Leisure Media Issue 3 2009 - Leisure Opportunities

Leisure Media Issue 3 2009 - Leisure Opportunities

Leisure Media Issue 3 2009 - Leisure Opportunities

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POWERED BYleisure-kit.netFor more information, or to contact any of thesecompanies, log on to www.leisure-kit.net andtype the company name under ‘keyword search’DIMPLEX AIR CURTAINS FOR STAVELEY LEISURE CENTRELEISURE-KIT KEYWORD: DIMPLEXStaveley, Derbyshire’s HealthyLiving Centre has installed DimplexARC architectural air curtains aspart of its energy saving measures.The Dimplex ARC architecturalair curtains are claimed to limitheat losses through the doors of theleisure centre, while contributing tothe building’s design aesthetics.The air curtains feature automaticheat and fan speed control dependanton footfall through the door andadjustable thermostatic operation.They also feature links to integratethe units within a BMS/BEMS buildingenergy management system,a feature which is said to provideclose control over running costs.The curtains are available in achoice of painted, brushed or polishedstainless steel finishes, andwhen wider entrances are requiredmultiple units can be linkedtogether as a continuous system,operated from a single control point.COSAF BRINGSBREEZAIR TO GOLD’SLEISURE-KIT KEYWORD: COSAFCoSaf Environments recently completedan installation of the Breezairevaporative cooling system at thenew Gold’s Gym in Camberley.The system is said to be providingthe 1,500sq m club with 80 per centsavings on running costs, as the onlypower-consuming components requiredare a fan and small water pump.Four Breezair Icon coolers have beeninstalled, removing stale air throughextractor fans and distributing coolair via a low velocity FabricDuct. AnIndustrial Wall Controller (IWC) allowsthe gym to control cooling.The system is housed in plastic casingsaid to withstand all weatherconditions. Components include aworld-patented water distribution systemdelivering continuous, balancedwater coverage to all heat exchangerpads to ensure cooling efficiency andminimal maintenance problems.CALOR UNVEIL NEW LPG ENERGY SYSTEMLEISURE-KIT KEYWORD: CALORAn energy-efficient LPG drivengas heat pump from Sanyo hasbeen launched for sports clubsand leisure centres requiring heatingand cooling.Available through LPG supplierCalor and distributor Oceanair,the system provides heating andcooling for non mains gas area commercialapplications with a limitedelectricity supply.With LPG emitting 19 per centless CO2 per kWh than heating oil,the product is said to also offer significantbenefits for rurally basedproperties such as hotels and golfclubs. In addition, the product canalso be used in inner-city areas, inapplications where there is a lack ofthree-phase power and inadequaciesin the mains gas supply.The heat pump is a variablerefrigerant flow air conditioningsystem and can be run on LPG ornatural gas. It comprises an internalcombustion engine which drives arefrigeration compressor to produceheating and/or cooling; it’s claimedto be the only three pipe VRF airconditioning system available inEurope that can run on LPG. Threepipes allow simultaneous heatingand cooling, and there is also a two--pipe option for heating or cooling.The gas heat pump delivers environmentally-friendlyheat, and 'free'hot water if required, while providingenergy efficient air conditioningand reducing electrical demand.The product is said to be more than100 per cent efficient, achieving140 per cent efficiency in heatingand 160 per cent efficiency in cooling,leading to potential savings ofaround 40 per cent.There is also an optional 4kWgenerator which provides 'free' electricityby maximising the efficientrunning of the product.ISSUE 3 <strong>2009</strong> © cybertrek <strong>2009</strong>Read <strong>Leisure</strong> Management online leisuremanagement.co.uk/digital 57

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