GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Chemical EngineeringCHEG 503 MULTIPHASE FLOWContinuum equations for conservation of momentum, heat and mass, averaging and combined phase equations.Motion of single particles, bubbles and ensembles. Bubble growth and cavitation. Gas-liquid, gas-solid and gas-liquidsolidflows, multiphase flow in chemical reactors. Flow through porous media.Pre-requisites CHEG 301, CHEG 220 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 511 ADVANCED REACTION ENGINEERINGHomogeneous and heterogeneous rate expressions. Fundamental theories of reaction rates. Analysis of rate data andcomplex reaction networks. Properties of solid catalysts. Mass and heat transfer with chemical reaction.Heterogeneous non-catalytic reactions. Reactor design and analysis. Multiphase reactors.Pre-requisites CHEG 411 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 520 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGMathematical formulation and modeling of physical problems, initial and boundary conditions, analytical solution ofmodel equations. Special functions. Fourier series. Laplace Transform. Partial differential equations in chemicalengineering and their solution. Approximate solutions of ODE and PDE. Numerical solution of algebraic anddifferential equations. Collocation methods.Pre-requisites: CHEG 220, CHEG 301, CHEG 351, CHEG 361.Co-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 521 SUSTAINABLE ENERGYUnconventional energy sources, including solar, wind and other non-petroleum energy supplies. Advancedhydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon energy sources. Clean energy conversion. Fuel cells.Pre-requisites CHEG 411 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 522 ADVANCED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICSThe course deals with the thermodynamics of fluids with emphasis on phase equilibria of fluid mixtures. Fundamentalphase equilibrium equations are derived. Appropriate models are presented in the form of equations of state andactivity coefficient models for gases and liquids. A link to molecular physics, intermolecular forces and statisticalmechanics is made. Different types of mixture phase equilibria are presented with emphasis on high pressure. Specificexamples related to the oil and gas industry are discussed.Pre-requisites Graduate standing / instructor consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 524 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICSStatistical-mechanical ensembles and thermodynamics. Fluctuations. Thermodynamic laws. Systems composed ofindependent molecules or subsystems: Ideal gas, chemical equilibrium in ideal gas mixtures, configuration of polymermolecules. Systems of interacting molecules: Real gases and liquids, dilute and concentrated solutions. Transportproperties of gases and liquids.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 531 Chemical Process SafetyInter-relationship between occupational health, plant safety and environmental protection; toxicology and industrialhygiene; Models for liquid and vapor leakage; vaporization of a liquid pool; toxic release and dispersion; fire andexplosion; flammability of liquids and vapors; explosions; prevention of fires and explosions; relief sizing;identification of hazards; risk assessment and analysis; safe design of process plants; case studies.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions NonePage 71

Graduate Catalog |(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 533 NUMERICAL METHODS AND OPTIMIZATIONEngineering applications of numerical methods. Numerical integration, solution of algebraic equations, matrixalgebra, ordinary differential equations, and special emphasis on partial differential equations. Emphasis onapplication of numerical methods to chemical engineering problems which cannot be solved by analytical methods.Pre-requisites Instructor consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)CHEG 535 PROCESS SIMULATION AND OPTIMIZATIONAdvanced applications of the principles and theory of process design to synthesis of chemical processes and systems.Use of simulation software and packages for process design and analysis. Optimization theory, with applications inprocess design.Pre-requisites CHEG 431 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)CHEG 537 MEASUREMENT AND INSTRUMENTATIONChemical Engineering process instrumentation and measurement principles including measurement of flow, pressure,temperature, position, and other parameters of importance in chemical processes. Variation and uncertainty inmeasurement instruments. Course includes lab/practicum illustrating aspects of experimental measurement.Pre-requisites CHEG 311, CHEG 371 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-3-4)CHEG 539 DESIGNED EXPERIMENTATIONSolution of engineering problems by applying statistical tools. Description of random variables and probabilitydistributions and the use of statistical decision-making tools. Application of empirical models to optimize engineeringsystems and application of designed experimentation. Statistical process control, management of operating costs, andoptimization in the transactional environment.Pre-requisites CHEG 331 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)CHEG 551 SEPARATION PROCESSESFundamental principles of mass transfer with application to design of mass transfer processes; Theory of diffusion ingases and liquids for single and multi-component species; Mass transfer in laminar and turbulent flows; Transportanalogies, simultaneous heat and mass transfer, with examples of drying and humidification processes. Mass transferwith chemical reaction; examples of slow, intermediate, and fast reactions with application to design of masscontactors. Interfacial mass transfer and mass transfer in two-phase flows; Design of packed beds and columns, gasspargedreactors.Pre-requisites CHEG 351 or equivalent or instructor consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)CHEG 555 INTERFACIAL SCIENCEPrinciples and fundamental aspects of gas/solid and liquid/solid interfaces as applied to chemical engineeringprocesses. Chemistry and engineering principles governing adsorption at interfaces; Applications in chemicalengineering and petroleum systems including enhanced oil recovery.Pre-requisites CHEG 301 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)CHEG 563 PROJECT ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENTThe project environment – technical, commercial, contracting; plant layout; selection and specification of equipment;detailed design and drafting; scheduling of a project; construction, installation and commissioning.Pre-requisites NoneCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3-0-3)Page 72

Graduate Catalog |Graduate Courses in Chemical EngineeringCHEG 503 MULTIPHASE FLOWContinuum equations for conservation of momentum, heat and mass, averaging and combined phase equations.Motion of single particles, bubbles and ensembles. Bubble growth and cavitation. Gas-liquid, gas-solid and gas-liquidsolidflows, multiphase flow in chemical reactors. Flow through porous media.Pre-requisites CHEG 301, CHEG 220 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 511 ADVANCED REACTION ENGINEERINGHomogeneous and heterogeneous rate expressions. Fundamental theories of reaction rates. Analysis of rate data andcomplex reaction networks. Properties of solid catalysts. Mass and heat transfer with chemical reaction.Heterogeneous non-catalytic reactions. Reactor design and analysis. Multiphase reactors.Pre-requisites CHEG 411 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 520 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERINGMathematical formulation and modeling of physical problems, initial and boundary conditions, analytical solution ofmodel equations. Special functions. Fourier series. Laplace Transform. Partial differential equations in chemicalengineering and their solution. Approximate solutions of ODE and PDE. Numerical solution of algebraic anddifferential equations. Collocation methods.Pre-requisites: CHEG 220, CHEG 301, CHEG 351, CHEG 361.Co-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 521 SUSTAINABLE ENERGYUnconventional energy sources, including solar, wind and other non-petroleum energy supplies. Advancedhydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon energy sources. Clean energy conversion. Fuel cells.Pre-requisites CHEG 411 or equivalentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 522 ADVANCED CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICS<strong>The</strong> course deals with the thermodynamics of fluids with emphasis on phase equilibria of fluid mixtures. Fundamentalphase equilibrium equations are derived. Appropriate models are presented in the form of equations of state andactivity coefficient models for gases and liquids. A link to molecular physics, intermolecular forces and statisticalmechanics is made. Different types of mixture phase equilibria are presented with emphasis on high pressure. Specificexamples related to the oil and gas industry are discussed.Pre-requisites Graduate standing / instructor consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 524 STATISTICAL THERMODYNAMICSStatistical-mechanical ensembles and thermodynamics. Fluctuations. <strong>The</strong>rmodynamic laws. Systems composed ofindependent molecules or subsystems: Ideal gas, chemical equilibrium in ideal gas mixtures, configuration of polymermolecules. Systems of interacting molecules: Real gases and liquids, dilute and concentrated solutions. Transportproperties of gases and liquids.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions None(3 – 0 – 3)CHEG 531 Chemical Process SafetyInter-relationship between occupational health, plant safety and environmental protection; toxicology and industrialhygiene; Models for liquid and vapor leakage; vaporization of a liquid pool; toxic release and dispersion; fire andexplosion; flammability of liquids and vapors; explosions; prevention of fires and explosions; relief sizing;identification of hazards; risk assessment and analysis; safe design of process plants; case studies.Pre-requisites Instructor’s consentCo-requisites NoneRestrictions NonePage 71

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