GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog |Master of Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringThe Master of Engineering degree is designed for practicing engineers and technical professionals who seek anopportunity to enroll in graduate studies to further enhance their technical skills and career developmentopportunities. When possible, late afternoon and early evening classes are offered to accommodate the workschedule of the majority of the applicants.Educational Objectives and OutcomesObjectives1. Provide the PI partners in the oil and gas industry with employees who have the knowledge, skills, andeducational background required to synthesize technical issues and economic/business management issuesin the solution of mechanical engineering problems;2. Provide graduates who move into, and perform well in management positions;3. Provide the PI’s oil and gas industry partners with a pool of highly educated personnel who can utilize theirknowledge of technology to better develop business opportunities;4. Advance the technological profile of the UAE and its oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of mechanical engineering and economic analysis to thesolution of mechanical engineering problems.2. Perform well in management positions in UAE and other major international oil and gas, and energycompanies.Degree RequirementsInformation provided in the following sections details the M.Eng. degree program requirements, graduate coursesoffered, procedure for requesting deviation from degree requirements, and program of study.The M.Eng. degree requires minimum of 33 credit hours coursework including: 6 credit hours of engineering core courses, 6 credit hours of business/management core courses, 18 credit hours of technical elective courses, 2 credit hours of Graduate Seminar (MEEG 595 and MEEG 596), 1 credit hour of Technical and Scientific Writing (COMM 501).The list of engineering core, business / management core and technical elective courses for the M.Eng. degree is givenbelow.Master of Engineering in Mechanical EngineeringEngineering Core CoursesCredit HoursMEEG 501 Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis 3MEEG 528 Advanced Vibrations 3MEEG 536 Measurements and Instrumentation 3MEEG 543 Applied Finite Element Analysis 3MEEG 544 Advanced Mechanics of Materials 3MEEG 565 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3MEEG 566 Multiphase Flow Engineering 3Business / Management Core CoursesCredit HoursMEEG 506 Project Management 3MEEG 579 Project Cost Accounting and Finance 3ENGR 531 Technology and Innovation Management 3Page 57

Graduate Catalog |ENGR 535 Environmental Management 3ENGR 552 Strategic Management 3Technical Elective CoursesMEEG 504 Continuum Mechanics 3MEEG 522 Feedback Control 3MEEG 547 Composite Materials 3MEEG 548 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3MEEG 554 Design of Pressure Vessels 3MEEG 561 Advanced Viscous Flow Analysis 3MEEG 574 Advanced Conduction Heat Transfer 3MEEG 577 Sustainable Energy Production and Utilization 3MEEG 589 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3Credit HoursThe list of technical elective courses is subject to change based on needs and available resources of the department.Engineering core courses presented above not taken to meet core requirements can also be taken as technicalelectives. Up to two technical electives can be selected from other programs of study. Selection of elective coursesshould be made in consultation with the Academic Advisor and requires written approval from the MechanicalEngineering Graduate Studies Coordinator or designee.Deviation from Degree RequirementsThe forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the Petroleum Institute Graduate Catalog will be aformal petition by the student to the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee. Deviations from therequirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Program of StudyThe program of study for a M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering is selected by the student in consultation with his/heradvisor. The programs of study shown below would be typical of student progression for a full-time student.TermFall Semester 1(10 credits)CoursesEngineering Core Course 1 (3)Management / Business Core Course 1 (3)Technical Elective 1 (3)Graduate Seminar I (1)Spring Semester 1(10 credits)Fall Semester 2(7 credits)Engineering Core Course 2 (3)Management/Business Core Course 2 (3)Technical Elective 2 (3)Graduate Seminar II (1)Technical Elective 3 (3)Technical Elective 4 (3)COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing (1)Spring Semester 2(6 credits)Technical Elective 5 (3)Technical Elective 6 (3)Page 58

Graduate Catalog |ENGR 535 Environmental Management 3ENGR 552 Strategic Management 3Technical Elective CoursesMEEG 504 Continuum Mechanics 3MEEG 522 Feedback Control 3MEEG 547 Composite Materials 3MEEG 548 Mechanical Behavior of Materials 3MEEG 554 Design of Pressure Vessels 3MEEG 561 Advanced Viscous Flow Analysis 3MEEG 574 Advanced Conduction Heat Transfer 3MEEG 577 Sustainable Energy Production and Utilization 3MEEG 589 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3Credit Hours<strong>The</strong> list of technical elective courses is subject to change based on needs and available resources of the department.Engineering core courses presented above not taken to meet core requirements can also be taken as technicalelectives. Up to two technical electives can be selected from other programs of study. Selection of elective coursesshould be made in consultation with the Academic Advisor and requires written approval from the MechanicalEngineering Graduate Studies Coordinator or designee.Deviation from Degree Requirements<strong>The</strong> forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Graduate Catalog will be aformal petition by the student to the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee. Deviations from therequirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Program of Study<strong>The</strong> program of study for a M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering is selected by the student in consultation with his/heradvisor. <strong>The</strong> programs of study shown below would be typical of student progression for a full-time student.TermFall Semester 1(10 credits)CoursesEngineering Core Course 1 (3)Management / Business Core Course 1 (3)Technical Elective 1 (3)Graduate Seminar I (1)Spring Semester 1(10 credits)Fall Semester 2(7 credits)Engineering Core Course 2 (3)Management/Business Core Course 2 (3)Technical Elective 2 (3)Graduate Seminar II (1)Technical Elective 3 (3)Technical Elective 4 (3)COMM 501 Technical and Scientific Writing (1)Spring Semester 2(6 credits)Technical Elective 5 (3)Technical Elective 6 (3)Page 58

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