GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |ELEG 515 INTELLIGENT CONTROLExamples of combinatorial optimization problems in engineering, intelligent control strategies: Expert systems, fuzzylogic control, neural networks. Optimization control techniques: Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search,evolutionary methods, hybrid systems, applications in engineering optimization problems.Prerequisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 516 NON-LINEAR CONTROLIntroduction to nonlinear systems, Linearization of non-linear systems, Phase plane analysis and classification oflinear systems, Non-linear system stability: Liapunov method. Absolute stability: Popov and circle criteria, Describingfunction analysis, Input/Output feedback theory, Passivity and positivity of nonlinear operators. Multipliers and thesmall gain theorem, Feedback linearization, Sliding-mode control, Robustness of feedback systems, Unboundedoperators, applications.Prerequisite ELEG 360 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 517 ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGDiscrete-time signal theory including discrete-time signals, digital filtering and FFT processing, multirate DSP,wavelets, time-frequency and detection theory.Pre-requisites ELEG 460 or equivalent or instructor’s consentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 518 PROBABILITY AND RANDOM PROCESSESReview of fundamentals of probability, Introduction to stochastic process, Stationarity, Ergodicity, Gaussian randomprocesses, Poisson and renewal processes, Markov processes, Semi-Markov processes, Queuing Theory, Applications tocontrol and power areas.Prerequisite ELEG587 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 519 STOCHASTIC CONTROLIntroduction to stochastic systems, Stochastic state models, Analysis of systems with random inputs, Analysis anddesign of stochastic quadratic control systems, Analysis of prediction and filtering systems using stochastic systemtheory.Prerequisite ELEG 517Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 520 ROBOTICSIntroduction to robotics and their commercial applications, kinematics and dynamics, equation of motion for multibodysystems, impact of forces and moments of forces acting upon robot manipulator joints, optimally trajectoryplanningfor robot manipulators including collision avoidance, constraint optimal control of trajectories, presentindustrially relevant tutorial examples.Prerequisite ELEG 510 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 521 MECHATRONICSAnalysis of mechatronic and measurement systems, Basics of analog signal processing, design and analysis ofoperational amplifier circuits, Basics of digital devices and the use of integrated circuits, Microcontroller programmingand interfacing, PIC microcontroller and PicBasic Pro programming, Data acquisition and how to couple computers tomeasurement systems, overview of the many sensors common in mechatronic systems, introduction to devices used foractuating mechatronic systems, Overview of mechatronic system control architectures, case studies.Prerequisite ELEG 510 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 77

Graduate Catalog |ELEG 522 ADVANCED INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENTSMeasurement principles and design of sensor and measurement systems. Topics include computer-based measurementsystems, sensor design, signal conditioning, data acquisition, smart sensors, and mechatronics. Techniques formeasuring quantities encountered in robotics and automation, manufacturing, biomedical, and other applications.Prerequisite ELEG 440 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 530 ADVANCED POWER SYSTEM ANALYSISPower system modeling; advanced load flow techniques; transmission line transient analysis; single machine andmulti-machine systems; power systems transient analysis.Prerequisite ELEG 350 or equivalent or instructorCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 531 POWER SYSTEM PLANNINGMathematical methods and modern approaches to power system planning, Demand Forecasting, Generation SystemPlanning: deterministic and probabilistic methods. Transmission System Planning: heuristic and stochastic methods,optimization methods for transmission planning.Prerequisite ELEG 350 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 532 POWER SYSTEM DYNAMICS AND STABILITYDynamic models of synchronous machines, excitation and governor systems, linear and nonlinear models, small signalstability assessment, voltage stability studies, computer modeling of power systems and stability against faults.Prerequisites ELEG530 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 533 POWER SYSTEM OPERATION AND CONTROLPower plant characteristics, economic dispatch, transmission losses, automatic generation control, voltage andfrequency control, power pools, power system security, state estimation in power systems, unit commitment, andoptimal economic operation of power systems.Prerequisite ELEG 350 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 534 POWER QUALITYPower quality issues, assessment, estimation, monitoring, and solutions.Prerequisite ELEG 410 Power Electronics andELEG 350 Power systems or equivalentsCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 535 ELECTRIC DRIVESSelection of drives based on motor and load characteristics, modeling, simulation and control of electric drives,regenerative braking, power quality issues related to electric drives. High power drives and current topics in electricdrives.Prerequisite ELEG 530 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 78

Graduate Catalog |ELEG 515 INTELLIGENT CONTROLExamples of combinatorial optimization problems in engineering, intelligent control strategies: Expert systems, fuzzylogic control, neural networks. Optimization control techniques: Genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, tabu search,evolutionary methods, hybrid systems, applications in engineering optimization problems.Prerequisite Graduate standingCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 516 NON-LINEAR CONTROLIntroduction to nonlinear systems, Linearization of non-linear systems, Phase plane analysis and classification oflinear systems, Non-linear system stability: Liapunov method. Absolute stability: Popov and circle criteria, Describingfunction analysis, Input/Output feedback theory, Passivity and positivity of nonlinear operators. Multipliers and thesmall gain theorem, Feedback linearization, Sliding-mode control, Robustness of feedback systems, Unboundedoperators, applications.Prerequisite ELEG 360 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 517 ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSINGDiscrete-time signal theory including discrete-time signals, digital filtering and FFT processing, multirate DSP,wavelets, time-frequency and detection theory.Pre-requisites ELEG 460 or equivalent or instructor’s consentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 518 PROBABILITY AND RANDOM PROCESSESReview of fundamentals of probability, Introduction to stochastic process, Stationarity, Ergodicity, Gaussian randomprocesses, Poisson and renewal processes, Markov processes, Semi-Markov processes, Queuing <strong>The</strong>ory, Applications tocontrol and power areas.Prerequisite ELEG587 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 519 STOCHASTIC CONTROLIntroduction to stochastic systems, Stochastic state models, Analysis of systems with random inputs, Analysis anddesign of stochastic quadratic control systems, Analysis of prediction and filtering systems using stochastic systemtheory.Prerequisite ELEG 517Co-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 520 ROBOTICSIntroduction to robotics and their commercial applications, kinematics and dynamics, equation of motion for multibodysystems, impact of forces and moments of forces acting upon robot manipulator joints, optimally trajectoryplanningfor robot manipulators including collision avoidance, constraint optimal control of trajectories, presentindustrially relevant tutorial examples.Prerequisite ELEG 510 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)ELEG 521 MECHATRONICSAnalysis of mechatronic and measurement systems, Basics of analog signal processing, design and analysis ofoperational amplifier circuits, Basics of digital devices and the use of integrated circuits, Microcontroller programmingand interfacing, PIC microcontroller and PicBasic Pro programming, Data acquisition and how to couple computers tomeasurement systems, overview of the many sensors common in mechatronic systems, introduction to devices used foractuating mechatronic systems, Overview of mechatronic system control architectures, case studies.Prerequisite ELEG 510 or equivalentCo-requisite NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 77

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