GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |2. Find employment in technologically-relevant areas and will advance rapidly through their chosen careerpath.3. Publish and present results of their research in international conferences and peer reviewed journalsand will participate in professional organizations.4. Have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to successfully begin a Ph.D. program in a well-recognizedPhD program.Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) ProgramEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the advanced skills and knowledge in technicaland business-related areas required to further their career aspirations;2. Provide ADNOC and the regional and global oil and gas industry with employees who have theknowledge, skills, and educational background required to synthesize technical issues andeconomic/business management issues in the solution of petroleum engineering problems;3. Provide graduates able to move into decision-making/management positions and hit the ground running;4. Provide ADNOC and the UAE with a pool of highly educated technical personnel;5. Advance the technological profile of ADNOC, the UAE, and the regional oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering in Petroleum Engineering, the graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of petroleum engineering science to the formulation andsolution of complex petroleum engineering problems.2. Find employment in technologically-relevant areas and will advance rapidly through their chosen careerpath.3. Perform well in decision-making/management positions.Requirements of the Degree ProgramsMaster of ScienceThe Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering (MSPE) degree requires a minimum of thirty three (33) credithours, as detailed below: Minimum of 24 credit hours coursework including:o 12 credit hours core (or compulsory) courseso 9 credit hours elective courses including a maximum of 6 credit hours of elective courses that maybe taken outside the petroleum engineering curriculum.o 2 credit hours of Graduate Seminar, one in each semestero 1 credit hour of Technical and Scientific Writing Successful completion and defense of thesis (9 credit hours)Further details of the coursework requirements are outlined in the following table.Master of ScienceCore CoursesPEEG 510 orPEEG 511Advanced Well Test Analysis orAdvanced Well LoggingCredit Hours33PEEG 520 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3PEEG 530 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 3PEEG 540 Advanced Well Performance Evaluation 3PEEG 595 Graduate Seminar I 1PEEG 596 Graduate Seminar II 1COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing 1PEEG 599 Master of Science Thesis 9Elective Courses Various 9Page 63

Graduate Catalog |Technical elective courses can be selected from a list of Petroleum Engineering courses offered in any givensemester. A list of previously offered courses is given in page 63 as a reference. Up to two elective graduate-levelcourses can be selected from other programs of study including graduate courses in mathematics, chemistry andphysics. Out of these two courses, only one course can be in business / management from the courses listed inpage 64. Selection of elective courses requires a written approval from the student’s research advisor or thegraduate chair in case he/she does not have a research advisor.A tentative list of courses to be offered in the fall and spring semesters is given below. A full time graduate studentis expected to take at least 10 credit hours of course work each semester thus fulfilling most of the requirementsof coursework in two semesters followed by thesis work and remaining course work, if any, in the following oneor two semesters. Students are required to select a research advisor by the end of the first semester and beginthe thesis work accordingly so that they may achieve good research output by the end of the final semester.TermFall Semester 1Spring Semester 1Fall Semester 2Spring Semester 2CoursesPEEG 510 Advanced Well Test Analysis orPEEG 511 Advanced Well Log AnalysisPEEG 530 Advanced Reservoir EngineeringCOMM 501 Technical and Scientific WritingPEEG 595 Graduate Seminar I1 Elective CoursePEEG 520 Advanced Drilling EngineeringPEEG 540 Advanced Well Performance EvaluationPEEG 596 Graduate Seminar II1 Elective CoursePEEG 599 MSc Thesis1 Elective CoursePEEG 599 MSc ThesisPEEG 599 MSc ThesisMaster of Science ThesisMaster of Science curriculum in Petroleum Engineering includes a Master Thesis Course (PEEG 599). Students arerequired to do a minimum of 9 hours of thesis to satisfy the thesis requirement of the Master of Science degree. Thethesis is a faculty-directed independent study of a petroleum engineering problem, subject, or research topic. Athesis topic is selected in consultation with the student’s academic advisor subject to approval of the student’s GAC.A designated thesis advisor provides direct guidance to the student in the execution of the thesis. A co-advisor mayalso be appointed in some cases (see page 24).The following specific guidelines apply:3. A student may not begin full-fledged work on the thesis nor register for Master Thesis Courses (PEEG 599)until at least 10 credit hours of approved Master of Science course work have been completed. The studentsare required to select a research advisor and form the Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC) by the end ofthe first semester. By the end of the second semester, a full time student should submit and defend a thesisproposal. Upon successful defense of a thesis proposal, students must register for Master Thesis Courses(PEEG 599) for each onward semester until the research is completed, in line with the proposal, andapproved by the thesis advisor.4. Constraints due to propriety concerns must be agreed to by the student, her/his employer, the faculty membersinvolved in the research, and the student’s academic advisor. All concerned must abide by confidentialityagreements.5. Upon completion of the thesis/research work, the student is required to submit a written dissertation andpresent an oral defense before the GAC and the defense coordinator. The thesis will be graded on a Pass/Failbasis.Master of EngineeringThe Master of Engineering Degree in Petroleum Engineering (MEPE) requires thirty-three (33) credit hours ofcoursework. The required 33 credit hours comprisesPage 64

Graduate Catalog |2. Find employment in technologically-relevant areas and will advance rapidly through their chosen careerpath.3. Publish and present results of their research in international conferences and peer reviewed journalsand will participate in professional organizations.4. Have sufficient technical knowledge and skills to successfully begin a Ph.D. program in a well-recognizedPhD program.Master of Engineering (M. Eng.) ProgramEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the advanced skills and knowledge in technicaland business-related areas required to further their career aspirations;2. Provide ADNOC and the regional and global oil and gas industry with employees who have theknowledge, skills, and educational background required to synthesize technical issues andeconomic/business management issues in the solution of petroleum engineering problems;3. Provide graduates able to move into decision-making/management positions and hit the ground running;4. Provide ADNOC and the UAE with a pool of highly educated technical personnel;5. Advance the technological profile of ADNOC, the UAE, and the regional oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering in <strong>Petroleum</strong> Engineering, the graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of petroleum engineering science to the formulation andsolution of complex petroleum engineering problems.2. Find employment in technologically-relevant areas and will advance rapidly through their chosen careerpath.3. Perform well in decision-making/management positions.Requirements of the Degree ProgramsMaster of Science<strong>The</strong> Master of Science in <strong>Petroleum</strong> Engineering (MSPE) degree requires a minimum of thirty three (33) credithours, as detailed below: Minimum of 24 credit hours coursework including:o 12 credit hours core (or compulsory) courseso 9 credit hours elective courses including a maximum of 6 credit hours of elective courses that maybe taken outside the petroleum engineering curriculum.o 2 credit hours of Graduate Seminar, one in each semestero 1 credit hour of Technical and Scientific Writing Successful completion and defense of thesis (9 credit hours)Further details of the coursework requirements are outlined in the following table.Master of ScienceCore CoursesPEEG 510 orPEEG 511Advanced Well Test Analysis orAdvanced Well LoggingCredit Hours33PEEG 520 Advanced Drilling Engineering 3PEEG 530 Advanced Reservoir Engineering 3PEEG 540 Advanced Well Performance Evaluation 3PEEG 595 Graduate Seminar I 1PEEG 596 Graduate Seminar II 1COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing 1PEEG 599 Master of Science <strong>The</strong>sis 9Elective Courses Various 9Page 63

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