April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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488 <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Magazine.<strong>the</strong> earth. <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Presbyterian</strong>s have been <strong>of</strong>ten accused <strong>of</strong> holdingthat <strong>the</strong>re are no godly people in any denomination but <strong>the</strong>irown. The charge is false and should be treated with <strong>the</strong> contemptit deserves. At <strong>the</strong> same time we endeavour to hold and hopewe shall hold by <strong>the</strong> infallibility and inerrancy <strong>of</strong> God's Wordand a distinct testimony as a Church.3. The Church is here spoken <strong>of</strong> as a house. "The house<strong>of</strong> God." How may <strong>the</strong> Church be compared to a house~(1) A house does not grow <strong>of</strong> itself. It is not like a treewhich one wonld plant. A house must be built by some one." Every house is builc1ed by some man, but he who built all thingsis God" (Heb. iii. 4). It is God who builds this house. Whateverefforts men may make unless He builds, all will be useless."Except <strong>the</strong> Lord build <strong>the</strong> house <strong>the</strong>y labour in vain thatbuild it" (Ps. cxxvii. 1).(2) When a house is to he built, plans and specifications aredrawn out and <strong>the</strong> builder must go according to <strong>the</strong>se plans.If he does not keep to <strong>the</strong>se his work is condemned and heis liable to a penalty. Now God, whose house <strong>the</strong> Church is,gave a plan and specification as to how His house is to be builtand ruled and if builders go not according to <strong>the</strong>se <strong>the</strong>ir wurkwill be condemned and <strong>the</strong>y <strong>the</strong>mselves punished. As He o,aidto Moses: "See that thou make all things according to <strong>the</strong>pattern shewed to <strong>the</strong>e in <strong>the</strong> mount" (Heb. viii. 5). Thereare many in <strong>the</strong>se days <strong>of</strong> blasphemy and rebuke, who arepr<strong>of</strong>essed builders, but who have cast aside God's plan whichHe has given in His Word and who build according to <strong>the</strong>irown carnal fancies. But when <strong>the</strong> Chief Inspector will cometo examine <strong>the</strong>ir work He will condemn it; however, beautiful<strong>the</strong>se erections may appear in <strong>the</strong>ir own eyes.(3) A house must have a foundation and <strong>the</strong> larger <strong>the</strong> house<strong>the</strong> stronger <strong>the</strong> foundation must be for if <strong>the</strong> foundation givesway <strong>the</strong> whole building will collapse. We may notice that <strong>the</strong>rewas ano<strong>the</strong>r house which God built or ra<strong>the</strong>r created and thatwas Adam and all <strong>the</strong> lmman race dwelt in him as <strong>the</strong>ir first

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