April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland

April - the Free Presbyterian church of Scotland


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Nadu1' an Duine 'na Staid Cheithi1' Fillte. 501mentioned and was buried in <strong>the</strong> beautiful new cemetery <strong>of</strong>Duror in <strong>the</strong> Appin country, a district which at one time enjoyed<strong>the</strong> ministrations <strong>of</strong> Rev. W. S. MacDougall, latterly <strong>of</strong> Fodderty.,During his retiral he conducted services at Kinlochleven fo~<strong>the</strong> Gaelic-speaking men <strong>the</strong>re mostly from <strong>the</strong> IslandS whowere attracted to <strong>the</strong> place by <strong>the</strong> work which was so easily,obtained <strong>the</strong>re for many years. When <strong>the</strong> slump came and<strong>the</strong> men left for <strong>the</strong>ir Island homes Mr. Fraser was in <strong>the</strong>habit <strong>of</strong> conducting services in <strong>the</strong> house <strong>of</strong> Mr. Maclennan"gardener, Port Appin. Here he was welcomed by Mr. and Mrs,Maclennan to <strong>the</strong>ir home. The removal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> latter by death,shortly after Mr. Fraser's decease, made a blank in that part<strong>of</strong> Argyllshire to not a few. Mr. Fraser ;ulso conducted a weeklyprayer-meeting in <strong>the</strong> house <strong>of</strong> Miss MacColl, Bracklet, Ballachulish,for many yea.rs until laid ,aside by ill-health and infirmity.,During <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> minister Mr. Fraser <strong>of</strong>ten conductedservices at Oban and his visits to this place and ministrations<strong>the</strong>re were highly appreciated by <strong>the</strong> people. He had a livelystyle as a speaker, and being <strong>the</strong> master <strong>of</strong> ,apt illustration hisspeaking arrested and kept up <strong>the</strong> attention <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hearers. At<strong>the</strong> Question Meetings he was listened to with <strong>the</strong> keenestattention. Argyllshire, like o<strong>the</strong>r places, is being stripped <strong>of</strong>,those who bore witness that <strong>the</strong>y were <strong>the</strong> followers <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Lamband one misses <strong>the</strong>m when <strong>the</strong>y have bidden us farewell but itis well with <strong>the</strong>m though we are <strong>the</strong> poorer.We extend our sympathy to his daughter, Mrs. Mackinnon.D.S.A., and to his step-son, Mr. Edward Maekay, Collam, HaITis.Nadur an Duine 'na Staid Cheithir Fillte.AN T-AONADH DlOMHAIR EADAR CRIOSD AGUSCREIDMHICH.(Ai1' a leantuinn bho t.d' Jp. 433).Is mise an fhionaitn, sibhse na geugan.-EoIN xv. 5.Comh-dhilinidh mi nis, le labhairt ann am beagan debhriathraibh, air tUs ri naoimh, agus a ris ri pellcaich.1. Ribhse a ta 'nul' naoimh, a deil'eam,

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