GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Petroleum Geosciences DepartmentDepartment Mission and DescriptionThe educational mission of the Petroleum Geosciences Department at the Petroleum Institute is to provide a highqualityeducation in petroleum geology and geophysics and to produce graduates for successful and socially andethically responsible careers in the petroleum industry that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of PIpetroleum sponsor companies and the petroleum industry in general.Master of Science in Petroleum GeosciencesEducational Objectives and OutcomesEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the research skills required to further their careers;2. Prepare graduates for further education in Ph.D. programs;3. Provide the PI partners in the oil and gas industry with highly educated personnel who can utilize theirtechnical knowledge and skills to increase value of petroleum assets and to develop petroleum industry businessopportunities;4. Advance the technological skill base of E & P sponsor companies, the UAE, and the regional oil and gasindustry;5. Raise the overall educational environment of the Petroleum Institute through publication of scholarly work.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Science in Petroleum Geosciences Graduate Program, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced geosciences concepts and methods to formulate and solve complexpetroleum geosciences problems,2. Find employment in technologically relevant areas and will advance rapidly in their careers,3. Publish and present results of their research and participate in professional organizations,Page 67

Graduate Catalog |4. Have sufficient technical knowledge, skills, and experience to successfully begin a Ph.D. program in geosciencesin a recognized university.Degree Requirements and Program of StudyGeneral Program RequirementsInformation provided in the following sections includes GAC, the Master of Science in Petroleum Geosciencesdegree program, requests for deviation from the requirements, and graduate courses.Graduate Advisory CommitteeThe student must select a research advisor by the end of first semester and have a GAC and register a preliminaryplan of study in the program during the second semester. The GAC's membership reflects the specializedprofessional requirements of the area of concentration. The advisory committee for Master’s degree studentsconsists of at least three (3) faculty members with one or more of them serving as the student's advisor(s). Onemember of the committee may be from outside the program. The student's advisor(s) serves as the chair of theGAC. A final plan of study must be submitted when a student completes her/his coursework. The decision of theGAC is based on a majority vote.Deviation from RequirementsThe forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the Petroleum Institute Graduate Catalog will bea formal petition by the chair of the student's GAC to the Petroleum Geosciences Graduate Committee.Deviations from the requirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Master of ScienceStudents entering the Master of Science in Petroleum Geosciences Department with an acceptable undergraduatedegree in geology or geophysics are required to take a minimum of 18 credit hours of technical coursework, 1credit hour of Technical and Scientific Writing and 12 credit hours of thesis research. Courses are listed in thefollowing table. The program of study is selected by the student in consultation with his/her advisor(s) and withthe approval of the Institute’s Dean of the Graduate School. In addition, students must complete andsuccessfully defend a Master of Science thesis.Master of Science in Petroleum GeosciencesRequired coursescredit hoursPGEG 511 Carbonate Reservoir Petrology 4PGEG 512 Sequence Stratigraphy of Carbonate Systems 4PGEG 513 Advanced Reservoir Characterization 4PGEG 595/596 Graduate Seminar I and II 2COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing 1PGEG 599 Master of Science Thesis 12Technical electivesPGEG 533 Basin Analysis 4PGEG 515 Advanced Rock Physics 4PGEG 516 Advanced Field Petroleum Geology 4PGEG 523 Remote Sensing for Earth Sciences Applications and GIS 3MEEG 506 Project Management 3PEEG 511 Advanced Well Log Interpretation 3PEEG 530 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 3PEEG 550 Advanced Petroleum Economics 3PGEG 589 Special Topics in Petroleum Geosciences 1 – 4Page 68

Graduate Catalog |<strong>Petroleum</strong> Geosciences DepartmentDepartment Mission and Description<strong>The</strong> educational mission of the <strong>Petroleum</strong> Geosciences Department at the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> is to provide a highqualityeducation in petroleum geology and geophysics and to produce graduates for successful and socially andethically responsible careers in the petroleum industry that meet or exceed the needs and expectations of PIpetroleum sponsor companies and the petroleum industry in general.Master of Science in <strong>Petroleum</strong> GeosciencesEducational Objectives and OutcomesEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the research skills required to further their careers;2. Prepare graduates for further education in Ph.D. programs;3. Provide the PI partners in the oil and gas industry with highly educated personnel who can utilize theirtechnical knowledge and skills to increase value of petroleum assets and to develop petroleum industry businessopportunities;4. Advance the technological skill base of E & P sponsor companies, the UAE, and the regional oil and gasindustry;5. Raise the overall educational environment of the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> through publication of scholarly work.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Science in <strong>Petroleum</strong> Geosciences Graduate Program, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced geosciences concepts and methods to formulate and solve complexpetroleum geosciences problems,2. Find employment in technologically relevant areas and will advance rapidly in their careers,3. Publish and present results of their research and participate in professional organizations,Page 67

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