ln~ RI IheN.A.A.F.I ., R.N. BlftackJ, .nd Ihen wc returned to Sherborne,the lana of the $Ca $Iill beina wilh ut.(D.Il.F.)Rin r Dart•••Pala.loa ZooIt was a w.rm bUI overcast day when the partyllel off for their trip which w •• to include a journeyby boat from TOlne. 10 Danmouth <strong>and</strong> a viiit toP.ianl{}n Zoo. F{}nulllllely it remai ned fine,although the river trip would bave been evenmore enjoy.ble had il been wumer.The journey by train W31 not witbout interest, particularlywllere near Oawlilh the railway rons nlonalhe waR We ~re,however, rather la IC in reachina TOIMS, having been delayed atEleter, Rnd this necessitated a du,h from Ihe stulion 10 the quay ­with our own police C$C(Orl !The IreMllnd . Iope. down to the ban .... of the Dart <strong>and</strong> SOmel uxuriou~ boathousc. were mOll impreu ivc <strong>and</strong> we found interelttOO in Ihe suaulls whleh ICC(l mpanied Ihe launch <strong>and</strong> WCTe tameenough to take food flom the h<strong>and</strong>. of ";}me boYI.Ihvinl arriv«l at OarlmO Ulh wilh all our tinge .. complele woem.ade I shorl lour or the town before crolSin, lo Kiopwear <strong>and</strong>our train 10 Pnianton Zoo. where there was much 10 be _noThe monkeys were, as usual, amon,lhe 01011 popular animal. butthere "'ere many olher interulin, e~hib i l l <strong>and</strong> a fine tropicalaardcD. also QOn l ~inill& the .llipton <strong>and</strong> snakn. These "'-e redisplayed;n luftoundinp ;mitalina u near I. p

Mr. H. F. w. Hotmcs. Deputy HeadlllalOler of Sllerborne School,rounded ofh $eriet oflllu .... hich h.d hem initiated in the SpringTerm by Mr. E. T. Bameu. Ileadm.ncT of St. Aldhelm's, <strong>and</strong> Mr.J, Wallon, Headma5le. or Beaminste. (Comprehen.jve) School.All spolec of the typesofcducation ... ;111 w'ich they were intimatelyconn~ed .Mr. I . Gibb sa"'" conducted tour of the 'dig' being carr'edOUI in the ,round. of Sherbome Abbey <strong>and</strong> also gave a talk on theold mOQ.l$lery. Mr. A. 8. Gourlay lave us a conducted tour ofSherborne School.The S;~l h . nd Fif'h Forms enjoyed an .mming <strong>and</strong> informalivetalk on journal ism by Mr. D. Mifdenhall.A visil "'11$ made tu Ihe Sherborne Magi.trates' Court whercboY' wcro Ible 10 walch the Ir;:l1 of vlriouS motorinloffences.Mr. M. J. Cod,burn of Ilillleld Manor pve IwO mcmbe". ofVia In inli,hl iOlo ";lin, by ,akinll"em;n his ooal 10 LulworthCove rrom CM$tl~ Cove, Weymoulh.Very 800d use " 'af made of the Icnnis courts in this period<strong>and</strong> in puti~u l ar wc cnjo~ d matche, " it h senior pupils of St.Ald helm', School. (R .E.n.) .For .. VAfter luly 9th. wben mosl oflhe "0" level examinations W

Duke of Edi .... I1:. '.A .... nI Sc • .,_AI Ihe ... ginning of the scbool year,eighl«n boys from Form V began 10wor~ for th~ Silver . .... ard <strong>and</strong> all membersof Form IV for fI,e Bronu. It ,,"11$,t~fore . a ,rea' d;""ppo;nlm~n' Iha, rrom this luge numberonly four boys. IWO I 1 each level, pined Ihe; r n,ard •.The Expedition otaion proW;d 10 be POP"!..' wilh all the boys ;ecruinly untU$peclW qualilics of determination <strong>and</strong> ingenuityWere disooverro. H o~ver. fev., boys ...,re able 10 tackle IhePunuits ~c1ioo with the ""-me 'pinl, <strong>and</strong> it is [rus section that i.repnlcd as oDC of the IWO most important.First Aid '.. iniDI ...... givm \0 Form IV by Mrs. G. G. 0=0,"GoVffoor of ,he Se 001, a nd Civil o.:fenc:o. training 10 II>e Silvere<strong>and</strong>"brn by Ihe Sbcrbome C.D. Officer <strong>and</strong> hi. assiotant. TheScllool il m"" entefullo 1hem for thei r bell'. (~ . T .)About ci~leen boys joined the Woodwork SocietyWood ..""k <strong>and</strong> Activity Groups. Mo.1 of these were sixthformen who availed themseh"i:s of the opportunityof mating a breat ... ith mo", academic studies. 6nding H<strong>and</strong>i.cran I reluing <strong>and</strong> &a_times re ...'ardin, hobby.A variety of projects wu undertaken includin, several table.laminated turned pieca, litlndard lamp' <strong>and</strong> a reflecting telescope.The few junior memt>en continued with their normal classmodels.The Society. now opern(ing in the old Cadet Hut.PrkIlJ., proolKlCd, among other things, the S"'vi~ Sh«u forFounder', D .~ <strong>and</strong> the Carol Service. proJramm ... forSpocch D a~ <strong>and</strong> the Commoners' COllCt:rt !!.Dd the <strong>Old</strong> Boys'Dinner tickets. From hlluary onwards the Society met onFriday afternoons <strong>and</strong> new/'nnion were enrolled. Foot, J. N. A"studitd prim;n, IS hi. D. 0 E. pursuit.

The Gylll Cub met .... 1II13r1)' during tile period, toe( " 'de(;,._ for Kt,vitia Ind iOO:ictlft. There wtre lboUI I",enl),memben in exb &rOup. Durinc liIe count 0( tbe )"Uf,I)'mnallic:l <strong>and</strong> vultilll wtre pnct~ Ind cood proJlft$ WlSmack by many boy&.It is hoped llut IlIil society whicll mccu llIree timesS l~t" F_ JXr tenD .... ill pia)' In imponlnl pan iD llIapingSodetyp~th fo"" opinion, <strong>and</strong> the produclion of I map.l:incfor this purpotoe i, btina considered.1I is proposed 10 hold I formal debale once a tenn, hutdc!;pite tbe lad: of enlhulilll;'; Ipcatcn as yet, inltrell IIIdentbUpalm may _11 &rO'" I. tbe iOO:icly becomes csl.lblidied.Arter SO_ Vet")' welcome Idvice from Rc:w. W. Stacey,Sodal ... bo also prtWIded III ini'li.alliJl of potential "CUltomers H ,Scn-Iot the boys IuYe iellled 10 I rO\llld of Vl.rio\lll a«iviricl-.. rdenin" VIP.., takinc tM do, fo r I WIlt 0, jllll tilten­In&- It hal not b«n altoeethe, ea$y; many old folk wm: nolpIInicular1y aruiom to be viailed, <strong>and</strong> il is especially diftlcult forthe younlC1" boys 10 fil in ... ilh tile requi .... ments of IM old folk.Bat lboy ha." t,ied ut .... ltK[y _11 Ind destrYe credit, 11 .... ell asfor llio;~ i nc to il. Tht: older boY', more adaptable <strong>and</strong> moreuporicaocd, Iu." fOllnd il easier : tl\cy loo de..,rve praise.Thil a«ivi t ~ ClnllO!. by ill nalure, be anythia, bill completelyvQlunl.ll1)' ": it ..... 1I prollably remlin comP'!,atlvdYloDlaU, bUI il hasthe potential for Vllu.able " 'ork <strong>and</strong> tralllina:.J ... or BootSodetyThi. mety ...."" ~tancd in September <strong>and</strong> memberlhipil oJXn 10 boys in Forms I· 111. III limsare 10 cncouraae Ihe Use of the LibrlrY Ind 10fO,ler the disclluion of boob whicb membenAbouI 1"..,lI ly boY' elected 10 join the Debalin,Debldlll Society. Their Ip·ran&c spanned I .... ~ hoot Indtbis led 10. CCTt.Iin amount of diffic:ully ill Ibe doke0( .uil.lble lubjccu for debate. !to wever, an c/fort WIll made tocaIn for . 1I 11i1tl1 l nd I mon, the topics discuucd Wlllhe armin,of the fIOlioe. modem advertisin, technique" the uso of modeminiCCIicldcl <strong>and</strong> the problem of ~ongeition iD our citiet. R. Edomwas Ihe secretary of the lOCiety <strong>and</strong> other members "'ho too kprominent paT\5 in the debutCl were R. Preston. 1. Btaelr.wcll,T . Ihnlley Ind D. FUl utQn.

S i ~teoen memben dra\Oll from Forl1lJ 11 , ,,d VI 'l~ rtrd5 .... 3"" sbootia, in the Sprina Term &.lid Spelll some inleruunane! insln>CIi~ aftemoODS iD Sberbomc Sc:booI C.C.F.lIl;aiatllrc ransysArt .~ Craft worked in a variety of med .. includinl e ..,.scraper-board <strong>and</strong> 0011 •., or Upc:rilM1lled III"{ree'" p3in!in,. 111 the Sum ....... tc:nn, small Il'0ups bepn acuI-paper mll .... 1 of pan of Cheap Street aJId eompl."te4 a talc~l of $0_ GeolJian houon ..... ilc indlvHIual boys med thei.h<strong>and</strong> at o utdoor durcoal <strong>and</strong> dulk Iketcha . nd inc:i1oCd Rom;tnlcttcrin. OIl chalk slabs.The meetill4' of !he IoOCiety oontinPOd to be "'eUStlutl8c H cI nnende4, WIth 5eV'Coty ••• normal fI,IlrC, <strong>and</strong> onG~gNl ph lul the occasionl when otber ~ties W(!rc 11.01functioning. as many at • hundred boys.Of lhe talh, the moU intereltin., <strong>and</strong> 11.01 merely becau!Ie ith~ppenod to be clooely linl

A DeW VflItllCe in tbto musicallif .. of the sebool wuan innrumc-ntal ,rOl'p collli;ilinalargdy of violilllwbicb ..·u fnrmed in the Spring ·rerm. !)ftpitethe great variation in ability rangin, from beginnersto advanced players, we 1Il.ln3ce

as 11011 ... MI,tcr. Hi, reJUlar advice - "If you eannot help lheHou~ then do not moon if" _ was perllap& taken 10 heart inone _~ : ~ did Dot lost as ....."1 poiou I' the other ""usesfor Oetcnli(lftl. Wc also thank Mr. M.Key .. J.o ilu I..Ikea 0Vfffrolll Mt. Hulmc <strong>and</strong> Mr. Norfolk for tbar uthllliNm <strong>and</strong> helpdunn, the )'tilt.111e Boardin", li ollle IuI. for many run been tile hcarl ofSt. Aldhelm"1 a nd now. ua.dcr the llICO~ilulion 01 the hou'M:l.,boarden will be in School H o .."",.NO( quite ~ftOwi". 11011' ..-beremy Ioy.lty lies, I wish both holl_. vcryMPf'J' 'uIU,.. (H,r .)St. 8He'.HOIllemalier : Mr. E. A. DAVI'HouliC Cap.ian : M. S. FAI

Wc gaiM

H o~~ r, II'IOtl of the preKl\t aide .... iII be .... ilable: nest KUOII <strong>and</strong>11 • resull 0( this year'. prov- tMy lhould form • .uefu] <strong>and</strong>upnicncd leam. The Paulley Medal for 1100: rrtOSI improvedp~)'CI" wal '''''lIrded 10 R. B. Willi."..,(K,II.)r ....... : Pullin (C.'pl.), Stevt'fU (V/c".C"".), 8radbury. I~ olden,Grill. Cosh, Owen., Bi,.. Guodc. Head, !!utchin,.. J., William •.AIJO pl.~ : Oummt. Rickclt.l. Grccn, € ... nl, ,Hutd\i"". G.w_R ..... 1h~ . <strong>Old</strong> F_ (11)~ . ""-'" 0.$. (A)Y, _<strong>Old</strong> G.1 ( 11) .. . .Y. SC ........ L~ kePI (11)Y. St..,-. $chooI, 8 MOD (11) ..y. 1)0.- Form '''''It .... (H)y. Q,IIi".tuom School fA)v. Shal'l .. bul')' G.s. (H)v. 8J.!>df"rd a.s. (A) . .y. S~ 0 .5. {A} . .y. CoIf01 SdII, Bndbon (A)Y. Wood...., 5

,.. """ ......'" •. WuMtan',S~ I!ed

s..w I. Ooodo2. Gri$.). Ilu"'~ln .. , I.Ti .... :)7 mI .... IH oteS.J....". I . LcMard2. lI""'bi ..... O.).11 ........n .... :JJ "'iDl., 1.1 MU.M;- Colli.r_MotSlo2. 1'1.111.,1. l'I,*thTI",. ,17 "'1 ..... )9.4...".ATHu;ncsThe Athletic Sporu were btld at the end of lite sli mmer lerm10 tMt ooy8 h.ld B chance 10 praeri~ th,ouShoU( t~ term. TheWednesday mo

,-­o~-"Ulflit, IIHI"" J .....O~UMiII.aoce 1100.., ......I, ", .. ,oil (D); 1, FiUIer (11): l, MilItJ,.ham (A); l • .....,..anI (D) : •• AnI.HID).Tl,l'IO 2 mi .... , 12.~..,..1. fJ:In ... (A): 2. Bucl;1oy (11): l. Nta

100 , ....o~ .U"'*' I SU,*" URd.yO~.U .... "U .... UI. Sa_ICD) : Z. Grill (D) ; 1. H."cl • .,.. ( 8); Rde .. s CO).n.n. n .s """".I. Roddidilro (,0.); 2, HddillOll (D); 3. Hurule, (B);" E ..... (D). r""" SI.l ......I, N .. d. ("') ; 2. S;""llir (A) ; l. Thomu (D); •• Slloar (A).Time 62.S...... Reoord.I. Greea (D); Z. Watdlam (A); 3. Rd .... (D); • • Uo.coIn(A). To .... 10..1 oocs.1. I!ftnf (D); Z. Reddil:lift"c (A); l . Huoolda .. (A) ; Z. -. (A) ; 1. Shou (A); 4, Sa",.!! (I»).nm.. 12.1 ......I, s~ Ou". .. n·,; 2. St. IIe

o. ......,~~,o. Woo,~,o. Woo ~,o. ~ ~,o."- H'o. W_ IHOf"',"," Scbool<strong>and</strong> LDSo.Tho Slalf. of F","'" ond LD,s, •.U.", 15 Matcll' . SJWIeSb~", V.S.WooSWIMMINGThe ~ were .~jn fortunate to be able to use the ShuborneSchool lwimmina balh:! durin, .be IUru=r lenD, <strong>and</strong> a Dumber of00)'1 have \cam! 10 swim <strong>and</strong> many have passed scbool t.esU.The Swi mmin. Sports ...-ere held I' the cnd of the term <strong>and</strong>tllere wcre several dose 13=. St. Aldbelm', ,",'en: the strongestlJWimminl HOIIK &Dd provided winDcn in moll' than half theevents. They toIalled 85 points. SI. Bedc', pined SO <strong>and</strong> St.Dunitan'147.A Dumber of boys entered for the North Dorset SwimminlSpo'u ~nd as 11 result of this P. Mylclt <strong>and</strong> R. A. Healhman WiOrc!.eluted 10 swim for the North at the County G~ la . R. A. Heathmancame third in his breast stroke event <strong>and</strong> P. Mylett was secondin hi, freestyle event. On the Itrenlllh of this, P. Mylclt wuselected 10 . ",;m for the County in the South West of Engl<strong>and</strong>S"'''mmio, Gala a. Exeter.(It.H.)SdoooI S.t .... lnc Sports It_Its:M,... _ Str.u0_ I. u ... hmLm (D) : 2. F-.- ( lI) ; l. Li_ (A); .t.U ... 1lHoIdezl ( D ).!. T"""" (11); 1. UnroIn (A1; l. V ........ n. J. (D) ; 4.V ... 11Gluie. (A).1. F_, M. (B); 2. Widd_ (A); 1. La_ (A).1" )'

!Cl ,., lIook SI .....0- ,, 1. It ... , tA), 1, Abbotl (D), l. Cooh (8),~. Fano"" (11).U..,.lS .. 1. U _kI lA); 1, Y_. T. (D) ; l . M,I

'R l!Sult.v, Al_t,m 2(l ...... n (H). School }l f". 4. AI_16 fOT 8.v. Don., r .. m In .. i,u .. (A). I "'~~" 60 (C.,.b , for 12).LooI by q-'J S

ReSldb -mnlilrwtl~ , Sbaboo .... l'rq>o.......,. School (tf). Sbabomo I'. 11' f .... , oJco. S

OLD BOYS' NOTESMEMBERS PLf.ASE NOTE ... 800K NOW •••"',""""",,IY. 29tb 1Joftnn .... ,LoUIIj!: SuitsANNUAL DI.I"' NERHaIf·M_ Uote!, SIiotnone7.30 p.m. for 8 p.m.S~k"s:Rev. Canon S. B. W' Non£w Dw.v. wR. W. TU.l£V, Esq. (25- 30).•. E., w .....Will membon plea ... oonflnn by 24.h Oeot:m,,", as. 11nnbooking of numbers .. lilt be made on thlt d~teTICKETS fOl IM DINNER fn)m :The Headma'ter, Foster's School, Sherborr>e (until ISthDecember only); W. G. Pitre. "Fermoy~. Cold HarOOllr. Sher·borne ; E. Hulme, "C",di'on", Cold Hnoour. Sheroorne;R. E. Gear, Morley House. Acremltl. Stro:ct, Shcrbornc: ; C. J.Wigmore. I Kilt Cottages, Bristo l Road, SILerborne : M . W. R,Jobn5, I Queen. Te rrace, Sherbornc: W. G, Huuey. 77aMcCreery Road, Sherborne ; S, J. Love, Kai Tak. 110 PrestonGrove. Yeovil : L. J. Avery. " R i~f$ide", Fi~ ACf6. Sloford.Ycovil : P. J . Tompkins. " Dar.mar", The Avenue, SherOOrne :R. D. Gay. "Moorings", M'lbcme Port. SherOO me: D. C.HUlching>. 23 McC_ ry Road. Sh"bor .... : T . P. Hoskinl. 56Vernalls Lane, Shcrbornc,Menlbtnhip of the Association is now 413 in.ludin&" 206life-members. Since ou' IUI publication fo ur <strong>Old</strong> Boy:! haw be·come li re_mcmbcn <strong>and</strong> twenty.fOIl! hK"C b

R. J . Grist (SS--6S), Lloyds Bank: C. GoI'sack (6J-6S), electronicsenainoc:ring 10.1111 tile a .D.e. : J. C. C. 1I ~.d. (58-65), NOlliniharnTeacher Training College: £. Hi ocock (63-65), Medicine:T. linty (62-65). 10 another sch.ool ; It. A. Heathman (60-65).Met,o""litan PoHct! ; P. W. Luea. (58-65), with Expre!.S Dairies :S. O. Ntttell (61- 65), Midl<strong>and</strong> Bank: G. 1::. NotIMVet (60-65).~nt ique. : D. W. Pront (58-(;5), Royal EXChange A .. urance Co. :11. Nlia (59-65), bleworth POlyt«h.nic : R. E. Rlchus (SS- 6S).computer engin«r apprentice English I!Ieclric ; P. G. H. SCt.CIlS(61-6$). Technical Colkge; K. J. U. (;our.,e (36-4\) life:M. A. V. Morris (43-51); N. J. 1'; ...., (59- 65). blotiog; K. E.00 ....'0. (5(H)3). ",,10' 11f~ I R. T. Blaebdl (57-63). 110 ... lift : " ,O,melt (5&--65); I, R. Ptl1')' (57- 65); J. ud T. Yeoman (60-62).Birth!16th May, \0 Mr. <strong>and</strong> Mr:!. M. O. 8IJho, (56--59), a son : 101 11June 10 A t.-Lt. <strong>and</strong> M". A. G. Hid.. (

The Au." M~1ia&. ml wbi~h tome forty memMrs werepresent. was held in the library OD 31st March. BefOfC theoffi'1 botb for their gift <strong>and</strong> their kind lcuen during tu. illness<strong>and</strong> WlUI IuoPf'Y 10 hope that he would be a ble to cootin"" 10 helpthe A$IOclahOn IS Joint HOIl. Sco;reury <strong>and</strong> editor of the <strong>Old</strong>Boya' Notes. He concluded by b<strong>and</strong> in, 10 the Headmaster ael>l:q...., for i s d(ln~led 10 the $Chool funds by the Badminton Club.The minutes ohht prey;ou. A.G.M. ""'ell: .pproved a. wat theAnnual Report (Mr. Hulm.). The Treasurer'. Report (Mr.R. B. Gear). inClude

The SenO

peales! value". He relt Ihat Ihe prncnt wuthc mmt Ihrillil\j:per­IOd in which 10 bo: asaociatcd in ally waywilh cdUCIIlion <strong>and</strong> bo:~tbose connected .. ilh local proble!ll5 001 10 allow educationaldebates to become a maller of pari)' politics; they ... ~'c far 100impClnant. Replying. our Chairman of Commil1~ Mr. S • .I.1.0'. (46-49) pledged : "Whal.,"cr the fUlure of Fostcr's Schoolwe are right behind you. There is a very good governing bodyIookin, aOer Ihe School <strong>and</strong> lhey can be usured oflhe fuU IU pp ... !of the A~ociaton which also extends a sincere wckome 10 our 001"Hcadmaitu ."Tl>e Dinner was a very .""ccur ... 1 function indced <strong>and</strong> il wasonly 10 be regretted that wimry conditio"" prevented the attend_aooe of some rnorco dIStan t m.m"'rs who bad fully intended 10 bewith us.A furlhtr reminder: ~ <strong>1965</strong> .u-al DUo.c, ... ill be onW"'~.Y, 19th Dece .........NEWS FROM FA R AND NEARAbrntuI.- Wc ...."., ,·cry pleuod indeed 10 bear again fromW. 11. (Bill) 0_ (23-32) who wrote recen tly from Panama. Weoongnllulate him on hi< aPPlII4 (27- 32). Ji ..Gl'ftII (27- 33) <strong>and</strong> Juk Ham.1ia (26-3J) "'hom he congratulal.. on lilill lurning OUI for lhe <strong>Old</strong> Boys' cricket match. A.he IS oflen laid in Suva Harbour or New Zeal<strong>and</strong> or Australianports he wou ld ""elcome any 5elmcn O.F.'s - <strong>and</strong> we have quitea numbtr no,,', ",hQ oould pay him 3 call. From MontrealJ .... C. h". (52_59) reports that be i. nDW a Roll' RoyceTeehnical Reprellentalive attached to Air Canada dealing ",ilh theDverlutul <strong>and</strong> "'pair of the "Tyne" engine poweriog Vanguardu",raft <strong>and</strong> reporting on Lhe effects of opcr.tion on these engines.His nanoec <strong>and</strong> be. enthusiastic d:icN, ha~ been to the LaurcntianMountains IInd slso the Adirondacb in New York State <strong>and</strong> bavealso visi ted Atlantic City, New York", "Illadpoo]". Quebec <strong>and</strong>"

Ottawa. They all! ret ... rning to Derby in OctOber 10 &et married.He finds Cana\lian French very difficult but th~ people mostcharming. lpendilli hi. salary far 100 euy <strong>and</strong> a sad lack ofl'ooreading mutcriat which noccssitales the wee kl y purchse 11 theSunday Tint~~ al a COSI of 3/4d. While in En &l<strong>and</strong> he plan. 10spend 11 short lime in Shuborne. G. ~'. C. CrIsp (36-39) wllo ;.bilingual, flavin&: .pent hi, early ooyhood in Bel&ium. i. nOWassistant manager of tbe We

15th December: A. Eo H. S"tfl (20--24) i. oDOe apin Chairman.ofSllerborne U.O.C .• nel "'3' reee nwre often the beauticsof DOne! _ such a contraJt to the flat ES$u COaltline. C. J .And"WI (13- 17), M.P.S .• ha. retir«! <strong>and</strong> at prc""nt i, livina inSheroorne. J. M. flrr (50-55) i. now a wool salt' representative.nd living in Yeovil ; R. J. SJltr,,'ln (38-44), "U., A.M. P.T.t., hatmo...ed to Guildford on taking. new ap]Xlintment a.! A~istanlCounty l'Iannin, Officer; D. P. Bur&e (55-62) has B pl)U atPbyIical EducatiQn leacher a' Buckler'. Mead Schoo], Yeovil ;R: A. Pa"JeY (58-63)•. artificer apprentia: R.N. ~ hoped \0 completeIm shonened course ,n H.M.S. Colli"llf(XN/ ,n lhe summer <strong>and</strong>then 10 10 10 lhe Far East ; O. Butt..., (54-60) has gained anHonOUR B.Se. in Civil Engineerine al Birmingham Univ~l"li t y ;K. I.:. Oo ... to. (56-63) traininl in hotel management, has com·pleted 1"'0 yean at Balt~rsea Colic", aDd i$ n

again frol1l J. H. O,..,t (29-32) who i. fBrming al Terrick, neuAyletbury. In 1940 he joined the R.A.F. Regiment in which hetook B commiss;on, <strong>and</strong> su".~d until 1946. His !Teal friend ofKhool days, <strong>and</strong> Itlll today IS H. 1'. M. 1100_ ( 1- :14) t",R.D ..livinJ! withi n visiting distance al Ileadinglon. Oxford. P. A.)151:1 (51- 64) ha. passc.d out hith in the Cade1 Examination 11 Iheend of his 6nt year _t the R. Naval College. Dartmouth <strong>and</strong>,upon ._nful completion of the Mid s hipm~n'~ Ccrtificare, willbe promoted ID Actml Sub.Licutenant ; P. W. Hlttox (58-61)",;nod in J uly the Loughborough Technical CollelC Diplomain Industrial Chemistry ; be ."ill be K wardod the dellree of Bachelorof TechnoloJY in 1966. FinaUy, once again, Wc gratefully ack·n" ...·ledge mllly olher brief bUI very welcome m=ages from agoodly number of ever-loyal members.Obi7I«U)'Wc sioCC'rely 1"C!p"'1 ha~ing 10 T«

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