Knowledge Advisor - catia

Knowledge Advisor - catia

Knowledge Advisor - catia

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About FormulasFormulas are features used to define or constrain a parameter. A formula is a relation that you write with parameters,operators and functions. The left part of the relation is the parameter to be constrained, the right part is a statement.Once it has been created, a formula can be manipulated like any other feature from its contextual manu.Displaying Formulas in the Specification TreeFormulas are displayed in the specification tree only if the Tools->Options->Part->Display->Relations box is checked.In addition, whenever a user parameter is constrained by a formula, the formula is displayed with the parameter itconstrains if the Tools->Options->General-><strong>Knowledge</strong>->Parameter Tree View->With Formula box is checked.The Activity ParameterA formula is a feature which is assigned a parameter called the activity. The activity value is of boolean type and isdefined as follows:Activity value false trueParameter value Does not depend on the formula Is calculated from the formulaRelation icon in the specification treeIf a formula is created for a parameter which not already constrained by another formula, the activity of the new formula isset to true by default. A parameter can be constrained by several formulas, but only one formula can be active at a time.Before activating a formula on a given parameter, you must deactivate the other formulas defined on the sameparameter.Importing FormulasParameters as well as the associated formulas can be imported from an external file. Refer to About Parameters andImporting Parameters for more information on how to import formulas.

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