Innovation Canada: A Call to Action

Innovation Canada: A Call to Action Innovation Canada: A Call to Action
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Innovation Canada: A Call to ActionFederal–Provincial DialogueCanada is a federation with two jurisdictions ofpolitical and legislative authority. The division ofpowers between each order of governmentassigns certain domains exclusively to one orderof government, while other domains are sharedjurisdictions. In the domain of R&D andinnovation, both federal and provincialgovernments are important players. Theexistence of two orders of governmentproviding active programming in the samedomain creates opportunities for coordinationand collaboration. Conversely, it can also createthe possibility of overlap and duplication ofeffort. That is why there is a need for anongoing national dialogue on innovation. ThePanel therefore recommends the following.6.3 National dialogue on innovation —Through the minister responsible forinnovation, engage provincial and businessleaders in an ongoing national dialogue topromote better business innovationoutcomes through more effectivecollaboration and coordination in respect ofprogram delivery, talent deployment,sectoral initiatives, public sectorprocurement, appropriate tax credit levelsand the availability of risk capital.The need for a dialogue of this sort is amplifiedby the fact that Canada has a small populationspread over a large and geographically diverseland mass. It is therefore particularly importantto work toward better integration, coordinationand unity of effort, while respecting federal andprovincial jurisdictions.In addition to addressing the federal–provincialdimensions of the advice put forward in thisreport, important objectives of the nationaldialogue would also include setting new goalsand standards, monitoring internationalbenchmarks and best practices, and reducingoverlap and duplication in these fiscallyconstrained times.8-6

ConclusionChapterConclusion9We are honoured to have been given theopportunity to undertake the Review of FederalSupport to Research and Development — aninitiative launched at a critical time that is anexus of global economic instability and rapidemergence of new powers. In this context ofopportunity and challenge, the countries mostlikely to succeed are those that understand thatbusiness innovation holds the key to rising livingstandards and to a more creative economy andsociety. In this regard, we are optimistic that ourrecommendations — implemented in tandemwith equally important enhancements tomarketplace frameworks — can play a centralrole in helping Canada to become one of theworld’s innovation leaders. We have no doubtthat this goal is attainable.That said, addressing a decades-long trend ofpoor innovation performance will not be easy.Concerted action will be needed in multiplearenas. Our recommendations — which affectonly a limited part of the wider innovationpicture — will also present challenges. Theirimplementation will require collaboration,cooperation and dialogue across several federaldepartments and agencies, as well as with theprovinces, the business sector and postsecondaryinstitutions. This process cannotsucceed without renewed focus and leadershipin government. That is why we haverecommended governance changes aimedat establishing business innovation as awhole-of-government priority.Below is an overview of what we see as the“end game” of our advice — a brief snapshotof our recommendations boiled down totheir essence.The End GameGuided by strong leadership and soundprinciples, and through concerted action, theend result of our recommendations will be:A rebalanced, more effective system offederal assistance for business innovation thathelps innovative firms grow and prosper withready access to:R&D and commercialization fundinghighly qualified and skilled personnelideas, knowledge and research capacitythrough collaboration with innovationpartnerscapital to grow from start-ups to worldcompetitive,large firmsprocurement opportunities that stimulatedemand for innovative goods, services andtechnologiesan improved Scientific Research andExperimental Development program that issimpler, more effective, more predictableand more accountable.9-1

ConclusionChapterConclusion9We are honoured <strong>to</strong> have been given theopportunity <strong>to</strong> undertake the Review of FederalSupport <strong>to</strong> Research and Development — aninitiative launched at a critical time that is anexus of global economic instability and rapidemergence of new powers. In this context ofopportunity and challenge, the countries mostlikely <strong>to</strong> succeed are those that understand thatbusiness innovation holds the key <strong>to</strong> rising livingstandards and <strong>to</strong> a more creative economy andsociety. In this regard, we are optimistic that ourrecommendations — implemented in tandemwith equally important enhancements <strong>to</strong>marketplace frameworks — can play a centralrole in helping <strong>Canada</strong> <strong>to</strong> become one of theworld’s innovation leaders. We have no doubtthat this goal is attainable.That said, addressing a decades-long trend ofpoor innovation performance will not be easy.Concerted action will be needed in multiplearenas. Our recommendations — which affec<strong>to</strong>nly a limited part of the wider innovationpicture — will also present challenges. Theirimplementation will require collaboration,cooperation and dialogue across several federaldepartments and agencies, as well as with theprovinces, the business sec<strong>to</strong>r and postsecondaryinstitutions. This process cannotsucceed without renewed focus and leadershipin government. That is why we haverecommended governance changes aimedat establishing business innovation as awhole-of-government priority.Below is an overview of what we see as the“end game” of our advice — a brief snapsho<strong>to</strong>f our recommendations boiled down <strong>to</strong>their essence.The End GameGuided by strong leadership and soundprinciples, and through concerted action, theend result of our recommendations will be:A rebalanced, more effective system offederal assistance for business innovation thathelps innovative firms grow and prosper withready access <strong>to</strong>:R&D and commercialization fundinghighly qualified and skilled personnelideas, knowledge and research capacitythrough collaboration with innovationpartnerscapital <strong>to</strong> grow from start-ups <strong>to</strong> worldcompetitive,large firmsprocurement opportunities that stimulatedemand for innovative goods, services andtechnologiesan improved Scientific Research andExperimental Development program that issimpler, more effective, more predictableand more accountable.9-1

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