Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

Volume III - ElectricCanadian.com

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SONJAMES86 OF-ARTHUR-McEWEN,M. D., Melbourne,Ont., was born May 3, 1866,in Westminster, MiddlesexCounty, Ont. His father isthe Rev. James McEwen,B. A., M. A., PresbyterianMinister, of London, Ont.,a native of Monaghan, Ireland,who, having receivedpart of his University trainingat Glasgow University,came to Canada when quitea young man, and finishedhis education at Queen'sUniversity, Kingston. Afterhis ordination, he located inWestminster, where he wasPastor of St. Andrew'sChurch for about 20 years.He then filled a similarcharge in Wellaud for eightyears. Latterly, he haspartially retired from activework, and resides inLondon. He is a culturedand scholarly man, and onewho always took a prominentpart in church courts.The mother of our subject,is Isabella (Macarthur) Mc-Ewen, daughter of the late Mr. andMrs. Macarthur, who were among theearliest and most highly esteemedpioneers of Middlesex County. Dr.McEwen received his education primarilyat the public schools, and afterwardsat the Welland High School, fromwhich, when eighteen years of age, heobtained a second-class Teachers' Certificate,and matriculated at TorontoUniversity. After this he taught schoolfor two years, and then entered theWestern University, from which hegraduated in Medicine in 1890. Hethen located in Melbourne, and hasalready built up a very desirable practice.He has recently been appointedby the Government as medical attendantfor the Oneida Reserve. In politics,the Doctor is a staunch Conservative,and in religion, a Presbyterian. He isa member of, and prominentofficial inthe I. O. F. and the W. O. W. orders.For a man of his years, Dr. McEwenhas made rapid progress in his profession,and will undoubtedly take a leadingplace in the ranks of eminentmedical men. He has brought to bear onhis practice, the wisdom of the schools,and well understands the application ofthe means of securing and holding theconfidence and esteem of the public.

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