ReflectionS ReflectionS - Lake Highland Preparatory School

ReflectionS ReflectionS - Lake Highland Preparatory School ReflectionS ReflectionS - Lake Highland Preparatory School


Week 2 Overview, June 15th – June 19thCourses are arranged by entering grade level.Entering Grade(s) Courses Dates Times PagesPre-K The Path to Pre-Kindergarten June 15th-19th 9:00-2:00 6Pre-K-6th Kids’ Night Out June 19th 6:00-10:00 25K-2nd Fun for Body and Soul June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 23K-5th Splash Camp June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 321st First Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 71st-2nd We Heart Art June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 291st-2nd Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh, My! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 261st-3rd Kids Taking Over the Kitchen June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 251st-3rd The Land of Fossils and Dinosaurs June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 262nd Second Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 72nd-5th All American Girl June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 192nd-5th Boys’ Lacrosse June 15th-19th 8:00-2:30 342nd-5th You Can Be an Author June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 292nd-5th Handmade Dolls June 15th-19th 12:30-3:30 242nd-8th Tennis June 15th-19th 9:00-Noon 342nd-12th Golf June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 323rd Third Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 73rd-6th Field Trips, Fun, and Fitness June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 223rd-6th Field Trips, Fun, and Fitness, (afternoon only) June 15th-19th 12:30-3:30 223rd-6th Fitness Conditioning June 15th-19th 9:00-Noon 223rd-6th Highlander Summer Experience 2015 June 15th-26th 9:00-3:30 316th-12th Fitness Conditioning June 15th-19th 12:30-3:30 224th Fourth Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 84th-8th Introduction to Competitive Cheerleading June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 344th-12th Girls’ Basketball June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 335th Fifth Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 86th Sixth Grade! June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 86th-9th Cake, Cupcake, and Cookie Decorating June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 207th-8th Middle School Math Sense June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 108th-9th Lincoln-Douglas Novice Debate June 15th-19th 9:00-3:30 10Credit Course9th-12th Personal Fitness - Session I June 15th-26th 7:30-3:30 14Summer Spectacular 2015 | 38

Classes Continuing from Week OneEntering Grade(s) Courses Dates Times PagesK Leading Up to Kindergarten June 8th-19th 9:00-2:00 68th Speech - Session I June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 139th Medicine & Biotechnology Research June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 149th Marine and Coastal Science June 9th-26th 8:00-12:30 139th-12th Speech June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 149th-12th Robotics and Engineering Research June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 139th-12th Introduction to Computer Programming Online June 10th-July 17th online 1510th-12th Advanced Composition - Session I June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1510th-12th Advanced Composition Online June 9th-July 2nd online 1611th-12th East Asian Studies, Honors June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1611th-12th Humanities June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1611th-12th Personal Finance Skills / Game of Life June 10th-July 17th online 1711th-12th Sports Psychology June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 17Summer Spectacular 2015 | 39

Classes Continuing from Week OneEntering Grade(s) Courses Dates Times PagesK Leading Up to Kindergarten June 8th-19th 9:00-2:00 68th Speech - Session I June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 139th Medicine & Biotechnology Research June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 149th Marine and Coastal Science June 9th-26th 8:00-12:30 139th-12th Speech June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 149th-12th Robotics and Engineering Research June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 139th-12th Introduction to Computer Programming Online June 10th-July 17th online 1510th-12th Advanced Composition - Session I June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1510th-12th Advanced Composition Online June 9th-July 2nd online 1611th-12th East Asian Studies, Honors June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1611th-12th Humanities June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 1611th-12th Personal Finance Skills / Game of Life June 10th-July 17th online 1711th-12th Sports Psychology June 9th-26th 8:00-2:00 17Summer Spectacular 2015 | 39

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