Annual Rep. 2008-09.pmd - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Annual Rep. 2008-09.pmd - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Annual Rep. 2008-09.pmd - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.


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efo v³et Fefv[³ee SM³eesjvme kebÀ. efue.<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>India</strong> <strong>Assurance</strong> <strong>Co</strong>. <strong>Ltd</strong>.Estbd. 1919Profit & Loss AccountProfit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March, 2009[Registration No.190, Renewal Date 13.03.2009]Particulars Schedule Current year Previous yearRs (000) Rs (000)1. Operating profit/loss (-)a. Fire insurance - 595368 2833635b. Marine insurance - (900917) 76589c. Miscellaneous insurance (4723237) 21835282. Income from investmentsa. Interest dividend and rent (gross) - shareholders 5426859 4986562b. Profit on sale of investment - shareholders - 2027342 4925637Less: Loss on sale of investment - shareholders - 0 03. Other income misc receipts - credit balances written back 497838 210201Total (A)=1+2+3 2923253 152161524. Provisions(other than taxation)a. Others - amortisation, provision for thinly tradedshares - shareholders - 47638 49255b. For doubtful debts - investments(shareholders) - (74422) (42582)c. For dimunition in value of investments (shareholders) - (17505) (2989)5. Other expenses(other than those related to insurance business)a. Others - interest on income/service tax - 48 72b. Profit/loss (-) on sale of assets (4970) (2674)c. Penalty for breach of tariff 200 500Total (B)=(4+5) (49011) 1582Profit before tax (A-B) - 2972264 15214570Provision for taxation - current tax - 690665 917923fringe benefit tax 405000 155000deferred tax (131491) 304037earlier years tax 106536 (178454)wealth tax 5100 4783MAT Credit entitlement (345000) 0Profit after tax 2241454 14011281Appropriationsa. Proposed final dividend - 450000 2830000b. Dividend distribution tax - 76478 480959c. <strong>Co</strong>ntingency Reserves for Unexpired Risks(refer note number 17 to notes to accounts in Schedule 16 B) 449500 0d. Transfer to general reserves 1265476 10700322Profit/loss (-) carried forward to the balance sheet - 0 0Basic and diluted earnings per share (Rs.){Refer Note 11 B to notes to accounts in Schedule 16 B} 11.21 70.06Significant accounting policies and notes to accounts 16<strong>The</strong> Schedules referred to above form integral part of the Profit and Loss AccountA. R. Sekar M. Razzack B. ChakrabartiDirector and <strong>Co</strong>mpany Secretary Director Chairman-Cum-Managing DirectorAs per our report of even dateFor SARDA & PAREEK For KARNAVAT & CO. For CHATURVEDI & SHAHChartered Accountants Chartered Accountants Charterted AccountantsNiranjan Joshi Shashikant Gupta H. P. ChaturvediPartner Partner PartnerMembership number 102789 Membership number 45629 Membership number 33523MumbaiJune 25, 200950

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