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<strong>17</strong>-4GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>33,,~===d-L---T./,.; /<strong>17</strong>.48f==='~~~ ,. "II II48.56, , '~29.50, II I:43.00 II "ii iiII IIII "-ii"ii .II "109,47~;~-~h-"II "II" .. ~"" 57 . 3 2f 35.25 42.98 23.72FRONT BUMPERMOUNTING HOLE14:57-z::' ;//:~., I: 'I--'.~r11.6612.04.REAR ATTACHING HOLEFOR STEERINGEAR HOUSING '--(LEFT SIDE, ONLY)FIG. 2-Fairlane.0.65 :!: .03,,' 6.32--12.87~. r--13.64II"" II, II46.36 :!: .09-L :--~-=====1t===-.:-'-"=-:---7 J::=~--' ---=. r -' ---~ --_:::: " II 0-" 1' ====u " II II "":1 11 87.71-STATION WAGON"II"" -'-::;:::-1::--"IIIIIIIIIIII! III~ 75.77-STATION WAGON-68.60-SEDANII -II 81,62-SEDAN: ~ 18128-STATION WAGON' <strong>17</strong>4.68-SEDAN -:====-=-;;;;;~:;~47. <strong>17</strong>-STATION 'E' WAGON---:-" 43 70-SEDAN.NOTE: UNDERBODY SIDES AND DIAGONAL DIMENSIONS MUST BE EQUAL. DIMENSIONS UNDER 100'HAVE A VARIATION OF :to.06', EXCEPT AS SHOWN. DIMENSIONS OVER 100' HAVEREAR ATTACHING HOLEFOR IDLER ARM MOUNTINGUnderbody DimensionsDATUM LINEA VARIATION OF :to.12".:::==L=~~;:/:::::::==~::::::~~~r.~~. ----_..!.~ i:=i42:10+.09I-Ir-REAR BUMPER MOUNTING HOLE- - u -,.0"' " ---7.89 - '. --14.68R120S-B~System For Using Ditzler ZincDust Primer1. Prime the galvanized area withDPE659 Zinc Dust Primer. This isa two-component product <strong>and</strong> thezinc must be carefully mixed withthe vehicle as directed. A recommendedfilm thickness of one milmay be recoated with a lacquer baseprimer surfacer such as DZL3200 inabout twenty minutes. Do not s<strong>and</strong>DPE659.2. Spray primer surfacer DZL3200reduced as directed to a film thicknessof about two mils.3. After drying the primer surfacerabout thirty minutes, carefully s<strong>and</strong>with No. 360 or No. 400 silicon carbidepaper, wet or dry, so as not tocut through the zinc dust primercoat. Blow off <strong>and</strong> tack clean.4. Spray matching Duracryl lacquersas directed <strong>and</strong> after dryingrub <strong>and</strong> polish as required.All material coatings may beforce-dried. Careful manipulation isrecommended.ACRYLIC ENAMELSAcrylic enamels exhibit betterbetter hardness, mar resistance <strong>and</strong>gloss retention in metallic colors thanthe ordinary enamels. Acrylic enamelsalso posess the property of goodpolishability.Following are recommended repairprocedures for acrylic enamels:Repair By PolishingRepair of minor dirt or fallout,sags, mars, scratches, dry spray,overspray, <strong>and</strong> orange peel can beaccomplished by machine or h<strong>and</strong>polishing or by both s<strong>and</strong>ing <strong>and</strong> polishingwithout the necessity of repainting.Repairs of this type shouldapply to an entire panel while spotrepairs should be attempted only inisolated areas.The suggested polish repair procedureconsists of:1. Remove the defect by oil s<strong>and</strong>ingwith 600 grit paper, using wateror mineral spirits as a lubricant.2. Apply a white or light coloredmedium grit machine polishing compound(Sno-Flake No. 16 or equivalent)to the painted surface with abrush.3. Polish the entire panel surfaceusing an 1850 rpm wheel <strong>and</strong> a carpetpad (approximately 5/8-inch nap)or lambswool pad.4. Buff the surface with a cleanlambswool pad.Normally, acrylic enamels do notneed polishing to improve their gloss;however, the foregoing procedurecan be used to restore the originalluster to the film after weathering,or to improve the surface smoothnessof the finish on the entire car.Repair By RepaintingAcrylic enamels can be repairedby repainting with either conventionalair drying or low bake enamels, orwith acrylic lacquers. When repaintingmetallic colors, it is recommendedthat acrylic lacquer be used since abetter color match can be obtained;both the original finish <strong>and</strong> the repaircan be polished to provide thesame luster, <strong>and</strong> the air dry acrylicrepair lacquer will provide betterdurability in service than air dryenamels. Do not use Nitrocelluloselacquers for exterior repairs.When using anyone of the threetypes of repair materials over acrylicenamel, remove all traces of wax,polish or grease with a good siliconeremover such as DL-60-372 I-A. Itis extremely important that a thoroughs<strong>and</strong>ing of the original finishbe accomplished using No. 400 gritpaper. Care should be exercised toinsure that all surfaces, includinll

<strong>17</strong>-6GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>edges <strong>and</strong> areas adjacent to appliedmouldings, are thoroughly s<strong>and</strong>ed inorder to provide adhesion of the repairtop coat. Areas s<strong>and</strong>ed to thebase metal (cut through) should betreated with an acid cleaner such asMetalprep (distributed by AmchemProducts Inc.). Follow the directionsof the supplier as stated on the container.After s<strong>and</strong>ing, proceed with theapplication of a primer surfacer reducedaccording to the supplier'srecommendations to any bare metalspots that have been exposed. Afterthe recommended air dry time, s<strong>and</strong>the primer surfacer with No. 400grit paper before application of therepair material. The lacquer orenamel used should be reduced asrecommended by its supplier.PAINT DEFECTS ANDREPAIR PROCEDURESListed here are some of the abnormalpaint conditions that may beencountered (Fig. 4). It is very importantto identify the paint conditioncorrectly so that the properrepair procedure may be followed.For each of the following paint conditionsdescribed, the recommendedrepair procedure will be indicated.BlisteringBlistering is the formation of bubblesor pin points on the surface ofthe finished work. Unless inspectedby a magnifying glass, this conditionis very hard to identify. In some instances,this complaint may be confusedwith dirt in the paint. Toverify blistering, prick the suspectedareas, <strong>and</strong> note whether a hole existsunder the bubble. This condition iscaused by rust, moisture, or oil betweenthe coats, metal not properlycleaned, or uneven temperaturesbetween the metal <strong>and</strong> the paintbeing sprayed.Acrylic Enamel. Repair by repainting(color coat). Priming proceduremust first be followed ifdefect is due to poor metal preparation.CheckingLine checking has the appearanceof thin, straight lines criss-crossingeach other. These lines may be fromone-half inch to four inches or longer,increasing in length as the finishages.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.(Color coat-primer if damaged.)Chipping And Stone BruisesChipping occurs when the surfaceof the finish coat of paint has beenbroken by a sharp blow, <strong>and</strong> smallparticles of paint have flaked off.Freq1)ently, stone bruises result inchipping.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.Paint may be spotted if in isolatedareas. (Prime the bare metal.)CrackingCracking is evidenced by thepaint curling. Frequently, crackingstarts at the edge of the panel. Thisis caused by poor mixing of paintor by temperature changes duringthe various painting stages.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.(Prime if both color <strong>and</strong> primercracking.)Crow FootingCrow footing may be describedas small lines branching off froma point in all directions <strong>and</strong> givingthe appearance of a crow's foot.Crow footing is usually caused byspraying a second coat before thefirst coat is dry, by spraying an excessivelythick coat, or by thinnerswhich evaporate too fast.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.(Color coat.)Dirt In PaintPatches where dirt appears aresometimes confused with blistering.To verify the condition, prick thesuspected areas, <strong>and</strong> note whetherthere is foreign material under thesurface.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.Procedure will be effective in mostcases. (Color coat.)MildewMildew growth which occursalong radial lines is most commonlyfound in a very dark gray orblack color.Acrylic Enamel. Repair by polishing.Off-ColorThe term off-color is applied toadjacent areas on which the colorsdo not match. It may also appearwhen making spot repairs.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panelif polishing does not correct condition.(Color coat.)Orange PeelOrange peel is a term used todescribe an uneven, mottled appearanceon the paint surface. This isusually caused by improper thin-I;}ing of the paint.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel ifpolishing does not correct condition.(Color coat.)OversprayOverspray is evidenced by arough, dull finish in the area surroundingthe paint repair.PeelingPeeling occurs when large areasof the finish or primer coat separatefrom the metal or prime coat. Thisis usually caused by wax, grease,rust or oil under the paint. Do notconfuse with orange peel.Pits And Pop-UpsPits <strong>and</strong> craters may be identifiedby the appearance of small rounddepressions in the paint. These maybe caused by not allowing the firstcoat to dry sufficiently before applyingthe second coat or from failureto remove silicone polishes beforerepainting.Acrylic Enamel. First use polishrepair procedure refinish panel ifnecessary. (Color coat.)Thin PaintThe primer will show throughthe finish coat as a result of an excessivelythin color coat, or applicationof the color coat before thesurface is dry.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish panel.(Color coat.)Runs And SagsThe uneven collections of painton the finish surface are referred toas runs <strong>and</strong> sags. The collectionsmay appear in the form of teardrops or sagging lines. Usually theselines are quite soft <strong>and</strong> sometimesthey may be wrinkled. This is usuallycaused by over-application of paintor hesitation in the stroke of thegun.Acrylic Enamel. Use polish repairprocedure.ScratchesScratches are thin marks or tearsthat may partially or completelypenetrate the surface of the finishcoat of paint.Acrylic Enamel. Use polish repairprocedure for shallow penetration.Refinish panels to correct conditionsof deep penetration.Spot DiscolorationThis is evidenced by brown spotsor stains on the surface. Stains orspots can be caused by road tar,acid or alkali-bearing water from thestreets.Acrylic Enamel. Use polish repairprocedure.

PART <strong>17</strong>-1-General <strong>Body</strong> Service <strong>17</strong>-7~RANDOM BLJSTERS CROWFOOTING PITS AND POP.UPSSC"RA TCijE:.,..... .' ". .. ... ,;PATTERN BLisTERS DIRT IN PAINT CRATERSWATER SPOTTII'I

<strong>17</strong>-8GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>Water SpottingWater spotting is evidenced by amilky pattern where water dropshave fallen.Acrylic Enamel. Use polish repairprocedure.Industrial Fall-OutIndustrial fall-out is the result ofparticles being exhausted into theair by the various processes of heavyindustry, or in areas where there isa concentration of industry.Industrial fall-out particles appearto the eye as tiny rust-colored dotson the paint film <strong>and</strong> the surfacewill feel rough to the touch. Someof the particles have excellent adhesion<strong>and</strong> are difficult to remove.However, the following procedurehas proven effective in the removalof this fall-out.I. Wash the car with car washcompound (COAA-198521-A) to removeloose soil. Rinse well <strong>and</strong>examine the painted surfaces foriron base fall-out particles. If thereis a significant quantity of fall-outnot removed by ordinary washing,the oxalic treatment should then beused. All cracks, ledges, grooves,etc., where fall-out has accumulatedshould be cleaned by wiping or byair blow-off.2. Dissolve six to eight ouncesof oxalic acid (dry) in one gallonof warm water <strong>and</strong> add one or twotablespoonsful of a non-alkaline detergentsuch as car wash compound(COAA-198521-A). This acid detergentsolution must be prepared <strong>and</strong>kept in a clean NON-METALLICcontainer.Apply this solution liberally to allaffected surfaces of the car with alarge sponge. Use a broad wipingstroke <strong>and</strong> keep the work completelywet for about 15 minutes, or untilthe operator can no longer feel anysurface roughness or isolated grittyparticles with bare or gloved fingertip. If this is not done thoroughly,rust staining may soon redevelop.Be sure that the entire acid cleaningprocedure is performed in a shelteredarea so that the work will bekept as cool as possible to preventrapid evaporation of water <strong>and</strong> consequentsurface drying. Do not workin the sun.3. Rinse with clear water. Thismust be done very thoroughly toprevent possible corrosion.No traces of acid should be lefton any surface. Bright trim parts,particularily anodized aluminum<strong>and</strong> stainless steel, may be stainedby prolonged contact with thecleaning solution. Painted areasalso can be spotted by prolongedexposure. It is also important tokeep the oxalic acid cleaner solutionfrom leaking to the inside ofthe car because some fabrics mightbe bleached or discolored by thesolution.If the fall-out is not completelyremoved or is deeply imbedded inthe paint film, cleaning with theacid detergent mixture must berepeated. This may bt: aided byusing a fine scrub brush, possiblya nylon bristle type. Make surethat the light scrubbing requireddoes not scratch the paint. It issometimes helpful to briskly rubthe work with a mixture of equalparts of oxalic acid cleaner <strong>and</strong>FoMoCo cleaner wax polish (8A-19519-A) using a piece of heavytowelling. Again, a thorough waterrinsing is extremely important.Sometimes small black spots remainafter the oxalic cleaning hasremoved all iron based fall-out. Suchdeposits might be asphaltic or theymight be over-spray. These usuallycan be removed by rubbing vigorouslywith a cloth saturated with amixture of kerosene <strong>and</strong> Actusol(about five parts of kerosene to onepart of Actusol). Any residue of thissolvent mixture may be readily flushedoff with water.Organic Fall-OutOrganic fall-out may result fromparking cars under trees or fromthe air under certain atmosphericconditions.Acrylic Enamel. Refinish damagedpanels. (Color coat <strong>and</strong>primer .)Interior Paint RepairsThe proper matching of colorscan be obtained if the followingprocedures are carefully adhered to:I. Clean the surface to be paintedwith wax <strong>and</strong> silicone remover.2. Feather-edge the damaged areawith 400 grit wet or dry s<strong>and</strong>paper.(Prime all areas of bare metal withM-6J-12S Primer.)3. Mix the paint per instructionson the can <strong>and</strong> spray several lightcoats.Allow the paint to become tackybetween coats.4. Spray the entire area sparinglywith 87A-645-S Lacquer Leveler whichwill blend the repaired area with existingpainted surfaces.CLEANING AND INSPECTIONFLOOR PAN PLUGSAND GROMMETSThe floor-pan plugs seal the variousaccess holes. If any plugs aremissing or improperly installed, adust or water leak may result. Thisalso applies to the grommets usedon the dash panel. When dust orwater leaks are evident, these plugs<strong>and</strong> grommets should be checkedfor proper installation.DRAIN HOLESDrain holes or valves located onthe underside of each rocker panel,quarter panel, <strong>and</strong> door should becleared periodically.BODY MAINTENANCERegular body maintenance preservesthe car's appearance <strong>and</strong> reducesthe cost of maintenance duringthe life of the car. The followingsteps are suggested as a guidefor regular body maintenance:1. Vacuum the interior thoroughly<strong>and</strong> wash the car.2. Check all openings for waterleaks, <strong>and</strong> seal where necessary.3. Cement all loose weatherstripswhich are still usable.4. Replace all door <strong>and</strong> deck lidweathers trips which are unfit forservice.5. Apply silicone lubricant to theweatherstripping.6. Replace all cracked, fogged,or chipped glass.7. Align the hood, doors, <strong>and</strong>deck lid if necessary.8. Inspect the windshield wiperblades <strong>and</strong> replace them if necessary.9. Tighten the sill plate <strong>and</strong> garnishmoulding screws.10. Clean the seats, door trimpanels, <strong>and</strong> headlining.II. Touch up or paint chippedor scratched areas.

PART <strong>17</strong>-1-Genera I <strong>Body</strong> Service<strong>17</strong>-912. Drain holes located on theunderside of each rocker panel,quarter panel, <strong>and</strong> door, should becleared periodically.RATTLE ELIMINATIONMost rattles are caused by a loosebolt or screw. Foreign objects suchas nuts, bolts, or small pieces ofbody deadener in the door wells,pillars <strong>and</strong> quarter panels are oftenthe source of rattles. Door wells canbe checked by carefully striking theunderside of the door with a rubbermallet. The impact made by themallet will indicate if loose objectsare in the door well.In the event that tightening thebolts <strong>and</strong> screws, located on suchassemblies as the doors, hood, <strong>and</strong>deck lid does not eliminate the rattles,the trouble is probably causedby misalignment. If this is the case,follow the adjustment <strong>and</strong> alignmentprocedures for these assemblies.Rattles <strong>and</strong> squeaks are sometimescaused by weatherstripping <strong>and</strong> antisqueakmaterial that has slipped outof position. Apply additional cementor other adhesive, <strong>and</strong> install thematerial in the proper location toeliminate this difficulty.EXTERIOR CLEANINGThe outside finish should be frequentlywashed. Never wipe thepainted surface with a dry cloth.Dusting the finish when it is drytends to rub the dust <strong>and</strong> dirt intothe baked enamel, <strong>and</strong> leaves as<strong>and</strong>paper effect on the surface. Tokeep the finish bright <strong>and</strong> attractive<strong>and</strong> eliminate the necessity of usingpolish, wash the car whenever it hasaccumulated a moderate amount ofdirt <strong>and</strong> road salt.The bright metal parts of the carrequire no special care. Periodiccleaning will preserve the beauty <strong>and</strong>life of these finishes. Wash with clearwater or if the parts are very dirtyuse FoMoCo COAA-19B521-A compound.Using a clean soft cloth ora sponge <strong>and</strong> water, rinse <strong>and</strong> wipethe parts dry. FoMoCo ChromeCleaner may be used sparingly toremove rust or salt corrosion fromchrome plated parts. Do not scouraluminum or chrome finished partswith steel wool or polish them withproducts containing abrasives. AFoMoCo Polish will provide excellentprotection for all bright metalparts.INTERIORCLEANINGUse a vacuum cleaner to removedust <strong>and</strong> dirt from the upholstery orfloor covering. Vinyl <strong>and</strong> woven plastictrim that is dusty can usually becleaned with a damp cloth. Do notuse cleaning materials containingkerosene, naptha, toluol, xylol 100,lacquer thinners, cellulose acetate,butyl cellosol~e, carbon tetrachloride,body polish, battery acid, antifreeze,gasoline, motor oils or othertype lubricants.Approved cleaners B8A-19523-A, or -B, B5A-19525-A, COAZ-19526-A or -B (soft trim cleaners),BAF-19521-A (leather <strong>and</strong> vinyl upholsterycleaner), <strong>and</strong> CIAZ-19C507-A (convertible back window cleaner)are available for service. Instructionsfor the use of these cleaners areindicated with their containers.CARE OF WOOD GRAINPANELINGWashingNever wipe the panels or trimrails with a dry cloth. This methodof cleaning tends to rub dust particlesinto the finished surface <strong>and</strong>leave fine scratches. Flush off allloose dirt <strong>and</strong> other elements, <strong>and</strong>wipe the body panels <strong>and</strong> rails witha sponge <strong>and</strong> plenty of cold water.If desired, a mild soap may be used.Rinse thoroughly with clear water<strong>and</strong> wipe dry.GLASS FIBER TRIM RAilREMOVAL ANDINSTAllATIONThe glass fiber trim rails are servicedwith the wood-grain alreadyapplied. To remove the body sidetrim rails, remove the cap over eachtrim rail screw to gain access to thescrews. Remove the screws <strong>and</strong> thetrim rail assembly.When installing the body sidetrim rail, apply sealer (AB-19560-A)around each mounting hole. Installthe cap retainer, screw <strong>and</strong> cap.APPLICA TION OF WOOD-GRAIN TRANSFERSWood grain transfers are availablefor application to the panels. Thematerials necessary to apply thetransfers are a bonding coat (M-4584), 20% transfer solution of M-54l2-A, <strong>and</strong> clear spar varnish.If the surface on which the transferis to be applied is damaged, repair<strong>and</strong> metal finish first.I. Mask off the area where thetransfer is to be applied.2. Prime-coat all bare metal areas,al'd wet-s<strong>and</strong>.3. Spray the surface with transferbonding coat (M-4584). This coatis the binder for the transfer adhesive.4. Allow the binding coat to airdryfor one hour, or heat-dry(1600 F) for 20 minutes.5. Lightly wet-s<strong>and</strong> the bindingcoat, <strong>and</strong> wipe it dry.6. Make a paper template of thedamaged area, <strong>and</strong> cut the newtransfer to size, using the templateas a guide. Leave about 1/2 inch ofextra material around the edge ofthe transfer to allow for matching<strong>and</strong> trimming.7. Mix a solution of 20% transfersolution M-5412-A <strong>and</strong> 80% water.This solution permits shifting of thetransfer after it has been applied, sothat the graining can be matched.Try a sample of the transfer <strong>and</strong>solution on an old piece of metal orfender. If the transfer cannot bepulled off after two minutes, thesolution is too strong <strong>and</strong> must bediluted with more water.8. Soak the transfer in lukewarmwater for one minute to loosen thepaper backing. Do not remo~e thebacking until the transfer is applied.9. Using a cheese cloth pad, applya 20% M-5412-A transfer solutionto the panel. Any excess solutionthat runs down on adjacentpanels must be wiped off immediately.10. Place the wet transfer on thepanel, paper side out. Adjust thetransfer to match the graining onadjoining panels, <strong>and</strong> carefully removethe paper backing.II. Sponge the transfer with cleanwater to remove all traces of thepaper backing adhesive.12. Remove all air bubbles <strong>and</strong>wrinkles with a squeegee.13. Wash the transfer with clearwater <strong>and</strong> dry with a chamois.14. Pierce any blisters or smallair bubbles as they appear, <strong>and</strong> pressdown the area with a finger to removethe air <strong>and</strong> excess solution.15. Allow the panel to air-dry forone hour, or heat dry (1600 F) for20 minutes.16. When the panel is dry, spraytwo coats of clear spar varnish overthe transfer. Do not use clear lacqueror shellac.

VEHICLE HOISTINGThe unitized body-frame constructionrequires special precautions <strong>and</strong>procedures when the car is jackedup or hoisted. In some cases, specialhoist adapters must be used asrecommended by specific hoistmanufacturers.Refer to the Owner's Manualswhen using the jack supplied withthe car.;c,f,RQNT RAIL TYPE,fORK UFT()RFLOOR JACK CON TACT AREADRIVE-ONTYPE HOISTTo prevent possible damages tothe underbody, do not drive thecar onto the drive-on type hoistwithout first checking for possibleinterference between the uprightflanges of the hoist rails <strong>and</strong> theunderbody. Should there be interference,the hoist flanges should bemodified as necessary <strong>and</strong>/or theapproach ramps built up to providethe needed clearance. ifRONT FRAME CONTACT AREA Mll11-ARAIL TYPE-FREE WHEELINGHOISTFRONTFIG. 5..Front Hoist Contact Areaspost adapters must be positionedcarefully to contact the center ofthe lower suspension arms (Figs. 5<strong>and</strong> 6).The front adapters or hoist platesmust be carefully positioned in contactwith the lower suspension armsto assure safe, accurate lifting. REAR FLOOR JACKREARThe hoist adapters must be positionedcarefully under the rear axleto prevent damage to the shock absorberswhen the car is raised. Thehoist rails should be raised slowly<strong>and</strong> the position of the adapterschecked.FORK LIFT-TWINHOISTFRONTPOSTTo assure safe hoisting, the frontTo prevent damage to the shockabsorbers, the rear forks must contactthe axle at points not fartherout board than one inch from thecircumference welds near the differentialhousing. Carefully raise therear post <strong>and</strong> check the position ofthe fork (Figs. 5 <strong>and</strong> 6).FRAME CONTACT HOISTFrame contact hoist adapters arenecessary to lift the car. The hoistadapter pads should each cover atleast 12 square inches of underbodyarea. Figs. 5 <strong>and</strong> 6 show recommendedcontact points for the hoistpads.When a stationary floor jack or aroll jack is to be used, there areseveral spyeific recommended pointsof contact. Either side of the carmay be raised at the front by jackcontact at the lower arm strut connection.Either side of the frontend of the car may also be raisedby jack pressure on the front crossmember,or on the crossmemberto which the stabilizer is connected.Do not attempt to use jack pressureon either front or rear Mustang<strong>and</strong> Cougar bumpers.

Hood AdjustmentsLatch Adjustment-Cougar1 In-Vehicle Adjustments <strong>and</strong> Repair2 Removal Hood Latch <strong>and</strong> Installation Adjustment-FalconRadiatorGrille-FairlaneGrille-MustangGrille-FalcontnorF Bumper-CougartnorFtnorF Bumper-MustangnoclaF <strong>and</strong> FairlaneraeRraeR Bumper-MustangroiretxE MouldingsBumper Guard-MustangraeRraeR Bumper Bumper-CougarBumper-Model Guard-Mustang71dna Fairlane Except Model 71<strong>17</strong>-SectionHood Latch Adjustment-MercuryIntermediate, Fairlane <strong>and</strong> MustangHood Radiator Latch Hinge Grille-Mercury IntermediateRadiatorGrille-CougarPage<strong>17</strong>-11<strong>17</strong>-11<strong>17</strong>-11.<strong>17</strong>-11.<strong>17</strong>-11..<strong>17</strong>-12,.<strong>17</strong>-12..<strong>17</strong>-12.<strong>17</strong>-12.<strong>17</strong>-13.<strong>17</strong>-13.<strong>17</strong>-13.<strong>17</strong>-15SectionFront Bumper-Mercury Intermediate,Rear Bumper-Falcon Except Model 71Rear Bumper-Mercury IntermediatePage<strong>17</strong>-16<strong>17</strong>-16<strong>17</strong>-<strong>17</strong><strong>17</strong>-<strong>17</strong><strong>17</strong>-19,<strong>17</strong>-19<strong>17</strong>-20<strong>17</strong>-20<strong>17</strong>-20<strong>17</strong>-21,<strong>17</strong>-21IN-VEHICLE ADJUSTMENTS AND REPAIRSHOOD ADJUSTMENTS HOOD LATCH ADJUSTMENT5. Tighten the dowel lock nutCOUGARafter adjusting the latch dowel.6. To adjust the auxiliary catchBefore adjusting the hood latch striker, loosen the two attachingmechanism, make certain that thehood is properly aligned. The hoodlatch (Fig. 2) can be moved fore oraft <strong>and</strong> side to side to align it withthe latch dowel. The auxiliary catchscrews <strong>and</strong> position the catch correctly.Tighten the screws <strong>and</strong> lowerthe hood to make certain the auxiliarycatch striker engages the hoodlatch auxiliary catch.can be adjusted to engage the 7. Open <strong>and</strong> close the hood severaltimes to be certain that the latchmechanism is secure.The hood is provided with fore<strong>and</strong> aft, vertical, <strong>and</strong> side-to-sideadjustments (Fig. I). These directionsrefer to the position of thehood when it is fully lowered. Theelongated bolt slots in the hinge atthe hood provide the side-to-sideadjustment. The enlarged holes inthe hinge at the fender apron provideboth vertical <strong>and</strong> fore <strong>and</strong> aftadjustments.Hood bumpers, located on the topleft <strong>and</strong> the top right surface ofthe radiator support, can be adjustedup <strong>and</strong> down to provide a levelsurface alignment of the hood panelwith the front fenders.hood latch catch.I. Loosen the hood latch attachingbolts. Move the latch assemblyas required to align it with the latchdowel on the hood.2. Tighten the attaching bolts.3. Loosen the lock nut on thehood latch dowel <strong>and</strong> turn the dowelinward to adjust the hood tighter,or outward to loosen the adjustment.Do not bend the hood latch dowel.4. The latch dowel is adjustedcorrectly when the top of the hoodis flush with the fenders, when latched.HOOD LATCH ADJUSTMENTMERCURY INTERMEDIATE,FAIRLANE, AND MUSTANG1. With the hood open loosen thehood latch retaining screws (Fig. 3).2. Move the hood latch mechanismas required to align it with the latchstriker.3. Tighten the latch retainingscrews. Open <strong>and</strong> close the hood sev-LATCH DOWELAUXILIARY CATCH STRIKERHOOD LATCHAUXILIARY CATCHH 1184-CFIG. 2.Hood latch Mechanism-.Cougar

<strong>17</strong>-12GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>eral times to be sure that it latchessecurely.HOOD LATCH ADJUSTMENT-FA LCONBefore adjusting the hood latch,make certain that the hood is properlyaligned. The hood latch can be adjustedup <strong>and</strong> down <strong>and</strong> from side toside to align it with the hood latchhook attached to the hood.I. Loosen the two hood latch attachingscrews. Move the latch upor down <strong>and</strong> from side to side as requiredfor proper alignment with thehood latch hook.2. Tighten the hood latch attachingbolts <strong>and</strong> check the operation<strong>and</strong> alignment of the latch. Be surethat the hood is securely latched afteradjustment.rATTACHING.."" SCREW, "",,,,I' -,--,' ,'.'\ '-" '".LATCH'ASSEMBLY 16700,",.." .. i' .. "'H 1597 ---'~FIG. 3-Typical Hood Latch-Mercury Intermediate, Fairlane, <strong>and</strong>Mu stang~)~REMOVAL AND INSTALLATIONHOOD HINGEI. Prop the front of the hood inthe open position <strong>and</strong> cover thefender <strong>and</strong> cowl panel.2. Remove the hinge-to-hood retainingbolts, the retaining bolts atthe fender apron <strong>and</strong> cowl (Fig. I),<strong>and</strong> remove the hinge.3. Position the hood hinge to thebody <strong>and</strong> install the hinge retainingbolts.4. Adjust the hood for a proper fit.HOOD LATCH - MERCURYINTERMEDIA TE, FAIRLANE,AND MUSTANGI. Open the hood <strong>and</strong> remove thetwo latch attaching screws <strong>and</strong> removethe latch assembly.2. Position the latch assembly tothe hood <strong>and</strong> install the two attachingscrews.3. Adjust the latch assembly asou tlined in Section I.HOOD LATCHCOUGAR5. Adjustdowel.the hood latch <strong>and</strong>RADIATOR GRILLE-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEI. Remove two grille to headlighthousing att(!ching screws from eachend of the grille (Fig. 4).-GRILLE 8200a-~':"- a:1JiJ~--",/~~ ~ ;~~:;:~2. Remove one screw attachingthe lower center of the grille to thehood lock support.3. Remove two screws attachingthe upper center of the grille to thehood latch support <strong>and</strong> remove thegrille from the vehicle.4. Remove three screws attachingthe center ornament to the grille <strong>and</strong>HOOD LATCHSUPPORTI~~---~~cw fIY " - ~ .'~cc~ "'" 'I".., ,-""", J\1. Open the hood <strong>and</strong> remove six--- t',/~ "bolts attaching the hood latch supportGRILLEto the support braces. Then, removeCENTEROPENINGORNAMENTPANEL ~;~' '!OFthe hood latch <strong>and</strong> support from the88369 8242,'.vehicle.~:'.' "2. Remove two bolts attaching thelatch to the support <strong>and</strong> separateSTONE DEFLECTORthe latch from the support.<strong>17</strong>7793. Position the latch to the support<strong>and</strong> install the two attaching7-..HEADLAMP HOUSINGbolts.4. Position the support to the supportbraces <strong>and</strong> install the six attachingscrews. FIG. 4- Mercury Intermediate Grille Assembly Installation~'"':s:r -=--N 1322-1

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-13remove the ornament from the grille.S. Position the center ornamentto the grille <strong>and</strong> install the three attachingscrews.6. Position the grille to the vehicle<strong>and</strong> install the seven attaching screws.RADIATORREMOVALGRillE-FALCONRADIATOR GRILLE-FAIRLANE RADIATOR GRILLE MUST ANGREMOVAL1. Remove the headlight door retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the headlightdoors.2. Remove three screws attachingthe grille to the hood latch support.Remove four attaching screws fromeach end of the grille (Fig. 6).3. Remove the grille assemblyfrom the car.4. Remove the four nuts retainingthe grille ornament <strong>and</strong> removethe ornament.5. Remove the screws retainingthe upper <strong>and</strong> lower grille mouldingsto the grille assembly <strong>and</strong> removethe grille mouldings <strong>and</strong> grillemoulding retainers.REMOVALI. Open the hood <strong>and</strong> remove fivegrille center bar retaining nuts. Then,remove the grille center bars <strong>and</strong>medallion from the grille.2. Remove the hood bumper fromeach side of the hood opening at thegri lie.3. Remove two screws attachingeach end of the grille to the grillepanel (Fig. 7).4. Remove two screws attachingthe grille to the hood latch hook support.5. Remove seven screws attachingthe grille to the stone deflector <strong>and</strong>grille panel <strong>and</strong> remove the grille fromthe vehicle.I. Remove the headlight door retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the headlightdoors.2. Remove one screw from eachend of the grille at the headlighthousing.3. Remove one screw attaching thelower edge of the grille to the radiatorsu pport on each side of the radiator.4. Remove one screw attaching thegrille to each grille support ann removethe grille. lNSTALLATION iNSTALLATIONINST ALLATION1. Position the grille to the vehicle<strong>and</strong> install one screw at each end ofthe grille to attach it to the headlighthousings (Fig. 5).2. Install the two grille to grillesupport attaching screws.3. Install the two screws attachingthe grille lower edge to the radiatorsupport.4. Install the ;eadlight doors.1. Install the upper <strong>and</strong> lowergrille moulding retainers on thegrille mouldings, position the grillemouldings on the grille <strong>and</strong> installthe grille moulding retaining screws.2. Position the grille ornamenton the grille <strong>and</strong> install the ornamentretainer <strong>and</strong> retaining nuts.3. Position the grille assembly onthe car <strong>and</strong> install the grille assemblyretaining screws.4. Install the headlight doors.I. Position the grille to the stonedeflector ;ind grille panel <strong>and</strong> installthe seven grille to stone deflectorattaching screws.2. Install two screws attachingeach end of the grille to the grillepanel.3. Install the hood bumper oneach side of the hood opening at thegrille (Fig. 7).4. Install two screws attachingRArnATOR,SUPPORTN 1185-FFIG. 5Falcon Grille Installation

<strong>17</strong>.14GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>CENTERMCXJLDING .:t;:f!!!i'BBI90 "J,f;~ ",\~'::;" c,~< ~~-""-' --- RETAINEI'5""- 86231'GRfLl'e1$;\"8200/~--.:;'~DRNAMENT':r'",BBIIB - ~'" I " """"RETAiNER8B283;RILLE A$$EMBL Y..iLOWERMOULOING8422-'r--/:::;;;,,' "~"'~~! \\'-,~'/~.!~\ '~'i., ',.-,!O'~,"" ~>-~"~ -'~-'/ iQ!I"

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-15the grille to the hood latch hooksupport.5. Position the grille center bars<strong>and</strong> medallion to the grille <strong>and</strong> installthe five retaining nuts.RADIATOR GRILLE-RIGHT SIDE - COUGARREMOVAL1. Open the hood <strong>and</strong> removefour screws attaching the center panelto the hood latch support brace(Fig. 8).2. Disconnect the battery cables<strong>and</strong> remove the battery from thevehicle.3. Disconnect the vacuum hosesfrom the headlight cover vacuumactuator.4. Disconnect the headlight <strong>and</strong>parking light wires at the wireconnector.5. Raise the vehicle as required<strong>and</strong> remove the right parking lightfrom the front bumper for clearance.6. Remove two stone deflector tohinge support attaching screws(Fig. 8).7. Lower the vehicle <strong>and</strong> removetwo screws attaching the rigl1t radiatorgrille to the hood latch supportbrace (Fig. 8).8. Remove four screws attachingthe hinge support <strong>and</strong> grille assem-bly to the radiator support. Then,remove the hinge support <strong>and</strong> rightgrille assembly from the vehicle.INSTALLATIONI. Position the hinge support <strong>and</strong>grille assembly to the vehicle <strong>and</strong>loosely install the four screws attachingthe assembly to the radiator support(Fig. 8).2. Install two screws attachingthe radiator grille to the hood latchsupport brace. Do not tighten thescrews at this time.3. Raise the vehicle <strong>and</strong> installthe two stone deflector to hinge supportattaching screws (Fig. 8). Tightenthe screws <strong>and</strong> install the parkinglight in the bumper. Then, lower thevehicle.4. Tighten the remaining six grille<strong>and</strong> hinge support attaching screws.5. Connect the headlight <strong>and</strong> parkinglight wires at the connector <strong>and</strong>insert the wires in the wire retainingclip.6. Connect the vacuum hoses tothe headlight cover vacuum actuator.7. Position the center panel tothe hood latch support brace <strong>and</strong> installthe four attaching screws.8. Install the battery in the vehicle<strong>and</strong> connect the battery cables.9. Start the engine <strong>and</strong> check ~heoperation <strong>and</strong> adjustment of the head.light covers. Refer to Group 15.RADIATOR GRILLE-LEFT SIDE - COUGARREMOVAL1. Open the hood <strong>and</strong> removefour screws attaching the centerpanel to the hood latch supportbrace (Fig. 8).2. Disconnect the vacuum hosesfrom the headlight cover vacuumactuator <strong>and</strong> remove the two vacuumhose clips.3. Disconnect the headlight <strong>and</strong>parking light wires at the wire connector.4. Raise the vehicle as required<strong>and</strong> remove the left parking lightfrom the front bumper for clearance.5. Disconnect the vacuum hosesfrom the vacuum tank <strong>and</strong> removethe vacuum tank from under theleft front fender.6. Remove two hinge support toradiator support attaching screwsfrom under the left front fender.7. Remove two stone deflector tohinge support attaching screws (Fig.8).8. Lower the vehicle <strong>and</strong> removetwo screws attaching the left radiatorFIG. 8.COUQar Grille-Disassembled

VII Informe sobre exclusión y desarrollo social en España 2014Capítulo 2. Distribución de la renta, condiciones de vida y políticasredistributivas ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................2.1. Introducción ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 672.2. Desigualdad en España en el largo plazo: la continuidad de un modelo ............................................................................ 692.3. La pobreza monetaria ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 742.3.1. La evolución de la pobreza ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 742.3.2. Los cambios en el patrón de pobreza en el largo plazo ............................................................................................................ 782.4. Privación material y baja renta .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 842.4.1. Tendencias de la privación material .......................................................................................................................................................................... 852.4.2. Baja renta y privación material .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 892.5. La dinámica de los ingresos de los hogares ......................................................................................................................................................................... 912.5.1. La movilidad de los ingresos en los hogares españoles ........................................................................................................... 922.5.2. Las transiciones entre decilas de ingresos ...................................................................................................................................................... 942.6. La desigualdad de los salarios .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 972.6.1. Tendencias de la desigualdad salarial en los países de la OCDE ................................................................................. 972.6.2. La evolución de la desigualdad salarial en España ........................................................................................................................... 1012.6.3. Crisis económica y desigualdad salarial .............................................................................................................................................................. 1042.7. Políticas públicas y redistribución de la renta ................................................................................................................................................................... 1062.7.1. Imposición y distribución de la renta ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1072.7.2. La contribución de las prestaciones sociales a la redistribución ................................................................................ 1122.7.3. La incidencia distributiva del gasto público en sanidad y educación ..................................................................................... 1152.8. La dimensión territorial ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1232.8.1. Las diferencias de renta entre las comunidades autónomas ............................................................................................ 1242.8.2. Las diferencias de renta dentro de cada comunidad autónoma ................................................................................ 1262.9. Los límites del crecimiento económico ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1302.9.1. Una interpretación de los hechos: los modelos de crecimiento y distribución .................................. 1312.9.2. La pobreza como límite para el crecimiento ............................................................................................................................................... 1352.10. Conclusiones ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1362.11. Bibliografía ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14265Capítulo 3. La fractura social se ensancha: intensificación de los procesosde exclusión en España durante 7 años ........................................................................................................3.1. Introducción ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1533.2. Una perspectiva de conjunto de las tendencias en exclusión social en España ....................................................... 1543.2.1. La fractura social se ensancha un 45% en España .............................................................................................................................. 1543.2.2. Qué es lo que ha ido mal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1583.2.3. La incidencia de la exclusión social en distintos sectores de la sociedad:¿es cierto que la crisis nos afecta a todos? ...................................................................................................................................................... 1633.2.4. Exclusión en todos los sitios, pero en unos más que en otros ........................................................................................ 19115116

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpe rs, Exterior Mouldings<strong>17</strong>-<strong>17</strong>4. Remove the bumper bar-toinnerarm <strong>and</strong> the bumper bar-toouterarm retaining bolts from eachside of the bumper (Fig. 12). Removethe bumper <strong>and</strong> end brackets as anassembly.INST ALLA TIO NX'Cl:1. Transfer the end brackets tothe new bumper.2. Position the bumper on thecar. Install the bumper bar-to-innerarm <strong>and</strong> the bumper bar-to-outerarm retaining bolts.3. Install the end bracket retainingbolts.4. Remove the protective tapefrom the stone deflector <strong>and</strong> lower thecar.FRONT BUMPERGUARD-MUSTANG~\''\",,:;'\';:~'~~tt"""~':l ",,'~:,,--~~t" " ~ "~"'.lI\1 "~'~.(I'::it~!~. :",~..:'I.~:.:".I. Remove the screw <strong>and</strong> washerretaining the bumper guard to theframe lower side rail (Fig. 12).2. Remove the screw <strong>and</strong> washerretaining the bumper-guard to theinner arm (Fig. 12) <strong>and</strong> remove theguard assembly.3. Transfer the nut <strong>and</strong> retainerassembly <strong>and</strong> the rubber spacer to FIG. 10.the new bumper guard (Fig. 12,View B).4. Position the bumper guardassembly to the bumper.5. Install the two retainingENDscrews.BRACKET<strong>17</strong>B762.3,-FRONT BUMPER-COUGAR "REMOVALI. Raise the vehicle <strong>and</strong> removetwo screws retaining each bumperguard to the bumper arm <strong>and</strong>frame <strong>and</strong> remove the bumperguards.2. Disconnect the parking lightwires <strong>and</strong> remove the valance panelbelow the bumper (Fig. 13).3. Remove the screw attachingeach bumper arm to fender braceat the bumper arm.4. Remove two bolts attachingeach bumper arm to the frame rails<strong>and</strong> remove the bumper from thevehicle.5. Remove the outer <strong>and</strong> innerarms from the bumper.INSTALLATION1. Transfer the rubber pad fromeach end of the bumper to the newbumper if bumper replacement isnecessary.2. Install the inner <strong>and</strong> outerarms on the bumper.Falcon Front Bumper Installation\SPACER<strong>17</strong>A924~~ '-~::::::::--~1OUTER ARM<strong>17</strong>754 ~.\ ~'~4 '~:~~f~~~:::::"i.,LEEVEINNER ARM l7841<strong>17</strong>766-7---~_.J.. ~~; INNER ARM', 1:766-7" 'S~""".\ '"BUMPER LOWEREXTENSIOl'l<strong>17</strong>B8754IMPACT BAR<strong>17</strong>757FIG. 11 Fairlane Frant Bumper Installation3. Position the bumper to thevehicle <strong>and</strong> install the inner <strong>and</strong> outerarm to frame rail attaching bolts.4. Install the screws attachingthe fender brace to the bumper arm.5. Adjust the bumper for proper" <strong>17</strong>A924BRACKETENDOUTER ARM<strong>17</strong>B762.3 <strong>17</strong>754R 1<strong>17</strong>8.Cvehicle appearance <strong>and</strong> tighten allattaching bolts <strong>and</strong> nuts.6. Install the valance panel belowthe bumper <strong>and</strong> connect the parkinglight wires.7. Install the bumper guards.

<strong>17</strong>-18GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>FIG. 12- Mustang Front Bumper InstallationFIG. 13-CougarFront Bumpe

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-19REAR BUMPER-FALCONEXCEPT MODEL 71REMOVALI. Remove the screws retainingthe license plate lamp assembly tothe rear bumper.2. Remove the rear license plate.3. Remove the four bumper armto-frameretaining bolts (Fig. 14),<strong>and</strong> remove the bumper assembly.INSTALLATIONBUMPER ARM-<strong>17</strong>A929, 'I', ' /A',!~..4, III ". "!;:~~~:,:::"":~J\ I' ~ "BAR - <strong>17</strong>906I. Transfer the rear bumper arms,bumper lower extension <strong>and</strong> rubberbumper to the new bumper.2. Position the bumper assemblyon the car <strong>and</strong> install the bumperarm-to-frame retaining bolts.'"ANTI-RATTLER3. Position the license plate lamp-3S81S9.A2.Sassembly to the bumper <strong>and</strong> installthe retaining bolts.4. Install the license plate. ::;;;.--')/l~'~""JX,-~"-,,, '-':. , ,"" I ':::"" , ""~ ";'::'::-'" ~,'.-:-;" ~~,. £1 "\' ,_."fJ'., '...'~:.:~:~::"-'i:":_~~\ ',',-', , ~ ~:\ 1"" ":::'::::':~'~I. ), I" ". ',".'.' J r!;J-', , "::":"':{~ -.' "'\"',./'11."1.X11'i(/3:1 !' ,"""..-' '.\\.", ,R ARM-<strong>17</strong>A932~REAR BUMPER-MERCURYINTERMEDIATE AND FAIRLANEEXCEPT MODEL 71REMOVAL1. Open the luggage compartment.Disconnect the license lightwiring connector <strong>and</strong> push the licenselight wire out of its routinggrommet.2. Remove the spare tire <strong>and</strong>wheel assembly.3. From beneath the car, removethe access covers from the lowerbumper arm-to-body lower panel retainingscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies.4. Remove the bumper arm-tobodylower panel retaining screw<strong>and</strong> washer assemblies (Fig. 15).5. From inside the luggage compartment,remove the upper innerarm-to-lower back panel retainingscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies (Fig.15). Remove the bumper assemblyfrom the car <strong>and</strong> place it on abench.6. FAIRLANE ONLY: Removethe screw <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies retainingthe license plate supportbracket to the impact bar (Fig. 15),<strong>and</strong> remove the license plate supportbracket assembly from the impactbar.7. Remove the rubber license supportbracket-to-impact bar bumpers(Fig. 15).8. Remove the bumper outer <strong>and</strong>inner arm-to-impact bar retainingbolts <strong>and</strong> spacers (Fig. 15). Removethe outer <strong>and</strong> inner arms from theimpact bar.FIG. 14LOWER EXTENSION -<strong>17</strong>8875N 1367-8Falcon Rear Bumper Installationc:..yFIG. 15. Mercu ry Intermediate <strong>and</strong> Fairlane Rear Bumper InstallationN 14<strong>17</strong>. B

INST ALLA TIONI. Insert the bumper inner <strong>and</strong>outer arm-to-impact bar retainingbolts in the impact bar. Install thespacers <strong>and</strong> the inner <strong>and</strong> outerarms on the impact bar. Torquethe retaining nuts to <strong>17</strong> to 23 ft-lbs.2. Install the license plate supportrubber bumpers on the impact bar.3. FAIRLANE ONLY: Installthe license plate support on the impactbar.4. Position the bumper assemblyon the car. Feed the license platelight wire through its routing grommetin the lower back panel <strong>and</strong>start one upper arm-to-body retainingscrew on each side.5. Shift the bumper assembly asnecessary for proper alignment <strong>and</strong>install the remaining bumper armto-bodyretaining screws. Torque theretaining screws to 25 to 38 ft-lbsspecifica tion.6. Install the lower bumper armto-lowerback panel retaining screwaccess covers.. 7. Install the spare tire <strong>and</strong> wheelassembly. Connect the license platelight wiring connector.REAR BUMPER-MUSTANGREMOVALI. Open the luggage compartment.Remove the spare wheel <strong>and</strong>disconnect the license light wiringconnector.2. Remove the four bumpermounting bracket-to-body retainingbolts <strong>and</strong> remove the bumper assembly(Fig. 16).3. Remove the four bumper-tomountingbracket retaining bolts <strong>and</strong>remove the brackets (Fig. 16).4. Remove the two license platelight <strong>and</strong> bracket retaining screws<strong>and</strong> remove the light <strong>and</strong> bracket.INSTALLATIONI. Position the license plate light<strong>and</strong> bracket on the bumper <strong>and</strong> installthe two retaining screws.2. Position the bumper mountingbrackets on the bumper <strong>and</strong> installthe bumper-to-mounting bracket retainingbolts.3. Position the bumper assemblyto the vehicle. Start one bumperbracket to body attaching bolt oneach side. Then. adjust the bumperfor proper alignment <strong>and</strong> install theremaining bumper bracket attachingbolts.4. Connect the license light wiring<strong>and</strong> install the spare wheel.REAR BUMPERGUARD-MUSTANGREMOVALI. Open the luggage compartmentdoor <strong>and</strong> remove the spare tireassembly to provide access to thebumper guard upper retaining screw<strong>and</strong> washer.2. From inside the luggage compartment.remove the guard upper retainingscrew (Fig. 16).3. From beneath the car, removethe guard lower retaining screw (Fig.16). Remove the bumper guard.INSTALLATIONI. Transfer the two nuts <strong>and</strong> retainersto the new bumper guard.2. Position the bumper guard onthe car <strong>and</strong> install the two retainingscrews.3. Install the spare tire assembly.REAR BUMPERREMOVALCOUGARI. Open the luggage compartmentH 1387-8FIG. 16-MustanQ Rear Bumper Installation

~PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings 1 7-21door <strong>and</strong> remove the rear liningboards from the back panel.2. Remove four bolts attachingthe bumper <strong>and</strong> mounting bracketsto the back panel <strong>and</strong> remove thebumper (Fig. <strong>17</strong>).3. Remove two bolts <strong>and</strong> nutsattaching each mounting bracketto the bumper <strong>and</strong> remove the bracketsfrom the bumper.4. Remove the anti-squeak padsfrom each end of the bumper.INSTALLATION1. Install the anti-squeak pads onthe bumper.2. Position the mounting bracketsto the bumper <strong>and</strong> install the attachingbolts <strong>and</strong> nuts (Fig. <strong>17</strong>).3. Position the bumper <strong>and</strong> mountingbrackets to the back panel <strong>and</strong>install the attaching bolts <strong>and</strong> lockwashers. Adjust the bumper <strong>and</strong>tighten the attaching bolts.4. Position the rear lining boardsto the back panel <strong>and</strong> install the attachingscrews.REAR BUMPER-MODEL 71FIG. <strong>17</strong>- Cougar Rear Bumper InstallationREMOVAL1. Disconnect the license platelights at the connectors <strong>and</strong> removethe lights from the bumper.2. Remove the license plate fromthe bumper.3. Remove four nuts <strong>and</strong> boltsattaching the bumper arms to theframe rails <strong>and</strong> remove the bumper.4. Remove the outer arms fromthe bumper.5. Falcon Only: Remove four bolts<strong>and</strong> nuts <strong>and</strong> remove the inner armsfrom the bumper.6. Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury IntermediateOnly: Remove two reinforcementattaching bolts <strong>and</strong> nuts <strong>and</strong>four inner arm attaching bolts <strong>and</strong>nuts to remove the reinforcement <strong>and</strong>inner arms from the bumner.7. Transfer the license plateretainers <strong>and</strong> rubber bumper to thenew bum per.INST ALLA TION1. Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury IntermediateOnly: Position the reinforcement<strong>and</strong> inner arms to the bumperwith spacers inserted between thearms <strong>and</strong> bumper. Then, install theattaching bolts <strong>and</strong> nuts.2. Falcon Only: Position theinner arms to the bumper. Insertspacers between the inner arms <strong>and</strong>install the four attaching bolts <strong>and</strong>nuts.3. Position the outer arms to thebumper with a spacer between them<strong>and</strong> install the attaching bolt <strong>and</strong>nut.4. Position the bumper to the vehicle<strong>and</strong> loosely install the four attachingbolts <strong>and</strong> nuts. Align thebumper <strong>and</strong> tighten the bolts <strong>and</strong>nuts.5. Install the license plate.6. Install the license plate lights<strong>and</strong> connect the wires at the connector.EXTERIOR MOULDINGSBefore removing the exterior mouldings,it should be determined by thetype of retainer used whether a respectivedoor, quarter or luggagecompartment trim panel must first beremoved to provide access (Figs. 18throu~h 41).

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-23===-.FIG. 20. Falcon Exterior Side Mouldings-Model 71FIG.21Falcon Exterior Rear Mouldings

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-25MODEL-63DSHOWNMODEL-76DTYPICAL'@fI N 1477.8FIG. 24-Foirlone Exterior Side MouldingsModels 63D, 76D':=:=-.~FIG. 25. Fairlane Exterior Side MouldingsJ~,i~(MY1i) ~Ii-Model 71Of'0/r!l .~;'o~(i)TY}.~ -ec , .- ,,-... ,\,--"" / );;( '"~""" .cc" HO ccccccCCCc c()c, -",:,/:l.~,~~~fi"" /

<strong>17</strong>-26GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>MOOEL 628MODELS 638 - 63C - 76C TY PICAL10~ /,FIG. 26- Fairlane Exterior Side Mouldings Models 54B-62B-63B & C-76B & CFIG. 27I\Y!"SHOWNA, -'"--,'"'..-~~-~~,.:%1 TYPICAL '"Foirlone Exterior Side <strong>and</strong> ReorMouldings- Models 66A, B, <strong>and</strong> D,{~Jj~:t_~;.;.~N1371.D

<strong>17</strong>-28 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>N 1473. BFIG. 29-MercuryIntermediate Exterior Front Mouldings

PART <strong>17</strong>-2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpe rs, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-29MODEL 638MODEL 548N 1375.DFIG. 31-Mercury Intermediate Exterior Side Mouldings -Models 54B, 63B, 71 C

PART <strong>17</strong>.2-Front Sheet Metal, Bumpers, Exterior Mouldings <strong>17</strong>-31MOOEL 63E SHOWNMOOEL 67C TYPICALN 1376-DFIG. 33-Mercury Intermediate Exterior Side Mouldings -Models 63E, 63H, 76(, 76HFIG. 34. Mercury Intermediate Exterior Side Mouldings -Models 54D, 63D, 76D

1 7-32 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>,,

1 In-Vehicle DoorAlignmentAdjustments <strong>and</strong> RepairsDoor Rear Door Lock Latch CylinderMustang <strong>and</strong> CougarSectionFront Door Glass Rear Guide-raeRraeR gnatsuM Dor Dor Window <strong>and</strong> Glas-Models CougarRegulator54 <strong>and</strong> 71<strong>and</strong>CougaretaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model 76etaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model 63retrauQ dna CougarWindow Regulator-Model 62etaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model 63etaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model 76etaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model63etaidemretnI <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Model 63dna Fairlane-Except Model 7666, 71 <strong>and</strong> 76kcaB ledoM- Window-Mustang 65Model 63etagliaT Window RegulatorPowerWindownoitcA-lauDnoitcA-elgniS Tailgate LatchnoitcA-elgniSnoitcA-lauD Tailgate HingesnoitcA-lauD Tailgate Hingedna CougarTailgate LatchesTailgate Torsion Bar<strong>17</strong>-36SectionLatch Striker Adjustment """""""""""""Vent Window Adjustments-Falcon, Fairlane<strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate ExceptModels 63 <strong>and</strong> 76 ,Door Glass Adjustments-Mercury Intermediate<strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Models 63 <strong>and</strong> 76...Front Door Glass Adjustment-Falcon,Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate-Door Models Glass 54 Adjustment-Falcon, <strong>and</strong> 71Fairlane<strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate-Models62 <strong>and</strong> 66Door Glass Adjustment-MustangRear <strong>and</strong> Door Cougar Glass Adjustment-Falcon,Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate """""Quarter Window Adjustment-Falcon,Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate-Model 62...... ""'"Quarter Window Adjustment-FairlaneQuarter <strong>and</strong> Mercury Window Intermediate-Model Adjustment-Fairlane63Quarter <strong>and</strong> Mercury Window Intermediate-Model Adjustment-Mustang76Luggage Dual-Action St<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>and</strong> Cougar Compartment Tailgate Tailgate Hinge Adjustments Door Adjustment Latch ...Luggage Adjustment Compartment Door Hinge Alignment TorsionTailgate BarAdjustment Glass Emergency Lowering2 Removal <strong>Doors</strong> Front Procedure Door <strong>and</strong> Installation Latch """""'" Except """""" Models """ 63 <strong>and</strong> 76.Front Door Latch-Models 63 <strong>and</strong> 76 """""Door H<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong>/or Push Button """""""Door Vent Window Frame-ExceptModels Vent Window 63 <strong>and</strong> Frame-Mustang 76<strong>and</strong> Cougar ..Vent Window <strong>and</strong>/or Glass-Mustang Weatherstrip-<strong>and</strong> CougarFront Models Door 63 Glass-Falcon, <strong>and</strong> 76 Fairlane <strong>and</strong>Mercury Intermediate-ExceptFront Models Door 63 Glass-Mercury <strong>and</strong> 76 Intermediate<strong>and</strong> Front Fairlane-Models Door Window Glass-Mustang Regulator-Manual63 <strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> 76CougarMercury Intermediate <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Front Models Door 63 Window <strong>and</strong> 76 Regulator-Falcon,Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate-Except Models 63 <strong>and</strong> 76 ,Front Door Window Regulator-Front Door Glass Rear Run-MercuryIntermediate <strong>and</strong> Fairlane-Front Models Door 63 Glass <strong>and</strong> 76 Rear Run-Falcon,Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate-Paef<strong>17</strong>-37<strong>17</strong>-37<strong>17</strong>-37<strong>17</strong>-377-377-39<strong>17</strong>-39<strong>17</strong>-41Page<strong>17</strong>-52,<strong>17</strong>-52...,<strong>17</strong>-52<strong>17</strong>-53<strong>17</strong>-53,<strong>17</strong>-53,<strong>17</strong>-53<strong>17</strong>-54<strong>17</strong>-54<strong>17</strong>-547-41 Quarter Window Front Run-Model 62 , <strong>17</strong>-54<strong>17</strong>-41Quarter Window Front Guide-MercuryQuarter Window Front Guide-Mustang<strong>17</strong>-54<strong>17</strong>-54<strong>17</strong>-41<strong>17</strong>-43<strong>17</strong>-43<strong>17</strong>-44<strong>17</strong>-44<strong>17</strong>-45<strong>17</strong>-45<strong>17</strong>-45<strong>17</strong>-46<strong>17</strong>-47<strong>17</strong>-47<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-48<strong>17</strong>-50<strong>17</strong>-50<strong>17</strong>-50<strong>17</strong>-50<strong>17</strong>-51<strong>17</strong>-51<strong>17</strong>-51Quarter Window Glass-MustangQuarter Window Glass-Model 62 ,Rear Quarter Window Glass-MercuryQuarter Window Glass-MercuryQuarter Window Regulator-MustangQuarter Window Regulator-MercuryQuarter Window Regulator-MercuryQuarter dna Cougar Window Rear Guide-MercuryQuarter Window Rear Guide-MustangRear dna Quarter Cougar Window <strong>and</strong>/or Weatherstrip-Model 71 ,Windshield-Mercury Intermediate, FalconWindshield -Mercury Intermediate <strong>and</strong>Windshield-Mustang Fairlane-Model 76 Models 63, 65gnatsuM-dleihsdniW Back dna Window Cougar<strong>and</strong>/or Model Weatherstrip-76Falcon, Fairlane <strong>and</strong> MercuryIntermediate-Except ModelsBack Window-Mustang <strong>and</strong> CougarBonded Rear View Mirror ,Tailgate Glass ,Tailgate Power Window Regulator ,Tailgate Switch <strong>and</strong> Lock Cylinder-Tailgate Manual Window H<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong>Lock Cylinder """"""""."."'.".'..""'.'Luggage Compartment Door Hinge or<strong>17</strong>-55<strong>17</strong>-55<strong>17</strong>-57<strong>17</strong>-57<strong>17</strong>-58J<strong>17</strong>-58<strong>17</strong>-60<strong>17</strong>-61. <strong>17</strong>-63<strong>17</strong>-64<strong>17</strong>-64<strong>17</strong>-65<strong>17</strong>-65<strong>17</strong>-65<strong>17</strong>-66<strong>17</strong>-66<strong>17</strong>-66<strong>17</strong>-67<strong>17</strong>-67<strong>17</strong>-67<strong>17</strong>-67<strong>17</strong>-67<strong>17</strong>-70Luggage noisroT Compartment Bar-Mustang, Lock Cougar Cylinder-Luggage enalriaF Compartment <strong>and</strong> Mustang Lock Cylinder- <strong>17</strong>-71<strong>17</strong>-51Falcon, Mercury Intermediate<strong>17</strong>-52 Luggage Compartment Latch-Falcon, <strong>17</strong>-71<strong>17</strong>-52Luggage yrucreM Compartment Intermediate Latch-Fairlane<strong>and</strong> Cougar<strong>and</strong> Mustang<strong>17</strong>-71<strong>17</strong>-71J:-xcept Models 63 <strong>and</strong> 76

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-37IN-VEHICLE ADJUSTMENTS AND REPAIRSDOOR ALIGNMENTThe door hinges provide sufficientadjustment to correct most misalignmentconditions. Loosen the doorhinge attaching bolts <strong>and</strong> adjust thedoor so that it is centered in the dooropening when closed. Then, tightenthe hinge attaching bolts.After adjustment at the hingeattaching points, check the alignmentbetween the door latch <strong>and</strong>striker plate for proper door closing.Do not COfer up poor door adjustmentwith striker plate adjustment.LA TCH STRIKER ADJUSTMENTThe striker pin can be adjustedlaterally <strong>and</strong> vertically as well asfore <strong>and</strong> aft. The latch striker shouldnot be adjusted to correct door sag.The latch striker should be shimmedto get the clearance shown in Fig. Ibetween the striker <strong>and</strong> the latch. Tocheck this clearance, clean the latchjaws <strong>and</strong> the striker area, <strong>and</strong> thenapply a thin layer of dark greaseto the striker. As the door is closed<strong>and</strong> opened, a measureable patternwill result. Move the striker assemblylaterally to provide a flushfit at the door <strong>and</strong> the pillar orquarter panel.VENT WINDOW ASS'Y. - 21402.3 GLASS AND CIyBf '-i"~..r-c.-C/ /~~//-ti'// /-ti,?/.~/~/~ I// //. I//{f/.All~~1~~~!\\\\'~j.II I ""'"D \'~~,~..,-FIG. 2."-.>::~---A -.~ r'~'--',".\II;:i"~Dlvts.ION,",'::.. ,~, ,,:..-~!; :~":r~;,~~~~~:(~~ .~r:"oJ, !iiC~~~"~~$ \)).~-~--,LATCH STRIKER."" LATCH'MINIMUMMAXIMUMASSEMBLY R 1146.8FIG. 1-Door Latch StrikerAdjustmentVENT WINDOW ADJUSTMENTS-FALCON, FAIRLANE ANDMERCURY INTERMEDIATEEXCEPT MODELS 63,76BAR GLASS RUN -21456[II . ~\The vent glass <strong>and</strong>/or the ventwindow frame may be adjusted invarious ways. With the vent glass installed,the lower pivot spring tensionmay be adjusted with a socket,extension, <strong>and</strong> ratchet used throughthe access hole in the door innerpanel. Adjust so that the glass willstay open at highway speeds. Thedoor frame mounting holes areelongated to provide a tight fit forthe vent window frame in the doorframe. The upper pivot mounting\NNEL ASS'Y.-21400.1UPPER FRONT STOP -30600l'/"" FRONT GLASS CHAN~EL BRACKET - 23288LOWER STOP' BRACKET - 2<strong>17</strong>60'I);~.~RE~~ .~L.~5! C!:'_~~.NELUPPER STOP-23A34 iG' !!iir'!i ,~co;".,._.~DDI""'o.~-('-~""''i~;.,.. ", f;:;\\;\\~~:"~JL~holes are slotted to help providea weather-proof fit of the glass framewithin the vent window frame.DOOR GLASS ADJUSTMENT-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEAND FAIRLANE-MODELS63,76The door must be properly alignedin the body opening before glassadjustments are made.I. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> peel back the watershield to provideaccess.2. Loosen screw <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesA, J, Z <strong>and</strong> AB, also nutsC, E <strong>and</strong> L (Fig. 2).3. Cycle the window to its upposition <strong>and</strong> manually position thewindow assembly inboard or outboard,as required, for proper alignmentto the outside belt weatherstrip<strong>and</strong> tighten the screw <strong>and</strong>washer assemblies J.4. Tilt the window assembly foreor aft as required, to obtain a parallelrelationship between the topof the window <strong>and</strong> the roof railweatherstrip. This will position therear guide assembly in correct fore<strong>and</strong> aft alignment. Tighten nut Ltemporarily. Turn screw G clockwiseor counter-clockwise, as re-UPPERFR()oITSTOP'",,",,",,-'--!~~jQ" !~! i (i'rt -il~~.,' "Y If!i!iiVIEW CC !::i~ft~k,i,k\\.WT,',' '. \' ~, !~~ , .~::l,,~~~~~~:..":;"'-.-"'-:z::~~:"-""-:;;"'i~:f If!. OUTSIOE WEATHERSTRIP - 21452.3 "/ -r'";'~~r i:223AOO.l, ;:--,-".J.-,;i;: ,",~IIl\.;!jlii',flgfUPPER:: :: ".7.",1.- ~-- STOP :~!fiJ;-::/~-:-:2 iff ffJ STOP BUM~ER:;I~- c/i~.~ !i "'-' VIEW DD:~~~"i[~,1,1;1",,; "~'" 'I! ,IREGULATOR ASS'Y. -23200.1!iil~ E~~:~~ I 'ilL-EQUALIZER ARM" BRACKET-2 ,?,ni'p-1 '""BELT INSIDE WEATHERSTRIP - 21436. 7~'GLASS RUN RETAI~ER AND BRACKET ASS'Y.-223A24.5Door Window Mechanism-Mercury Intermediate <strong>and</strong> Fairlane Models 63,76IBELREAR GUIDEREGULATOR ASS'Y. (ELECTRIC) - 23200-N 1283.E

<strong>17</strong>-38 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>WEATHERSTRIP21452.31080-0FIG. 3. Front Door Window M~chnni~m. Mnrl,.1 '14 nnrl 71

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid<strong>17</strong>-391111VENT WINDDWASSEMBLY -21402- 3,..! " , ,"""'c~"III/ ,;"/Iff', ' , r' DIVISION BAR GLASS,',/IIi' . RUN RETAINER ASSEMBLY - 223A24. 5" /" '- ':.';-J./' 'C.. ,...,:~, ":~:.'::::: I~ I, I FRONT CHANNEL_.;;~"f.:" \} ~\"". "VENT WINDOW''.,.;} 2DIVISION BAR lit"1/:"'.:...:("j i '~!\,).~:::::~~';-'!!~:jiiif- . " ,:;;;~:. ~,";C' ::~ ~;:L \IIIi11", RI:AR CHANN ,--_::' I -' "' " , 1 .""-"' """"'£""""" ~~ ':,:~~,'~?.",..I' f'Ir~III' ~RACKET '1291II../ .IJ'\J',",~". .q .r~JELECTRIC WINDOW REGULA TORr.,,:~,!,.VENT WINDOW - [ii' .ASSEMBLY - 23200.1GLASS FRc.-IT IIVIEW B RUN II.;-- ~:,:-.v I {II ,=:-'1 1/~~ III \\, ~\ \, , " II" 'II' (1' , \ I}J I - f' Ir\ I~ :~.,!'~"'."'.,,.--'", ".It' ,\co.\ .j~;... I ..J I, I )..., I', .l~."""il~':':I/. . ,~'",(, I'",,- EN'~It~~WINDDW '..- ASSEMBLY~1 /~ ' /;tl_.~ 21402.3 -",/ ~I . . @Iii U,ifI ""'// i lVIEW C. ~::~2~~i}Ji%~i I;TOP BUMPER - """")';ii"FIG.4MANUAL WINDOW REGULA TORASSEMBLY -23200-12<strong>17</strong>62Door Window Mechanism-Falcon,EQUALIZER ARM BRACKETASSEMBLY - 23230GLA'SS RUN22Al00.l. Ilt /~~,; Jr""/ PI'Mercury Intermediate, FairlaneINSiDE BELTWEATHERSTRIP-21436.7VIEW DModel 62 <strong>and</strong> 66_..~#J,VIEW EN 1478.8I. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>watershield from the door.2. To obtain proper alignment ofthe rear run to the vent window divisionbar <strong>and</strong> front run, loosen thenut <strong>and</strong> washer assembly (Item C,Fig. 3) <strong>and</strong> the screw (Item D).3. Lower the glass until the topedge of the glass is four inches abovethe belt line. Turn the screw (ItemU, Fig. 3) clockwise or counterclockwiseas required to bring the frontrun into alignment with the rearrun. Then, tighten the nut {Item C)<strong>and</strong> the screw (Item D) to S-23 FT -LBtorque.4. To obtain a flush conditionbetween the top edge of the glass <strong>and</strong>the belt line wh\:n the glass is down,loosen the two lower stop attachingscrews (Item F, Fig. 3).5. Move the glass to a flush positionwith the belt line. Then. posiquired,to maintain position of theguide assembly <strong>and</strong> tighten nut <strong>and</strong>washer assembly H securely. Atthis point. adjust the door windowstop assemblies up or down as required,for correct engagement.Tighten the screw <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies,Y <strong>and</strong> AB securely.5. Position the vent window assembly<strong>and</strong> vent window divisionbar glass run rearward, into a positionrelative to the door windowglass <strong>and</strong> tilt fore <strong>and</strong> aft, as required,to maintain a parallel relationshipto the front body pillar.Tighten the screw <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesA securely. The adjustedposition of the vent window assemblyshould be such as to providewindow travel free of binding.6. To provide a.' proper interferencerelationship of the vent window<strong>and</strong> the door window assemblies tothe top roof rail weatherstrip, tiltthese assemblies inboard or outboardas required, by turning the screws,B, D <strong>and</strong> K clockwise or counterclockwise,to the desired setting <strong>and</strong>then tighten the nuts C, E <strong>and</strong> Lsecurely. At this point, secure thevent window regulator assemblydoor vent window, by tightening thescrew <strong>and</strong> the washer assemblies Asecurely.7. When the above steps are com-Dieted. cycle the window down un-til the top of the window is flushwith the belt <strong>and</strong> position the downstop assembly to the bumper doorwindow stop <strong>and</strong> secure it with thescrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies Z.8. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong> thedoor trim panel.FRONT DOOR GLASSADJUSTMENT -FALCON,FAIRLANE, AND MERCURYINTERMEDIATE - MODELS 54,71tipn the lower stop against the glasschannel <strong>and</strong> tighten the attachingscrews (Item F, Fig. 3) to 8-23 ft-lbtorque.6. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong>trim panel on the door.DOOR GLASS ADJUSTMENT-FALCON, FAIRLANE ANDMERCURY INTERMEDIATE-MODELS 62, 661. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> peel back the watershield to provideaccess. Refer to Fig. 4 for thefollowing adjustments.2. To obtain proper alignment ofthe lockside glass run retainer assemblyto the door window frame<strong>and</strong> vent window division b'.1r withthe retainer, loosen nut <strong>and</strong> washerassembly D <strong>and</strong> screw <strong>and</strong> washerassembly E. Drop the top edge ofthe glass <strong>and</strong> channel assembly toapproximately four inches above thedoor outer panel belt line. Turnscrew C clockwise or counterclockwiseas required. Tighten items D<strong>and</strong> E securely.3. To obtain a flush condition betweenthe top edge of the glass <strong>and</strong>channel assembly <strong>and</strong> the belt linewhen the window is in thl: downposition, the stop assembly is adjustedup or down at sl.:rew <strong>and</strong>washer assemblies U After adiust-

1 7-40GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>FIG.5Door Window Gloss. Adjustment-Mustang <strong>and</strong> Cougar

~-,_,.iji¥" 'I" '- " " I .,;-PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-41UPPER FRONT RUNRETAINER -298A28- 9t.{';;if!!", .' W'"rAhUPPER REAR RUN~~ RETAINER-298A26.7- .,.'"" ---, ... /111,-,,~,,"', Df"(f/'~,"i.iq 1/1/;',; ,:' A GLASS RUN RETAINERfI'\' ' 111 ./1 ""'~;;C "", 29734-5r'I'U' FRONT RUN RETAINER- .'1 298A24 ~',-I.i: j~ ;'1.,/// --';;jpi,J "I!t?",/ I,i I, -"Jj~:I--8X!(:_--~,~"I ?,"-I In~I'KillNil!) """,.~,'-;-, ~;" '.;c'" ,I;~7 ". ,!,STOP BUMPER-2<strong>17</strong>62'-----""0 ' EQUALIZER ARMiT) '"" -:!Jiiiif!r; --"../ / BRACKET -303A08LOWER STOP-!! ,-:--- - :,-,---' 11'1/ ;. 2<strong>17</strong>S8 GLASS AND CHANNEL, -- 1/1 1 f,ASSEMBl Y - 29704-SjP- li'// I'Il~ ~':-:-- IMANUALREGULATORG!II I "~ ~I.; :;;: ASSEMBLY -30306- 7!J ~ ' ':-f/' I ' ,,- ",-,~":;;"'":: ;i)~\ ~') I'W> "-'---'1\ II I,-::::\~~11""I"" r'-,/-",,-I((~:'f:~~-CHANNEL BRACKET -30550 ',--

<strong>17</strong>-42 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>FIG. 8- Quarter Window Mechanism .Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury Intermediate. Model 63FIG. 9 Quarter Window Mechanism-Fairlane <strong>and</strong> Mercury IntermediateModel 76

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-43<strong>and</strong> watershield to provide access.Refer to Fig. 8 for the followingprocedure.2. Temporarily loosen screw <strong>and</strong>washer assemblies A, 8, C, E, F, G,H, K, <strong>and</strong> L (Fig. 8).3. It is necessary to obtain a0.26 to 0.30 inch parallel dimensionbetween the front edge of the quarterwindow frame <strong>and</strong> the rear edgeof the door window frame as shownin view 8, the 0.26 inch paralleldimension as shown in view C, <strong>and</strong>maintain height relationship of thequarter window to the door windowframe <strong>and</strong> roof rail weatherstrip.To do this, set the quarter window assemblyinto position <strong>and</strong> temporarilysecure the front guide assembly <strong>and</strong>the rear guide assembly, by tighteningscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesG <strong>and</strong> 8 finger tight. Also securethe upper stop assemblies <strong>and</strong> thedoor window stop bracket, by tighteningthe screw <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesK, L<strong>and</strong> M securely. The extensionassembly, quarter windowfront guide lower bracket, is securedby tightening screw <strong>and</strong> washerassemblies E.4. To obtain proper alignment ofthe quarter window assembly withthe door window glass <strong>and</strong> channelassembly <strong>and</strong> proper interferencewith the roof rail weatherstrip, tiltthe front guide assembly inboard oroutboard at the bottom as required.When adjustment is complete, tightenscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies H securely.5. Cycle the quarter window assemblyto its down position, flushwith the top of the quarter panel.This will locate the rear guide assembly<strong>and</strong> quarter window rearguide lower extension assembly inits proper position.6. Tighten screw <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesA <strong>and</strong> C securely. Positionthe quarter window lower stop assemblyfirmly against the bottomedge of the quarter window assembly<strong>and</strong> tighten screw <strong>and</strong> washer assembliesF securely.7. Cycle the quarter window assemblyto its down position <strong>and</strong>secure the front <strong>and</strong> rear guideassemblies by tightening screw <strong>and</strong>washer assemblies B<strong>and</strong> G securely.8. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong>quarter trim panel.QUARTER WINDOWADJUSTMENT -FAIRLANEAND MERCURY INTERMEDIATE-MODEL 76I. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield. .2. Loosen the screw <strong>and</strong> washerassemblies A, B, E, G, K, L<strong>and</strong>M (Fig. 9).3. Position the window fore <strong>and</strong>aft <strong>and</strong> tilt it fore <strong>and</strong> aft as requiredfor alignment to the frontdoor window <strong>and</strong> roof rail. This willproperly position the quarter windowguide panel assembly. Tightenscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies E securely.4. Position the upper stop assemblies(Fig. 9) <strong>and</strong> the quarter upperstop brackets <strong>and</strong> tighten the retainingscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies L<strong>and</strong>M.5. Secure the window guide lowerbracket to the guide assembly bytightening screw <strong>and</strong> washer assemblyG.6. To provide alignment with thefront door window <strong>and</strong> an interferencefit with the roof rail weatherstrip,tilt the guide assembly inboardor outboard as required. Tightenscrew <strong>and</strong> washer assemblies A <strong>and</strong>B.7. Cycle the window to its downposition so that the top of thewindow is flush with the belt line.Position the lower stop assemblyagainst the window channel <strong>and</strong>tighten the lower stop assembly retainingscrew K (Fig. 9).8. Cycle the window up <strong>and</strong>down to recheck alignment. Then,install the watershield <strong>and</strong> quartertrim panel.QUARTER WINDOWADJUST MENT -MUST ANGAND COUGARI. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back.2. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.3. Loosen the screws (items A. 8<strong>and</strong> C, Fig. 10) before adjustingthe quarter window.4. Adjust the quarter windowQUARTER WINDOWASSEMBLYWINDOW UPPER STOPrIWINDOW REGULATOR~~/; """QUARTER WINDDWGUIDEASSEMBLYREAR EDGE qF DODRGLASS ASSEMBLYACTUATOR~. I'ARM GUIDE~VIEW AA""",,"'-:-/,(..ra~STOP303A121 '~.111 ~.;GUIDE'LOWER BRACKETIi,-.-'f'~~--(9-::;;t ~'~-VIEW CCVIEW - BB R 1287-C~FIG. la-QuarterWindow Adjustment--Mustang <strong>and</strong> Cougar

~:;:::::::::: :_-- !-'(~~ f~~~

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid 1 7-45move the trim panel, loosen the hingeto tailgate bolts <strong>and</strong> shift the tailgateas required.LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTDOOR LATCH ADJUSTMENTThe striker plate can be adjustedlaterally <strong>and</strong> vertically <strong>and</strong> the latchcan be adjusted laterally. Beforeadjusting the deck lid latch, makesure tha t the deck lid is properlyaligned. To adjust the latch, loosenthe attaching screws, move the latchas required to make good contact<strong>and</strong> tighten the attaching screws.Move the striker plate up or down asnecessary to increase or decreasethe clearance between the deck lid<strong>and</strong> the lower back panel.LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTDOOR ALIGNMENTFIG. 13. Tailgate Lock Striker AdjustmentThe luggage compartment door(deck lid) can be shifted fore <strong>and</strong> aft<strong>and</strong> from side to side by looseningthe hinge to door attaching screws(Figs. 14 <strong>and</strong> 15). The up <strong>and</strong> downadjustment is obtained by adding orremoving shims between the hinge <strong>and</strong>the door (Fig. 15). On Mustang<strong>and</strong> Cougar Models, the up <strong>and</strong>down adjustment is obtained byloosening the hinge to hinge supportattaching screws <strong>and</strong> raising orlowering the hinge (Fig. 14).The luggage compartment doorshould be adjusted for an even <strong>and</strong>parallel fit with the door opening.The door should also be adjusted up<strong>and</strong> down for a flush fit with thesurrounding panels. Care should betaken not to distort or mar the lug.gage compartment door or sur.rounding body panels.LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTDOOR HINGE TORSIONBAR ADJUSTMENTFIG. 14.TypicalLuggage Compartment Door AlignmentMustang <strong>and</strong> Cougar-1. Open the luggage compartmentdoor <strong>and</strong> note the pop-up distance ofthe door. The door should pop openabout 3 inches <strong>and</strong> should stay inany raised position.2. If the door does not pop opento about 3 inches <strong>and</strong> will not remainopen in any position, the torsion barstensioft should be increased.3. If the door pops open more thanabout 3 inches <strong>and</strong> will not remain inany open position except full open,the torsion bar tension should be decreased.4. To adjust the torsion bar tensionon a Mustang or Cougar, slipTool T64K-44890-B over the endof the torsion bar as shown in Fig.16. Then, rotate the bar rearward

~<strong>17</strong>-46 GROUP7-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>at point C <strong>and</strong> re-position point 8 inanother slot to increase or decreasethe torsion bar tension, as necessary.LUGGAGE()'\PARTMENDOOR~'~~:&~5. To adjust the torsion bar tensionon Falcon, Fairlane or MercuryIntermediate models, grip the torsionbar with a pipe wrench at point Ashown in Fig. <strong>17</strong>. Then, lift the endof the pipe wrench to rotate the bar~ out of t~e slot at point B into another'((0slot to Increase or decrease the torsionbar tension, as desired. It maybe necessary to force the bar downat point C after adjustment.6. After torsion bar adjustment,.,;;":'t",,,the difference of the position of the tor-:lsion bar ends between the right <strong>and</strong>'left side must not be more than oneslot.HINGEFIG. 15- Luggage Comportment Door AlignmentMercury Intermediate - TypicalII. I'1''' 1111 I' II ,,'/ '; 1~,". ,1'I,1 ,,II,, III II ill II, I 'I:""" 111'11 III". Zr-I : ~\ [~~~~~~~~.. .. '.\ ---::-';""""'-'-""'": ' . . II~;i~~~;~;~ I II !I~ ("'..".""",,-::::::::;...~,... .',f I ! 1~N 1599-ATAILGATE GLASS EMERGENCYLOWERING PROCEDUREFalcon, Fairlane, <strong>and</strong> If the tailgate window regulatormechanism should fail with the windowin a partially closed or closed position,the following procedure shouldbe used to lower the window.I. Remove the tailgate insidecover panel attaching screws.2. Remove the two glass openingside garn ish mouldings.3. Remove one plug button fromeach side of the tailgate (Fig. 18).4. Insert two wire hooks in theplug button holes <strong>and</strong> slide the innerpanel up <strong>and</strong> off the tailgate.5. Remove the water shield fromthe tailgate.ff //-:;:'-. '.:i(.,;,II , I. '~i;~..,'-',"0'0 '0,'0 '\. .,II, :".1,:,//1-, !!I, ',-,." /..:: / /J-(!),'..-'',.,~\If:,,;\::/ !)6. Remove the four nuts <strong>and</strong>washers attaching the regulatorarm brackets to the glass channel.Hold the glass <strong>and</strong> disengage theregulator arm brackets from theglass channel <strong>and</strong> regulator rollers.Then, carefully lower the glass intothe tailgate.'::::::~i'~~~~~;~ii;;;;~'i'l"N 1600.AFIG. 16 Torsion Bor Adjustment Mustang <strong>and</strong> CougarTypical

\~ \ \:\\,I" ,"/ :. 1.,1.' .. ", '" ..." " ""-' ,\, ','II,I \1\,I \\\ 1.~, ", 'I"\PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-47(I@., ~ " I:::B K-1W"I/::I: .',Z',}'! ',i'l'! , '/I /II ", ", "'"I //1//, //1//" ,\"" ,"'" .'::::::::::::::::~,,:::i ii'i' it:::::::.' ' '..',-:"'."" ,',' "'..,., 'II ,I. I''. ..," " I """ ,""."""""';"..,"'...", ~"" ", ..\"."' \ ,"""'" ",..1 '.'.' """"" " " ,... ..,~""" "I " ..'. I ,,""I, III'.',"i...,/I'. /I"...::;.,,,,~ ,";,,, "' 11I1 ":"\..:', ..1,.,.1111 ~"i" ""' "", ,.'.., ' "" I ,,

1 7-48 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>INSTALLATIONI. If the hinge was removed, installit on the pillar.2. Position the door to the hinges.Partially tighten the bolts, align thedoor, <strong>and</strong> tighten the bolts securely.3. Align the door glass, glassruns, stops, regulator, <strong>and</strong> remotecontrol.4. Install the door water shield<strong>and</strong> the door trim.FRONT DOOR LA TCH-EXCEPT MODELS 63, 76REMOVAL1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong> positionthe water shield away from theaccess holes.2. Disconnect the door lock remotecontrol link, the latch actuatingrod <strong>and</strong> the lock control to cylinderat the latch (Fig. 19). Removethe knob from the push button rod.3. Remove the glass rear run lowerretaining bolt <strong>and</strong> position therun away from the door latch.4. Remove the latch assembly fromthe door. Remove the push button rodfrom the latch.INST ALLA TION1. Connect the push button rod tothe latch.2. Position the latch in the door,<strong>and</strong> install the retain ing screws. Connectthe latch control to cylinder rod,the latch actuating rod, <strong>and</strong> theremote control link at the latch.Install the push button. Be sure tomaintain the dimension shown in Fig.19.3. Position the glass rear runin the door. Install the retainingbolt, adjust the rear run, <strong>and</strong> tightenthe retaining bolt.4. Check the operation of thelatch. If necessary, adjust the latchstriker.5. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel, <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.FRONT DOOR LATCHMODELS 63,76REMOVAL1. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the door window glasschannel bracket retaining screws.Prop the window in its up position<strong>and</strong> cycle the regulator arms to thedown position.3. Disconnect the control rodsfrom the latch asSembly (Fig. 19).4. Remove the three screws re-taining the latch assembly <strong>and</strong> remove the latch assembly from the doorINSTALLATIONI. Position the latch assemblyin the door <strong>and</strong> install the threelatch assembly-to-door retainingscrews.2. Connect the control rods tothe latch assembly. Be sure to maintainthe dimension shown in Fig. 19.3. Raise the window regulatorarms <strong>and</strong> bracket <strong>and</strong> install the regulatorarm bracket-to-window chanelretaining screws. Remove the propused to temporarily hold the windowin its up position.4. Install the door watershield <strong>and</strong>the trim panel.REAR DOOR LATCHREMOVAL1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access holes.2. Disconnect the door latch remotecontrol rod <strong>and</strong> door lock controlrod at the door latch assembly.3. Remove the three screws retainingthe latch assembly to the door<strong>and</strong> remove the latch assembly fromthe door (Fig. 19).INSTALLATIONI. Position the latch assemblyin the door, <strong>and</strong> install the retainingingscrews.2. Connect the door latch remotecontrol rod <strong>and</strong> the door lock controlrod at the door latch assembly.3. Check the operation of thelatch. If necessary, adjust the latchstriker.4. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel, <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.DOOR LOCK CYLINDERThe key code is stamped on thelock cylinder to assist in replacinglost keys.When a lock cylinder is replaced,both door lock cylinders <strong>and</strong> the ignitionlock cylinder should be replacedin a set. This will avoidcarrying an extra key which will fitonly one lock.1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access holes.2. Disconnect the lock control todoor lock cylinder rod at the lockcylinder.3: Pull the door lock cylinder retainerrearward to release the cylin-der, <strong>and</strong> remove the lock cylinderfrom the door.4. Transfer the lock cylinder armto the new lock cylinder.5. Position the lock cylinder inthe door, <strong>and</strong> install the lock cylinderretainer (Fig. 19).6. Connect the lock control todoor lock cylinder rod at the lockcylinder.7. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.DOOR HANDLE AND/ORPUSH BUTTONI. Remove the door trim panel,<strong>and</strong> position the water shield awayfrom the access holes.2. Remove the h<strong>and</strong>le retainingscrew <strong>and</strong> nut, <strong>and</strong> remove theh<strong>and</strong>le (Fig. 19). To remove thefront door h<strong>and</strong>le, it will be necessaryto disconnect the latch actuatinglink.3. To replace the push buttonremove the retaining plate screw,retaining plate, spring, push button,<strong>and</strong> rubber seal from the h<strong>and</strong>le.4. Install the push button assemblyif it was removed, <strong>and</strong> installthe h<strong>and</strong>le assembly. Connect thelatch actuating link to the doorh<strong>and</strong>le.S. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel, <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.DOOR VENT WINDOWFRAME-EXCEPT MODELS63,76REMOVAL1. Remove the door trim panel,trim panel lower retainer <strong>and</strong> thewatershield.2. Remove the inner <strong>and</strong> outerdoor belt line weatherstrips (view0, Fig. 4) by prying them loosefrom the door.3. Remove the window lowerstop <strong>and</strong> completely lower the doorwindow.4. Remove the front glass runadjusting bolt, lock nut <strong>and</strong> washer.5. Remove the front glass runfrom the division bar retainer atthe vent frame by sliding the rundown <strong>and</strong> removing it from thedoor through the inner panel accesshole.6. Remove the three screws retainingvent frame to the doorframe. Remove the vent windowassembly <strong>and</strong> place it on a bench.7. Remove the screws retainingthe upper vent pivot to the ventframe assembly. Remove the nut

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-49FIG. 19.Door H<strong>and</strong>le <strong>and</strong> latchInstallation-Typical

<strong>17</strong>-50GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>retaining the lower pivot bolt <strong>and</strong>remove the spring nylon bushings,washer <strong>and</strong> stop washer.8. Remove two screws from thetop of the assembly <strong>and</strong> remove thefour rivets retaining the vent frame<strong>and</strong> division bar weatherstrip. Separatethe frame <strong>and</strong> division bar.9. Using a tool such as shown inFig. 20, remove the glass. Removethe weatherseal.I NST ALLA TIO N1. Position new weatherseal tothe vent glass.2. Lubricate the weatherseal withRu-Glyde <strong>and</strong> seat the glass assemblyin its channel.3. Position the division bar tothe vent frame. Position the ventframe <strong>and</strong> division bar weatherstrip<strong>and</strong> install the four rivets <strong>and</strong> twoscrews at the top of the frame.4. Assemble the vent tensionspring to the lower pivot <strong>and</strong> adjustthe pivot spring tension so that thewindow will stay open at highwayspeeds.S. Position the frame assembly onthe door <strong>and</strong> install the three retainingscrews.6. Position the glass front run inthe door <strong>and</strong> slide it into the ventframe retainer.7. Loosely install the front runadjusting bolt <strong>and</strong> nut.8. Raise the window halfway <strong>and</strong>loosely install the lower glass stop.9. Adjust the front run <strong>and</strong> tightenthe retaining nut.10. Lower the window so thatthe top of the glass is level with thewindow opening belt line.11. Install the belt line weatherstrips.12. Install the door watershield<strong>and</strong> trim panel.VENT WINDOW FRAME-MUSTANG AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong> water-~hield from the door.GLASS AND CHANNEL REMOVAL TOOL (NO. 2900)AVAILABLE FROM SOMMER AND MALA GLASSMACHINE COMPANY, 5501 W. OGDEN AVENUE.2. Remove two vent window retainingscrews (Items B<strong>and</strong> C, Fig. 5).3. Remove two lock nuts <strong>and</strong> setscrews (Items J, K, L, <strong>and</strong> M, Fig.5) attaching the vent window <strong>and</strong>front run to the door inner panel.4. Lift the vent window <strong>and</strong> frontrun from the door.5. Remove the tension nut <strong>and</strong>spring from the vent window pivot.6. Remove the vent window tensionbracket <strong>and</strong> remove the vent windowfrom the frame.INSTAL ,ATION1. Position the vent window tothe frame <strong>and</strong> install the tensionbracket, spring, <strong>and</strong> nut.2. Position the vent window <strong>and</strong>front run in the door <strong>and</strong> install thetwo adjusting set screws (Items J<strong>and</strong> K, Fig. 5).3. Install the two vent windowretaining screws <strong>and</strong> the set screwlock nuts (Fig. 5).4. Adjust the vent window as outlinedin Section I.s. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong>tri m panel on the door.VENT WINDOW GLASS-MUSTANG AND COUGAR1. Open the vent windo\\' <strong>and</strong> removethe glass from the vent windowframe with the tool shown in Fig, 20,2. Clean the window frame <strong>and</strong>apply sealer to the frame.3. Install the glass <strong>and</strong> new tapein the window frame with the toolshown in Fig, 20.4. Trim excess tape around theframe <strong>and</strong> close the vent window.VENT WINDOW ORWEA THERSTRIP-MODELS63.76REMOVALThe vent window glass may beremoved <strong>and</strong>/or installed by usingthe tool shown in Fig. 20. Wheninstalling new glass, use new glasstape, <strong>and</strong> apply sealer to the framehorizontal channel <strong>and</strong> to the otherchannel in the area of the upperpivot.1. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> position the water shield awayfrom the access holes.2. Remove the front run bracketretaining bolt, <strong>and</strong> position the runout of the vent window division bar(Fig. 2).3. Remove the door vent windowassembly retaining bolts <strong>and</strong> retainingnut, <strong>and</strong> remove the vent windowassembly.4. Remove the upper pivot fromthe frame <strong>and</strong> remove the lowerpivot spring assembly, then removethe vent window <strong>and</strong> frame.S. Remove the weatherstriD.INSTALLATIONI. Install the weatherstrip.2. Position the vent window <strong>and</strong>frame into the vent assembly.3. Install the pivot <strong>and</strong> the pivotspring assembly. Adjust the springtension so that the vent glass willstay open when the car is drivenat highway speeds.4. Position the vent window assemblyin the door <strong>and</strong> install theretaining bolts <strong>and</strong> retaining nutsnugly.5. Position the front run in thevent window division bar <strong>and</strong> installthe retaining bolt snugly.6. Align the vent window <strong>and</strong>front run <strong>and</strong> tighten the retainingbolts <strong>and</strong> retaining nut.7. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.FRONT DOOR GLASS-FALCON, FAIRLANE, ANDMERCURY INTERMEDIA TE.EXCEPT MODELS 63,76REMOVALI. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access holes.2. After removing the stop (Fig.4), lower the glass until the regulatorarm roller is out of the glasschannel.3. Unsnap <strong>and</strong> remove the beltweatherstrips, loosen the front runattaching bolt at the mountingbracket, <strong>and</strong> remove the bracketattaching bolt from the inner panel.4. Remove the front run fromthe division bar by pulling rearwardon the edges of the run.5. Remove the glass.INSTAL ATIONI. Using the tool shown in Fig.20, remove the channel from theglass.2. Install the channel, using newglass tape.3. Simultaneously, position theglass <strong>and</strong> run in the door, <strong>and</strong> installthe belt weatherstrips.4. Position the regulator arm rollerin the channel, <strong>and</strong> finally positionthe run in the division bar.5. Connect the run <strong>and</strong> bracket,making necessary lateral adjustment.

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-516. Install the stop, making necessaryadjustment.7. Carefully position the watershield, the inner panel, <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.FRONT DOOR GLASS-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEAND FAIRLANE-MODELS63,76REMOVALI. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the door trim panelupper retainer from the door. Thisprovides access to the window upperstop retaining screws.3. Remove the window upperstops (Fig. 2).4. Remove the vent window <strong>and</strong>division bar retaining screws <strong>and</strong>nuts (Fig. 2).5. Remove the rear guide retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> nuts. Remove therear guide from the door.6. Remove the glass channel rollerbrackets from the lower windowchannel.7. Lower the window assemblyinto the door.8. Remove the door belt innerweatherstrip by unsnapping theweatherstrip retainer clips from thedoor inner panel.9. Remove the run assembly fromthe vent division bar.10. Remove the vent window assemblyfrom the door.II. Lift the door glass assemblyup <strong>and</strong> out of the door.12. Remove the frame from theglass.INST ALLATION1. Position the frame on newglass.2. Position the door glass assemblyin the door.3. Position the vent window assemblyin the door.4. Install the front run assemblyin the Vent division bar.5. Snap the door belt inner weatherstrip<strong>and</strong> retaining clips into placeon the door inner panel.6. Raise the door glass <strong>and</strong> installthe regulator channel brackets onthe lower window frame.7. Position the rear guide assemblyin the door <strong>and</strong> install, but donot tighten, the retaining nuts <strong>and</strong>screws sn ug.8. Position the window upperstops <strong>and</strong> install, but do not tighten,the stop retaining screws.9. Adjust the vent window assemblyto the front pillar <strong>and</strong> tightenthe division bar retaining screws <strong>and</strong>nuts.10. Adjust the rear guide <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining nuts <strong>and</strong> screws.II. Adjust the window upperstops <strong>and</strong> tighten the stop retainingscrews.12. Install the door trim panelupper retainer.13. Install the door trim panelwatershield <strong>and</strong> the door trim panel.FRONT DOOR GLASS-MUSTANG AND COUGARREMOVALi. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>weathersheet from the door.2. Remove six screws attachingthe lock pillar seal to the door atthe belt line <strong>and</strong> remove the seal.3. Remove the upper front stop<strong>and</strong> the upper rear stop bracket fromthe door (Fig. 5).4. While holding the glass, removethree screws attaching the channelguide bracket to the glass channel<strong>and</strong> lower the glass.5. Loosen the two window rearguide upper attaching screws.6. Loosen the two vent windowupper attaching screws (Fig. 5).7. Loosen the front run <strong>and</strong>bracket set screw <strong>and</strong> the vent windowset screw (Fig. 5).8. Tilt the vent window frameforward <strong>and</strong> lift the glass <strong>and</strong> channelfrom the door.9. Remove two screws attachingthe frame <strong>and</strong> channel together <strong>and</strong>remove the frame <strong>and</strong> channel fromthe glass (Fig. 20).iNSTALLATION1. Position the weatherseal tapein the frame <strong>and</strong> channel <strong>and</strong> lubricatewith Ru-Glyde Lubricant B6A-19583-A.2. Install the frame <strong>and</strong> channelon the glass with the tool shown inFig. 20.3. Install the two screws to retainthe.frame <strong>and</strong> channel together.4. Position the glass <strong>and</strong> channelin the door with the front edge ofthe glass in the front run <strong>and</strong> therollers on the channel in the windowrear guide.5. Position the channel guidebracket (Fig. 5) to the glass channel<strong>and</strong> install the three attaching screws.6. Loosely install the window upperfront stop <strong>and</strong> the rear upperstop bracket.7. Align the vent window frameto the windshield pillar <strong>and</strong> tightenthe attaching nuts <strong>and</strong> set screwlocknuts.8. Adjust the window rear guidefor the correct tilt to fit the window<strong>and</strong> tighten the two attaching bolts<strong>and</strong> the set screw locknut.9. Adjust the upper front <strong>and</strong> rearstops <strong>and</strong> torque the attaching boltsto 8-13 ft-lb.10. Position the lock pillar sealto the door <strong>and</strong> install the six attachingscrews.11. Install the weathersheet <strong>and</strong>trim panel on the door.FRONT DOOR WINDOWREGULA TOR-MANUAL-MERCURY INTERMEDIATE ANDFAIRLANE-MODEL 63, 76REMOVAL1. Remove the front door trimpanel <strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the four regulator assemblyretaining screws.3. Prop the window in its up position<strong>and</strong> remove the front channelbracket from the window frame.4. Loosen the front run retainingnut <strong>and</strong> remove the regulator fromthe door. The regulator arm rollerswill slide out of the rear channelbracket <strong>and</strong> the equalizer armbracket to permit removal of theregulator assembly from the door.INST ALLAT10N1. Position the regulator assemblyin the door <strong>and</strong> install the regulatorarm rollers in the channel brackets.2. Align the regulator retainingscrew holes with the retaining screwholes in the door panel <strong>and</strong> installthe four regulator assembly retainingscrews.3. Install the front run lowerretaining nut.4. Install the front channel brack.et on the window frame.5. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong> doortrim panel.FRONT DOOR WINDOWREGULA TOR-FALCON, FAIRLANE,AND MERCURY INTERMEDIATE-EXCEPT MODELS 63, 76REMOVALI. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong> positionthe water shield away from theaccess holes.2. Disconnect the regulator fromthe glass channel roller.3. Raise the glass by h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>secure it in the raised position.4. Remove the regulator retainingbolts (Fig. 3) <strong>and</strong> remove the regulatorthrough the door access hole.

<strong>17</strong>-52 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>INST ALLA TIONI. Position the regulator insidethe door <strong>and</strong> install the retainingbolts snugly.2. Lower the glass <strong>and</strong> connectthe regulator.3. Check the operation of theglass. adjust it if necessary, <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining bolts.4. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.FRONT DOOR WINDOWREGULA TOR-MUST ANGAND COUGARREMOVAL1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>weathersheet from the door.2. While holding the glass, removethree screws attaching the channelguide bracket (Fig. 5) to the glasschannel <strong>and</strong> prop the glass <strong>and</strong> channelup.3. Remove four screws attachingthe regulator to the door inner panel<strong>and</strong> remove the regulator <strong>and</strong> channelguide bracket from the d90r.4. Remove the channel guidebracket from the regulator.INST ALLA TION1. Lubricate the channel guidebracket <strong>and</strong> install the bracket on theregulator.2. Position the regulator to thedoor inner panel <strong>and</strong> install the fourattaching screws. Torque the screwsto 8-13 ft-lb.3. Position the channel guidebracket to the glass channel <strong>and</strong> installthe three attaching screws.Turque the screws to 15-20 in-lb.4. Install the weathersheet <strong>and</strong>trim panel on the door.FRONT DOOR GLASS REARRUN-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEAND FAIRLANE-MODELS 63, 76REMOVAL1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access holes.2. Remove both window upperstop brackets from the glass lowerchannel.3. Disconnect both regulator armsfrom the glass lower channel. <strong>and</strong>remove the rollers. Remove the glassassembly.4. Remove the glass rear runlower retaining bolt. Remove the runupper adjusting s(;rew lock nut. Donot disturb the position of the adjustingscrew. Remove the run fromthe door.INST ALLA TION1. Position the rear run in thedoor <strong>and</strong> install the lower retainingbolt <strong>and</strong> upper adjusting screw locknut snugly.2. Position the glass assembly inthe door. Install the rollers in theglass lower channel, <strong>and</strong> connectboth regulator arms.3. Attach the window upper stopbrackets to the lower channel.4. Adjust the rear run <strong>and</strong> tightenthe retaining bolt <strong>and</strong> nut.5. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.FRONT DOOR GLASS REARRUN-FALCON, FAIRLANE, ANDMERCURY INTERMEDIA TE-EXCEPT MODELS 63,76I. Lower the window <strong>and</strong> pull therear run-from the door <strong>and</strong> rear runretainer.2. Apply Silicon lube to the newrun in the area that is below thebelt line.3. Slide the run into the run retainerbelow the belt line.4. Apply adhesive to the run retainerabove the belt line <strong>and</strong> insertthe run into the retainer. Then,raise the window to firmly seat therun in the retainer.FRONT DOOR GLASSREAR GUIDE-MUSTANGAND COUGARREMOVAL1. Removt' the trim panel <strong>and</strong>weathersheet from the door.2. Remove the upper rear stop(Fig. 5) from the glass channel.3. Remove the upper rear stopfrom the rear guide (Fig. 5).4. Remove the two rear guide todoor attaching bolts.5. Remove the lock nut from therear guide set screw <strong>and</strong> remove thesetscrew.6. Remove the rear guide fromthe door through the opening at thebottom of the door.INST ALLATIUNI. Lubricate the rear guide <strong>and</strong>install the set screw in the guide.2. Po~ition the rear guide to thedoor <strong>and</strong> the rollers on the glasschannel.3. Install the two rear guide attachingscrews.4. Install the lock nut on the rearguide set screw.5. Install the upper rear stop onthe rear guide (Fig. 5).6. Adjust the rear guide <strong>and</strong>tighten the two attaching screws <strong>and</strong>lock nut. Adjust the window upperrear stop.7. Install the weathersheet <strong>and</strong>trim panel on the door.REAR DOOR GLASS-MODELS 54,71REMOVAL1. Remove the door trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the two screws retainingthe regulator roller channelbracket to the lower window channel(Fig. 3).3. Remove the lower stop assembly.4. Remove the screw <strong>and</strong> nut retainingthe rear run retainer <strong>and</strong>stationary glass. Move the run retainer<strong>and</strong> glass back <strong>and</strong> down inthe door.5. Remove the door belt, outsideweatherstrip.6. Tilt the door window down<strong>and</strong> then lift it out of the door.7. Using a tool such as shown inFig. 20, remove the glass from thelower channel.fNST ALLATfON1. Position new glass tape on theglass <strong>and</strong>, using a tool such asshown in Fig. 20, install the lowerchannel on the glass.2. Position the glass <strong>and</strong> channelassembly in the door.3. Position the rear run retainer<strong>and</strong> stationary glass assembly <strong>and</strong>install the retainer screw <strong>and</strong> nut.4. Install the regulator roller channelbracket on the window channel.5. Install the lower window stop.6. Install the door trim watershield<strong>and</strong> the door trim panel.7. Install the window outside beltweatherstrip.REAR DOORREGULATORREMOVALWINDOW1. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access holes.2. Disconnect the regulator fromthe glass channel roller.3. Raise the glass by h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-53secure it in the raised position.4. Remove the regulator retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the regulatorthrough the door access hole.INST ALLA TIO N1. Position the regulator insidethe door <strong>and</strong> install the retainingscrews snugly.2. Lower the glass <strong>and</strong> connectthe regulator.3. Check the operation of theglass, adjust it if necessary, <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining bolts.4. Carefully position the watershield to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.QUARTER WINDOW GLASS.MUSTANG AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back from the vehicle.2. Remove the quarter trim panelfrom the vehicle.3. Remove six screws retainingthe seal to the lock pillar <strong>and</strong> removethe seal.4. Remove both window upperstops from the quarter window assembly(Fig. 10).S. Remove two quarter windowguide upper attaching screws(Fig. 10).6. Remove one screw attachingthe guide lower bracket to the quarterwindow guide (Fig. 10).7. Lower the glass <strong>and</strong> disconnectthe roller <strong>and</strong> regulator arm from theglass channel. Then, remove thequarter window assembly from thevehicle..8. Remove one screw attaching thefront weatherstrip to the glass frame<strong>and</strong> remove the weatherstrip.9. Remove four screws retainingthe four piece window frame together<strong>and</strong> remove the frame pieces fromthe glass with the tool shown in Fig.20. One piece of the frame is bondedto the glass <strong>and</strong> cannot be remo~ed.INST ALLATIONI. Clean the glass frame <strong>and</strong> installthe frame <strong>and</strong> new tape on theglass with the tool shown in Fig. 20.Then, install the four frame retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> trim off any excess tape.2. Position the front weatherstripto the glass frame <strong>and</strong> install theattaching screw.3. Position the quarter windowassembly into the quarter panel <strong>and</strong>to the guide assembly.4. Install the three guide assemblyattaching screws snug.5. Place the clip on the regulatorarm roller, <strong>and</strong> position the roller inthe glass channel. Then, connect theroller to the window regulator.6. Adjust the quarter window asoutlined in Section I <strong>and</strong> tightenthe guide assembly attaching screws(Fig. 10).7. Install the window upper stops(Fig. 10) <strong>and</strong> the lock pillar seal.8. Install the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> the rear seat back <strong>and</strong> seatcushion.QUARTER GLASS-MODEL 62REMOVAL1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> back.2. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access hole.3. Remove the lower <strong>and</strong> frontgarnish moldings.4. Remove the rear run.5. Lower the window until theregulator rollers are accessible, <strong>and</strong>disconnect the front rollers from thechannel.6. Lower <strong>and</strong> tilt the glass to removeit.INST ALLATION1. Transfer the channel, using thetool shown in Fig. 20.2. Position the glass in the quarterpanel, <strong>and</strong> connect the frontrollers.3. Install the rear run, adjustingit as necessary.4. Install the garnish mouldings,position the water shield, <strong>and</strong> installthe trim panel.5. Install the seat cushion <strong>and</strong>back.REAR QUARTER WINDOWGLASS-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEAND FAIRLANE-MODEL 76REMOVAL1. Remove the rear seat cushion,seat back <strong>and</strong> quarter trim panel.2. Remove the quarter windowupper stops.3. Remove the lower glass channelbracket (Fig. 9) from the lowerglass channel.4. Remove the three quarter windowguide panel retaining screws.5. Raise the top assembly off thewindshield header far enough to permitclearance between the window<strong>and</strong> roof side rails.6. Remove the window from thequarter panel.7. Remove the retaining screwfrom the weatherstrip <strong>and</strong> removethe weatherstrip from the window.8. Remove the screws retainingthe window top frame <strong>and</strong> removethe frame from the glass.9. Using a tool such as shownin Fig. 20, remove the glass fromthe lower <strong>and</strong> side channel.INST ALLA TION1. Using a tool such as shown inFig. 20, install the lower <strong>and</strong> sidechannels on the glass.2. Position the top frame on theglass assembly <strong>and</strong> install the frameretaining screws.3. Position the quarter windowweatherstrip on the window assembly<strong>and</strong> install the weatherstrip retainingscrew.4. Position the quarter window inthe guide assembly <strong>and</strong> install theguide retaining screws snugly.5. Install the lower glass channelbracket on the glass channel.6. Install the window upper stopssnugly.7. Raise the top assembly <strong>and</strong>fasten the top hold-down clamps.8. Align the window assembly tothe door glass <strong>and</strong> top side rails. Adjustthe upper <strong>and</strong> lower windowstops <strong>and</strong> tighten all retainingscrews.9. Cycle the window assembly up<strong>and</strong> down to insure proper adjustment.Then, install the quarter trimpanel, rear seat back <strong>and</strong> seat cushion.QUARTER WINDOW GLASS-MERCURY INTERMEDIATEAND FAIRLANE-MODEL 63REMOVAL1. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the two upper stops(Fig. 8).3. Remove the quarter window uppergarnish moulding.4. Remove two screws attaching theglass channel bracket <strong>and</strong> remove thebracket (Fig. 8).5. Remove the two rear guide attachingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the rearguide.6. Remove three front guide attachingscrews <strong>and</strong> position the guidedown in the quarter panel.7. Tilt the glass rearward <strong>and</strong>remove it from the vehicle.8. Remove one screw <strong>and</strong> removethe wea therstrip from the quarterwindow.9. Remove three top frame retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the frame.10. Remove the glass from thechannel with the tool shown in Fig. 20.

1 7 -54 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>INSTALLATIONI. Install the glass in the channelwith the tool shown in Fig. 20. Besure to use new tape around theglass where it fits into the glasschannel. Then, trim off the excess tapewith a razer blade.2. Position the top frame on theglass <strong>and</strong> install the retaining screws.3. Position the weatherstrip to thequarter window <strong>and</strong> install the retainingscrew.4. Position the glass in the quarterpanel. Then, position the rear guide<strong>and</strong> install the attaching screws snug.5. Install the front guide <strong>and</strong>tighten the attaching screws snug.6. Position the channel bracket tothe regulator arm <strong>and</strong> glass channel<strong>and</strong> install the two attaching screws.7. Install the two upper stops(Fig. 8).8. Adjust the quarter window asoutlined in Section I of this Part.9. Install the upper garnishmoulding, watershield, <strong>and</strong> quartertrim panel.QUARTER WINDOWREGULA TOR-MUST ANGAND COUGARREMOVALI. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back from the vehicle.2. Remove the quarter trim panelfrom the vehicle.3. Disconnect the window regulatorarm from the roller in the glasschannel (Fig. 10) <strong>and</strong> support theglass in the up position.4. Remove five screws attachingthe window regulator <strong>and</strong> stop to thequarter inner panel. Then, slide thewindow regulator arm roller out ofthe actuator arm guide <strong>and</strong> removethe window regulator from the quarterpanel.5. Remove the roller from thewindow regulator arm.INST ALL A TION1. Install the roller on the windowregulator arm.2. Position the window regulatorinto the quarter panel <strong>and</strong> engagethe regulator arm roller in the actuatorarm guide.3. Install the four window regulatorattaching screws <strong>and</strong> the windowregulator stop <strong>and</strong> attaching screw.4. Connect the window regulatorarm to the roller in the glass channel<strong>and</strong> remove the glass support.5. Install the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> the seat back <strong>and</strong> seat cushion.QUARTER WINDOWREGULATOR-MODEL 62REMOV Al1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> back.2. Remove the trim panel <strong>and</strong>position the water shield away fromthe access hole.3. Disconnect the regulator fromthe glass channel rollers.4. Raise the glass by h<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong>secure it in the raised position.5. Remove the regulator retainingbolts, slide the regulator armou t of the equalizer <strong>and</strong> remove theregulator.INST ALLATION1. Position the regulator insidethe quarter panel, engage the armin the equalizer, <strong>and</strong> install the regulatorretaining bolts snugly.2. Position the rollers in the glasschannel, lower the glass <strong>and</strong> connectthe regulator.3. Check the operation of theglass, adjust it if necessary, <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining bolts.4. Position the water shield, <strong>and</strong>install the trim panel.5. Install the seat cushion <strong>and</strong>back.QUARTER WINDOWREGULA TOR-MERCURYINTERMEDIATE ANDFAIRLANE-MODEL 63REMOVAL1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back.2. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> water shield.3. Remove the screws retainingthe glass channel bracket to the lowerglass channel <strong>and</strong> remove theglass channel bracket. Prop the windowassembly in its up position.4. Remove the four screws retainingthe regulator assembly to thequarter panel <strong>and</strong> remove the regulatorassembly.INST ALLATIONI. Position the regulator assemblyin the quarter panel <strong>and</strong> install thefour regulator retaining screws.2. Remove the prop used to holdthe window up <strong>and</strong> install the glasschannel bracket on the glass channel.3. Install the quarter trim panelwatershield <strong>and</strong> trim panel.4. Install the rear seat back <strong>and</strong>'CUshion.QUARTER WINDOWREGULA TOR - MERCURYINTERMEDIATEMODEL 76REMOV AiAND FAIRLANE.I. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove two screws attachingthe channel bracket to the glass channel<strong>and</strong> remove the channel bracket(Fig. 9).3. Remove the window lower stop.4. Remove four window regulatorattaching screws <strong>and</strong> remove the regulatorfrom the quarter panel.INST ALLA TIONI. Position the regulator in thequarter panel <strong>and</strong> install the fourattaching screws.2. Position the channel bracketto the regulator arm rollers <strong>and</strong>glass channel. Then, install the twochannel bracket attaching screws.3. Install <strong>and</strong> adjust the windowlower stop.4. Install the watershield <strong>and</strong>quarter trim panel.QUARTER WINDOW FRONTRUN - MODEL 62REMOVAL1. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Lower the window <strong>and</strong> pull therun from the run retainers (Fig. 7).INST ALLA TION1. Lube the run at the front lowerend with silicon <strong>and</strong> insert the run inthe run retainers.2. Raise the window <strong>and</strong> installthe watershield <strong>and</strong> quarter trim panel.QUARTER WINDOW FRONTGUIDE - MERCURYINTERMEDIATE AND FAIRLANE-MODEL 63REMOVALI. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back.2. Remove the quarter windowh<strong>and</strong>le, arm rest, the quarter trimpanel, trim panel retainer, garnishmoulding, <strong>and</strong> position the watershield away from the access hole.3. Remove the quarter windowfront guide lower retaining bolts<strong>and</strong> the adjuster screw lock nut.4. Turn the adjuster screw to itsfull in position.

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-55~//~.--FIG. 21-StationaryRear Quarter Window5. With the quarter glass in thelowered position remove the quarterwindow front guide from the glasschannel rollers.6. Remove the quarter windowfront guide through the access holewith the window glass in the upposition.INSTALLATION1. With the quarter glass in theup position, install the quarter windowfront guide into the glass channelrollers.2. Install the quarter windowfront guide retaining bolts <strong>and</strong> adjusterscrew lock nut snugly.3. Check the operation of theglass, adjust it if necessary, <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining bolts <strong>and</strong> adjusterscrew lock nut. '4. Position the water shield <strong>and</strong>install the garnish moulding, trimpanel retainer, quarter trim panel,regulator h<strong>and</strong>le, <strong>and</strong> arm rest.5. Install the rear seat back <strong>and</strong>seat cushion.QUARTER WINDOW REARGUIDE-MUST ANG AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Remove the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> watershield.-Models 712. Remove the quarter windowwindlace.3. Disconnect the regulator armfrom the roller in the glass channel(Fig. 10).4. Remove two quarter windowguide upper retaining bolts (items A,Fig. 10).5. Remove the two window upperstops (Fig. 10) <strong>and</strong> the window regulatorstop. Then, remove the quarterwindow.6. Remove one bolt attaching theguide from the quarter panel.INSTALLATION1. Position the guide in the quarterpanel <strong>and</strong> install the guide to lowerbracket attaching bolt.2. Position the regulator arm rollerin the glass channel <strong>and</strong> positionthe glass channel roller down into theguide.3. Move the window regulator tothe up position.4. Install the two upper stops (Fig.10).5. Lower the window regulator <strong>and</strong>connect the regulator arm to the glasschannel roller.6. Adjust the quarter window asoutlined in Section I of this Part.7. Install the quarter window windlace,watershield, <strong>and</strong> trim panel.QUARTER WINDOW FRONTGUIDE-MUST ANG AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back from the vehicle.2. Remove the quarter trim panelfrom the vehicle.3. Remove six screws retainingthe seal to the lock pillar <strong>and</strong> removethe seal.4. Remove both window upperstops from the quarter window assembly(Fig. 10).5. Remove two quarter windowguide upper attaching screws, item A(Fig. 10).6. Remove one screw attaching theguide lower bracket to the quarterwindow guide (Fig. 10).7. Lower the glass <strong>and</strong> disconnectthe roller <strong>and</strong> regulator arm from theglass channel.8. Remove the quarter windowassembly from the vehicle.9. Remove the quarter windowguide assembly from the vehicle.INSTALLATION1. Position the quarter windowguide assembly in the quarter panel.Then, position the quarter window assemblyinto the quarter panel <strong>and</strong>guide assembly.

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-57trim panel retainer <strong>and</strong> garnishmoulding, <strong>and</strong> position the watershield away from the access hole.3. Position the rear seat backpanel cardboard away from the seatback panel.4. Remove the quarter windowrear guide retaining bolt <strong>and</strong> adjusterscrew lock nut, <strong>and</strong> remove therear guide.INSTALLATIONI. Position the rear guide in thequarter <strong>and</strong> install the retaining bolt<strong>and</strong> adjuster screw lock nut snugly.2. Check the operation of theglass, adjust it if necessary, <strong>and</strong>tighten the retaining bolt <strong>and</strong> adjusterscrew lock nut.3. Install the rear seat back panelcardboard.4. Position the water shield, <strong>and</strong>install the garnish moulding, trimpanel retainer, trim panel, regulatorh<strong>and</strong>le, <strong>and</strong> arm rest.5. Install the rear seat back <strong>and</strong>seat cush ion.N 1446.8REAR QUARTER WINDOWAND/OR WEATHERSTRIP-MODEL 71REMOVAL~FIG. 24Butyl Tape RemovalN 1447-A1. Remove the spare tire cover<strong>and</strong> spare tire.2. Remove the inside lower garnishmoulding from the wheel wellarea.3. Remove the quarter windowinside front garnish moulding.4. Remove the quarter windowoutside front moulding (Fig. 21).5. Working from inside the vehicle,loosen the weatherstrip fromthe window opening flange, <strong>and</strong> pushthe window, weatherstrip <strong>and</strong> mouldingassembly out of the opening.6. Remove the moulding <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip from the glass.7. Using solvent, remove all oldsealer from the window openingflange, the window <strong>and</strong> the weatherstrip.INSTALLATION2. Install the three guide assemblyattaching screws snug.3. Place the clip on the regulatorarm roller, <strong>and</strong> position the roller inthe glass channel. Then, connect theroller to the window regulator.4. Adjust the quarter window asoutlined in Section I <strong>and</strong> tighten theguide assembly attaching screws.S. Install the quarter trim panel<strong>and</strong> the rear seat back <strong>and</strong> seatcushion.QUARTER WINDOW REARGUIDE-MERCURYINTERMEDIA TE AND FAIRLANE-MODEL 63REMOVAl.1. Remove the rear seat cushion<strong>and</strong> seat back.2. Remove the quarter windowh<strong>and</strong>le, arm rest, quarter trim panel,I. Apply a bead of sealer aroundthe window opening flange.2. Position the weatherstrip onthe glass <strong>and</strong> install the outer mouldingin the weatherstrip.3. Install a draw cord in theweatherstrip, <strong>and</strong> apply Ru-Glyde tothe weatherstrip surfaces that willcontact the window opening flange.4. Position the window assemblyto the window opening <strong>and</strong> use thedraw cord to pull the weatherstrip

<strong>17</strong>-58 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>over the window opening flange.5. Using a caulking gun, applysealer between the outside of theglass <strong>and</strong> the weatherstrip.6. Install the outside front mouldingretaining screws (Fig. 21).7. Install the inside quarter windowfront garnish mouldings.8. Install the inside lower garnishmoulding.9. Check for water leaks, thenclean the glass <strong>and</strong> mouldings.10. Install the spare tire <strong>and</strong> cover.WINDSHIELD-MERCURYINTERMEDIATE, FALCON, ANDFAIRLANE EXCEPT MODEL 76REMOVAL1. Remove the windshield wiperarms <strong>and</strong> blades.2. Remove the cowl top panelgrille.3. On hardtop models, remove theroof side rail weatherstrip retainingscrew <strong>and</strong> position the weatherstripou t of the retainer. Then, remove thefirst five weatherstrip retainer attachingscrews.4. Remove the windshield outsideside moulding attaching screws (ViewB, Fig. 22) <strong>and</strong> remove the mouldings.5. Remove the outside belt mouldingretainer attaching screws <strong>and</strong> removethe mouldings <strong>and</strong> retainers(View D, Fig. 22).6. Remove the outside top mouldingwith the tool shown in Fig. 23.7. Remove the windshield interiorupper garnish moulding.8. If the glass has been shattered,remove the loose glass fragmentsfrom the car. Beginning at a corner,peel the butyl tape away from thebody pinch weld flange; then, graspthe tape near the flange <strong>and</strong> pulldirectly away (Fig. 24).9. If the glass is not shattered, inserta two foot length of piano wirebetween the pinch weld flange <strong>and</strong> theglass. Wrap each end of the wirearound small wood dowels. With theaid of an assistant, cut the butyl tapeall the way around the glass with asawing motion <strong>and</strong> remove the glass.10. Remove the two spacers fromthe lower edge of the windshield opening(View C, Fig. 22).11. Clean the body flanges of allbutyl tape <strong>and</strong> perform sheet metal orpaint repairs, if necessary.INST ALLATIONI. Install the two spacers on thelower flange of the windshield opening(V iew C, Fig. 22). Check the mouldingretainers to assure adequate mouldingretention. Repair or replace theretainers as necessary.2. Temporarily position thereplacement glass in the windshieldopening <strong>and</strong> adjust the glass for thebest glass to body flange overlapposition. Mark this location with acrayon. Then, remove the glass <strong>and</strong>clean it thoroughly.3. Apply primer (furnished in thebutyl tape replacement kit C6AZ-19562-8) to the entire perimeter of theglass opening flange (Fig. 22).4. Apply primer around the entireperimeter of the inside <strong>and</strong> edge ofthe glass in the area that will contactthe butyl tape.5. Allow the primer to dry tenminutes before installation of the glassor butyl tape.6. Starting at one side of the glassopening, place the butyl tape on theglass opening flange with the spongeedge not more than 1/16 inch fromthe opening edge of the flange (ViewK, Fig. 22). Do not allow the butyltape to overhang the edge of theflange. Do not stretch the butyl tapewhen fitting it to the corners. Carefullysplice the two ends of the tapeat the side of the glass opening (ViewG, Fig. 22).7. Place the glass in the opening,using the crayon marks to locate thebest position for equal seal contact.8. Firmly press the glass againstthe butyl tape with h<strong>and</strong> pressure.Then, inspect the appearance of thebutyl tape through the glass. A dullspot indicates an area where the butyltape does not contact the glass surface.Additional h<strong>and</strong> pressure willseal most areas.9. Remove any excess primer fromthe glass with a razor blade <strong>and</strong> wipewith a clean cloth damped in naphtha.10. Water test the windshield installationaround the entire perimeterof the glass. Repair any leaks by applyingliquid butyl (C5AZ-19554-A)around the edge of the glass.II. Install the windshield interiorupper garnish moulding.12. Install the windshield outsidebelt mouldings <strong>and</strong> retainers (Fig. 22).13. Install the windshield outsidetop mouldin~.14. Install the right <strong>and</strong> left outsidemouldings (Fig. 22).15. In hardtop models, position theweatherstrip retainer to the pillar <strong>and</strong>install the five attaching screws. Then,insert the weatherstrip in the retainer<strong>and</strong> install the weatherstrip end retainingscrew.16. Install the cowl top panel grille<strong>and</strong> windshield wiper arms <strong>and</strong>blades. Then; clean the windshield <strong>and</strong>surrounding area.WINDSHIELD-MERCURYINTERMEDIATE AND FAIRLANE-MODEL 76REMOVAL1. Lower the top <strong>and</strong> remove thewindshield pillar weatherstrips <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip retainers.2. Remove the windshield wiperarms <strong>and</strong> blades.3. Remove the windshield uppergarnish moulding <strong>and</strong> sunvisors. Then,remove the outside top mouldingsfrom the windshield header (ViewsC <strong>and</strong> G, Fig. 25).4. Remove the windshield outsideside mouldings (View B, .Fig. 25).5. Remove nine cowl top panelgrille attaching screws <strong>and</strong> removethe grille.6. Remove the outside belt mouldingretainer attaching screws <strong>and</strong> removethe moulding <strong>and</strong> retainers(V iew E, Fig. 25).7. Remove the mirror from thewindshield.8. If the glass has been shattered,remove the loose glass fragmentsfrom the car. Beginning at a corner,peel the butyl tape away from thebody pinch weld flange; then, graspthe tape near the flange <strong>and</strong> pulldirectly away (Fig. 24).9. If the glass is not shattered, inserta two foot length of piano wire betweenthe pinch weld flange <strong>and</strong> theglass. Wrap each end of the wirearound small wood dowels. With theaid of an assistant, cut the butyl tapeall the way around the glass with asawing motion <strong>and</strong> remove the glass.10. Remove the two spacers fromthe lower edge of the windshield opening(View D, Fig. 25).11. Clean the body flanges of allbutyl tape <strong>and</strong> perform sheet metal orpaint repairs, if necessary.INSTALLATION1. Install the two spacers (4) onthe lower flange of the windshieldopening (Fig. 25). Check the mouldingretainers to assure adequate mouldingretention. Repair or replace the retainersas necessary.2. Temporarily position the replacementglass in the windshieldopening <strong>and</strong> adjust the glass for thebest glass to body flange overlap position.Mark this location with a crayon.Then, remove the glass <strong>and</strong> cleanit thoroughly.3. Apply primer (furnished in thebutyl tape replacement kit C6AZ-19562-8) to the entire perimeter of theglass opening flange (View A, Fig. 25).4. Apply primer around the entireperimeter of the outside <strong>and</strong> ed,ge of

OUTSIDE TOP MOULDINGS- --MOULDINGRETAINER~-?',.SECTIONAL VIEW - DD ASSEMBLED Nl389.AFIG. 26- Windshield Installation -Mustang-Models 63, 65 <strong>and</strong> Cougarthe glass in the area that will contactthe butyl tape.5. Allow the primer to dry tenminutes before installation of the glassor butyl tape.6. Starting at one side of the glassopening, place the butyl tape on theglass opening flange with the spongeedge not more than 1/16 inch fromthe opening edge of the flange (ViewP, Fig. 25). Do not allow the butyltape to o~erhang the edge of theflange. Do not stretch the butyl tapewhen fitting it to the corners. Carefullysplice the two ends of the tapeat the side of the glass opening (ViewH, Fig. 25).7. Place the glass in the opening,using the crayon marks to locate thebest position for equal seal contact.8. Firmly press the glass againstthe butyl tape with h<strong>and</strong> pressure.Then, inspect the appearance of thebutyl tape through the glass. A dullspot indicates an area where the butyltape does not contact the glass surface.Additional h<strong>and</strong> pressure willseal most areas.9. Remove any excess primerfrom the glass with a razor blade <strong>and</strong>wipe with a clean cloth dampened innaptha.10. Water test the windshield installationaround the entire perimeterof the glass. Repair any leaks by ap-plying liquid butyl (C5AZ-19554-A)around the edge of the glass.11. Position the outside belt moulding<strong>and</strong> retainers to the windshieldlower edge <strong>and</strong> install the retainer attachingscrews (View E, Fig. 25).12. Install the cowl top panelgrille.13. Install the windshield outsideside mouldings (Fig. 25).14. Install the windshield outsidetop mouldings (Views F <strong>and</strong> G, Fig.25).15. Install the windshield uppergarnish moulding <strong>and</strong> sunvisors.16. Install the windshield pillarweatherstrip retainers <strong>and</strong> weatherstrips.<strong>17</strong>. Install the windshield wiperarms <strong>and</strong> blades.18. Install the rear view mirror onthe windshield <strong>and</strong> raise the top.WINDSHIELD-MUST ANGMODELS 63, 65 AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Using Tool T64P42430 R or L,remove the top left <strong>and</strong> right outsidewindshield mountings (Fig. 26).2. Using Tool T64P4243fJ R or L,remove the left <strong>and</strong> right windshieldoutside side mouldings.3. Remove the windshield wiperarm <strong>and</strong> blade assemblies.4. Using Tool T64P42430 R or L.remove the windshield outside beltmouldings (Fig. 26).5. Remove the windshield <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly by pushingoutward along the inner edges of thewindshield.INSTALLATION1. Remove the weatherstrip fromthe glass.2. Clean all old sealer from theweatherstrip <strong>and</strong> the body openingflange. Check the moulding retainersto assure adequate moulding retention.Repair or replace the retainersas necessary.3. Using a caulking gun, applysealer in the weatherstrip glass opening.4. Position the weatherstrip on theglass <strong>and</strong> install a draw cord in thebody opening groove of the weatherstrip.S. Using a caulking gun, apply abead of sealer all the way around thebody opening outer flange.6. Apply rubber lubricant to theweatherstrip surface that contacts thebody opening flange.7. Position the windshield <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly in the wind-

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-61""'"1/---"""-MOULDING'RETAIN ERSECTION - CCMOULDINGRETAINERS.PILLAR UPPERWEAlHERSTRIPRETAINER~PILLAR(UPPERWEATHERSTRIPFIG. 27- Windshield Installation- -Mustang Model 76shield opening <strong>and</strong>, with a helperapplying pressure from the outside,use the draw cord to pull the lip ofthe wea therstrip over the windowopening lower flange, each sideflange <strong>and</strong> then over the upperflange.8. Install the outside belt moulding(Fig. 26) by positioning it <strong>and</strong>snapping it over its clip retainers.9. Install the outside side mouldingsby snapping them over their clipretainers.10. Install the top right <strong>and</strong> leftoutside side mouldings by snappingthem over their clip retainers.11. Clean the windshield <strong>and</strong>mouldings.12. Install the windshield wiperarm <strong>and</strong> blade assemblies.WINDSHIELD-MUST ANGMODEL 76REMOVAL1. Lower the convertible top.2. Remove the rear view mirror.3. Remove the four upper garnishmoulding retaining screws <strong>and</strong> removethe upper garnish moulding.4. Remove the sun visor bracket<strong>and</strong> pivot retaining screws <strong>and</strong> removethe sun visor assemblies.5. Remove the front upper bodypillar weatherstrips (Fig. 27). Notethat these weatherstrips are pressedinto their retainers <strong>and</strong> attached withtwo screws, one at the top <strong>and</strong> bottom.6. Remove the front upper bodypillar weatherstrip retainer retainingscrews (four) <strong>and</strong> remove the retainers.7. Remove the retaining screw <strong>and</strong>two retaining nuts from each left<strong>and</strong> right windshield outside topmoulding <strong>and</strong> remove the mouldingsFig. 27, View AA).8. Remove the two retainingscrews from each windshield outsideside moulding <strong>and</strong>, using ToolT64P42430 R or L, rc:move the outsideside mouldings.9. Remove the windshield wiperarm <strong>and</strong> blade assemblies.10. Using Tool T64P42430 R orL, remove the windshield outsidebelt moulding.II. Remove the windshield <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly by pushingoutward along the inner edges of thewindshield.INST ALLA TIO NI. Remove the weatherstrip fromthe glass.2. Clean all old sealer from theweatherstrip <strong>and</strong> the body openingflange. Check the moulding retainersto assure adequate moulding retension.Repair or replace the retainersas necessary.3. Using a caulking gun, applysealer in the weatherstrip glass opening.4. Position the weatherstrip on theglass <strong>and</strong> install a draw cord in thebody opening groove of the weatherstrip.5. Using a caulking gun, apply abead of sealer all the way around thebody opening outer flange.6. Apply rubber lubricant to theweatherstrip surfaces that contact thebody opening flange.7. Position the windshield <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly in the windshieldopening. With a helper applyingpressure from the outside, use thedraw cord to pull the lip of theweatherstrip over the window openinglower flange, each side flange<strong>and</strong> then over the upper flange.8. Install the outside belt moulding(Fig. 27) by snapping the mouldingover the retaining clips.9. Install the outside side mouldingsby snapping them over theirretaining clips <strong>and</strong> install the retainingscrews.10. Position the left <strong>and</strong> right outsidetop mouldings <strong>and</strong> install theretaining screws <strong>and</strong> nuts.11. Position the left <strong>and</strong> right

<strong>17</strong>-62GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>FIG. 28 Back Window Installation -Mercury Intermediate, Falcon, Fairlane- - ISEALER VIEW DIFIG. 29. Back Window <strong>and</strong> Moulding Installation -Mustang <strong>and</strong> Cougar Model 65

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-63moulding <strong>and</strong> install the garnishmoulding retaining screws.15. Install the rear view mirror.16. Clean the windshield <strong>and</strong>mouldings.<strong>17</strong>. Install the wiper arm <strong>and</strong>blade assemblies.BACK WINDOW AND/ORWEA THERSTRIP-FALCON,FAIRLANE AND MERCURYINTERMEDIATE-EXCEPTMODELS 66,71,76REMOVALFIG. 3D-Interior Moulding <strong>and</strong> Quarter Trim Panel Installation-Mustang Model 63front upper body pillar weatherstrip securely into their retainers <strong>and</strong> inretainers(Fig. 27) <strong>and</strong> install 1he stalling the attaching screws.retaining screws.13. Install the sun visor bracket12. Install the front upper body <strong>and</strong> pivot asscmhlies.pillar weatherstrips by pressin,g them 14. Position the upper garnishi.. Using Tool T64-P42430-R orL, release the outside upper mouldings(Fig. 28), from their mouldingretainers <strong>and</strong> remove the outside uppermouldings.2. Using Tool T64-P42430-R orL, release the outside lower mouldingsfrom their moulding retainers<strong>and</strong> remove the outside lowermouldings.3. From inside the car, loosen theweatherstrip edges <strong>and</strong> then pushout the back window <strong>and</strong> weatherstripas an assembly.4. Place the window assembly ona bench <strong>and</strong> remove the weatherstripfrom the glass.FIG. 31Back Window Installation--Mustang Model 63

I. Clean the glass, weatherstrip<strong>and</strong> the body opening flange. Checkthe moulding retainers to assureadequate moulding retention. Repairor replace the retainers as necessary.2. Using a sealer gun, apply sealerin the weatherstrip glass opening.3. Position the weatherstrip on theglass.4. Install a draw cord in the bodyopening groove of the weatherstrip.Apply rubber lubricant to the weatherstripsurfaces that will contact theback window opening flange.5. Using a sealer gun, apply abead of sealer completely around theback window opening.6. Position the window assemblyin the body opening. With a helperapplying h<strong>and</strong> pressure from theoutside, use the draw cord to pullthe lips of the weatherstrip over thewindow opening flanges.7. Install the outside lower left<strong>and</strong> right mouldings.8. Install the outside upper left<strong>and</strong> right mouldings.9. Clean the window <strong>and</strong> mouldings.FOR 2 V2 MINUTES~~~ ~ :==~~~~- ----~- -'\""""""'$"""'--""'""""1-;"""'t","""",,~o -, -~"-======:::::::::::::::::: :::=:::::--A4 ~6 "-MEASURED FROM- EDGE OF GLASS1. Remove the back window outsidemouldings (Fig. 29) with ToolsT64P-42430-R <strong>and</strong>/or L.2. Loosen the weatherstrip at thewindow opening <strong>and</strong> push the glass<strong>and</strong> weatherstrip from the opening.3. Remove the weatherstrip fromthe glass <strong>and</strong> clean all sealer fromthe weatherstrip <strong>and</strong>/or glass if eitherone is to be re-used. Check themoulding retainers to assure adequatemoulding retention. Repair or replacethe retainers as necessary.4. Remove all old sealer from thewindowopening.5. With a caulking gun, applysealer in the glass opening grooveof the weatherstrip. Apply rubberlubricant to the weatherstrip surfacesthat will contact the back windowopening flanges during installation.6. Position the weatherstrip onthe glass <strong>and</strong> install a draw cord inthe body opening groove of theweatherstrip.7. With a caulking gun, apply abead of sealer all tht: way around thebody window opening flange.S. Position the window <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly in the bodyopening <strong>and</strong>, with a helper applyingpressure from the outside, use thedraw cord to pull the lip of theEPOXYFIG. 32-CATALYSTBonded Rear View Mirror Installationweatherstrip over the body windowopening flange.9. Install the back window outsidemouldings (Fig. 29).BACK WINDOW-MUSTANGMODEL 63REMOVAL1. Remove the quarter trim upperfront moulding retaining screws <strong>and</strong>remove the quarter trim upper frontmouldings.2. Remove the quarter trim upperrear moulding cap retaining screw<strong>and</strong> remove the cap. Remove thequarter trim upper left <strong>and</strong> rightrear moulding retaining screws <strong>and</strong>remove the mouldings. (Fig. 30).3. Remove the back window garnishmoulding upper joint cover. Removethe back window upper left<strong>and</strong> right garnish moulding retaining -. .-R1<strong>17</strong>5-A5. Remove the back windowlower front left <strong>and</strong> right trim panelretaining bolts <strong>and</strong> screws <strong>and</strong> removethe panels (Fig. 30).6. Remove the quarter trim upperrear left <strong>and</strong> right panel retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the panels.7. Using moulding removal ToolT64P-42006-A or B, remove theback window exterior mouldings inthe following order: right uppermoulding, right lower moulding., leftupper moulding <strong>and</strong> left lowermoulding (Fig. 31).8. With an assistant applying pressurefrom the inside, remove theback window <strong>and</strong> weatherstripassembly.9. Remove the weatherstrip fromthe glass.INSTALLATIONscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the mouldingsI. Clean excess old sealer from(Fig. 30).4. Remove the left <strong>and</strong> right vent the body window opening. Check theair extractor grille assembly (quartermoulding retainers to assure adequatetrim upper front panels) retainingmoulding retention. Repair or replacescrews <strong>and</strong> remove the panels (Fig. the retainers as necessary.30). -- 2. Clean old sealer from the

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-65weatherstrip if the weatherstrip is tobe re-used.3. Position the weatherstrip on theglass <strong>and</strong> install a pull cord (1/8 inchsash cord) around the weatherstripbody opening groove. Apply rubberlubricant to the weatherstrip surfacesthat will contact the back windowopening flanges during installation.4. Apply a bead of sealer aroundthe entire perimeter of the back windowopening flange. With the aid of anassistant, position the glass <strong>and</strong>weatherstrip assembly in the bodywindow~opening. Use the pull cord topull the lip of the weatherstrip overthe pinchweld while applying pressureto the glass from the outside.5. Apply sealer between theweatherstrip <strong>and</strong> the outside pinchweldflange.6. Apply sealer in the glass openinggroove of the weatherstrip.7. Snap the window exteriormouldings into place in the followingorder; left lower moulding, leftupper moulding, right lower moulding<strong>and</strong> right upper moulding.8. Install the upper rear left <strong>and</strong>right quarter trim panels.9. Install the upper front left <strong>and</strong>right quarter trim panels.10. Install the back window lowerfront trim panel.11. Install the upper rear left <strong>and</strong>right quarter trim mouldings <strong>and</strong>moulding cap.12. Install the upper front left <strong>and</strong>right quarter trim mouldings.13. Install the back window upperleft <strong>and</strong> right garnish mouldings <strong>and</strong>garnish moulding join t cover.14. Clean the back window <strong>and</strong>mouldings.BONDED REAR VIEW MIRRORREMOVAL1. Clean both the inside <strong>and</strong> outsidesurfaces of the windshield in thearea of the mirror mounting bracket.Inspect the windshield for stonechips <strong>and</strong> scratches.2. Using welding putty or wetrags, insulate all chips or scratcheswithin 12 inches of the mirrormounting bracket.3. Apply heat to the bracketmounting area from outside thewindshield with a st<strong>and</strong>ard 250 wattinfrared bulb (heat lamp). Hold thelamp approximately 4 inches fromthe windshield, <strong>and</strong> rotate it in' asmall circle.4. The mirror mounting bracketcan be pulled off the windshieldglass in approximately 8-10 minutesusing the mirror as a h<strong>and</strong>le.5. Slowly remove the heat lamp.Do not remo'te the insulating materialsuntil the windshield has cooledto room temperature.6. Remove the mirror <strong>and</strong> armfrom the bracket.INST ALLATIONI. Locate <strong>and</strong> mark with a waxpencil the bracket location on theoutside surface of the windshield(Fig. 32).2. Use a good grade of Ethyl Alcoholto thoroughly clean the insideglass surface bracket mounting area<strong>and</strong> mounting bracket face. It is importantthat the mounting surfacesare properly cleaned before the resinis applied.3. To mix the resin pour the entirecontents of the small catalystbottle into the large epoxy bottle(Fig. 32).4. Stir the contents for 3 to 5minutes.To guarantee the correct mixingratio <strong>and</strong> resulting bond strength itis m<strong>and</strong>atory that the entire contentsof both bottles are used <strong>and</strong> properlymixed. Under no circumstancesshould only portions of the epoxy orcatalyst be used.5. Apply the mixed resin to thebracket mounting surface. Level offthe resin film as smoothly as possible.6. Place the mounting bracketsurface upward in a vise or in asmall mound of permagum or anysuitable holding material that willsupport the mounting bracket (Fig.32). Hold a st<strong>and</strong>ard 250 watt infraredlam p about 5 to 6 inches fromthe mounting surface of the bracketfor 21/2 minutes.7. Allow the bracket to cool forone minute. With light h<strong>and</strong> pressureapply the mounting surface ofthe bracket to the desired inside areaof the windshield.8. Secure the bracket to the windshieldusing a piece of tape about 5inches long located just under theknob of the bracket. Apply anotherpiece of tape in the vertical directionto firmly hold the mounting bracketin place on the windshield.9. When the temperatures areabove 670 F.. the mirror <strong>and</strong> armshould not be mounted to the bracketfor 8 hours, to allow the resin toproperly adhere the bracket to theglass. However. the car may be usedwith the bracket taped in place onehour after installation.When the temperatures are below670 F., the mirror <strong>and</strong> arm shouldnot be mounted to the bracket for16 hours. However, the car can beused 2 hours after the bracket hasbeen taped in place.10. After the bracket has hadtime to adhere to the glass, removethe tape <strong>and</strong> install the mirror <strong>and</strong>arm to the bracket.TAILGATEGLASSREMOVALI. Open <strong>and</strong> temporarily supportthe tailgate.2. Remove the tailgate cover panelretaining screws <strong>and</strong> remove thepanel.3. Remove the window regulatorarm roller retaining pins, disconnectthe arms from the rollers, <strong>and</strong> removethe rollers from the glasschannel,4. Remove the window from thetailgate.INSTALLATION1. With a glass remover tool, removethe glass lower retainer <strong>and</strong>channel, <strong>and</strong> weatherstrip.2. Remove the weatherstrip fromthe glass lower retainer <strong>and</strong> channelassembly, <strong>and</strong> then clean the glassgroove.3. Position the weatherstrip intothe glass lower channel. Install theweatherstrip <strong>and</strong> channel to theglass.4. Slide the window assemblyinto the glass runs <strong>and</strong> connect theregulator arms <strong>and</strong> rollers to theglass lower channel.5. Apply Lubriplate to the glassrollers.6. Clean the old sealer from thetailgate cover panel <strong>and</strong> apply newsealer.7. Install the tailgate cover panelto the tailgate.8. Connect the tailgate hinge supports<strong>and</strong> remove the temporarysu pport.TAILGATE WINDOWREGULATORREMOVALIf the tailgate window regulatormechanism should fail with the windowin a partially closed or closedposition, refer to the emergency procedurein Section 1.1. Open <strong>and</strong> temporarily supportthe tailgate.2. Disconnect the tailgate hingesupports at the tail gate.3. Remove the tailgate cover panelretaining screws <strong>and</strong> remove thepanel.4. Remove the window regulator

<strong>17</strong>-66 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>arm roller retaining pins, disconnectthe arms from the rollers, <strong>and</strong> removethe rollers from the glasschannel.5. Remove the tailgate windowfrom the tailgate <strong>and</strong> scribe the regulatormounting location.6. Remove the regulator retainingbolts <strong>and</strong> remove the regulator.INST ALLA TIO N1. Place the regulator manualdrive spline into the h<strong>and</strong>le, alignthe regulator, <strong>and</strong> install the regulatorretaining bolts.Install the window assembly inthe tailgate.2. Clean the old sealer from thetailgate cover panel <strong>and</strong> apply newsealer.3. Install the tailgate cover panelto the tailgate.TAILGATE POWER WINDOWREGULATORREMOVALIf the tailgate window regulatormechanism should fail with thewindow in a partially closed orclosed position, refer to the emergencyprocedure in Section I.1. Open <strong>and</strong> temporarily supportthe tailgate.2. Disconnect the tailgate hingesupports at the tailgate.3. Remove the tailgate cover panelretaining screws <strong>and</strong> remove thepanel.4. Remove the window regulatorarm roller retaining pins, disconnectthe arms from the rollers, <strong>and</strong> removethe rollers from the glasschannel.5. Remove the window from thetailgate.6. Disconnect the motor leadsfrom the wiring harness in the tailgate.7. Scribe the regulator mountinglocation, remove the regulator retainingbolts, <strong>and</strong> remove the regulatorwith the motor attached.INSTALLATIONI. Do not remove the electricregulator drive assembly for transferto the new regulator until the regulatorcounterbalance spring is unloaded.To unload the regulatorcounterbalance spring, place thespring in a vise so that the springcannot unwind, disconnect thespring from the outer retaining tab,<strong>and</strong> then slowly loosen the vise jaws.2. Remove the screws retainingthe regulator drive assembly <strong>and</strong> themotor to the regulator <strong>and</strong> removethe drive assembly <strong>and</strong> motor.3. Position the drive assembly<strong>and</strong> motor to the new regulator <strong>and</strong>install the retaining screws.4. Drill out the rivets retainingthe manual clutch <strong>and</strong> housing assemblyto the regulator. Remove <strong>and</strong>discard the manual drive assembly.The manual clutch <strong>and</strong> gear assemblyshould not be removed until theelectric drive assembly is installed.5. Install the regulator assemblyon the tailgate <strong>and</strong> align the regulatoras required.6. Connect the wiring harness tothe motor <strong>and</strong> secure the harness inplace with the retainer.7. Install the window assemblyinto the tailgate.8. Apply Lubriplate to the glassrollers.9. Clean the old sealer from thetailgate cover panel <strong>and</strong> apply newsealer.10. Install the tailgate cover panelto the tailgate.11. Connect the tailgate hingesupports <strong>and</strong> remove the temporarysupport.TAILGATE SWITCH ANDLOCK CYLINDER-POWER WINDOWREMOVAL1. Open <strong>and</strong> tell1porarily supportthe tailgate.2. Disconnect the tailgate hingesupports at the tailgate.3. Remove the tailgate cover panelretaining screws <strong>and</strong> remove thepanel.4. Remove the window regulatorarm roller retaining pins, disconnectthe arms from the rollers, <strong>and</strong> removethe rollers from the glasschannel.5. Remove the window from thetailgate.6. Remove the regulator.7. Remove the nuts retaining thelock <strong>and</strong> switch, <strong>and</strong> then removethe lock <strong>and</strong> lock cylinder from thetailgate (Fig. 33).8. If the switch requires replacement,disconnect the switch wiresfrom the tailgate wiring harness <strong>and</strong>remove the switch <strong>and</strong> wires.9. To remove the lock cylinder,depress the lock cylinder retainingpin, insert the key <strong>and</strong> rotate thecylinder until the retaining pindrops, <strong>and</strong> then remove the lockcylinder.INSTALLATIONI. To install the lock cylinder, insertthe key in the lock cylinder <strong>and</strong>\SWITCHRl082-AFIG. 33- Tailgate Switch <strong>and</strong> LockCylinder Installation-Typicalslide the cylinder into the retainer.2. To install the switch assembly,route the wiring harness through thetailgate to the tailgate harness switchconnector.3. Place the lock assembly <strong>and</strong>gasket to the tailgate <strong>and</strong> positionthe switch to the lock assembly. Itmay be necessary to rotate the lockcylinder to align the switch <strong>and</strong> thelock. Install the retaining nuts.4. Install the window regulator.5. Install the tailgate window assemblyinto the tailgate.6. Apply Lubriplate to the glassrollers.7. Clean the old sealer from thetailgate cover panel <strong>and</strong> apply newsealer.8. Install the tailgate cover panelto the tailgate.9. Connect the tailgate hinge supports<strong>and</strong> remove the temporarysupport.TAILGATE MANUAL WINDOWHANDLE AND LOCK CYLINDERREMOVAL1. With the tailgate window inthe closed position, unlock the tailgateh<strong>and</strong>le, <strong>and</strong> rotate the h<strong>and</strong>leassembly to reveal the mountingscrews (Fig. 34).2. Remove the h<strong>and</strong>le mountingscrews, <strong>and</strong> then remove the h<strong>and</strong>leassembly <strong>and</strong> pad.3. To remove the lock cylinderturn the key in the cylinder to alignthe cylinder locking pin witt. the accesshole in the h<strong>and</strong>le assembly.Depress the locking pin <strong>and</strong> removethe lock cylinder.INSTALLATION1. To replace the lock cylinder,transfer the a-rings, <strong>and</strong> then withthe key in the cylinder, install thelock cylinder in the h<strong>and</strong>le assembly.

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>-67FIG. 34- Tailgate Window RegulatorH<strong>and</strong>le Installation-Typical2. If the window regulator hasbeen replaced, it may be necessaryto reposition the h<strong>and</strong>le assembly sothat it hangs in a vertical position,with the tailgate window in a closedposition. To adjust the h<strong>and</strong>le position,remove the snap ring <strong>and</strong>socket from the window regulatorstem, <strong>and</strong> then install the socketwith the notch at the top.3. Install the pad <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong>le assembly.DUAL-ACTIONHINGESREMOV AL ANDINSTALLATIONUpper Left HingeTAILGATE1. Open the tailgate (horizontally,as a dropgate) <strong>and</strong> scribe a locationmark around that part of hinge tobe replaced.2. Remove the hinge retainerscrews.3. Position the hinge to the scribemarks <strong>and</strong> install the retainer screws.Lower Left Hinge1. Open the tailgate (horizontally,as a dropgate) <strong>and</strong> position a supportunder the hinge side of the gate.2. Remove the tailgate doorcheck. Raise the tailgate partially<strong>and</strong> remove the torsion bar retainerlink from the body.3. Scribe the hinge location onthe body <strong>and</strong> the tailgate. Removethe hinge retainer screws <strong>and</strong> removethe hinge.4. Position the hinge to the body<strong>and</strong> tailgate scribe marks <strong>and</strong> installthe hinge retainer screws.S. Close the tailgate <strong>and</strong> checkfor proper lower hinge alignment.Adjust the hinge if necessary.6. Open the tailgate partially <strong>and</strong>install the torsion bar retainer linkto the body.7. Install the tailgate door check.SINGLE ACTION TAILGATEHINGE-FALCON AND MERCURYINTERMEDIATE MODEL 71-FAIRLANE MODEL 66REMOVAL1. Open the tailgate <strong>and</strong> mark thehinge location on the tailgate <strong>and</strong>body.2. Retain the torsion bar in thetension position with a deep socket<strong>and</strong> an extension.3. Remove the torsion bar retainerbracket attaching screws. Then,release the torsion bar tension <strong>and</strong> removethe bracket <strong>and</strong> retainer (Fig.35).4. Remove the hinge-to-body <strong>and</strong>hinge-to-tailgate attaching bolts <strong>and</strong>remove the hinge.INSTALLATION1. Position the hinge to the body<strong>and</strong> tailgate <strong>and</strong> install the attachingbolts.2. Close the tailgate <strong>and</strong> check thealignment of the tailgate.3. Adjust the hinge alignment asrequired for a proper fit <strong>and</strong> appearance.4. Install the torsion bar bracket<strong>and</strong> retainer.DUAL-ACTIONLATCHESTAILGATERIGH' LOWER ,ATCH1. Open the tailgate (side opening).Remove the tailgate trim panel,watershield <strong>and</strong> access panel.2. Disconnect the linkage from thelatch. Remove the three retainingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the latch.3. Transfer the linkage retainerclips to the new latch. Position thelatch in the gate <strong>and</strong> install the retainerscrews.4. Install the linkage to the latch.Install the access cover, watershield<strong>and</strong> trim panel.RIGHT UPPER LATCH1. Open the tailgate (side opening).Remove the tailgate trim panel,watershield <strong>and</strong> access panel.2. Engage the upper latch pawl tothe closed position <strong>and</strong> raise the windowpartially out of the gate. Removethe regulator arms from thewindow regulator channel <strong>and</strong> removethe window assembly.3. Disconnect the linkage at theupper latch. Remove the wire connectorfrom the upper latch safetyswitch.4. Remove the right guide upperretainer bolt. Remove the threescrews retaining the latch <strong>and</strong> removethe latch assembly.5. Transfer the linkage retainerclips <strong>and</strong> the safety switch to thenew latch assembly.6. Position the latch in the gate<strong>and</strong> install the latch retainer screws.Install the window guide upper retainerbolt.7. Connect the wire connector tothe switch <strong>and</strong> connect the linkage tothe latch.8. Position the window assembly inthe gate <strong>and</strong> install the regulator armsto the regulator channel. Close thelatch pawl to engage the switch <strong>and</strong>lower the window into the tailgate.9. Install the tailgate access panel,watershield, <strong>and</strong> trim panel. Open theupper latch <strong>and</strong> close the tailgate.Check the latch alignment to thestriker. Adjust the latch striker ifnecessary.SINGLE ACTION TAILGATELATCH-FALCON AND MERCURYINTERMEDIATE-MODEL 71-FAIRLANE MODEL 66REMOVALI. Open the tailgate <strong>and</strong> removethe trim panel cover <strong>and</strong> watershield.2. Remove the tailgate access panelcover (Fig. 35).3. Disconnect the latch release linkfrom the latch.4. Trip the latch to the closed position<strong>and</strong> run the window 3/4 of theway out of the tailgate (except Model66).5. Remove the window guide upperretainer screw (except Model 66).6. Remove three latch attachingscrews <strong>and</strong> remove the latch.7. Transfer the latch switch to thenew latch (except Model 66).INSTALLATIONI. Position the latch in the tailgate<strong>and</strong> install the attaching screws.2. Install the window guide retainingscrew (except Model 66).3. Lower the window <strong>and</strong> open thelatches (except Model 66).4. Connect the latch release linkto the latch.5. Install the tailgate access panelcover, weathersheet, <strong>and</strong> trim panel.DUAL-ACTIONTORSION BARREMOVALTAILGATE1. Remove the tailgate trim panel,watershield <strong>and</strong> access cover.

-Single Action

114-0FIG. 36- Tailgate Latch Mechanism-Dual Action

<strong>17</strong>.70 GROUP <strong>17</strong>-<strong>Body</strong>, <strong>Doors</strong> And <strong>Windows</strong>FIG. 37-luggage ComportmentDoor Torsion Bar-Typical~2. Move the tailgate glass outpartially by closing the right upperlatch pawl <strong>and</strong> turning the key inthe tailga te cylinder.3. Remove the latch control bellcrankassembly <strong>and</strong> window lowerstop.4. Loosen the window regulatormotor harness to gain slack at thetailgate-to-body location.5. Raise the tailgate partially <strong>and</strong>remove the torsion rod retainer linkfrom the body (2 screws).6. With an assistant, remove theleft lower hinge pivot bolt. Unlatchthe right lower latch, remove onecheck cable retainer screw fromeach side <strong>and</strong> move the tailgate assemblyaway from the body opening.Place the tailgate on an appropriatest<strong>and</strong> approximately bumper high.7. Remove the torsion bar retainerbracket <strong>and</strong> remove the torsionbar from the left side of thegate (Fig. 36).INST ALLA TION1. Place the torsion bar in itsrespective mounting position <strong>and</strong> installthe torsion bar right retainerbracket.2. With an assistant, position thetailgate assembly to the body opening.Engage the right lower latch tothe striker plate. Install the lefthinge pivot bolt <strong>and</strong> install thecheck cable retainer screws.3. Install the torsion bar retainerlink to the body.4. Position the motor wiring harnessin its original position.s. Install the window lower stop<strong>and</strong> lock the bellcrank assembly.6. Lower the window in the tailgateto where the top edge of theglass is even with the weatherstrip<strong>and</strong> adjust the lower stop if necessary.7. Install the tailgate access cover,watershield <strong>and</strong> trim panel..-/..-//'~~~~;:;;N rSII.AFIG. 39- Luggage Compartment Latch Mechanism -Mustang. TypicalFai rlaneLUGGAGE COMPARTMENT DOOR bar out of its adjustment notch (Fig.HINGE OR TORSION BAR-37). Lower the deck lid <strong>and</strong> fromMUSTANG AND COUGARinside the luggage compartment removethe bar.REMOVAL4. Position a cover under thehinge edge of the deck lid to preventpaint damage. Remove theI. Prop the deck lid open.2. Mark the hinge position on the hinge attaching bolt from the decklid <strong>and</strong> on the mounting bracket for lid <strong>and</strong> from the mounting bracket,reference when a new hinge is installed.<strong>and</strong> remove the hinge.3. Using a tool T64K-44890-BINSTALLATIONpry the anchor end of the torsion I. Position the hinge, <strong>and</strong> par-

PART <strong>17</strong>-3-<strong>Doors</strong>, <strong>Windows</strong>, Tailgate And Deck Lid <strong>17</strong>.71tially tighten the mounting bolts.2. Remove the protective cover<strong>and</strong> install the torsion bar, reversingthe procedure in step 3 above. Thefarther rearward the anchor end istwisted, the greater the tension.3. Remove the prop <strong>and</strong> checkthe lid position. After any necessaryadjustment, tighten the hinge attachingbolts.LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTLOCK CYLINDER-FAIRLANEAND MUSTANG1. Open the luggage compartmentdoor <strong>and</strong> remove the lock cylinderretainer located behind the latch (Fig.39).2. Pull the lock cylinder, pad, <strong>and</strong>extension from the back panel.3. Transfer the extension <strong>and</strong> springto the new lock cylinder.4. Position the lock cylinder, pad,<strong>and</strong> extension to the back panel <strong>and</strong>latch (Fig. 39) <strong>and</strong> install the retainer.LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LOCKCYLINDER-FALCON, MERCURYINTERMEDIATE AND COUGARI. Open the luggage compartmentdoor <strong>and</strong> depress the lock cylinder re-lease pin (Fig. 38) <strong>and</strong> pull the lockcyl inder from the sleeve <strong>and</strong> cover.2. Remove the extension <strong>and</strong> sealfrom the lock cylinder.3. Install the extension <strong>and</strong> seal onthe lock cylinder.4. Insert the lock cylinder <strong>and</strong> extensioninto the sleeve <strong>and</strong> cover,making sure the extension is insertedinto the slot of the latch (Fig. 38).LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTLA TCH-FALCON, MERCURYINTERMEDIATE AND COUGARREMOVAL1. Open the luggage compartmentdoor.2. Depress the lock cylinder releasepin (Fig. 38) with a piece ofwire <strong>and</strong> pull the lock cylinder extension,<strong>and</strong> seal from the sleeve<strong>and</strong> cover.3. Remove three latch assemblyattaching screws <strong>and</strong> remove thelatch.INST ALLATIONI. Position the latch to the luggagecompartment door <strong>and</strong> install thethree attaching screws (Fig. 38).2. Insert the lock cylinder, seal,<strong>and</strong> lock cylinder extension in thesleeve <strong>and</strong> cover. Be sure the lockcylinder extension is inserted in theslot of the latch.3. Adjust the luggage compartmentlatch (Section I).LUGGAGE COMPARTMENTLA TCH-FAIRLANE ANDMUSTANGI. Open the luggage compartmentdoor <strong>and</strong> remove the lock cylinderretainer located behind the latch (Fig.39).2. Pull the lock cylinder, pad. <strong>and</strong>extension from the back panel.3. Remove three screws attachingthe latch to the inner panel <strong>and</strong> removethe latch from the vehicle.4. Position the latch to the innerpanel <strong>and</strong> install the three attachingscrews snug.5. Position the lock cylinder, pad,<strong>and</strong> extension to the back panel <strong>and</strong>latch (Fig. 39) <strong>and</strong> install the retainer.6. Adjust the latch up <strong>and</strong> down fora tight luggage compartment seal <strong>and</strong>tighten the three attaching bolts.

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