GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Master of Engineering in Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) EngineeringEducational Objectives and OutcomesEducational ObjectivesThe Master of Engineering in Health, Safety, and Environmental Engineering degree program (M. Eng. in HSEEngineering) at the Petroleum Institute is designed for the educational preparation of two types of professionals:1. Engineering graduates who are currently working as engineers within one of the ADNOC operating companies andwho intend to stay in that type of job, but who want to embed HSE in their engineering functions. These graduateswill have diverse capabilities in the various aspects of HSE and will use this knowledge to manage risk as theydevise optimal engineering and operational solutions within the constraints of regulatory mandates and bestpractices.2. Engineering graduates who wish to assume varying levels of HSE responsibilities in one or more aspects of theADNOC operating companies’ HSE program. These graduates will have sufficient background to assume the role ofa general HSE engineering practitioner/manager while possessing additional capabilities in any one of the offeredHSE specializations.More specifically, the objectives of the Master of Engineering in HSE Engineering program are to:a. Provide graduates with sufficient scientific and engineering breadth to design and develop innovative solutions toHSE problems in the oil & gas, petrochemical and related industries;b. Provide a pool of highly educated graduates who can utilize their acquired knowledge to enhance the competitiveedge of their employer;c. Provide graduates with outstanding education, management skills and knowledge to further their careeraspirations;d. Provide graduates with effective communication and teamwork skills to function successfully in their careers; ande. Provide graduates with a quality education committed to excellence and innovation that fosters leadership,professionalism and life-long learning.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering in HSE Engineering Program, graduates will be able to:1. Successfully anticipate, recognize, evaluate hazardous conditions and work practices in the areas of general HSE,industrial hygiene, system safety, risk management, environmental, fire protection, hazardous waste, security andemergency management, HSE program management and human factors.2. Successfully develop/implement engineering and administrative control strategies for identified hazardousconditions and work practices in the areas of general HSE, industrial hygiene, system safety, risk management,environmental, fire protection, hazardous waste, security and emergency management, HSE program management,and human factors.3. Produce professional-quality technical summaries/reports.4. Express clearly their ideas and thoughts through professional presentations.5. Successfully function as members of teams working towards achieving solutions to defined problems.6. Develop research skills relevant to the disciplines within HSE.Degree Requirements and Program of StudyGeneral Program Requirements Minimum of 32 Credit Hours coursework that include:o 22 credit hours of core and support courseso 9 credit hours in the area of concentration (AOC)o 1 credit hour for COMM 501 Technical and Scientific WritingSome courses are offered every alternate year, and the planned course offerings for the current catalog year arelisted in the table below. Relevant HSE-related courses may be substituted for courses in the AOC with prior approval ofthe Program Chair.Deviation from RequirementsThe forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the Petroleum Institute Graduate Catalog will be aformal petition by the chair of the student's GAC to the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee.Deviations from the requirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Page 59

Graduate Catalog |Master of EngineeringMaster of Engineering in Health, Safety and Environmental EngineeringRequired coursesCredit HoursCore CoursesHSEG 501 Introduction to HSE Engineering 3HSEG 502 Industrial Hygiene Engineering 3HSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk Management 3HSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering 3Support CoursesHSEG 504 Hazard Control in Production Systems 3HSEG 506 Fire Protection Engineering 3HSEG 508 HSE Program Management 3HSEG 515 Research Methods in HSE Engineering 1COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing 1Technical electives (to complete AOC)General HSE AOC (any 3 courses)HSEG 503 Industrial Noise Assessment and Control 3HSEG 507 Industrial Security and Disaster Preparedness 3HSEG 509 Environmental Regulatory Compliance 3HSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management Systems 3HSEG 512 Construction Safety Management 3Environmental HSE AOC (any 3 courses)HSEG 509 Environmental Regulatory Compliance 3HSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management Systems 3HSEG 513 Analysis and Design of Air Pollution Control Systems 3HSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control Systems 3Proposed OfferingProgram of Study (2013-2014)TermFall Semester 1Spring Semester 1Fall Semester 2Spring Semester 2CoursesHSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk ManagementHSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors EngineeringHSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control SystemsHSEG 506 Fire Protection EngineeringHSEG 508 HSE Program ManagementHSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management SystemsHSEG 502 Industrial Hygiene EngineeringHSEG 504 Hazard Control in Production SystemsHSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk ManagementHSEG 513 Analysis and Design of Air Pollution Control SystemsHSEG 507 Industrial Security and Disaster PreparationHSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors EngineeringHSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control SystemsPage 60

Graduate Catalog |Master of EngineeringMaster of Engineering in Health, Safety and Environmental EngineeringRequired coursesCredit HoursCore CoursesHSEG 501 Introduction to HSE Engineering 3HSEG 502 Industrial Hygiene Engineering 3HSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk Management 3HSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering 3Support CoursesHSEG 504 Hazard Control in Production Systems 3HSEG 506 Fire Protection Engineering 3HSEG 508 HSE Program Management 3HSEG 515 Research Methods in HSE Engineering 1COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing 1Technical electives (to complete AOC)General HSE AOC (any 3 courses)HSEG 503 Industrial Noise Assessment and Control 3HSEG 507 Industrial Security and Disaster Preparedness 3HSEG 509 Environmental Regulatory Compliance 3HSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management Systems 3HSEG 512 Construction Safety Management 3Environmental HSE AOC (any 3 courses)HSEG 509 Environmental Regulatory Compliance 3HSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management Systems 3HSEG 513 Analysis and Design of Air Pollution Control Systems 3HSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control Systems 3Proposed OfferingProgram of Study (2013-2014)TermFall Semester 1Spring Semester 1Fall Semester 2Spring Semester 2CoursesHSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk ManagementHSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors EngineeringHSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control SystemsHSEG 506 Fire Protection EngineeringHSEG 508 HSE Program ManagementHSEG 510 Hazardous Waste Management SystemsHSEG 502 Industrial Hygiene EngineeringHSEG 504 Hazard Control in Production SystemsHSEG 505 System Safety Engineering and Risk ManagementHSEG 513 Analysis and Design of Air Pollution Control SystemsHSEG 507 Industrial Security and Disaster PreparationHSEG 511 Ergonomics and Human Factors EngineeringHSEG 514 Analysis and Design of Water Pollution Control SystemsPage 60

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