Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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IVEKN CA.NADA, 89T'HE LATE JOHN CHALMERS,*- of Poole, Ont., was born in 1820,in East Kilbride, Scotland. He cameto Canada, over fifty years ago, withhis parents, John and Janet (Peden)Chalmers, who were the first whitesettlers in Mornington Township,Perth County, Ont. He was therefore,one of those " sturdy sons of Scotland,"whose " brawn and brain" have solargely contributed to make " theGarden of Canada," what it is. Inreligion, Mr. Chalmers was a Presbyterian,and in politics, a staunch Reformer,and years ago a prominentmember of his Municipal Board. Hedied January ist, 1892, andthe immense concourse athis funeral, was a touchingand genuine tribute to theuniversal respect in whichhe was held. His name wasa synonym for integrity,hospitality and those traitsthat go to make up anobliging neighbor, and anesteemed citizen. He wasa self-made man in everyrespect, a voluminous reader,had a wonderful memory,and was a man of superiorintelligence and broad views.In 1856, he was married toMiss Margaret Fleming,daughter of James Fleming,Esq., of Carrick, BruceCounty, formerly of WaterlooCounty, who is a cousinof the late Hon. AlexanderMackenzie. He had a fam-of seven sons and twoily:daughters, namelyJohn, afarmer in Wellesley; James,William, Alexander andDavid, farmers in Mornington; Peter, a student at theStratford Commercial College; Mary, now Mrs. JohnMcRuer, of Ayer ; Janet,and AdamPeden Chalmers, M.D., an honor graduateof Trinity Medical College, Toronto,who, in 1892, obtained his degree,and having located in Oil Springs, soonentered upon a desirable practice, andhas already gained the confidence andesteem of the <strong>com</strong>munity. Mrs. Chalmers,the wife of our subject,is still living,and resides on the old homestead,at Poole. Her quiet, but faithful andearnest advocacy of the temperancecause, and her ever ready Christiancharity and assistance in every goodwork, make their own <strong>com</strong>ment, andexert a marked influence.

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