Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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WILLIAM WRIGHTiEV.nection with Milton Parish Church, andRAINNIE, Pastor of Calvin on leaving for Canada, was presentedPresbyterian Church, St. with many handsome presents. HeJohn, N. B., was born in Aberdeen, came to Canada under the auspices ofScotland, February 6th, 1865. He is the Home Mission Committee, Maythe son of Geo. and Jane Rainnie. He 3ist, 1889, and was sent to Little Brasreceived his education in Aberdeen and d'Or, Cape Breton County. Six monthsGlasgow, and was a pupil teacher in after, he entered the Theological Hall,Rockvilla Public School in Glasgow for Halifax, N.S., graduatingfour years, and then entered Glasgow After April, 1892.graduation he preached in differentplaces for several months, and thenUniversity, where he remained fiveyears. While there he taught in privateschools, engaged at journalism and ton, and subsequently to Calvin Church,received a call to the village of Hamp-in City Mission work. He was instrumentalin raising the 69th Company cessful work, and is held in the highestSt. John, where he is doing very suc-of the Glasgow Boys' Brigade, in con- esteem.

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