April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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514 Fl"ee Pl'esbyterian Magazine.per Mr A. Macuish, £7 7s 6d; Breasclete, per Mr J. MacInnes,£4 Ss 6d; Mr J. Gillies, Glasgow, £5 2s.Kames Congregational Funds.-Rev. Jas. A. Tallach acknowledgeswith sincere thanks a donation <strong>of</strong> £2 from A Friend,Glasgow Postmark.London Congregation.-The Treasurer acknowledges with gratefulthanks <strong>the</strong> following donations :-Nurse, £1; Mrs H., £2; MissM., £1.Portnalong Mission House.-Mr D. Morrison, Portnalong,acknowledges with sincere thanks a donation <strong>of</strong> £1 per Mr D.MacSween and <strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> 10s for Tallisker Church Debt fromMr J. C, 15 Fiscovaig.South African Mission.-Mr H. S. MacGillivray, Dunoon,acknowledges with grateful thanks <strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> £5 Os 6d per MrJ ames Skinner, Church Officer <strong>of</strong> St. J ude's, Glasgow as per list<strong>of</strong> subscribers for Educational Books for <strong>the</strong> South AfricanMission School.South African Mission Clothing Fund.-Mrs Miller, 7 vVestBanks Terrace, Wick, acknowledges with sincere thanks <strong>the</strong>following donations :-An Inverness Friend, £1; M. CF., Dingwallpostmark, £1; A Friend, Scourie, lOs.Applecross Manse Building Fund.-Mr M. GiIlanders acknowledgeswith sincere thanks a Collecting Card from Miss Isa Macdonald,Cuaig and Glasgow, £3 13s.St. Jude's Congregational Funds.-The Honorary Treasurer, St.Jude's Congregation, Glasgow, acknowledges with sincere thanks<strong>the</strong> following donations on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jewish and ForeignMissions, per Rev. R. Mackenzie :-A. M., Brora, £10; Captain B.,£2; I. S. C, 10s; Miss P. McK., Ss. On behalf <strong>of</strong> St. J ude'sSustentationFund' <strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> £5 from Captain B., per Rev. R.Mackenzie and Ss from 'Miss P. McK., o/a <strong>the</strong> Home MissionFund.Wick Manse Purchase Fun

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