GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |MEEG 551 SURFACE ENGINEERINGThis course deals with the fundamentals and applications of surface engineering science from a materialsprocessing-environmentperspective. Different types of failures of engineering materials are discussed at bothmacroscopic and microscopic levels, along with the tribological, mechanical and environmental factors causing them.The various surface treatments and coating are discussed with respect to the improvement of surface propertiessuch as hardness, strength, friction, thermal and chemical stabilities. The course gives both theoretical andphenomenological description of the mechanisms of surface modifications during processing and the interactionsbetween the materials properties and processing factorsPrerequisite MEEG 334 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 554 DESIGN OF PRESSURE VESSELSThis course introduces students to the principles that form the basis of design of pressure vessels for powergeneration and process equipment. It is intended for senior and graduate engineering students as well as forpracticing engineers who are interested in learning the basic principles associated with pressure vessel design asthey are outlined in the various codes, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and PressureVessel Code. The course will cover components such as cylindrical shells, formed heads and transition sections,covers and flanges, openings and nozzles, bolted flanges and vessel supports. The course will also introduce studentsto computer aided practices of pressure vessels using PVElite and ANSYS for the design of pressure vessels andboilers to conduct design studies of practical real life design problems.Pre-requisite MEEG 344 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 561 ADVANCED VISCOUS FLOW ANALYSISThis course provides an overview of concepts related to viscous fluid flow and helps students to apply theseprinciples in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. The underlying fundamental advanced fluid dynamicsprinciples in viscous flow (Laminar Boundary Layer, Shear Flows, Stability of the Laminar Flow, CompressibleLaminar Boundary Layer) are reviewed, in addition to turbulence modeling, and the finite volume method of solvingthermofluid problems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Model problems are used throughout thecourse to illustrate the interaction of physical processes and numerical techniques. Practice on the use ofcommercially-available CFD codes will be given to students through laboratory exercises.Prerequisite MEEG354 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 565 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICSOverview of the methods and analytical techniques used in computational solutions of fluid mechanics and heattransfer problems. The governing equations and boundary conditions of viscous fluid flows, turbulence modeling, andthe finite volume method of solving thermofluid problems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Modelproblems are used throughout the course to illustrate the interaction of physical processes and numerical techniques.Use of commercially-available CFD codes will be given to students through laboratory exercises.Prerequisite MEEG385 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 566 MULTIPHASE FLOW ENGINEERINGMEEG 566 is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie multiphase flow processes.It introduces the fundamentals necessary for the analysis of two phase flows such as liquid-gas and liquid-solid flows.It also focuses on challenges for studying three phase liquid-solid-gas flows. Measurements techniques andapplications of multiphase flow processes are covered together with examples of applications involving the oil and gasindustries.Prerequisites MEEG 354, MEEG 394 and MEEG 585 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 83

Graduate Catalog |MEEG 574 ADVANCED CONDUCTION HEAT TRANSFERThis course covers two major topics in heat transfer: conduction and radiation. The purpose of the course isto presentto the student the key points for each of these topics covered, as well as the necessary tools to solve realisticengineering problems in heat transfer. Specific conduction heat transfer topics covered will include: methods of solvingthe multidimensional heat conduction equation for various boundary conditions, homogenous vs. non-homogenousproblems, transient versus steady state in rectangular and cylindrical coordinates. The various methods to solve theheat conduction equation involve separation of variables, Bessel function, Laplace Transform technique and integralmethods. For radiative heat transfer the underlying physics are reviewed: how opaque surfaces emit, reflect andabsorb electromagnetic waves, how radiative energy is exchanged or light is distributed in enclosures with manysurfaces, how gases and particulates emit, absorb and scatter radiation, and how to evaluate the (often dominant)radiative heat exchange in important industrial applications, such as boilers, reactors, furnaces and other combustionproblems. The course also includes treatment of radiative transfer equation solution methods, state-of-the-artdescription of radiation properties, and spectral models.Prerequisites MEEG 394 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 577 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY PRODUCTION AND UTILIZATIONThis course reviews technologies for sustainable energy, with emphasis on the limitations and opportunities forsustainable energy production and utilization. Emphasis is placed on aiding the student to develop a vision for afuture sustainable energy scenario.Prerequisites MEEG 354, MEEG 365 and MEEG 394 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 579 PROJECT COST ACCOUNTING AND FINANCEThis course reviews the fundamentals of accounting; examines project cost accounting principles as they apply toproject management; project cost accounting; reading financial statements; cash management; cash flow analysis;depreciation and taxes; and impact on profitability; examines the principles of activity based costing; net present valueanalysis; introduces the framework for project performance measurement, cost performance indices, and earned valueanalysis.Prerequisites Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 585 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGNThis course consists of two main parts related to the use of finite element and computational fluid dynamicstechniques to solve problems related to solid mechanics and thermofluids using commercially available computercodes.Prerequisites MEEG 354, MEEG 394 and MEEG 404 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 589 SPECIAL TOPICS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGThe content of this course will include special areas of importance and of interest to mechanical engineering asselected by the faculty and which are not covered in regular courses listed in the curriculum.Prerequisite Permission of the instructorCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(0-3-3)MEEG 595 GRADUATE SEMINAR ITo provide the students opportunities to attend seminars given by faculty, visiting scholars, and fellow graduatestudents, and to present at least one seminar on an appropriate research topic.Prerequisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(1-0-1)Page 84

Graduate Catalog |MEEG 551 SURFACE ENGINEERINGThis course deals with the fundamentals and applications of surface engineering science from a materialsprocessing-environmentperspective. Different types of failures of engineering materials are discussed at bothmacroscopic and microscopic levels, along with the tribological, mechanical and environmental factors causing them.<strong>The</strong> various surface treatments and coating are discussed with respect to the improvement of surface propertiessuch as hardness, strength, friction, thermal and chemical stabilities. <strong>The</strong> course gives both theoretical andphenomenological description of the mechanisms of surface modifications during processing and the interactionsbetween the materials properties and processing factorsPrerequisite MEEG 334 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 554 DESIGN OF PRESSURE VESSELSThis course introduces students to the principles that form the basis of design of pressure vessels for powergeneration and process equipment. It is intended for senior and graduate engineering students as well as forpracticing engineers who are interested in learning the basic principles associated with pressure vessel design asthey are outlined in the various codes, such as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and PressureVessel Code. <strong>The</strong> course will cover components such as cylindrical shells, formed heads and transition sections,covers and flanges, openings and nozzles, bolted flanges and vessel supports. <strong>The</strong> course will also introduce studentsto computer aided practices of pressure vessels using PVElite and ANSYS for the design of pressure vessels andboilers to conduct design studies of practical real life design problems.Pre-requisite MEEG 344 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 561 ADVANCED VISCOUS FLOW ANALYSISThis course provides an overview of concepts related to viscous fluid flow and helps students to apply theseprinciples in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. <strong>The</strong> underlying fundamental advanced fluid dynamicsprinciples in viscous flow (Laminar Boundary Layer, Shear Flows, Stability of the Laminar Flow, CompressibleLaminar Boundary Layer) are reviewed, in addition to turbulence modeling, and the finite volume method of solvingthermofluid problems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Model problems are used throughout thecourse to illustrate the interaction of physical processes and numerical techniques. Practice on the use ofcommercially-available CFD codes will be given to students through laboratory exercises.Prerequisite MEEG354 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 565 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICSOverview of the methods and analytical techniques used in computational solutions of fluid mechanics and heattransfer problems. <strong>The</strong> governing equations and boundary conditions of viscous fluid flows, turbulence modeling, andthe finite volume method of solving thermofluid problems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. Modelproblems are used throughout the course to illustrate the interaction of physical processes and numerical techniques.Use of commercially-available CFD codes will be given to students through laboratory exercises.Prerequisite MEEG385 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 566 MULTIPHASE FLOW ENGINEERINGMEEG 566 is designed to introduce the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie multiphase flow processes.It introduces the fundamentals necessary for the analysis of two phase flows such as liquid-gas and liquid-solid flows.It also focuses on challenges for studying three phase liquid-solid-gas flows. Measurements techniques andapplications of multiphase flow processes are covered together with examples of applications involving the oil and gasindustries.Prerequisites MEEG 354, MEEG 394 and MEEG 585 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 83

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