April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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5HlF'ree <strong>Presbyterian</strong> Magazine.bringing in a vprdict <strong>of</strong> guilty against his high-handed, tyrannicalpolicy towards Abyssinia as to think that <strong>the</strong>se pressmen wouldbe supporters <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> scriptural law <strong>of</strong> Sabbath observance. Thewriters <strong>of</strong> editorial and special articles, seasoned with bitingsareasms, inconsequent l'easoning, infallible deliverances, jibesand sneers, have greatly mistaken <strong>the</strong>ir calling and become tooobsessed with <strong>the</strong>ir self-importance in imagining <strong>the</strong>y have a,right to lay down a law to <strong>the</strong> poople <strong>of</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong> on Sabbathobservanoe contrary to <strong>the</strong> Word <strong>of</strong> God and based on <strong>the</strong>irown loose thinking. They pr<strong>of</strong>ess to be <strong>the</strong> advocates <strong>of</strong> awider liberty aada Raner outlook on <strong>the</strong> big world around <strong>the</strong>m.They hurl <strong>the</strong> words "narrow-minded" and "bigot" with,irresponsibl.e abandon at those from whom <strong>the</strong>y differ in a waywhich cert'ainly does not indicate <strong>the</strong> possession <strong>of</strong> much sanity,and still les;; <strong>of</strong> broad-mindedness. There are no bigots who canbe so intensely fierce and so unreasonable as <strong>the</strong>se ilnen whell<strong>the</strong>y sit in judgment on those who may in many respects be<strong>the</strong>ir superiors both as men and Christians. A press with suchan attitude is a menace to <strong>the</strong> religious life <strong>of</strong> ~his country.They do not seem to realise that <strong>the</strong>ir plea for liberty brings<strong>the</strong>m up against <strong>the</strong> immovable wall <strong>of</strong> authority: an authoritywhich is not human but divine. The weapons employed by <strong>the</strong>s~writers ar,e taken from an old armoury which has, in all ages,supplied those who had as much religion as <strong>the</strong> pens with which<strong>the</strong>y write <strong>the</strong>ir thoughts. Have things come so low that <strong>the</strong>Church <strong>of</strong> Christ must listen to what <strong>the</strong>se men say. "Theyare <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world: <strong>the</strong>refor,e speak <strong>the</strong>y <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world, and <strong>the</strong>world heareth <strong>the</strong>m" (1. John iv. 5).Some Ministers and" Green Pastures."-It seems thatsome ministers in <strong>Scotland</strong> regard this burlesque <strong>of</strong> divine thingsas quite reverent. \Vc have r,ead some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se so-called reverentvapourings in one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> daily papers and how anyone whohas any respect for divine things to say nothing <strong>of</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essedministers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> gospel can speak <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m as rev,erent is beyondour comprehension. It shows to wlll1,t a low level vital religionhas descended when "Green PasturI's" wnuld not be hounded

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