EMT Orientation - Online (click here for pdf document) - Victor Valley ...

EMT Orientation - Online (click here for pdf document) - Victor Valley ...

EMT Orientation - Online (click here for pdf document) - Victor Valley ...


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Introduction:Welcome to the field of Emergency Medicine! This is a fieldthat can be very exciting and rewarding. Many previousstudents have gone on to use the knowledge and skills theyhave learned <strong>here</strong> in numerous ways. The majority use theirposition as an Emergency Medical Technician (<strong>EMT</strong>) to laythe groundwork <strong>for</strong> entrance into a career as a firefighter,paramedic, flight EMS, emergency responder, industrialsafety officer, or law en<strong>for</strong>cement officer. Others use theirnewfound knowledge inside Emergency Rooms, EMS units,health clinics, doctors’ offices, disaster teams, and searchand rescue teams. Also, some others choose just this classto be more prepared to handle home crisis and emergencysituations. However you choose to use your experience,having the confidence to handle a crisis or emergency willallow you to make a difference in someone else’s life.

Your <strong>EMT</strong> Training:<strong>EMT</strong> education includes training in the recognition of signsand symptoms of illnesses and injuries and the appropriatetreatment modalities.This course is designed to give you the basic knowledge andskills necessary to provide safe and effective care to the illand injured members of our community. The primary focuswill be providing emergency medical care in the field setting.This course will consist of classroom lectures, manipulativeskills in a lab setting, and clinical internships. The internshipsrequire a minimum of four (4) twelve hour shifts; (24 hours inthe Emergency Room setting and 24 hours on theambulance). You will not be allowed any night shifts on theambulance.Attendance Policy:Class attendance is not a measure of per<strong>for</strong>manceof proficiency. Whether a student is just physicallypresent in the class is not a valid basis <strong>for</strong> grading.Reference Title 5 section 55002 of the Cali<strong>for</strong>niaCode of Regulations: (A) Grading Policy. Thecourse provides <strong>for</strong> measurement of studentper<strong>for</strong>mance in the terms of stated course

objectives and culminates in a <strong>for</strong>mal, permanentlyrecorded grade based upon uni<strong>for</strong>m standards inaccordance with section 55758 of this Division.The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency inthe subject matter and the ability to demonstratethat proficiency, at least in part, by means ofwritten expression that may include problem solvingexercises or skills demonstrations by students.Due to the quantity and importance of thein<strong>for</strong>mation provided in this course, students willbe required to attend all lecture and laboratorysessions each week.• For the two-night per week courses (M,W orT,Th): Three (3) tardies are equal to one (1)absence. Students with more than two (2)absences will not be able to course complete.• For the one day per week course (Sat): Three(3) tardies are equal to one (1) absence.Students with more than one (1) absence willnot be able to course complete.• For the eight-week course (T,W,Th): Three(3) tardies are equal to one (1) absence.Students with more than one (1) absence willnot be able to course complete.

Approximate Costs <strong>for</strong> the Class:• Registration & college fees = $350-425• Books, uni<strong>for</strong>ms, supplies = $200• Liability Insurance = $13 (paid at registration)• Total Costs = $447 - $521• (All costs are approximate.)Required equipment:T<strong>here</strong> are a few items required in the practice of anEmergency Medical Technician and <strong>for</strong> this class. Theseitems need to be acquired prior to the first day of class:* Watch with a second hand, preferably water resistant* Standard black ink ball point pen* Dark blue polo style VVC uni<strong>for</strong>m shirt (available in VVCBookstore – please make sure to get the correct shirtwith the logo seen <strong>here</strong>)* Navy blue slacks <strong>for</strong> both men and women (absolutelyno ‘skinny’ or excessively ‘baggy’ pants – mustlook professional). You will be required to wearyour full uni<strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> every class meeting.* Black uni<strong>for</strong>m belt <strong>for</strong> pants.* Black uni<strong>for</strong>m boots or uni<strong>for</strong>m style shoe. The solesshould be rubber or non-skid style. T<strong>here</strong> should beno visible markings (brand labels, etc.).* Student picture ID (available at no cost in Auxiliary

In the health care environment, it is very important that younot only act in a professional manner, but that you also lookprofessional. You will be representing the College andwhichever healthcare institution/provider that you arelearning with. T<strong>here</strong><strong>for</strong>e the following mandatory dressguidelines must be followed:vv Your uni<strong>for</strong>m must be neat, clean, and unwrinkled.* You may not wear heavy perfumes or colognes.* Your hair must be neat, natural colored, and maintainedoff your face.* Fingernails must be clean and cut short. Absolutely noacrylic nails may be worn. If polished, a pale coloredpolish must be used.* Must be clean shaven. Moustaches will be allowed (notbeyond the corner of the mouth), but must be neatlymaintained/trimmed.* Each student must practice appropriate personalhygiene.* Excessive visual body jewelry will need to be removedwhile in uni<strong>for</strong>m (no earrings permitted <strong>for</strong> males / oneearring, stud-type will be permitted per ear <strong>for</strong>females).* All visible tattoos must be covered during classmeetings, clinical and field shifts and while in uni<strong>for</strong>m.Uni<strong>for</strong>m inspections will be conducted at the beginning

of each class session. Students out of uni<strong>for</strong>m will bedismissed from class and receive a tardy <strong>for</strong> the day (thisincludes any violations of personal grooming standardslisted above).Any student who fails to conduct themselves in aprofessional manner will be removed from the class and<strong>for</strong>warded to the Dean of Discipline <strong>for</strong> corrective action.Requirements <strong>for</strong> Certification as and <strong>EMT</strong> I:Students will be eligible <strong>for</strong> <strong>EMT</strong> I certification if they meetall the requirements stipulated below:Students must achieve a score of 80% or greater <strong>for</strong>* the midterm and final exam and a minimum of 80%cumulative score <strong>for</strong> successful completion of theclass.*Students who fail to achieve at least an 80% after themidterm will be placed on an Individual Action Plan.*Students who fail to achieve 80% (cumulative by thelast day of class) or greater will not be allowed tocourse complete.*Completion of the required clinical and fieldinternships.*Must pass all practical skills. Students who do not passall practical skills will be issued no greater than a ‘D’ <strong>for</strong>

the course.*Must hold a current AHA CPR card (Health CareProvider level).*Must be at least 18 years of age in order to be certified.Academic Dishonesty:Due to the real life circumstances that will occur during theclass, the life, death, and quality of a patient’s future may bemade from your comments and findings. T<strong>here</strong><strong>for</strong>e,dishonesty will not be tolerated. Those individualswho are caught cheating and/or falsifying <strong>document</strong>s will bedropped from the <strong>EMT</strong> program and turned over theCollege’s Dean <strong>for</strong> prosecution according to StudentDiscipline: Prescribed Conduct.The First Day of Class:For the first day of class, please arrive on time, in full uni<strong>for</strong>mwith all of the be<strong>for</strong>e-mentioned required items, includingthe textbook. Additionally, bring a copy of your negativeTB test as well as your CPR card. Come with a positiveattitude and ready to learn!


Verification of <strong>Orientation</strong> andStatement of Commitment<strong>Victor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> College <strong>EMT</strong> AcademyI, __________________________ understand that I will notreceive a passing grade, nor will I receive my <strong>EMT</strong> coursecompletion certificate if I fail to complete any of t<strong>here</strong>quirements listed below:1.) CPR TRAINING:I will provide a copy (front and back on one side of onewhite 81/2 x 11” sheet of paper) of my current CPR cardby the first day of class. My CPR card may be either theAmerican Heart Association (AHA) Healthcare Provideror the American Red Cross (ARC) CPR <strong>for</strong> ProfessionalRescuers.2.) TUBERCULOSIS TESTING:I will submit proof of a negative TB test within the last 6months. I will submit this proof by the specified duedate. I understand that this proof must be in the <strong>for</strong>m ofan official immunization record or equivalent and mustbear a physician’s or RN’s signature to be consideredvalid.3.) CLINICAL EXPERIENCE:

I will submit proof of attending 48 hours of clinicalexperience divided evenly between clinical and field. Iunderstand that the clinical experience verification <strong>for</strong>mand the patient contact log must be completed by me,signed by hospital and pre-hospital staff and submittedby the specified due date. I also understand that I willbe required to obtain liability insurance at the time ofregistration <strong>for</strong> the entire duration of the course. Thecurrent approximate cost is $13 to be paid at the time ofregistration <strong>for</strong> the course.4.) FINAL WRITTEN TESTING:I understand that I must pass the final writtenexamination with a minimum of 80%, pass ALL practicalskills examination with 100% and complete / submitALL required course projects and <strong>document</strong>ation inorder to receive my course completion.5.) CHEATING, MISCONDUCT AND DISCLOSURE:a.)b.)I will not cheat on any examination or exercise, norwill I falsify any <strong>document</strong>ation pursuant to my <strong>EMT</strong>training or mentorship experiences. I furtherunderstand that if I am caught or suspected ofcheating or falsification of any <strong>document</strong>ation, thatI will be immediately dismissed from class andreceive a failing grade.I will behave professionally at all times while inuni<strong>for</strong>m, attendance of an assigned school functionor facility including, but not limited to, class time,breaks and clinical experiences.

c.)I understand that I am obligated to report anymisconduct or violation of VVC policy by my fellowstudents or myself to my instructor, <strong>EMT</strong> AcademyCoordinator or the Academy Director.6.) VICTOR VALLEY COLLGE POLICIES:I agree to be bound by <strong>Victor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> College policies<strong>for</strong> conduct, dress and facility use. Furthermore, I willnot be argumentative, disruptive or disrespectful and Iwill demonstrate enthusiasm, I shall be respectful offellow students, faculty and staff of VVC, and the clinicalstaff at provider sites and EMS agencies. I will not useharsh and offensive language.7.) FAILURE TO MEET THE TERMS OF THIS STATEMENT OFCOMMITMENT:I agree to either drop, withdraw (receive a ‘W’), orreceive a non-passing grade (whichever applies) if I amunable to complete the above within the time frameslisted or I am unable to ad<strong>here</strong> to my commitment as itis written <strong>here</strong>.8.) UNDERSTANDING, DURATION OF COMMITMENT ANDAFFIRMATION:I fully understand and agree to be bound by thisstatement of commitment in its entirety <strong>for</strong> the durationof my enrollment in the <strong>Victor</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> College <strong>EMT</strong>Academy. My signature below is my affirmation of thisintent.Signature:____________________________________


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