Pusnes News 2011 - Aker Solutions

Pusnes News 2011 - Aker Solutions

Pusnes News 2011 - Aker Solutions


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<strong>Pusnes</strong> news<strong>News</strong>letter for <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> deck machinery, mooring and loading systems business No. 1-<strong>2011</strong><strong>Pusnes</strong> offloading systemHiLoad DP is a newly developed vessel used for loading oil into the mid-shipmanifold system on the open sea. Remora ASA, the developer of thevessel, has successfully completed performance testing of the concept. <strong>Aker</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> has supplied a tailor made, lightweight <strong>Pusnes</strong> offloading systemfor the HiLoad DP.Remora ASA completed the sea trialand performance test of the HiLoad DPload terminal on 27 January <strong>2011</strong>. <strong>Aker</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> has delivered a tailor madeoffloading system for the project, usingan aluminium slipway and a speciallydesigned lightweight hose reel. Themain components of the equipmentare a hose reel, spooling gear, slipwayand a winch used for attaching thehose to the tanker’s connection point.The gliding surfaces, located againstthe loading hose, are equipped withrollers to reduce hose friction. Thehose reel is equipped with anemergency release device. Theoffloading system is powered byelectric frequency controlled motorsand is operated by a radio remotecontrol, allowing the operator to movearound while operating the system. Thesystem is fully integrated into theHiLoad DP control system.Svein Børge Hellesmark, technologymanager at Remora, reports that thetesting of the HiLoad DP was acceptedby all 13 oil companies attending thetest. The operation of the offloadingsystem was a considerable part of thistest. Hellesmark also emphasised thegreat co-operation Remora has hadwith <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> since 2003,throughout the development of theoffloading system.Direct loadingtechnology<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has furtherdeveloped their direct loadingtechnology, now making safeand cost effective direct loadingpossible under harsh weatherconditions.A nominal separation of 250metres between shuttle tankerand production unit has evolvedas a new unofficial industrystandard. However standard bowloading equipment cannot handlethe increased loads resulting froma 350 metre submerged catenaryhose. Our system features a newhose configuration, makingoffloading operations with astandard shuttle tanker and a 250metre separation possible.

2The Offshore Technology Conference <strong>2011</strong> inHouston - <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> booth # 3163OTC <strong>2011</strong>The Offshore TechnologyConference (OTC) <strong>2011</strong>, will be heldat Houston's Reliant Centre 2-5 May<strong>2011</strong>.<strong>Pusnes</strong> mooring system for Petrobras FPSOs P58/62<strong>Pusnes</strong> mooring systemsNovember last year, <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> won a contract to supply <strong>Pusnes</strong> mooringsystems to the P58/P62 FPSOs for Petrobras in Brazil. The contract has avalue of approximately NOK 170 million and is one of the largest contractsever secured by <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> mooring and loading systems business.The contract with Petrobras consists ofmovable <strong>Pusnes</strong> chain jack mooringsystems and hull-mounted <strong>Pusnes</strong>fairleads for the spread-mooredFPSOs P58 and P62. The FPSOs willproduce oil at the Norte do Parque dasBaleias and Roncador fieldsrespectively and the units will bemoored in water depths between1400m and 1600m. MT Roncador iscurrently being converted at KeppelFELS shipyard in Singapore beforesailing to Brazil where the remainingoutfitting will take place.Integration and outfitting of the P58FPSO will be completed by theBrazilian group Queiroz Galvão. MTSuva is currently being converted toP62 at Jurong shipyard and laterintegration and outfitting will beperformed in Brazil by CamargoCorrêa.The main task of the chain jack systemis to pull the mooring chain through thefairlead to the main deck of the FPSOand perform top tensioning of themooring line. The top chain is thensecured to the deck using a chainstopper.The movable chain jack concept isdesigned to operate multiple mooringlines within the same cluster. A singlechain jack is lifted by a skidding gantryand moved to the next mooring lineand so forth. Installation andmessenger chains are moved using alarge sliding chain locker allowing forlater offloading of the surplus chain.Knut Arne Tveit, project manager for<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> mooring and loadingsystems business, notes that “thisdelivery marks the first movable winchsystem we have delivered to Brazil andfuture systems of this type in Brazil aremany. Project execution is wellunderway. Delivery of the mooringsystem to P58 and P62 will take placein <strong>2011</strong>. The FPSOs are scheduled togo online in 2013.OTC is the offshore oil and gasindustry's foremost and annual eventfor the development of hydrocarbonresources in the areas of drilling,environmental protection, exploration,production development, innovationand technology. The OffshoreTechnology Conference and exhibitionwas founded in 1969 and attracts over60 000 visitors and 2000 exhibitorseach year.<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> will be participatingagain this year, our booth is 60ft x 60ftand serves as a forum where clientscan interact with our representativesand view our models. This year <strong>Aker</strong><strong>Solutions</strong> mooring and loading systemsbusiness will be exhibiting an upgradedmodel of our popular chain jack,trademarked the "Roller ramwinch".The model is a working version, scaledto a size suitable for a 19mm chain.Since first presented at the OTC in1997, the ramwinch has been thepreferred mooring winch for most ofthe spar platforms in the Gulf ofMexico.Pilot projectThe P59/62 FPSO delivery is our firstdirect contract with Petrobras.This contract was awarded to usbecause we had the best price, wellproventechnology, delivery in recordtime, innovative engineering, and anetwork of well known and highlyqualified sub-suppliers.

3FAT at <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> manufactoring facility inSouth KoreaFirst ship setdelivered<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> in South Korea hasdelivered it’s first ship set of <strong>Pusnes</strong>deck machinery.Anchor windlassSafe anchoring<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> is dedicated to improving safety in connection with anchoringand mooring vessels. Due to incorrect operation as well as limitations on thedesign of the equipment, we have seen several serious incidents in recentyears.<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has delivered <strong>Pusnes</strong>deck machinery to several thousandvessels and through the accumulatedknowledge and experience we hold anobligation towards ship operators toconstantly improve our solutions.In order to improve safety inconnection with anchoring operationswe hold seminars for ship operatorsthat focus on the safe operation,design limitations and correctmaintenance of our equipment.We have also created the <strong>Pusnes</strong> quickguide which is a small pocket sizebooklet for all crew operating ourmachinery.We have also developed the <strong>Pusnes</strong>safe chainstop, a ratchet type chainstopper which can arrest a renderingchain, preventing chain loss andprotecting the windlass duringanchoring operations.Classification societies have policiesfor determining the design of anchoringequipment. <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> has pointedout the limitations in these policies inconsideration to the need for anchoringin deeper waters and in tough weatherconditions.Based on recent incidents and moredemanding environmental conditions,the classifications societies have,through International AssosiationClasification Society (IACS),established a work group to look intothe current policies for the anchoring ofvessels. <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> will berepresented in this work group.Our dedication to safety, through ourinitiatives on safe anchoring, wasrecently awarded with the <strong>Aker</strong><strong>Solutions</strong>’ Just Care, Safety Award2010.Late February <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>’new manufacturing facility, located inSouth Korea, successfully delivered thefirst ship set of <strong>Pusnes</strong> deckmachinery from its workshop and thedelivery was ahead of contractualdelivery schedule.The deck machinery was manufacturedfor a 180 000 DWT bulk carrier built bySungdong Shipbuilding & MarineEngineering for Polembros in Greece.The machinery is designed andapproved according to ABS rules andthe Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) waswitnessed by representatives of theyard, owner and class.This represents a milestone for <strong>Aker</strong><strong>Solutions</strong>’ strategy on maintaining aleading position as a leading deckmachinery supplier. It will not onlyensure our position in the Koreanmarket, but will be an importantcontribution to further development ofour <strong>Pusnes</strong> deck machinery.The new manufacturing facility in SouthKorea currently has a backlog ofapproximately 40 ship sets.Market statusQ1 <strong>2011</strong>, <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> receivedorders to deliver <strong>Pusnes</strong> deckmachinery to the VLCC’s, theSuezmax and the Aframax tankers.While the contracting of tankers hasbeen quite steady we see an increasein the contracting of container vessels.

3clarity, innovation and drive<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Pusnes</strong> ASPostboks 732, StoaNO 4808 ArendalNorwayTel.: +47 37087300e-mail: pusnes@akersolutions.comEditorial team:Marit Høvikmarit.hovik@akersolutions.comReidar Grindheimreidar.grindheim@akersolutions.com© <strong>2011</strong> <strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>All rights reservedwww.akersolutions.com/pusnesLifecycle services<strong>Aker</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong> <strong>Pusnes</strong> lifecycleservices business has developedand expanded considerably in the lastfew years. Our satisfied customers arethe driving force of this growth. <strong>Pusnes</strong>lifecycle services draws upon localrecourses, skills and expertise in all ofour operating regions.To meet this challenge and develop ourhigh standard of service, we arecontinuously building up our localservice infrastructure by expanding ourglobal network.Our services on global basis include:■ Customer service■ Overhaul and modification services■ Hands on training■ Lifecycle engineering■ Worldwide support through regionalsupport centres■ Commissioning■ Repair and maintenance■ Retrofit■ Spare partsWe take this opportunity to thank all of<strong>Pusnes</strong> lifecycle services onboard <strong>Aker</strong> Smart.our staff, whose hard work ensurescontinued improvement, and we wouldalso like to thank you, our customer, foryour continued support, loyalty and forgiving us the opportunity of being yourpreferred partner.From thepresidentRecent contract wins illustrateour strong position in themarket, delivering mooring andloading applications fordemanding offshore services.Our wide range of traditional<strong>Pusnes</strong> products is undercontinuous development to satisfythe demand for new andinnovative solutions for offshorefloaters. Our main strength withinthe market is our equipment fordeep water and harshenvironments. But we alsochallenge traditional vesselanchoring solutions, making themsafer to use and moreenvironmentally friendly. Anongoing maritime initiative mayeven result in revised internationalguidelines. All our deliveriescontain a commitment to thelifecycle of a system and we focuson further improving ourworldwide organisation, to servecustomers even more efficiently.Leif HaukomPresidentOperation supportOur operation support centres offerspare parts, upgrades andmodification work.The demand for our presence ingrowing areas was one of the keyfactors for establishing these operationsupport centres.NorwayTel no: + 47 37 08 73 00United Arab EmiratesBrazilSingaporeSouth KoreaChinaUSA,Gulf of MexicoFor general inquiries:pusnes.lifecycle@akersolutions.comFor technical support:pusnes.support@akersolutions.comOur support centres are strategicallylocated in order to provide <strong>Pusnes</strong>lifecycle services close to theultimate point of demand and make itpossible for us to provide spare partsand smart global solutions to fit yourneeds.We welcome all customers trading inthese areas and surroundings tocontact us with any request you mayhave regarding your <strong>Pusnes</strong>equipment.Arctic and sub-Arctic deliveries include mooringand loading systems to the norhtern territories ofCanada and Russia. <strong>Pusnes</strong> offshore loadingsystem at Varandey field.-

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