GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute

GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute GRADUATE CATALOG - The Petroleum Institute


Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 2014The GAAC consists of five members drawn from the graduate faculty (constituting the majority) and student affairsstaff. Members, appointed by the Provost at the beginning of each academic year, serve for one year. A memberis eligible to serve for more than one term. A minimum of three members is sufficient to consider any appeal.Decisions of the GAAC are final.Results of the appeal will be given to the student in writing and a copy of all documents will be placed in thestudent’s file.Graduate CouncilThe Graduate Council formulates graduate policy. It recommends to the Provost new programs, Institute-wide rules,regulations, policies, and guidelines that govern academic programs leading to advanced degrees. The Councilalso recommends admission, retention, and graduation requirements, and develops policies on financial aid forgraduate students. The Council consists of a faculty member from each of the Petroleum Institute graduatedegree granting departments, a member from Arts and Sciences, a member from the Graduate School and agraduate student representative. Members serve in the Graduate Council for a two-year term. The Dean of theGraduate School is the chairman and ex-officio member of the Graduate Council. He/she is responsible for theadministration of the regulations and requirements for advanced degrees. In the absence of a Dean of theGraduate School, the Provost may appoint a Petroleum Institute faculty member to chair the Council.Page 35

Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 2014Honor CodeThe Petroleum Institute is an academic community whose purpose is the pursuit of knowledge and the developmentof its graduates as leading experts in their academic disciplines. In light of this purpose, it is essential that allmembers of this community are committed to the principles of truth and academic honesty. To maintain thehighest level of academic integrity, this policy defines the standards to which the Institute expects its studentsto adhere.Responsibility to Uphold the Honor CodeIt is the responsibility of all members of this academic community – students, faculty, and staff alike – to actively deterand report all instances of academic dishonesty in order to safeguard the academic standards of the Institute.Honor PledgeThe Honor Pledge is a short statement attesting that each student will fully comply with the Petroleum Institute’sHonor Code. The Honor Code is published in Arabic and English. It is the students’ responsibility to familiarizethemselves with the Institute’s Honor Code and adhere to it. Every student admitted to the Petroleum Institutewill sign the Honor Pledge and receive a copy of the Honor Code upon signing their contract in the AdmissionOffice.The Honor Pledge is as follows:“I verify that I have received a copy of the Petroleum Institute’s Honor Code and hereby pledge to fully comply with theCode.”__________________________________Student SignatureHonor Pledge ReaffirmationThe Honor Pledge Reaffirmation is a short statement attesting that each assignment, exercise, examination, project,presentation, report, etc. is the student’s own work. It is a reminder to the students that the Institute is committedto academic integrity. The faculty is expected to enforce the use of the pledge. The Honor Pledge Reaffirmationshould be typed or handwritten and signed on all graded work submitted in the form of a hard copy; it should beincluded on electronically submitted work as well, where its inclusion will count as a signature.The Honor Pledge Reaffirmation is as follows:“I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance whatsoever on this academic assignment,exercise, examination, project, presentation, report, etc.”.___________________________Student SignatureAcademic Honor CouncilThe Academic Honor Council (AHC) is appointed by the Provost with no special limits on the length ofservice.The AHC will consist of six (6) members with the chair being appointed by the Provost:o Three (3) faculty members including at least one female (voting)o One (1) staff member (voting)o The Student Council President or designee - female/male (voting)o Director of Student Affairs or designee (non-voting)The AHC will be charged with maintaining the highest level of academic integrity at the Institute, anddeliberating cases of suspected academic violations.Page 36

Graduate Catalog | Academic Year 2013 – 2014Honor Code<strong>The</strong> <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> is an academic community whose purpose is the pursuit of knowledge and the developmentof its graduates as leading experts in their academic disciplines. In light of this purpose, it is essential that allmembers of this community are committed to the principles of truth and academic honesty. To maintain thehighest level of academic integrity, this policy defines the standards to which the <strong>Institute</strong> expects its studentsto adhere.Responsibility to Uphold the Honor CodeIt is the responsibility of all members of this academic community – students, faculty, and staff alike – to actively deterand report all instances of academic dishonesty in order to safeguard the academic standards of the <strong>Institute</strong>.Honor Pledge<strong>The</strong> Honor Pledge is a short statement attesting that each student will fully comply with the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’sHonor Code. <strong>The</strong> Honor Code is published in Arabic and English. It is the students’ responsibility to familiarizethemselves with the <strong>Institute</strong>’s Honor Code and adhere to it. Every student admitted to the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>will sign the Honor Pledge and receive a copy of the Honor Code upon signing their contract in the AdmissionOffice.<strong>The</strong> Honor Pledge is as follows:“I verify that I have received a copy of the <strong>Petroleum</strong> <strong>Institute</strong>’s Honor Code and hereby pledge to fully comply with theCode.”__________________________________Student SignatureHonor Pledge Reaffirmation<strong>The</strong> Honor Pledge Reaffirmation is a short statement attesting that each assignment, exercise, examination, project,presentation, report, etc. is the student’s own work. It is a reminder to the students that the <strong>Institute</strong> is committedto academic integrity. <strong>The</strong> faculty is expected to enforce the use of the pledge. <strong>The</strong> Honor Pledge Reaffirmationshould be typed or handwritten and signed on all graded work submitted in the form of a hard copy; it should beincluded on electronically submitted work as well, where its inclusion will count as a signature.<strong>The</strong> Honor Pledge Reaffirmation is as follows:“I pledge that I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance whatsoever on this academic assignment,exercise, examination, project, presentation, report, etc.”.___________________________Student SignatureAcademic Honor Council<strong>The</strong> Academic Honor Council (AHC) is appointed by the Provost with no special limits on the length ofservice.<strong>The</strong> AHC will consist of six (6) members with the chair being appointed by the Provost:o Three (3) faculty members including at least one female (voting)o One (1) staff member (voting)o <strong>The</strong> Student Council President or designee - female/male (voting)o Director of Student Affairs or designee (non-voting)<strong>The</strong> AHC will be charged with maintaining the highest level of academic integrity at the <strong>Institute</strong>, anddeliberating cases of suspected academic violations.Page 36

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