GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 2014Electrical Engineering DepartmentDepartment Mission and DescriptionThe mission of the Electrical Engineering Department is to provide a world-class education in electrical engineeringwith emphasis on power and control systems engineering that prepares graduates for successful professionalcareers in oil and gas, and the broader energy industry. In addition, graduates will engage in life-long learningthat will enable them to continue their education throughout their careers.Master of Science and Master of Engineering in Electrical EngineeringEducational Objectives and OutcomesMaster of Science (M.Sc.) ProgramEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education, and research skills and knowledge to further their careeraspirations,2. Prepare graduates for PhD programs,3. Raise the professional visibility of the Petroleum Institute through publication of scholarly works,4. Provide PI partners in the oil and gas industry with a pool of highly educated personnel who can utilizetheir acquired knowledge to enhance the competitive edge of their employer,5. Advance the technological profile of the UAE, and the regional and global oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Graduate Program, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of basic science and electrical engineering science to theformulation and solution of complex electrical engineering problems,2. Find employment in technologically-relevant areas and will advance rapidly through their chosen careerpath,Page 47

Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 20143. Have the results of their Master of Science research thesis projects published in conferences and/or peerreviewedjournals,4. Be accepted into well-recognized PhD programs.Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) ProgramEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the advanced skills and background in technicalrelatedareas to further their career aspirations,2. Provide PI partners in the oil and gas industry with employees who have the knowledge, skills, andeducational background required to synthesize technical issues and economic/business management issuesin the solution of electrical engineering problems,3. Provide graduates who will be able to move into and perform well in management and/or senior engineeringpositions,4. Provide PI partners in the oil and gas industry and the UAE with pool of highly educated technicalpersonnel,5. Advance the technological profile of the UAE, and the regional and global oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering in electrical engineering graduate program, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of basic science and electrical engineering science to theformulation and solution of complex electrical engineering problems2. Perform well in management positions in UAE and other major international oil and gas, and energycompanies.Degree Requirements and Program of StudyGeneral Program RequirementsInformation provided in the following sections includes Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC), the Master of Sciencein Electrical Engineering (MSEE) and the Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degreeprograms, requests for deviation from the requirements, and graduate courses.Graduate Advisory CommitteeA full time student is required to select a research advisor by the end of first semester and form the GAC within amonth from the appointment of the research advisor. By end of the second semester a full time student shouldsubmit and defend a thesis proposal. The GAC committee's membership should reflect the specializedprofessional requirements of the area of concentration. The advisory committee for Master’s degree studentsconsists of three (3) faculty members with one of them serving as the student's advisor. If a co-advisor or amember outside the department is assigned, an additional faculty member from the student’s department mustbe added to the committee. The student's advisor serves as the chairman of the GAC. A final plan of study mustbe submitted when a student completes her/his coursework. The decision of the GAC is based on a majority vote.Deviation from RequirementsThe forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the Petroleum Institute Graduate Catalog will be aformal petition by the chair of the student's GAC to the Electrical Engineering Graduate Committee. Deviationsfrom the requirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Master of ScienceThe Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degree requires a minimum of thirty-three (33) credithours, as detailed below:Six (6) credit hours of core coursesAt least six (6) credit hours in an area of concentrationThree (3) credit hours in an approved elective area in Electrical EngineeringSix (6) credit hours of graduate level mathematics coursesNine (9) credit hours of thesis researchPage 48

Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 20143. Have the results of their Master of Science research thesis projects published in conferences and/or peerreviewedjournals,4. Be accepted into well-recognized PhD programs.Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) ProgramEducational Objectives1. Provide graduates with an outstanding education and the advanced skills and background in technicalrelatedareas to further their career aspirations,2. Provide PI partners in the oil and gas industry with employees who have the knowledge, skills, andeducational background required to synthesize technical issues and economic/business management issuesin the solution of electrical engineering problems,3. Provide graduates who will be able to move into and perform well in management and/or senior engineeringpositions,4. Provide PI partners in the oil and gas industry and the UAE with pool of highly educated technicalpersonnel,5. Advance the technological profile of the UAE, and the regional and global oil and gas industry.OutcomesUpon completion of the Master of Engineering in electrical engineering graduate program, graduates will:1. Be able to successfully apply advanced concepts of basic science and electrical engineering science to theformulation and solution of complex electrical engineering problems2. Perform well in management positions in UAE and other major international oil and gas, and energycompanies.Degree Requirements and Program of StudyGeneral Program RequirementsInformation provided in the following sections includes Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC), the Master of Sciencein Electrical Engineering (MSEE) and the Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degreeprograms, requests for deviation from the requirements, and graduate courses.Graduate Advisory CommitteeA full time student is required to select a research advisor by the end of first semester and form the GAC within amonth from the appointment of the research advisor. By end of the second semester a full time student shouldsubmit and defend a thesis proposal. <strong>The</strong> GAC committee's membership should reflect the specializedprofessional requirements of the area of concentration. <strong>The</strong> advisory committee for Master’s degree studentsconsists of three (3) faculty members with one of them serving as the student's advisor. If a co-advisor or amember outside the department is assigned, an additional faculty member from the student’s department mustbe added to the committee. <strong>The</strong> student's advisor serves as the chairman of the GAC. A final plan of study mustbe submitted when a student completes her/his coursework. <strong>The</strong> decision of the GAC is based on a majority vote.Deviation from Requirements<strong>The</strong> forum for any deviations from the requirements described in the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> Graduate Catalog will be aformal petition by the chair of the student's GAC to the Electrical Engineering Graduate Committee. Deviationsfrom the requirements may be considered for significant reasons only.Master of Science<strong>The</strong> Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) degree requires a minimum of thirty-three (33) credithours, as detailed below:Six (6) credit hours of core coursesAt least six (6) credit hours in an area of concentrationThree (3) credit hours in an approved elective area in Electrical EngineeringSix (6) credit hours of graduate level mathematics coursesNine (9) credit hours of thesis researchPage 48

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