April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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F1'ee <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Magazine.<strong>of</strong> "building up" as his first sermon aimed at "casting down."He called upon his hearers to enter into a new covenant with<strong>the</strong> Lord and with uplifted hands <strong>the</strong>y did so. As many <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> ministers were not present on <strong>the</strong> occasion <strong>the</strong> Asselllblyenjoined <strong>the</strong> Synods to eng'age in a like solemn humiliation,Some presbyteries also and congregations lnet for a like purpose.Notwitll~tanding all this dark elouds were ga<strong>the</strong>ring for <strong>the</strong>Kirk in high places. James was scheming to have Episcopacyset up in <strong>Scotland</strong> and his plans were all <strong>the</strong> easier to accomplishinasmuch as, according to Hume Brown, "<strong>the</strong>re was not a singlenoble <strong>of</strong> a,bility and authority "lvllD took his stand Oil <strong>the</strong> side<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pre;,;byterian party." By a sel'ies (lf cunningly devisedquestions which were Illeant to ,entrap <strong>the</strong> minister;; <strong>the</strong> Kingasked <strong>the</strong> Assembly's answers to <strong>the</strong> same and received answeTSfrom <strong>the</strong> Assem.bly which, though not quite satisfactory to him,weTe stepping stones to his objective. 'When <strong>the</strong> next Assemblymet J allles found that <strong>the</strong> ministers resented his encroachmentson <strong>the</strong> laws and liberties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Kirk. Notwithstanding <strong>the</strong>cunniug plausibilities <strong>of</strong> Jamcs <strong>the</strong>re were some among <strong>the</strong>ministers who saw clearly enough his objective; among <strong>the</strong>sewas John David50n. The Scottish Parliament passed an .'letdecreeing that such ministers ~lS <strong>the</strong> crown provided to <strong>the</strong> placeand dignity <strong>of</strong> n bishop should hav,e a place in Parliament. When<strong>the</strong> matter came before <strong>the</strong> Synod <strong>of</strong> Fife James Mclville ando<strong>the</strong>rs argued against <strong>the</strong> proposal on <strong>the</strong> grouud tlwt minister::;could not have a place in Parliament without first being madebishops. Davidson also followed in <strong>the</strong> same strain and in doingso gave utterance to one Df those delivenlllce,; so eharacteristic<strong>of</strong> leading Scottish minister5 at this

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