51464 FIBA Dopage GB

51464 FIBA Dopage GB

51464 FIBA Dopage GB

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We Are For Clean Basketball

➔What is doping?DOPING is the use of substancesand methods intended to improve theperformance of a player.It poses a risk to health.It is contrary to sporting ethics.Doping also concerns any person whoincites or encourages this practice.For the World Anti-Doping Agency(WADA), DOPING is defined as oneor more violations of the anti-dopingregulations:■ The presence of a prohibited substanceor its metabolites or markers in a player’sbodily specimen,■ Use or attempted use of a prohibitedsubstance or a prohibited method,■ Refusing, or failing without compellingjustification, to submit to an anti-dopingcontrol,■ Failing to respect the obligation togive information on whereabouts,■ Tampering, or attempting to tamper,with any part of the doping control,■ Possession,administration or traffickingof any prohibited substance or prohibitedmethod,■ Assisting,encouraging,aiding,abetting,coveringuporany other type of complicity.Announced or unannounced Doping Controls can be carried out:● During competitions:➔ The main official competitions of <strong>FIBA</strong> for national teamse.g.: Olympic Games, World Championships, Continental Championships,➔ Official <strong>FIBA</strong> cups, tournaments, and club competitions organised bynational federations,➔ International tournaments officially recognized by <strong>FIBA</strong>, for clubsand national teams.● Out of competition:➔ Doping controls may be carried out by WADA, national Anti-doping agencies,<strong>FIBA</strong> or national federations during training, camps, scrimmages, practices, etc.or at any time during the year.“I am against doping” / J.-J. Conceiçao (ANGOLA)

➔Being seenas a cheatDoping is a majordisqualifying foul.UnemploymentDoping means beingstopped from playing.PoorhealthDoping can kill.“I am against doping” / Yao Ming (CHINA)

➔Asthmaand coldsMedications may containprohibited substances.The use of certainmedications to treatasthma is permitted butrequires a TherapeuticUse Exemption (TUE).“Recreation”The majority ofrecreationaldrugs can lead topositive test results.NutritionalsupplementsThe use of supplementscan lead to positive testresults. These productscan contain prohibitedsubstances (Nandrolone,Ephedra), which arenot mentioned onthe packaging.“I am against doping” / Oscar Schmidt (BRAZIL)

➔NOTIFICATIONYou have been selected fora doping control test andnotified by the officials. Theywill ask you to sign thereceipt of the notificationform and your agreement toundergo the test. You canbe advised of your rightsand responsibilities.THE DOPING CONTROLSTATION (DCS)You are required to report tothe DCS directly, a maximumof 15 minutes following the endof the game. Failure to reportmay result in sanctions. TheDCS must be sufficientlycomfortable to allow you tohave refreshments, to changeand to shower.COLLECTION VESSELSELECTIONWhen you are ready tourinate, select a sealed,graduated and sterilecontainer, wrapped in aplastic bag.PROVISION OFURINE SAMPLEAn official who is the samegender as you mustobserve you directly andinconspicuously when you areproviding the sample (>75ml).You will be required to beunclothed from waist tomidthigh. You are the only onewho handles the sample.“I am against doping” / Arvydas Sabonis (LITHUANIA)

➔SELECTIONOF SAMPLING KITYou will be asked to select anumbered box (or bags) withsecurity tapes, containing 2bottles A and B. Check the kit,bag and bottle numbers.SUITABILITYOF THE SAMPLEThe sample is dividedbetween the bottle A (50ml)and the bottle B (25ml). Then,you tightly seal the bottles andverify that the seal is complete.The Doping Control Officer(DCO) measures the Ph andspecific gravity.RECORDINGTHE INFORMATIONThe DCO records the A and Bsample code numbers on theofficial report and transcribesyour declaration aboutmedications taken during the3 days prior to the test. Checkthat your numbers are correctlynoted on the report and copies.You, your team doctor and theofficials sign the collection form.The green copy is for the teamdoctor and / or you.PARTIAL COLLECTIONMany players are unable toprovide the full amount ofurine. A special procedureconcerning partial collectionis applied using anothercontainer in a sealed bag andan intermediate code number.“I am against doping” / Lauren Jackson (AUS)

➔■ Transportation to an accreditedlaboratoryAfter the sample collection, the kits arepacked and sealed into a securedtransport bag which is transported to thelaboratory.Sample A is analysed and sample B isstored securely.■ If the test of sample A is positive<strong>FIBA</strong> notifies the player an anti-dopingrule has been violated and the player willbe immediately suspended. He shallhave the right to request an analysis of theB sample, in the same laboratory and tobe present at such an analysis.■ If the test of sample B is positiveIf the B sample test is positive, theplayer is informed about the applicationof sanctions.The player has the right to be heard bythe Anti-Doping body of <strong>FIBA</strong> and canappeal against the judgment (AppealsCommission of <strong>FIBA</strong> - Court ofArbitration for Sport, Lausanne).If the result of the test of sample Bdoes not confirm the positive test, theanti-doping violation is void.➔ Sanctions■ Sanctions will be applied depending on the nature of the anti-doping violation.■ The initial sanction for a first doping offence is a 2-year period of ineligibility.For a second offence, the player would be banned for life.■ Sanctions may be reduced if the player can prove that exceptional circumstances existor in the case of the presence of certain specified substances.Important:■ The use of cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish) is subject to sanctions.■ The sanctions for trafficking, prescription, possession and other anti-doping ruleviolations are more severe.Note: For further information, the <strong>FIBA</strong> Internal Regulations governing DopingControl can be consulted on the <strong>FIBA</strong> web site: “www.fiba.com”

➔In the framework of <strong>FIBA</strong> competitions (Nat. Teams and clubs)PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES:■ STIMULANTS• e.g. amphetamine - ephedrine(concentration in urine > 5 micrograms/ml)■ NARCOTICS• e.g. morphine - heroin■ CANNABINOIDS • e.g. hashish - marijuana■ ANABOLIC AGENTS • Anabolic androgenic steroids - e.g. nandrolone,testosterone (except if the concentration isattributable to a pathological or physiologicalcondition)• Other anabolic agents e.g. clenbuterol■ PEPTIDE HORMONES • e.g. EPO - growth hormone - insulin■ BETA-2 AGONISTS • Salbutamol, salmeterol, formoterol andterbutaline are permited by inhalation if aT.U.E. has been granted (e.g. asthma)■ AGENTS WITH ANTI-ŒSTROGENIC ACTIVITY• Only in males■ MASKING AGENTS • e.g. diuretics■ GLUCOCORTICOSTEROIDS • Medication may not be taken, orally, rectallyor by intravenous or intramuscularadministration (unless a T.U.E has beengranted) - Other administration routes requirea medical notification (abbreviated T.U.E.).PROHIBITED METHODS:■ ENHANCEMENT OF OXYGEN TRANSFER■ PHARMACOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL MANIPULATION■ GENE DOPIN<strong>GB</strong>E T.U.E. CAREFU : THERAPEUTIC USE EXEMPTIONT.U.ELThe use of otherwise prohibited medications may be permitted to treat disease ormedical conditions (e.g.: asthma – diabetes) following a review of an application foran exemption (TUE). Such applications must be submitted to <strong>FIBA</strong> using theappropriate forms.BE CAREFUL : THIS LIST IS REGULARLY AMENDEDIt is important that players and doctors refer to the list currently in force. For thatpurpose, they should consult the web sites of these organisations: WADA(www.wada-ama.org), IOC (www.olympic.org), <strong>FIBA</strong> (www.fiba.com), or theNational Anti-Doping Agencies, the National Olympic Committees or theNational Basketball Federations.The above list does not replace the official WADA list of prohibited substancesand methods.

➔➔The player must respect sporting ethics. He must be sensitive to and informed aboutdoping, its consequences and its damaging effects. The more famous he is, the morehe is a "role model" for young people. His commitment against doping is anexample to others.It is the responsibilityof the player to:■ understand and respect the anti-dopingregulations of <strong>FIBA</strong>,■ know the list of banned substances andmethods,■ be aware of all substances taken into hisbody orally, anally, through the skin, byinjection or inhaled that might containprohibited substances,■ be certain that anything which heconsumes (or which he is advised toconsume) is permitted,■ be particularly careful with nutritionalsupplements and herbal preparationswhich can contain prohibited substances.It is the right of the player to:■ be informed in writing of his selectionfor an anti-doping control,■ be informed of the compulsory natureof an anti-doping control and the risk ofsanction in the case of a refusal tosubmit to the test,■ provide explanations for his absence,■ be accompanied (by the team doctorand, if necessary, by an interpreter),■ be supervised, during the collection ofurine, by a person of the same sex,■ verify the code numbers, the seal andthe impregnability of the bottles as wellas to assure himself that his identity isnot reproduced on the documentintended for the laboratory (pink copy),■ participate in the official medalceremonies,■ speak to the media on condition thathe arrives at the Doping ControlStation within the given time (maximum15 minutes),■ receive (via the team doctor) a copy ofthe anti-doping control report (green copy),■ comment on the anti-doping controlreport,■ be informed of a positive result ofsample A and to request the analysis ofsample B,■ attend the opening and analysis ofsample B,■ have a hearing, a fair judgementand to be informed of any consequentsanctions,■ appeal any decisions to <strong>FIBA</strong> andultimately to the Court of Arbitration forSport.

We Are For Clean BasketballIn cooperation withCHEMIN DE BLANDONNET, 81214 VERNIER / GENEVA – SWITZERLANDTEL: (+ 41 22) 545 0000FAX: (+ 41 22) 545 0099INTERNET: www.fiba.comE-MAIL: info@fiba.comc<strong>FIBA</strong> – All rights reservedPRESSES DU LOUVRE - PARIS

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