GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Mechanical EngineeringMEEG 501 ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSISAn advanced, unified approach to the solution of mechanical engineering problems, with emphasis on theformulation and solution of equilibrium, eigen value and eigen functions, propagation problems, and solutions ofsystems of differential equations. Review and extension of undergraduate material in applied mathematics withemphasis on problems in heat transfer, vibrations, fluid flow and stress analysis which may be formulated andsolved by classical procedures.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 503 APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODSIntroduction to advanced methods for computing numerical data and solving mathematical and engineeringproblems including: Solving nonlinear equations, Sets of equations, Interpolation and curve fitting, Numericaldifferentiation and integration and Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential and equations. The focusis placed on engineering applications.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 504 CONTINUUM MECHANICSThis course is an introduction to the fundamentals needed to model engineering systems as continuous bodies andincludes Cartesian tensor analysis, the concept of state of stress, kinematics of deformation, constitutive equations forelastic and fluid media. It provides a uniform and holistic treatment of the conservation field equations and theirsolutions for the cases of elastic, plastic and fluid media.Pre-requisiteCo-requisiteRestrictions(3-0-3)MEEG344, MEEG354 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.NoneNoneMEEG 506 PROJECT MANAGEMENTThe fundamentals of project management including: overview and concepts of project management (principles, bodyof knowledge, strategies); planning successful projects (defining, specifying, delivery options, scheduling, budgeting);implementing (organizing the team, work assignments, team building, effective leadership); executing (performancemeasurement, maintaining the schedule, adjustments/mid-course corrections, record keeping, status reporting,communications, managing conflict, time management); and closeout (performance measurement, maintaining theschedule, adjustments/mid-course corrections, record keeping, status reporting, communications, managing conflict,time management).Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 508 ADVANCED ENGINEERING ANALYSISThe course will benefit students who undertake graduate studies after some time away from school, as well as topracticing engineers and scientists in the field. The course will be comprised of the following three advancedengineering analysis modules: Engineering Mathematics (16 hours): Linear algebra, differential equations, partial differential equations,computational methods in engineering mathematics. Applied Mechanics (9 hours): Strength of materials, materials science. Thermofluids (26 hours): Classical and applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, multiphase heat transfer,transport phenomena.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 81

Graduate Catalog |MEEG 522 FEEDBACK CONTROLThis course provides basic material about feedback control of systems. Topics include a review of Laplace transformtechniques and time response analysis; stability and feedback interconnections; basic transfer function analysis anddesign methods; robustness; state-space analysis and state feedback design.Pre-requisite MEEG 384 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 526 MECHATRONIC DESIGNMeasurements and control systems, signal processing, sensors and actuators, digital and electronic circuits,microprocessor architecture, microcontroller programming and interfacing, and real-time programming.Applications to control of mechanical systems.Pre-requisite MEEG 384 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 528 ADVANCED VIBRATIONSThis course builds upon the undergraduate vibrations course. It introduces energy based methods for derivation ofgoverning equations (Lagrange’s equation, Hamilton’s principle), vibration of distributed parameter systems(strings, rods, beams, and membranes). The second half of the course is focused on practical aspects including signalprocessing (sampling process, FFT, FRF calculation), basics of modal analysis, dynamics and condition monitoring ofrotating machinery.Pre-requisite MEEG 384 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 536 MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATIONMEEG 536 is an advanced course on the theory and design of engineering measurements. Integrated throughout thecourse are the necessary elements for the design of measurements systems and measurement test plans, with anemphasis on the role of statistics and uncertainty analysis in design. Topics also include sensors, signal conditioningcircuits and noise reduction techniques. Typical sensor topics include temperature, force, torque, pressure, flow andacceleration. Practice will be given to students, through course projects, on the measurement of mechanicalengineering quantities. Software use such as Labview and Matlab will be integrated into course projects.Prerequisite MEEG 438 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 543 APPLIED FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSISThe theory of the Finite Element Method will be introduced. Applications of static and dynamic finite elementanalysis of real world mechanical systems will be performed. Commercial F.E.A codes such as ANSYS andMSC.NASTRAN will be utilized.Prerequisite MEEG324, MEEG344 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(2-3-3)MEEG 544 ADVANCED MECHANICS OF MATERIALSThis course will introduce the students to more advanced topics in stress analysis and the theory of elasticity andthe response of materials and structural elements to applied forces and deformations. The course will begin with athorough explanation to solving mechanical problems. It will provide the students with material Strain energymethods; thick/thin-walled cylinders; shrink-fit assemblies; rotating disks; thermal stresses; shells and plates.Prerequisite MEEG344 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 82

Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Mechanical EngineeringMEEG 501 ADVANCED MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ANALYSISAn advanced, unified approach to the solution of mechanical engineering problems, with emphasis on theformulation and solution of equilibrium, eigen value and eigen functions, propagation problems, and solutions ofsystems of differential equations. Review and extension of undergraduate material in applied mathematics withemphasis on problems in heat transfer, vibrations, fluid flow and stress analysis which may be formulated andsolved by classical procedures.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 503 APPLIED NUMERICAL METHODSIntroduction to advanced methods for computing numerical data and solving mathematical and engineeringproblems including: Solving nonlinear equations, Sets of equations, Interpolation and curve fitting, Numericaldifferentiation and integration and Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential and equations. <strong>The</strong> focusis placed on engineering applications.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 504 CONTINUUM MECHANICSThis course is an introduction to the fundamentals needed to model engineering systems as continuous bodies andincludes Cartesian tensor analysis, the concept of state of stress, kinematics of deformation, constitutive equations forelastic and fluid media. It provides a uniform and holistic treatment of the conservation field equations and theirsolutions for the cases of elastic, plastic and fluid media.Pre-requisiteCo-requisiteRestrictions(3-0-3)MEEG344, MEEG354 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.NoneNoneMEEG 506 PROJECT MANAGEMENT<strong>The</strong> fundamentals of project management including: overview and concepts of project management (principles, bodyof knowledge, strategies); planning successful projects (defining, specifying, delivery options, scheduling, budgeting);implementing (organizing the team, work assignments, team building, effective leadership); executing (performancemeasurement, maintaining the schedule, adjustments/mid-course corrections, record keeping, status reporting,communications, managing conflict, time management); and closeout (performance measurement, maintaining theschedule, adjustments/mid-course corrections, record keeping, status reporting, communications, managing conflict,time management).Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)MEEG 508 ADVANCED ENGINEERING ANALYSIS<strong>The</strong> course will benefit students who undertake graduate studies after some time away from school, as well as topracticing engineers and scientists in the field. <strong>The</strong> course will be comprised of the following three advancedengineering analysis modules: Engineering Mathematics (16 hours): Linear algebra, differential equations, partial differential equations,computational methods in engineering mathematics. Applied Mechanics (9 hours): Strength of materials, materials science. <strong>The</strong>rmofluids (26 hours): Classical and applied thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, multiphase heat transfer,transport phenomena.Pre-requisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 81

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