GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in CommunicationsCOMM 501 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC WRITINGThis course imparts the essential knowledge and skills of academic, technical and scientific writing. It includes anexamination of academic articles in Engineering and Applied Science and drafting practice in a variety of requiredgenres such as proposal drafting.Pre-requisites NoneCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(1 – 0 – 1)Page 95

Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Engineering (General)ENGR 508 ADVANCED ENGINEERING ANALYSISThe course is intended for students who undertake graduate studies after some time away from school, as well as forpracticing engineers and scientists in the field. The course comprises of the following three advanced engineeringanalysis modules: (a) Engineering Mathematics: Linear algebra, differential equations, partial differential equations,computational methods in engineering mathematics, (b) Applied Mechanics: Strength of materials, materials science,(c) Thermofluids: Classical and applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, multi-phase heat transfer, transportphenomena.Pre-requisites Graduate standingCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)ENGR 531 TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENTThe course provides a general framework for the role of technology and innovation in modern business world. Theunprecedented technological evolution of the last 30 – 40 years and the globalization of the world economy are themajor challenges that drive corporate success and will be discussed thoroughly here.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)ENGR 535 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENTThe course is an introduction to current global environmental problems and especially those generated by humanactivity. The course is for non-specialists and attempts to provide critical assessments and their implications forbusiness activities at regional, national and international level.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)ENGR 552 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTThe course focuses on analyzing and responding to complex organizational situations from a general manager'sperspective. In order to do that, the course will analyze the firm’s external and internal environment i.e. focus on theinternational business environment including the industrial structure as well as the internal competences andresources a firm should possess and develop in order to gain a sustainable competitive position in global markets.Special emphasis is given to the international network of operations and their contribution in shaping successfulcorporate strategies. The processes of strategizing, the impact of organizational contexts and the subsequent strategictensions are explored so as to understand the adoption of various strategic practices.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)Page 96

Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in CommunicationsCOMM 501 TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC WRITINGThis course imparts the essential knowledge and skills of academic, technical and scientific writing. It includes anexamination of academic articles in Engineering and Applied Science and drafting practice in a variety of requiredgenres such as proposal drafting.Pre-requisites NoneCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(1 – 0 – 1)Page 95

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