GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Petroleum GeosciencesPGEG 511 CARBONATE RESERVOIR PETROLOGYCarbonate Reservoir Petrology covers carbonate depositional textures, microfacies, diagenesis, permeability, andporosity. Students will learn how to unravel the complex geologic history of carbonate reservoirs from depositionthrough diagenesis to emplacement of hydrocarbons to develop 3D predictive reservoir models.Pre-requisite: PGEG 311 or equivalent or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 512 SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF CARBONATE SYSTEMSThis course instructs in the sedimentological, petrographic, and stratigraphic methods used to analyze and interpretcarbonate sediment and sedimentary sequences. Students will learn to interpret physical processes and depositionalenvironments from sedimentary structures, facies, and textures and to apply sequence stratigraphic methods tointerpret and model facies and sedimentary basin evolution. The course incorporates modern and ancient examplesfrom the Middle East, particularly from the UAE. Course includes a five-day field trip.Pre-requisite: PGEG 511 Carbonate Reservoir Petrology, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 513 ADVANCED RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATIONStudents integrate well log, core, thin section, seismic reflection, and other datasets to characterize and developgeologically realistic, predictive computer model of a carbonate reservoir. Focus is given to depositional geometries,diagenetic processes, and reservoir compartmentalization.Pre-requisite: PGEG 512 Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Systems, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(1-9-4)PGEG 533 BASIN ANALYSISThe course covers modern concepts of tectonics and analysis of sedimentary basins. Application of geophysical logs andseismic stratigraphy to basin analysis, facies distribution, and structural style in a variety of basin types will becovered. The focus is on the evolution of the Arabian Plate but specific examples from around the world will also becovered. The course includes applications of organic geochemistry and techniques of hydrocarbon assessment inbasinal settings.Pre-requisite PGEG 351, PGEG361, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 515 ADVANCED ROCK PHYSICSThis course covers the major rock physics methods used in geological and geophysical data interpretation. Studentsgain advanced knowledge on rock properties, and learn about physical processes in the rocks related to geophysicalexploration and production. This includes the study of relations between rock properties, fluid type and distribution,and seismic and electromagnetic waves. Emphasis is on applications of rock physics in carbonate rocks.Pre-requisite Graduate standing and consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-0-4)PGEG 516 Advanced Field Petroleum GeologyAdvanced Field Petroleum Geology focuses on the application of sedimentary, stratigraphic and structural principalsto undertake field-based descriptions and interpretations of lithologies and structures and integrate the results withregional studies. Students record stratigraphic and lateral variations in sedimentary facies geometries in order tofacilitate temporally-constrained palaeogeographic reconstructions of depositional facies architecture. Large- andsmall-scale structural features are considered, along with petrophysical characteristics, in order to understandpetroleum reservoirs in three dimensions. The effects of diagenetic overprints on reservoir evolution are assessed. Thecourse includes four weeks of field-based data-collection followed by a period of literature reviewing, data integrationand report writing based at the Petroleum Institute.Pre-requisite Graduate standing and permission of the course instructorCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(24 days of fieldwork, 4 credits)Page 93

Graduate Catalog |PGEG 523 REMOTE SENSING FOR EARTH SCIENCES APPLICATIONS AND GISThe course covers the basic principles and essential skills of remote sensing using image visualization, processing andGIS (Geographical Information System) for geological and/or environmental mapping.Pre-requisite Graduate standing and consent of course coordinatorsCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(2-1-3)PGEG 589 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PETROLEUM GEOSCIENCESThe content of this course will include special areas of importance and of interest to Petroleum Geosciences as selectedby the faculty and which are not covered in regular courses listed in the curriculum.Pre-requisites: Graduate standing and program permissionCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(0 – 1 to 4 – 1 to 4)PGEG 595 GRADUATE SEMINAR IIn this course students attend seminars given by faculty, visiting scholars and fellow graduate students.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(1-0-1)PGEG 596 GRADUATE SEMINAR IIIn this course students attend seminars given by faculty, visiting scholars and fellow graduate students, and presentat least one seminar on an appropriate research topic.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(1-0-1)PGEG 599 MASTER OF SCIENCE THESISThesis research leading to a research thesis.Pre-requisite: Graduate level standing.Co-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(12 credits)Page 94

Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in <strong>Petroleum</strong> GeosciencesPGEG 511 CARBONATE RESERVOIR PETROLOGYCarbonate Reservoir Petrology covers carbonate depositional textures, microfacies, diagenesis, permeability, andporosity. Students will learn how to unravel the complex geologic history of carbonate reservoirs from depositionthrough diagenesis to emplacement of hydrocarbons to develop 3D predictive reservoir models.Pre-requisite: PGEG 311 or equivalent or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 512 SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY OF CARBONATE SYSTEMSThis course instructs in the sedimentological, petrographic, and stratigraphic methods used to analyze and interpretcarbonate sediment and sedimentary sequences. Students will learn to interpret physical processes and depositionalenvironments from sedimentary structures, facies, and textures and to apply sequence stratigraphic methods tointerpret and model facies and sedimentary basin evolution. <strong>The</strong> course incorporates modern and ancient examplesfrom the Middle East, particularly from the UAE. Course includes a five-day field trip.Pre-requisite: PGEG 511 Carbonate Reservoir Petrology, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 513 ADVANCED RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATIONStudents integrate well log, core, thin section, seismic reflection, and other datasets to characterize and developgeologically realistic, predictive computer model of a carbonate reservoir. Focus is given to depositional geometries,diagenetic processes, and reservoir compartmentalization.Pre-requisite: PGEG 512 Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Systems, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(1-9-4)PGEG 533 BASIN ANALYSIS<strong>The</strong> course covers modern concepts of tectonics and analysis of sedimentary basins. Application of geophysical logs andseismic stratigraphy to basin analysis, facies distribution, and structural style in a variety of basin types will becovered. <strong>The</strong> focus is on the evolution of the Arabian Plate but specific examples from around the world will also becovered. <strong>The</strong> course includes applications of organic geochemistry and techniques of hydrocarbon assessment inbasinal settings.Pre-requisite PGEG 351, PGEG361, or consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-3-4)PGEG 515 ADVANCED ROCK PHYSICSThis course covers the major rock physics methods used in geological and geophysical data interpretation. Studentsgain advanced knowledge on rock properties, and learn about physical processes in the rocks related to geophysicalexploration and production. This includes the study of relations between rock properties, fluid type and distribution,and seismic and electromagnetic waves. Emphasis is on applications of rock physics in carbonate rocks.Pre-requisite Graduate standing and consent of instructorCo-requisites: noneRestrictions: none(3-0-4)PGEG 516 Advanced Field <strong>Petroleum</strong> GeologyAdvanced Field <strong>Petroleum</strong> Geology focuses on the application of sedimentary, stratigraphic and structural principalsto undertake field-based descriptions and interpretations of lithologies and structures and integrate the results withregional studies. Students record stratigraphic and lateral variations in sedimentary facies geometries in order tofacilitate temporally-constrained palaeogeographic reconstructions of depositional facies architecture. Large- andsmall-scale structural features are considered, along with petrophysical characteristics, in order to understandpetroleum reservoirs in three dimensions. <strong>The</strong> effects of diagenetic overprints on reservoir evolution are assessed. <strong>The</strong>course includes four weeks of field-based data-collection followed by a period of literature reviewing, data integrationand report writing based at the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>.Pre-requisite Graduate standing and permission of the course instructorCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(24 days of fieldwork, 4 credits)Page 93

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