STRENGTH IN NUMBERS - Association of Ontario Midwives

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS - Association of Ontario Midwives

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS - Association of Ontario Midwives


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Trade showThe AOM conference trade show is amarketplace for delegates to view andpurchase pr<strong>of</strong>essional and personalproducts and gather important information.Penny Draw<strong>Midwives</strong> are invited to donate items for apenny draw that will take place during theconference. Tickets can be purchased andplaced in the “hat” next to each item you’d liketo win. At the end <strong>of</strong> the allotted time, onewinning ticket is drawn from the hat besideeach item. The more tickets you put in the hat,the better chance you have <strong>of</strong> winning!Items will be on display during the conferenceand the winners will be announcedduring the conference wrap-up. Allproceeds will be directed to the GhislaineFrancoeur Foundation for Midwifery inHaiti. Personal items such as artwork andcrafts are especially encouraged.If you have any questions or wish toregister your donation please contactKristina Mullen, Events & ProgramCoordinator at 416-616-8069 (cell) oremail events@aom.on.ca.Exhibitors (to date):• AboutFace• Calmoseptine Inc.• Ferring Pharmaceuticals• HIROC• HUB International• Leda Health Innovations Inc.• LifeMark Health• Life with a Baby• Medvue Medical Imaging• Midwifery Education Program:Preceptor Support Program• Midwifery Supplies Canada• Morneau Shepell• Parent Books• PatientOrderSets.com• Progenics Cord Blood Cryobank• Pure Midwifery Equipment & Supplies Ltd.• The Stevens Company Ltd.Sponsorsplatinum LevelGold LevelBronze LevelSupporting Level2 Strength in Numbers: Supporting the Growth <strong>of</strong> Midwifery l 28th Annual AOM General Meeting & Conference l May 14-17, 2012

Conference Schedule2:00 pm – 2:45 pmPlenary SessionShaping the Pr<strong>of</strong>ession: GrowingMidwifery and How We Get ThereEileen Hutton, RN, RM, PhDEileen Hutton is AssistantDean in the Faculty <strong>of</strong> HealthSciences and Director <strong>of</strong>Midwifery at McMasterUniversity in Hamilton,<strong>Ontario</strong> where she holds anappointment as Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor in theDepartment <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics and Gynecology. In2011 Dr. Hutton was appointed Pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>Midwifery Science at Vrije University inAmsterdam, the Netherlands where she holdsa part-time endowed chair position. She iscurrently involved in four large multicentrerandomized controlled trials funded by CIHR.Dr. Hutton is a member <strong>of</strong> the CIHR FellowshipAwards Committee. She was the foundingeditor <strong>of</strong> The Canadian Journal <strong>of</strong> MidwiferyResearch and Practice, and is on the EditorialBoard <strong>of</strong> the Journal <strong>of</strong> Obstetrics andGynaecology Canada.2:45 pm – 3:15 pmBreak3:15 pm - 4:00 pmPlenary SessionClinical Plenary: Preventing Genital TractTrauma: Optimal Care During the Final StretchLisa Kane Low, PhD, CNM, FACNMLisa Kane Low is the Director<strong>of</strong> the Midwifery EducationProgram and an AssistantPr<strong>of</strong>essor in the School <strong>of</strong>Nursing and Women’sStudies Department at theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Michigan. She has been in clinicalmidwifery practice in the hospital setting forover 25 years and more recently is engaged inresearch focused on promoting physiologicalbirth through the use <strong>of</strong> evidence-based carepractices. She also is the chair <strong>of</strong> the AmericanCollege <strong>of</strong> Nurse <strong>Midwives</strong> clinical standardsand documents section which is responsiblefor the development and dissemination <strong>of</strong>evidence-based position statements andpractice recommendations.SummaryRecent attention has focused on question<strong>of</strong> pelvic floor damage secondary to theexperience <strong>of</strong> vaginal birth. Interestingly, theactual events <strong>of</strong> end second-stage labourhave rarely been captured in investigationsaimed at identifying prevention <strong>of</strong> genitaltract trauma and subsequently pelvic floordamage. The goal <strong>of</strong> this session is to engagein a review <strong>of</strong> the literature and availableevidence base supporting best practicesto promote optimal perineal and pelvicfloor outcomes during childbirth. The focuswill be on the final stretch which includesthe dynamics <strong>of</strong> end stage pushing andpreventing genital tract trauma.4:00 pm – 4:45 pmPlenary panel SessionWhen Clients Make Choices Against MedicalAdvice (AMA): Implications for <strong>Midwives</strong>Anita Varjacic, LLBRemi Ejiwunmi, RMAnn Montgomery, RMAnita Varjacic is a partner at Rogers PartnersLLP, where she has been practicing since hercall to the bar in 2002. Anita practices civillitigation and administrative law in a widevariety <strong>of</strong> areas. She has a particular interestin medical malpractice claims. Her firm hasbeen working with HIROC and the AOM inthe defence <strong>of</strong> midwife malpractice claims.In addition, Anita has been working with theInsurance and Risk Management Programat the AOM over the years to assist with riskmanagement assistance for members viamember bulletins and the PLEASE line.Remi Ejiwunmi is a Registered Midwifeand a graduate <strong>of</strong> the inaugural class <strong>of</strong><strong>Ontario</strong>’s Midwifery Education Programmeat McMaster University. She has been apracticing midwife in Mississauga at theTrillium Health Centre since 1996 whereshe serves as Head <strong>of</strong> the Midwifery Division.Remi is a Past President <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Association</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Midwives</strong> and currentlyserves as Chair <strong>of</strong> the Insurance and RiskManagement Program Committee <strong>of</strong> theAOM. Remi is a member <strong>of</strong> the HealthcareInsurance Reciprocal <strong>of</strong> Canada’s Claimsand Risk Management Committee.Ann Montgomery is the President <strong>of</strong> theCollege <strong>of</strong> <strong>Midwives</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong>. Ann hasworked as a midwife in Niagara and Ottawa,as well as Nepal, Haiti and Quebec’s arctic.She is currently on leave from practice topursue a PhD in Epidemiology and GlobalHealth at the University <strong>of</strong> Toronto.SummaryThis panel will explore the implications formidwives as they relate to:1. Clients who make decisions AMA asa result <strong>of</strong> hospital protocols and/orroutine hospital practices that haven’tresulted from physician interaction (i.e.routine bilirubin testing, blood sugartesting), and2. Clients who make decisions AMA as aresult <strong>of</strong> situations where direct physicianinteraction has occurred (i.e. VBAC, breechconsults/transfers <strong>of</strong> care)5:00 pm – 6:30 pmAOM Benefits Trust Sponsored Wine & CheeseJoin AOMBT Trustees and staff for aninformal information session about yourbenefits program.5:15 pmBus leaves Westin Prince Hotel for YWCAWomen Of Distinction Awards7:30 pm – 9:30 pmDinner and Salsa!Enjoy dinner, drinks and socializing withyour midwife colleagues. Dinner will befollowed by a Latin dance performance andlessons to carry people into the <strong>Midwives</strong>Mingle! This event is included as part <strong>of</strong> thefull conference registration. Limited ticketswill be available for purchase on site for daydelegates.9:15 pmAOM Bus will be leaving the Women <strong>of</strong>Distinction Awards9:30 pm - 12:00 am<strong>Midwives</strong> Mingle and DanceParty, party, party! Put on your dancingshoes and boogie. One drink ticket eachplus cash bar. This event is open to allconference delegates.Thursday, May 178:00 am – 9:00 amStudent BreakfastHosted by the AOM LeadershipDevelopment CommitteeLocation: North York Room N9:00 am – 9:45 amPlenary panel SessionAdvocating for Midwifery CommunityStandards: The Politics And PracticalitiesOf Practicing According To MidwiferyValues In The Hospital SettingTasha MacDonald, RM (Chair)Elizabeth Brandeis, RMRemi Ejiwunmi, RMManavi Handa, RMTasha MacDonald has been practicingmidwifery in Toronto since 2001. She has aMaster’s degree in Bioethics. She is currentlythe Director <strong>of</strong> Clinical Practice Guidelines atthe <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Midwives</strong>.4 Strength in Numbers: Supporting the Growth <strong>of</strong> Midwifery l 28th Annual AOM General Meeting & Conference l May 14-17, 2012

Conference Schedule (continued)Elizabeth Brandeis is a partner at the<strong>Midwives</strong> Collective <strong>of</strong> Toronto and the VicePresident <strong>of</strong> the AOM. She is a graduate <strong>of</strong> theMEP at Ryerson University and is currentlyworking on her master <strong>of</strong> community healthwith a focus on health practitioner teachereducation at the University <strong>of</strong> Toronto. Sheis a part-time instructor in the MidwiferyEducation Program at Ryerson University.Remi Ejiwunmi (see bio, May 16, 4:00 pm)Manavi Handa is a graduate <strong>of</strong> the RyersonMidwifery Education Program and haspracticed midwifery for almost a decade inthe GTA – mostly in urban Toronto. CurrentlyManavi teaches at the Midwifery EducationProgram at Ryerson University and practicesat West End <strong>Midwives</strong> in Toronto. Manavi isalso active in the <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Midwives</strong>– serving as Chair <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Association</strong>’sDiversityWorkgroup. Manavi has a Master’sdegree in Bioethics from the Joint Centre <strong>of</strong>Bioethics, University <strong>of</strong> Toronto.SummaryThe panelists at this plenary will discusstheir practical experience in advocating formidwifery community standards withintheir community hospitals, including:• Using evidence (and AOM CPGs) as anadvocacy tool• Addressing hospital protocols (afrequently-cited barrier to the use <strong>of</strong>AOM CPGs)• Including midwifery values and CPGs inhospital protocols• Implementing client-centered care andthe midwifery model <strong>of</strong> practice• Ethical issues that arise in advocatingfor midwifery community standards9:45 am –10:15 amRisk Management Plenary Session<strong>Midwives</strong> and HIROC Collaborate to DevelopBest Practice Tools based on HIROC’s RiskManagement Program (RMSAM).Joanna Noble, BScN, RN, CRMJoanna Noble is a Risk Management Specialistat the Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal <strong>of</strong>Canada. She is a Registered Nurse and holdsa Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Science degree in Nursing fromthe University <strong>of</strong> Toronto. Joanna also holdsthe Canadian Risk Management (CRM) designationfrom the Global Risk ManagementInstitute and is currently a Risk and InsuranceManagement Society Inc. Fellow candidate.SummaryHIROC uses <strong>Ontario</strong> midwives’ RMSAMself assessments and Canadian midwives’highest ranking incident reports and claimsto identify areas in which midwives wouldbenefit from resources to aid with thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> best practices. HIROC hasalready undertaken a similar practice withthe top 30 identified areas <strong>of</strong> clinical andbusiness practice for hospital based RMSAMsand published risk reference sheets for use inhospitals. See what has been identified fromthe RMSAM self assessments that <strong>Ontario</strong>midwives participated in and participate in/contribute to the development <strong>of</strong> HIROC riskreference sheets using best practices andmidwifery values and philosophy.10:15 am – 10:30 amBreak10:30 am – 11:15 amPlenary SessionLooking to Our Past for Looking to OurFuture: Messages from Pre-legislation<strong>Ontario</strong> <strong>Midwives</strong>Elizabeth Allemang, RMElizabeth Allemang is a practicing midwifein Toronto and an Assistant Pr<strong>of</strong>essor at theRyerson Midwifery Education Program. Sheis currently working on her Master’s degree,exploring the oral history <strong>of</strong> pre-legislationmidwives in <strong>Ontario</strong>.SummaryThis presentation discusses the findings <strong>of</strong>an oral history research study investigatingthe experience <strong>of</strong> 21 midwives who practicedin <strong>Ontario</strong> in the two decades precedingmidwifery regulation. The midwives’ oraltestimonies provide insight into the roots <strong>of</strong><strong>Ontario</strong> midwifery’s philosophy and model<strong>of</strong> practice. The midwives’ reflections onwhat they see as important considerationsfor midwifery’s future from their experiences<strong>of</strong> working in the early years <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Ontario</strong>midwifery revival will be presented.11:15 am – 12:15 pmPlenary SessionNurturing New Practices – an EssentialApproach to Growing the Pr<strong>of</strong>essionKatrina Kilroy, RM (Chair)Sarah Booth, RMDiane Craig, LLBAlison Lally, RMKatrina Kilroy is the immediate pastPresident <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Association</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ontario</strong><strong>Midwives</strong>. She has been a midwife formore than 20 years and is a graduate <strong>of</strong>the Michener Pre-Registration program,Midwifery. She has been a clinical preceptorfor the Midwifery Education Program sinceits inception in 1994. Katrina has worked inboth rural and urban practices and is a clinicallypracticing midwife with the <strong>Midwives</strong>Collective <strong>of</strong> Toronto, with privileges atMount Sinai hospital.Sara Booth is honoured to have been apart <strong>of</strong> the start <strong>of</strong> Seventh Generation<strong>Midwives</strong> Toronto and continues to work asan ally midwife with Toronto’s Aboriginalcommunities and as a partner in thepractice. She is a preceptor for the MEP andtakes on Head Midwife duties from time totime at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.Diane Craig is a partner with RogersPartners. She received her B.A. from theUniversity <strong>of</strong> Toronto where she graduatedwith distinction. She obtained her LL.Bfrom Osgoode Hall Law School. She wascalled to the Bar in 1996. Diane practisesin the field <strong>of</strong> civil litigation includingpersonal injury, insurance law and employmentmatters.Alison Lally qualified as a Registered Nurse in1978 in her native England. She then qualifiedas a Midwife in 1989. In 2000, Alisonbegan practicing midwifery in Canada. Shehas worked at Womancare <strong>Midwives</strong> inLondon, Thames Valley <strong>Midwives</strong> and is nowa partner with <strong>Midwives</strong> <strong>of</strong> Chatham-Kent.SummaryOne key to a stronger midwifery pr<strong>of</strong>essionwill be the growth <strong>of</strong> new practice groups.This panel will cover the nuts and bolts<strong>of</strong> how to grow a new practice out <strong>of</strong> anexisting one, and discuss why it is critical forthe pr<strong>of</strong>ession to do so.12:15 pm – 1:15 pmLunch, including Draw Prizes and PennyDraw Winners12:15 pm - 1:15 pmMeetingsConversations: Rural and Remote Issuesand ChallengesLocation: North York Room NThis one-hour informal meeting is designedfor rural and remote midwives and locummidwives to bring together conversationsfrom the community to a central forum.Please bring your lunch and share yourtriumphs and challenges with fellow ruraland remote midwives and locum midwives.<strong>Ontario</strong> Midwifery Research Network(OMRN) By invitation onlyLocation: Duncan RoomConference program and speakers subject to change.5

Conference PoliciesOn-site RegistrationLimited on-site registration will beavailable and, depending on the number<strong>of</strong> on-site registrants, may not includemeals or refreshments provided by theconference. Visit our website for on-siteregistration rates.Conference SubstitutionsSubstitute delegates may arrive duringthe conference with permission from theperson originally registered. Please makeevery effort to notify us in advance.Bringing your Baby?If you will have your infant with you atthe conference, please contact us so thatwe may assist with any special needs youmay have.Thank you for respecting the speakers andother conference attendees by leaving asession if your infant needs to settle. Childcare will not be provided.Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Development FundComplete cost <strong>of</strong> registration <strong>of</strong> theconference, ESW and pre-conferencesessions are eligible for reimbursementunder the PD Fund. Those travellingmore than 100 km one way to attendthe conference will also be eligible fora travel reimbursement <strong>of</strong> up to 30% <strong>of</strong>the registration costs. Members who arepart <strong>of</strong> practices designated as “rural” or“remote” according to the 2008 TPA-MPGFunding Agreement are eligible for anadditional travel subsidy.All those wishing to take advantage<strong>of</strong> the 2012-2013 cycle <strong>of</strong> the PD Fundreimbursement must submit a completedapplication by March 31, 2013.PD forms can be picked up and dropped<strong>of</strong>f at the conference registration desk.At-a-Glance Conference Schedule Please refer to pages 3-6 for details.Monday, May 147am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pmRegistrationESW Instructor TrainingTuesday, May 157am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pmRegistrationESW Morning SessionESW Afternoon SessionCreating & Maintaining a Healthy Practice CultureAboriginalMidwiferyMeetingFree TimeCPG MeetingOpening Ceremonies &President’s Wine & CheeseWednesday, May 167am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pmRegistrationPresident’sOpening Shaping theThe FinalAOMBT WineAnnual General MeetingAMADinner & Social Event& BreakfastLuncheon& Keynote Pr<strong>of</strong>essionStretch& Cheese5:15 (dep) Bus for Women <strong>of</strong> Distinction Awards 9:15 (ret)Thursday, May 177am 8am 9am 10am 11am 12pm 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pmRegistrationConcurrent Sessions: ClosingStudent CPGPre-leg. PanelHIROCLunch & DrawKeynote &Breakfast Panel<strong>Midwives</strong> Discussion1,2,3 4,5,67,8,9Wrap UpRural/RemoteResearch Mtg.7

Supporting <strong>Midwives</strong>Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal <strong>of</strong> Canada (HIROC) isyour partner in providing liability insurance and riskmanagement services tailored to meet the uniqueneeds <strong>of</strong> midwives. For more information, contact:Trina Davidson Team Leader, Midwifery,1-800-442-7751 | 416 730-3068midwives@hiroc.comwww.hiroc.comPartnering to create the safest healthcare system8 Strength in Numbers: Supporting the Growth <strong>of</strong> Midwifery l 28th Annual AOM General Meeting & Conference l May 14-17, 2012

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